1,936 research outputs found

    Revitalisasi Peran Ushul Fiqh sebagai Landasan Metodologis Istinbath Hukum dalam Islam

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    The article below presents a critical review on modern tendencies of Islamic jurisprudencial thinking that promotes to the reformation of Islam body of law. The author want to propose a assimilative perspective between classical herritage of Islam jurispruclencial methods, and that of modern one. This article primarily is based on author s thesis on Qur\u27an s paradigm of dilalah, that was promoted at Master Prograrnme of IAIN Al-Raniri Darussalam, Aceh, in 2003

    Techno-Economic Evaluation of Chromium Recovery Pilot Plant Installed at Kasur Tanneries Complex, Pakistan

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    Chromium metal is widely used as a tanning agent worldwide. The process called chrome-tanning is accomplished in three steps: Pickling, Tanning and Basification1 (Pakistan Tanners Association). Chromium sulfate is the most widely used chemical in this process. Approximately, 60-70 percent of chromium sulfate applied is taken up by the hides and skins, while its 30 to 40 percent remains un-used and is discharged as a component of wastewater into natural water bodies such as rivers, streams, etc., which has adverse environmental impacts on living organisms particularly to humans and animals [Weitz and Luxenberg (n.d.)], and water animals such as fish [Eisler (1986)]. The diseases especially encountered in humans, are of nervous disorders. The pollution from tanneries effluent particularly their chromium component has formed the basis that many developed countries have banned tanning on their soils. Chrome tanned leather, being the need of people all over the world, has the edge that its manufacture cannot be stopped. This has given some economic advantage to some developing countries including Pakistan to manufacture leather and export it to the developed countries. To sustain, different methods have been developed to recover chromium from the tannery effluents before their drainage in the natural water bodies. A few examples of these methods are High Chrome Exhaustion, Direct Recycling of the Spent Tanning Float and Chrome Recovery and Reuse [Arrafay Labs (2003)]

    Risk Analysis Related to Cost and Schedule for a Bridge Construction Project

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    The construction sector is subject to more risk than many other sectors. Managing risk is the hottest topic of discussion for engineers within the construction sector. It is difficult to imagine managing of projects without risk management in construction. Risk management is concerned with risk management planning, identification, analysis, responses, monitoring and controlling project risk. Risk analysis is an evaluative process that establishes the magnitude of risks on projects. This work is planned to identify and analyze risks in the construction of a bridge project. The data are collected through a survey approach by administering a questionnaire. Professionals involved in the construction of bridges identify the project risks. A case study is utilized to determine the impact of cost and schedule risks. The analysis is carried out using the Monte Carlo simulation. The findings of the Monte Carlo simulation are compared with the actual times and costs of the case-study project. The results show the actual times and costs fell within the expected distribution of the simulation. The results indicate that risk analysis is helpful in managing costs and schedule risks. Additionally, this work documents guidelines for risk analysis

    Callus and azadirachtin related limonoids production through in vitro culture of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss)

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    A protocol was established for the induction of callus and suspension cultures for azadirachtin production from neem explants. Different concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators (2,4-D, NAA, IAA and BAP) were supplemented in MS medium. Immature flowers, nodular stem sections, leaves immature embryos and mature seeds were used as explants. The highest callus development (78%) was observed when immature flowers were inoculated on MS basal medium with addition of 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D, 1.0 mg/l BAP, 0.2 mg/l NAA and 3% sucrose. The azadirachtin containing liminoids were determined from calli obtained from different explants. Effect of sucrose, glucose, NH4NO3, KNO3 and urea on cell suspension cultures and azadirachtin contents were also investigated. The dry cell weight and azadirachtin contents increased to 373.1 and 359.2 mg/ 50 ml when 0.25 and 0.5 g/l NH4NO3 was added in MS liquid media and supplemented with 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D, 0.2 mg/l BAP and 3% sucrose


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    This article examines the short-run and long-run causal relationship between energy consumption and output in six non-OECD Asian developing countries. Standard time series econometrics is used for this purpose. Based on cointegration and vector error correction modeling, the empirical result shows a bi-directional causality between energy consumption and income in Malaysia, while a unidirectional causality from output to energy consumption in China and Thailand and energy consumption to output in India and Pakistan. Bangladesh remains as an energy neutral economy confirming the fact that it is one of the lowest energy consuming countries in Asia. Both the generalized variance decompositions and the impulse response functions confirm the direction of causality in these countries. These findings have important policy implications for concerned countries. Countries like China and Thailand may contribute to the fight against global warming directly implementing energy conservation measures whereas India and Pakistan may focus on technological developments and mitigation policies. For Malaysia, a balanced combination of alternative policies seems to be appropriate.Energy Conservation, Cointegration, Error Correction Model, Generalized Variance Decompositions, Generalized Impulse Response Functions
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