123 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Kegiatan Peternakan Sapi Perah dan Industri Tahu

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    Air limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan peternakan sapi perah dengan diversivikasi industri tahu di Dusun Klagen, Krian, Kabupaten Sidoarjo memiliki karakteristik yang melebihi baku mutu. Kualitas air limbah kegiatan peternakan sapi diketahui mencapai 1.605,24 mgBOD/L, 4.134,35 mgCOD/L, dan TSS sebesar 1.170 mg/L. Kualitas air limbah untuk kegiatan industri tahu diketahui sebesar 2.387,06 mg/L untuk BOD5 dan COD sebesar 4.204,2 mg/L, serta TSS sebesar 240 mg/L. Melihat karakteristik tersebut diperlukan instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL) agar air limbah yang dibuang ke badan air memenuhi baku mutu. Perencanaan didasarkan pada karakteristik air limbah yang diperoleh dari hasil uji laboratorium dan kondisi eksisting lokasi studi. Alternatif pengolahan yang direncanakan adalah pengolahan dengan teknologi upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) dan kombinasi anaerobic aerobic filter. IPAL yang direncanakan membutuhkan luas lahan sebesar 297 m2. Luas lahan tersebut juga meliputi bak ekualisasi sebagai penunjang pengolahan upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB). Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun instalasi pengolahan air limbah sesuai perencanaan sebesar Rp 1.663.183.000

    Peningkatan Kestabilan Quadrotor menggunakan Kendali Linear Quadratic Regulator dengan Kompensasi Integrator dalam Mempertahankan Posisi

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    The quadrotor's ability to maintain position is a major requirement for the completion of various current missions. However, the large steady-state error (SSE) and multiple overshoots due to environmental disturbances cause flight instability. This condition makes Quadrotor unable to complete the mission optimally. Therefore, in this study applying a linear quadratic regulator control method, this research contributes to the addition of integrator compensation in handling the translational movement of the quadrotor. System model design testing is carried out by comparing quadrotor control using the LQR method without an Integrator and LQR with an Integrator. The value of R=1 for all states and Q_x=0.87, Q_y=124.6, Q_(v_x)=1.77, Q_(v_y)=124.6 and Ki_x=0,004, Ki_y=0.002 makes the SSE tendency that occurs 0.10 meters for the x-axis and -0.28 for the y-axis, while the multi-overshoot that occurs is 0.41 m for the maximum deviation and -1.35 m for the minimum deviation on the x-axis and 0.40 m maximum deviation and 0.47 m minimum deviations on the y axis. The test results show that the LQR control method with Integrator compensation is able to minimize and improve SSE and multiple overshoots that occur in quadrotor flights. In addition, it is able to significantly increase accuracy to 100% from 71.38% and precision to 37.71% from 35.91%.Kemampuan quadrotor dalam mempertahankan posisi menjadi kebutuhan utama untuk penyelesaian berbagai misi saat ini. Namun, besarnya steady state error (SSE) dan multiple overshoot karena gangguan lingkungan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan gerak terbang. Kondisi tersebut menjadikan quadrotor tidak mampu menyelesaikan misi secara optimal. Maka dari itu, pada penelitian ini menerapkan sebuah metode kendali Linear Quadratic Regulator penelitian ini memiliki kontribusi dengan penambahan kompensasi Integrator dalam menangani pergerakan translasi quadrotor. Pengujian desain model sistem, dilakukan dengan membandingkan antara pengendalian quadrotor menggunakan metode LQR tanpa Integrator dan LQR dengan Integrator. Nilai R=1 untuk semua state serta Q_x=0,87; Q_y=124,6; Q_(v_x)=1,77; Q_(v_y)=124,6 dan Ki_x=0,004; Ki_y=0,002 menjadikan kecenderungan SSE yang terjadi sebesar 0,10 m untuk sumbu x dan -0,28 m untuk sumbu y, sedangkan multi overshoot yang terjadi sebesar 0,41 meter simpangan maksimal dan -1,35 m simpangan minimal pada sumbu x serta 0,40 m simpangan maksimal dan 0,47 meter simpangan minimal pada sumbu y. Hasil pengujian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa metode LQR dengan kompensasi Integrator mampu meminimalkan dan memperbaiki SSE maupun multiple overshoot yang terjadi pada penerbangan quadrotor. Selain itu juga mampu meningkatkan akurasi secara signifikan sebesar 100% dari 71,38% serta presisi sebesar 37,71% dari 35,91%

    Quadrotor Altitude Control using Recurrent Neural Network PID

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    The quadrotor is one type of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or unmanned flying vehicle. Quadrotor can be operated by a remote controller or autonomously. Quadrotor control is a challenging problem because it takes into account complex things such as parametric uncertainty, external disturbances, and so on. At the spatial level, three linear degrees of freedom along three axes and three degrees of freedom rotating along three axes are used for the control of a quadrotor. Conventional controls for quadrotors are widely used such as PID, state feedback, and so on. However, because the control is linear, non-linear control has begun to be developed. Some of these controls, for example, use a sliding mode control system, fuzzy methods, and controls by combining linear control with artificial intelligence. This paper will use PID control and an artificial neural network for the quadrotor direction control system. The results of this control test indicate that the combination of PID and RNN on the directional control shows a better response than conventional PID


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    Deixis or direct appointment is included in the realm of pragmatic studies. Pragmatics is classified into four namely Deixis, conversational implicature, pranggapan, and also Speech Acts (Levinson, 2003). Deixis one of them can be found on the lyrics of the song. This study focused on the deixical analysis of Yvonne Catterfeld's song lyrics. The purpose of Deixis analysis is to describe the meaning of reference. In this study the theory of George Yule (2006) was used to analyze data in the form of 3 lyrics of the song Yvonne Catterfeld entitled “Neben dir, Die Zeit ist reif, and Sonnenschein”. This study includes a type of qualitative research that raises descriptive data in the form of words. Data collection conducted in this study using the technique of SBLC (Simak Bebas Libat Cakap) and note-taking techniques. The results obtained from this descriptive qualitative research in the form of a description of Deixis (persona and time) and the meaning of reference. Based on data analysis, it was found that the type of singular first persona Deixis in the lyrics of the song “Die Zeit ist Reif and Sonnenschein” both refers to the speaker, while the plural persona Deixis in the lyrics of the song “Neben dir” refers to the speaker and his partner. Furthermore, the second single persona deiksis on the lyrics of the song” Die Zeit ist Reif and Sonnenschein " the reference refers to the closest person to the speaker as a speech opponent. The third persona Deixis in the lyrics of the song "Sonnenschein" refers to a noun pronoun and in the lyrics of the song "Die Zeit ist Reif" refers to the family of a close friend of the speaker as a speech opponent. Deixis time is also found in the lyrics of the song "Die Zeit ist Reif and Sonnenschein" found data in the form of the use of the words ‘jetzt’, ‘Dieser Tag’, ‘heut’, and ‘irgendwann’


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    Information Technology is developing very rapidly. The application of information technology in aspects of work can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of work which in turn can improve the quality of a job. One company that applies technology is a Banking Business Entity.PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is one of the largest state-owned banks in Indonesia. PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia is one of the banking business entities that conducts business to collect and distribute public funds, especially providing credit and services in payment traffic and money circulation, and has several product units, including storage or savings services and credit or loan services. Loan products at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia consists of various types of products, namely Rural General Credit (Kupedes) consisting of Micro Scale Credit (KSM), Commercial Credit (KOM), BRIGuna Credit (KBG), and credit in collaboration with the government, namely People's Business Credit (KUR).In its implementation ,there is often an accumulation of physical customer files and the loss of some parts of the data from these files due to the absence of digital storage of loan files. With so many prospective borrowers applying for credit at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia will then make a loan application especiallyat Bank BRI Unit Cinde to assist the loan application process so that operational activities run more efficiently and effectively to avoid the same problems. Keywords: Banking, Prototypes, Loan


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    Data generated from complex survey are often treated as un-weighted simple random samples by analyst. This is unfortunate because everyone has different probability to be selected as sample in each stage of the complex survey design. Fail taking it into account will have serious impact in parameter and variance estimation. This paper aims to examining relationship between participation in family planning program and socio demographic status of women in reproductive age in Indonesia used data from latest Indonesian’s Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS). IDHS employs a multi stage stratified sampling design, thus there are a number of weights included in public-use IDHS datasets to account for this complex sample design. We found that the complex design features of the IHDS increased the variance estimates of the estimated parameters in the logistic regression models by about 1.325 – 1.88 times, compared to a simple random sampling. Therefore, using variance estimated from un-weighted simple random samples would lead to wrong conclusion of the significance parameter suggested by the model. The result also found that all of socio demographics variables used as predictors are significant. Thus, women with moderate education, unemployment, exposed by media, living in rural community and wealthy, have spouse that have moderate education and have a job tend to participate in family planning program


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Pengalaman Kerja, Penempatan dan Upah Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada UPT. Industri Kulit dan Produk Kulit Magetan. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah; (1) “Diduga Pengalaman Kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada UPT. Industri Kulit dan Produk Kulit Magetan, (2) DidugaPenempatan berpengaruh positif terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada UPT. Industri Kulit dan Produk Kulit Magetan, (3) Diduga Upah berpengaruh positif terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada UPT. Industri Kulit dan Produk Kulit Magetandan (4) Diduga Pengalaman Kerja, Penempatan dan Upahberpengaruh signifikan bersama-sama terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 32 karyawan Pada Bagian Produksi. Sampel yang digunakan adalah Sampling jenuh berarti bahwa semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel dari penelitian ini adalah karyawan Bagian Produksi, yang berjumlah 32 karyawan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dengan bantuan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Pengalaman Kerja berpengaruh positif (3,996)terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada UPT. Industri Kulit dan Produk Kulit Magetan, (2) Penempatan berpengaruh positif (3,288) terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada UPT. Industri Kulit dan Produk Kulit Magetan, (3) Upahberpengaruh positif (2,349) terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada UPT. Industri Kulit dan Produk Kulit Magetan dan (4) Pengalaman Kerja, Penempatan dan Upahberpengaruh positif 9,976 bersama-sama terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada UPT. Industri Kulit dan Produk Kulit Magetan”
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