7 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Bangun Ruang Berbantuan Cabri dan Wingeom untuk Siswa Sekelah Menengah Pertama

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran bangun ruang sisi datar berbantuan Cabri dan Wingeom, meliputi silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), buku kegiatan siswa (BKS) yang valid, praktis, dan efektif serta tes hasil belajar (THB) yang valid dan praktis. Program Cabri digunakan untuk mempelajari jaring-jaring kubus, balok, prisma dan limas. Program Wingeom digunakan untuk mempelajari sifat-sifat kubus, balok, prisma dan limas serta bagian-bagiannya dan menghitung luas permukaan dan volum kubus, balok, prisma, dan limas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu: (1) defining (pendefinisian); (2) designing (perancangan); (3) developing (pengembangan); (4) disseminating (diseminasi). Subjek uji coba penelitian yaitu 29 siswa dan satu guru SMP Negeri 4 Madiun. Instrumen untuk mengukur kevalidan adalah lembar validasi silabus, lembar validasi RPP, lembar validasi BKS, dan lembar validasi THB. Instrumen untuk mengukur kepraktisan adalah lembar penilaian guru terhadap perangkat pembelajaran, lembar tanggapan siswa, dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Instrumen untuk mengukur keefektifan adalah THB dengan bentuk tes pilihan ganda sebanyak 25 butir soal dan angket minat siswa yang terdiri atas 25 pernyataan dengan 5 pilihan jawaban. Data hasil kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan dianalisis dengan cara mengkonversi data kuantitatif berupa skor hasil penilaian menjadi data kualitatif berupa nilai standar skala lima. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran bangun ruang berbantuan cabri dan wingeom untuk siswa SMP kelas VIII berupa buku yang berisi Silabus, RPP untuk 9 pertemuan, BKS berbantuan cabri dan wingeom yang terdiri atas 69 halaman, dan THB dengan bentuk tes pilihan ganda sebanyak 25 butir soal. Silabus, RPP, dan BKS memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. THB memenuhi kriteria valid dan praktis. Kevalidan produk terlihat dari hasil validasi ahli yang menyatakan bahwa produk mencapai kriteria sangat valid. Kepraktisan produk terlihat dari hasil pengisian lembar penilaian guru yang menunjukkan bahwa produk telah memenuhi kriteria sangat baik; hasil pengisian lembar tanggapan siswa menunjukkan bahwa produk mencapai kriteria baik; dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa presentase mencapai 96,03%. Hasil pengujian keefektifan terlihat dari hasil THB menunjukkan sebanyak 93,1% siswa telah mencapai nilai kriteria ketuntasan minimum (KKM) yaitu 75 dengan rata-rata nilai 84,55; hasil pengisian angket minat siswa menunjukkan kriteria baik dengan rata-rata nilai 86,45

    Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran bangun ruang berbantuan Cabri dan Wingeom untuk siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    It is a research on the development of a Cabri and Wingeom assisted solid geometry learning kit for the eighth year students of junior high school. The kit intended is a book containing a syllabus, a lesson plan for 9 meetings, a Cabri and Wingeom assisted student activity book consisting of 69 pages, and a learning achievement test in the form of multiple choice comprising 25 items. Cabri program is used to assist the learning on nets cubes, blocks, prisms, and pyramids. While, Wingeom program is used to help the learning on the properties, parts, surface areas and volume of cubes, blocks, prisms, and pyramids. The development research employed the 4D model which consists of four stages: (1) defining, (2) designing, (3) developing, and (4) disseminating. The subject for the research trial was 29 students and a math teacher of junior high school. The techniques used to collect the data were validation sheets, observation sheets, questionnaires, and tests. The results of validity, practicality, and effectiveness were analyzed by converting quantitative data in the form of assessment scores into qualitative data in the form of a five scaled standard score. The products fulfilled valid, practical, and effective criteria. The validity of the products is apparent from the result of experts’ validation which showed that the products reached very valid criteria. The practicality of the products is apparent from the results of the teacher assessment sheets which showed that the products reached very good criteria, and the observation sheets of learning process indicated that the percentage was in 96.03%. The effectiveness of the products is apparent from the result of the learning achievement test which showed that 93.1% of the students obtained the minimal score, namely 75 with the average score=84.55. While, the result of the questionnaire on the students’ interest reached good criteria with the average score=86.45

    Analisis kesulitan belajar matematika mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika pada mata kuliah Program Linier

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    This research aim was to describe the location and the type of learning difficulties of the subject of Linear Program undergone by mathematics education student of the Catholic University of Widya Mandala Madiun. This study used a qualitative approach; the research subjects were students of mathematics education at the Catholic University of Widya Mandala Madiun taking Linear Program and had learning difficulties. The instruments used were diagnostic tests; students who obtained scores under 66 (minimum completeness) were categorized as students who were experiencing learning difficulties. The location of mathematics learning difficulties could be viewed based on the students’ mistakes in completing the diagnostic tests and confirmed through interviews. The research found that the location of mathematics learning difficulties undergone by the subjects were factual knowledge of 11,85%, conceptual knowledge of 14,81%, procedural knowledge of 37,04%, and metacognitive knowledge 36,30%. The types of mathematics learning difficulties experienced by subjects were 2,96% facts remembering difficulty, 8,15% facts understanding difficulty, 0,74% facts researching difficulty, 8,89% concepts remembering difficulty, 4,44% concept understanding difficulty, 1,48% concept applying difficulty, 3,7% procedure applying difficulty, 12,59% procedure analyzing difficulty,11,11% procedure evaluating difficulty, 9,63% procedure researching difficulty, and 36,3% metacognitive communicating difficulty

    Meningkatkan keterampilan menghitung dengan media pembelajaran ultah camp dan puzzel geometri pada anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Mathematics is the main subject in every educational unit from elementary school to college. In fact Mathematics is often regarded as a difficult, scary,and boring lesson for most students. It is characterized by the lack of skilled students in arithmetic, especially multiplication and multiplication operations or mixed count. The use of media in mathematics learning is needed to assist students in understanding and reinforcing mathematical material. Examples of instructional media used to improve the skill of counting include Ular Tangga Hitung Campuran (ULTAH CAMP) and Puzzle Geometry. ULTAH CAMP is an arithmetic material learning media especially mixed count operation for elementary school children. Puzzle Geometry is one of the learning media that can be used to study the geometry material especially area and circumference the plane. Learning media ULTAH CAMP and Puzzle Geometry were introduced to elementary school children around the campus of the Catholic University Widya Mandala Madiun. This activity was held for two days outside the school hours in the form of educative games on the campus of the Catholic University Widya Mandala Madiun. Learning activities by playing make children easier and less bored in learning math. The use of ULTAH CAMP and Puzzle Geometry helps students perform mixed count operations and understand the area and circumference the plane

    Validity of Lesson Plan Based on Multiple Intelligences for Learning Mathematics in Yunior High School Students

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of multiple intelligences based lesson plans for mathematics learning in junior high school students. Research method with qualitative and quantitative research methods. The results of the qualitative research obtained are a description of the validity of multiple intelligence-based lesson plans for learning mathematics in students. While quantitative research results from the scores obtained in the validity test. The data collection instrument used was in the form of a questionnaire to test the level and lesson plan that included in it. The validation guideline used consists of two types, namely guidelines for validating linguistic aspects and guidelines for validating aspects of the substance. Criteria for practicality and effectiveness of a learning tool which in this study is devoted to lesson plans, is measured based on the results of the draft trial. This validation guide is given to two expert validators, the first validator is a validator with the linguistic expertise field and the second validator is a validator of mathematical experts. Validators with linguistic expertise are used to determine the validity of linguistic aspects, while validators of the field of mathematical expertise are used to determine the validity of aspects of the substance. The results showed that the validity of linguistic aspects was 3.35 and the validity of the substance aspect (content) was 3.82, so it could be concluded that the lesson plan that had been prepared based on multiple intelligences for mathematics learning in junior high school students was valid based on linguistic aspects and aspects of substance.The purpose of this research is to know the validity of Lesson Plan based on Multilpe Intelligences for Learning Mathematics in Yunior High School Students. This research is a simple research with qualitative type. The validity of Lesson Plan is seen through two aspects, namely the linguistic aspect and the substance (content) aspect. Thus, the instrument used in this research is the Linguistic Aspects Validation Guidance and the Substance Validation Guidelines (contents) Guidance. Validation is done by two validators Lingusitic expert field and Mathematics expert field. The results showed that the validity of linguistic aspects of 3.35 and the validity of the substance (content) of 3.82, so it can be concluded Lesson Plan based multiple intelligences for learning mathematics in junior high school students who have been compiled valid based on the language aspect. In addition, Lesson Plan based multiple intelligences for learning mathematics in junior high school students who have been compiled valid based on aspects of substance (content)

    Pembinaan Olimpiade Sains melalui Pemberdayaan Klub Matematika dan IPA Bagi Siswa SMP di Kota Madiun

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    Salah satu upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan pada setiap tingkat pendidikan adalah meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman Sains yang meliputi Matematika dan IPA pada siswa. Berdasarkan pengalaman, penguasaan konsep Sains siswa SMP di kota Madiun masih kurang. Selain itu, siswa yang memiliki kemampuan Sains juga diharapkan memiliki kemampuan menghadapi soal non rutin yaitu mampu menyelesaikan soal Olimpiade Sains. Siswa kurang berani berinovasi untuk mencari sumber-sumber belajar lain, sehingga hanya terpaku mengharapkan informasi dari guru saja. Suasana belajar yang variatif dan kreatif sangat diperlukan dalam upaya pemahaman konsep Sains. Untuk hal tersebut, maka perlu diupayakan kondisi belajar yang menyenangkan, di mana siswa menemukan sendiri pengetahuan mereka, tidak hanya mendapatkan pengetahuan dari guru saja. Hal itu bisa dilakukan di luar jadwal kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu melalui klub-klub belajar yang dibentuk pihak sekolah guna memberi kesempatan siswa-siswa berlatih lebih mendalam terkait materi Olimpiade. Berdasarkan hal di atas maka kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang akan dilakukan ini difokuskan pada peningkatan kemampuan konsep Sains siswa SMP dalam menghadapi soal Olimpiade. Subjek dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah siswa SMP Negeri 3 Kota Madiun yang tergabung di dalam klub Matematika dan klub IPA yang sudah terbentuk. Langkah awal pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah mengidentifikasi bentuk pelatihan/ pendampingan dan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan, serta mengadakan pertemuan dengan tim pelatihan untuk penyusunan jadwal kerja dan pendampingan belajar. Pelaksanaan kegiatan berjalan dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran kreatif, tanya jawab interaktif, dan pelatihan internet. Pembelajaran kreatif dan tanya jawab interaktif digunakan dalam memahami konsep-konsep serta memecahkan masalah yang timbul dalam pemahaman sesuatu yang belum menemukan titik kesamaan persepsi, dan pelatihan internet digunakan untuk memperoleh materi Sains yang meliputi Matematika dan IPA. Adapun subjek atau target sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah siswa SMPN 3 Kota Madiun yang tergabung di dalam klub Matematika dan klub IPA