39 research outputs found

    Croatian Economy Challenges in the Posttransitional Period

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    Current global economic trends create a new economic environment for Croatia. They could be described, by two processes amongst others. The first is clear enough abandonment of basic determinants of transitional economic policy defined as ā€˜Washington consensusā€™. Change of ā€˜tideā€™ could be observed in redesigned behavior of both transition architects, International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Even before recent global crisis IMF was revising its approach towards fixed exchange rate and WB has been displaying ā€˜change of heartā€™, placing development instead of stabilization on its core agenda sheet. The other process is global financial and expected overall economic crisis seemingly comparable to the Great Depression. It will have far reaching impact on the mainstream economic paradigm

    Development and Work Method of Speed Logs

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    U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu ću se osvrnuti na karakteristike brodskih brzinomjera, općenito o brodskoj brzini i mjerenju brodske brzine, slučajevima kvarova brzinomjera, te navesti i opisati vrste brodskih brzinomjera.In this final paper, I will discuss about the characteristics of marine speed logs, reviewing the general information about ship speed and measuring of ship speed, instances of instrument failures, and describe the various types of speed logs

    Overview of 100 patients with voice prosthesis after total laryngectomy--experience of single institution [Pregled 100 bolesnika sa govornom protezom nakon totalne laringektomije]

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    Surgical procedures, especially total laryngectomy, used for treatment of advanced laryngeal carcinoma, have a profound adverse effect on the patient's physical, functional, and emotional health, and almost always decrease quality of life. There are three main types of voice rehabilitation after surgery. They are: esophageal speech techniques, the use of artificial larynx devices and tracheoesophageal puncture with the insertion of various types of voice prostheses. Voice prosthesis was inserted in 100 patients in the ENT Department, University Hospital Center Zagreb, from January 2004 until February 2011, and 91 of these patients were included in our study. The prosthesis was inserted secondary at 71 patients, while in other 20 it was inserted primary, i.e. immediately after laryngectomy as a part of the same procedure. Voice rehabilitation was initiated 10th day after primary insertion and 1st-3rd day after secondary insertion. The postoperative voice quality was compared with a five degree scale, which was taken from Hilger's retrospective study (2000). The rehabilitation was successful in 75.8% of our patients. Early complication rate was 4.4%, and 10.9% of patients had late complications. Statistical analysis didn't show significant differences regarding the complications rate and success rate of rehabilitation between groups of patients, formed according to age, irradiation status and timing of prosthesis insertion


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    Modern company in today\u27s economy is no longer solely dependent on its tangible assets such as real estate, factories or facilities. Doing business in today\u27s global economy creates new types of companies which are becoming increasingly dependent on their intangible assets such as information and knowledge. Today\u27s new economy has become global and information driven, and the first time in the history of the organization theory knowledge becomes companies the most valuable resource. Knowledge affects the creation of new value in the company, but it also affects on the creation of new knowledge. The use of the Internet enables its distribution in the global context. Knowledge can not be fully diminished. On the contrary, the more being used, it increases, expands and deepens. Therefore modern knowledge based companies need to continually work on their knowledge-based strategy as a source of the competitive advantage. This paper discusses the impact of organizational culture on creation of such companies

    Overview of 100 Patients with Voice Prosthesis after Total Laryngectomy ā€“ Experience of Single Institution

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    Surgical procedures, especially total laryngectomy, used for treatment of advanced laryngeal carcinoma, have a profound adverse effect on the patientā€™s physical, functional, and emotional health, and almost always decrease quality of life. There are three main types of voice rehabilitation after surgery. They are: esophageal speech techniques, the use of artificial larynx devices and tracheoesophageal puncture with the insertion of various types of voice prostheses. Voice prosthesis was inserted in 100 patients in the ENT Department, University Hospital Center Zagreb, from January 2004 until February 2011, and 91 of these patients were included in our study. The prosthesis was inserted secondary at 71 patients, while in other 20 it was inserted primary, i.e. immediately after laryngectomy as a part of the same procedure. Voice rehabilitation was initiated 10th day after primary insertion and 1stā€“3rd day after secondary insertion. The postoperative voice quality was compared with a five degree scale, which was taken from Hilgerā€™s retrospective study (2000). The rehabilitation was successful in 75.8% of our patients. Early complication rate was 4.4%, and 10.9% of patients had late complications. Statistical analysis didnā€™t show significant differences regarding the complications rate and success rate of rehabilitation between groups of patients, formed according to age, irradiation status and timing of prosthesis insertion

    Transvenozni pristup za indirektnu karotidno kavernoznu fistulu koristeći odvojive zavojnice: prikaz slučaja i pregled metoda liječenja

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    Carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) is a relatively rare pathology with a low incidence compared with other vascular pathologies. They can be classified based on hemodynamics as low- or high-flow fistulas, and anatomically as direct or indirect fistulas. Anatomy of the shunt somewhat dictates the selection of endovascular treatment, meaning the venous or arterial approach and selection of embolizing materials. Although there is general agreement as to when to access CCF transvenously or transarterialy, which depends on the shunt being direct or indirect, there is no uniform agreement on which occlusion method should be used. Herein, we report a case of an 80-year-old woman treated for indirect CCF using detachable coils. We also provide a brief review of the literature, including recent advances in treatment of said entities. In conclusion, selection of both the approach and material used depends on the operatorā€™s experience and preference.Karotidno kavernozna fistula je relativno rijetka patologija s niskom incidnecijom u odnosu na ostale vaskularne abnormalnosti. Hemodinamski se dijele na niskoporotočne i visokoprotočne, a anatomski na direktne i indirektne. Anatomija fistule određuje vrstu endovaskularnog tretmana, dakle arterijki ili venski pristup, kaoo I vrstu materijala kojom se vrÅ”i embolizacija. Iako postoji opći konsenzus oko primjene arterijskog ili venskog pristupa, ovisno o tome je li fistula direktna ili indirektna, ne postoji uniformni dogovor koja bi se metoda trebala koristiti u pojedinačnim slučajevima. Ovim radom smo prikazali slučaj osamdesetogodiÅ”nje bolesnice koja je liječena radi indirektne karotidno kavernozne fistule koristeći zavojnice. Također, prikazan je pregled literature i recentnog napretka u liječenju spomenutih entiteta. Zaključno, kako izbor pristup tako i izbor materijala ovise o iskustvu te preference operatera

    Morphological characterization of the posterior ethmoidal and additional ethmoidal canal in adult Croatian population

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    The anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina that open into canals entering the cranial cavity are situated on the medial orbital wall. Since there may be a variable number of accessory ethmoidal foramina and their anatomy appears to be dependent on studied population, we are presenting a study of frequency and morphological characteristics of posterior and additional ethmoidal canals in adult Croatian population. In this study 439 skulls from the Zagreb skull collection were examined in order to confirm the existence of the posterior ethmoidal canal that opens in the anterior cranial fossa and the additional ethmoidal canal that opens in ethmoidal cells. Length and width of both canals were analyzed on computerized tomography scans using Analyze 8.1. software. The posterior ethmoidal canal was found in 86% of skulls. In 10% of skulls the posterior and the additional ethmoidal canals were found.Ā  In 4% of skulls we found only the additional ethmoidal canal. On skulls that had the additional ethmoidal canal the posterior ethmoidal canal was shorter and narrower. Variations in communications between orbital cavity and anterior cranial fossa, as well as ethmoidal and sphenoid sinuses could be related to increased need for vascular and nerve supply. Moreover, knowing anatomical variations of the posterior ethmoidal canal is crucial for development of safe surgical and therapeutic guidelines both in orbital and cranial regions.Ā Based on observed communications, we suggest the revision of commonly used nomenclature for the anterior and posterior, as well as additional ethmoidal canals.

    Relationship Between Serum Ferritin Levels, Arterial Hypertension and Shift Work in Women. A Cross-sectional Analysis

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to use cross-sectional research to determine the relationship between serum ferritin levels and arterial hypertension in women who work in shifts and women with regular daytime working hours. Methods: The respondents included 67 female nurses divided into two groups: nurses working in 12-hour shifts (7 am to 7 pm/7 pm to 7 am) were the test group, while nurses regularly working for 8 hours (7 am to 3 pm) were the control group. Data collection included information on associated diseases, chronic medication, last menstruation, duration of menopause, cigarette smoking, number of years of employment in shift work and regular daytime work, laboratory and anthropometric parameters and blood pressure levels. Results: In all respondents, there was a significant and positive relationship between ferritin and CRP levels, i.e. the higher the CRP levels, the higher the ferritin levels (Rho = 0.401; P = 0.001). Among respondents who have regular daytime working hours, there was no significant association between ferritin and other indicators, while in the group of those who work in shifts, there was a significant and positive association between ferritin and CRP (Rho = 0.468; P = 0.002). Finally, a positive correlation was found between the number of years of employment in shift work and systolic blood pressure levels, i.e. higher systolic pressure was observed in those respondents who worked longer in shifts (Rho = 0.424, P = 0.03). Conclusion: The study demonstrated a significant correlation between the number of years of employment in shift work and systolic blood pressure. A positive correlation between serum CRP and ferritin levels was also observed in all respondents, and especially in shift workers