376 research outputs found

    A history of an attempt at classification. The work of Edmund Sharpe and the periodization of English medieval architecture through the lens of terminology theory

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    This thesis aims at demonstrating the existence of terminology as common practice even before its official codification as a discipline. Specifically, this work is centred on the discovery of a terminological activity in the history of architecture and in the periodization of English ecclesiastical architecture of the Middle Ages. There, the aim is to evidence how the reflections of architecture historians on classification and naming of periods and building specimens prefigure future theories of terminology. Focusing on the architecture historian Edmund Sharpe (1809 – 1877), his attempt at classification of English medieval architecture in 1851 is described, according to the visual features of its windows. Beyond Sharpe’s work, the debate is reconstructed on the update of the official periodization. Indeed, this thesis intends to describe Sharpe and his colleagues as terminologists ante litteram and to highlight the contribution of classification and naming to the progress of knowledge. Chapter 1 introduces the historical context of the events, as well as the main principles of terminology, while in Chapter 2 the establishment of the official classification of English architecture in 1817 is reported. In Chapter 3, the historians note windows, which cannot be described through the official nomenclature. Consequently, Chapter 4 presents Sharpe’s innovative method for a classification of medieval buildings, based on the analysis of their windows. In Chapter 5, Sharpe’s periodization is examined in his volume, The Seven Periods of English Architecture. The discussion culminates, in Chapter 6, in a debate in the journal The Builder. There, the experts discuss Sharpe’s periodization, questioning both terms and classification criteria. Chapter 7 comments on the events. The destiny of Sharpe’s periodization is outlined, towards the acknowledgement that a continuous terminological update is necessary in every discipline, to keep up with the evolution of knowledge

    Energy and Environmental Monitoring of a School Building Deep Energy Renovation in Italy

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    Abstract The Tito M. Plauto school in Cesena is the Italian case study in the FP7 School of the Future project. Objective was the energy renovation of school buildings with high energy and indoor environment targets, to be demonstrated by monitoring before and after the retrofit. Measures involved envelope components and energy systems, including renewable. The energy monitoring started in January 2014 and included thermal and electricity uses; as well the electricity produced by the PV plant. Data were compared to those registered for the 2008-2010 period. The environmental quality was addressed by thermal comfort and CO 2 concentration instrumental monitoring

    Local Digital Twin-based control of a cobot-assisted assembly cell based on Dispatching Rules

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    In the context of an increasing digitalization of production processes, Digital Twins (DT) are emerging as new simulation paradigm for manufacturing, which leads to potential advances in the production planning and control of production systems. In particular, DT can support production control activities thanks to the bidirectional connection in near real-time with the modeled system. Research on DT for production planning and control of automated systems is already ongoing, but manual and semi-manual systems did not receive the same attention. In this paper, a novel framework focused on a local DT is proposed to control a cobot-assisted assembly cell. The DT replicates the behavior of the cell, providing accurate predictions of its performances in alternative scenarios. Then, building on these predicted estimates, the controller selects, among different dispatching rules, the most appropriate one to pursue different performance objectives. This has been proven beneficial through a simulation assessment of the whole assembly line considered as testbed

    Max Aguilera-Hellweg, Photography from surgery to robotics

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    Anthropomorphic robotics have become increasingly familiar in our daily lives. Photographer and surgeon Max Aguilera-Hellweg moved from projects focusing on human bodies undergoing surgery to photographs of androids and their inner architecture. Why did the photographer choose to give up the human body to turn to its simulacrum? What does the robot have that the human body doesn’t have? What is the point of photographing objects that resemble human beings? These are the questions that will guide our analysis of the work of Max Aguilera-Hellweg.La robotique anthropomorphe prend de plus en plus de place dans notre quotidien. Le photographe et chirurgien Max Aguilera-Hellweg a photographié ces objets dont la forme ressemble étrangement à celle du corps humain. Pourquoi le photographe a-t-il choisi de renoncer au corps humain pour se tourner vers son simulacre ? Que possède le robot que le corps humain ne possèderait pas ? Quel intérêt y-a-t-il à photographier des objets qui ressemblent à des êtres humains ? Voici les interrogations qui guideront notre analyse du travail de Max Aguilera-Hellweg

    Para quem e o que testemunham as fontes da História da Educação?

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    Este artigo discute questões sobre a identificação, o uso e a relação do historiador com as fontes nos estudos de História da Educação. Aborda a tipologia das fontes e seus diversos pesos probatórios. Mostra como, no trabalho historiográfico, é decisivo compreender os diversos níveis relacionais que perpassam o processo de construção da fonte histórica. Prioriza a análise sobre as relações nas quais nasce e se produz o documento, as relações que, no âmbito dos acontecimentos, selecionam o documento e as relações do historiador/ intérprete com as suas questões e com os destinatários de seus estudos

    Dieta di sostituzione con alimenti a base di grano khorasan KAMUT in pazienti affetti da diabete di tipo 2: Valutazione dell'effetto sull'espressione genica in campioni di sangue intero

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    Il diabete mellito di tipo 2 (T2DM) è una patologia cronica multifattoriale, la cui incidenza è correlata a fattori socio-economici e comportamentali. Sono ormai numerose le evidenze epidemiologiche che dimostrano la correlazione tra uno stile di vita scorretto e l’insorgenza di T2DM. Essendo la dieta uno dei maggiori fattori di rischio modificabili, la ricerca in ambito nutrizionale si è adoperata nell’ultimo decennio al fine di ridurre il rischio di insorgenza di T2DM e di possibili complicanze attraverso il miglioramento del controllo glicemico e lipidico. In tale ambito, l’Università di Firenze, in collaborazione con l’Ospedale Careggi di Firenze, ha condotto recentemente un trial clinico di intervento per valutare se il consumo regolare di alimenti a base di grano khorasan KAMUT® potesse coadiuvare le terapie nel controllo glicemico, rispetto ad una dieta a base di prodotti con grani moderni. Dati i risultati clinici positivi, è nata una collaborazione con l’Università di Bologna volta a chiarire il meccanismo alla base delle evidenze cliniche mediante valutazione dell’espressione di alcuni geni chiave. Poiché il diabete causa infiammazione cronica e sbilanciamento dell’omeostasi redox, si è ipotizzato il coinvolgimento di meccanismi molecolari connessi alla protezione dal danno ossidativo e infiammatorio, nonché al controllo glicemico. Pertanto, è stata valutata l’espressione del fattore di trascrizione PPARG, coinvolto nell’omeostasi lipidica, di geni legati alla via del segnale PI3K/AKT/mTOR, fondamentale nella regolazione del metabolismo glico-lipidico, e geni della via del segnale Nrf2–Keap1, strettamente connessa alle difese antiossidanti. A seguito di analisi tramite qPCR, è stata riscontrata una down-regolazione del gene codificante per Keap1, dalla dieta con prodotti a base di grano KAMUT® e, al contrario, una up-regolazione dalla dieta con prodotti a base di grani moderni. Tuttavia, le basi molecolari di tali effetti risultano ancora da chiarire

    Para quem e o que testemunham as fontes da história da educação?

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    Este artigo discute questões sobre a identificação, o uso e a relação do historiador com as fontes nos estudos de História da Educação. Aborda a tipologia das fontes e seus diversos pesos probatórios. Mostra como, no trabalho historiográfico, é decisivo compreender os diversos níveis relacionais que perpassam o processo de construção da fonte histórica. Prioriza a análise sobre as relações nas quais nasce e se produz o documento, as relações que, no âmbito dos acontecimentos, selecionam o documento e as relações do historiador/ intérprete com as suas questões e com os destinatários de seus estudos

    Preparation of experimental animal model for tissue engineered bone

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    Questo studio ha valutato l'efficacia di un approccio rigenerativo utilizzando cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC) e uno scaffold di idrossiapatite pura e porosa (HA) progettata con tecnologia CAD-CAM per sostituire il condilo dell'articolazione temporomandibolare (ATM). Metodi.Uno scaffolds di HA con porosità totale del 70% è stato prototipato per sostituire i due condili temporomandibolari (sinistro e destro) dello stesso animale. MSC sono state ottenute dalla cresta iliaca ed espanse in coltura. Guide chirurgiche su misura sono state create e utilizzate per esportare la pianificazione virtuale delle linee di taglio dell'osso nell'ambiente chirurgico. Sei pecore sono state sacrificate a 4 mesi dopo l'intervento.Gli scaffold sono stati espiantati, campioni istologici sono stati preparati, ed è stata eseguota l'analisi istomorfometrica. Risultati.L'analisi della riduzione di porosità per apposizione di osso neoformato mostrata una differenza statisticamente significativa tra la formazione ossea nei condili carichi di MSC rispetto ai condili senza (This study evaluated the efficacy of a regenerative approach using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and CAD-CAM customized pure and porous hydroxyapatite (HA) scaffolds to replace the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) condyle. Methods. Pure HAscaffolds with a 70%total porosity volumewere prototyped usingCAD-CAMtechnology to replace the two temporomandibular condyles (left and right) of the same animal. MSCs were derived from the aspirated iliac crest bone marrow, and platelets were obtained from the venous blood of the sheep. Custom-made surgical guides were created by direct metal laser sintering and were used to export the virtual planning of the bone cut lines into the surgical environment. Sheep were sacrificed 4 months postoperatively. The HA scaffolds were explanted, histological specimens were prepared, and histomorphometric analysis was performed. Results. Analysis of the porosity reduction for apposition of newly formed bone showed a statistically significant difference in bone formation between condyles loaded with MSC and condyles without
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