206 research outputs found
Kritik Ibn Jawzi terhadap Ulama dalam Kitab Talbis Iblis
In this paper we are concerned with elaborating the critiques of Ibn Jawzi against the ulama of his time in his Talbis Iblis. By the ulama Ibn Jawzi means the learned in any field of knowledge such as Qur??nic reading (qira?ah), prophetic tradition (hadith), jurisprudence (fiqh), language, letter, and the art of speech (khitabah). We will analyze the motif behind Ibn Jawzi?s warning to the ulama that they can ?by virtue of their knowledge- be manipulated by the Satan. Not all knowledge is therefore good. Hence, we are interested in exposing the nature of knowledge in Ibn Jawzi?s concept and what are the kinds of knowledge that may lead to Satanic manipulation. The paper will also discuss Ibn Jawzi?s advice to the ulama so that they may not fall victim in the trap of the Satan
Abstract: This article discusses the method of ijtihad (independent Islamic legal rasoning) practiced by Dewan Hisbah of Persatuan Islam from 1996-2009. Persatuan Islam (PERSIS – Islamic Unity) is an Islamic renewal movement in Indonesia that is established in 1923. Although it is relatively small Islamic mass organization compared to Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama, PERSIS also perform as fatwa issuing body (mufti) that answer queries from its members and affiliates on Islamic legal issues. This role is performed by Dewan Hisbah (supervisory board) that performs supervision, research and fatwa issuance within the organization. In the span between 1996-2006, the board has issued many fatwas on some controversial legal issues, namely performing salat (prayer) in non-Arabic language, jum’ah (congregational) prayer for travelers, raising hands during do’a (supplication), the interplay between zakat (obligatory alms) and tax, cash waqf (endowment) and inheritance from non-Muslim family. As a reform movement, Dewan Hisbah performs ijtihad, in which it directly deals with primary sources (the Qur’an and Hadith) and other ijtihad mechanisms in formulating legal opinions.
Key words: Ijtihad, Dewan Hisbah, PERSIS, Islamic Law
Abstrak: Tulisan ini membahas tentang Ijtihad Dewan Hisbah Persatuan Islam dalam Hukum Islam pada Periode tahun 1996-2009. Persatuan Islam (PERSIS) merupakan salah satu gerakan pembaharuan yang berdiri pada tahun 1923 M. PERSIS melakukan ijtihad melalui Majelis Ulama Persis yang kemudian berganti nama menjadi Dewan Hisbah PERSIS. Dewan Hisbah adalah Lembaga Hukum Persatuan Islam yang berfungsi sebagai dewan pertimbangan, pengkajian syari’ah, dan fatwa dalam jam’iyyah Persatuan Islam. Kajian hukum Dewan Hisbah PERSIS dari tahun 1996-2009, telah banyak melahirkan berbagai pemikiran hukum Islam, di antaranya hukum salat dengan dua bahasa, hukum salat Jum’at bagi musafir, mengangkat tangan ketika berdoa, posisi zakat dan pajak, wakaf uang, dan waris dari non muslim. Metode Dewan Hisbah dalam mengambil keputusan hukum adalah dengan mendasarkan pada al-Qur’an dan Hadis shahih, sebagai sumber utama hukum Islam, dan berijtihad terhadap masalah yang tidak ada nasnya.
Kata Kunci: Ijtihad, Dewan Hisbah, PERSIS, Hukum Isla
Abstract: Umar ibn al-Khattab is a bold, strict, intelligent and influential companion of the Prophet Muhammad. He brought the combination these character when he converted  to Islam. He accepted the texts of the Qur’an, but cautiously derived legal decision from prophetic tradition. He used to correlate the narrative of prophetic tradition with the Qur’an before arriving at a decision. He made a lot of jurisprudential decisions during his tenure as the second caliphs. On the other hand, Kompilasi Hukum Islam is a legal product of Indonesian Muslim. It serves as a legal basis for judges in religious court. It compiled Islamic jurisprudence from classic Islamic schools of law in the area of Islamic family law. There are similarities between the opinions of Umar ibn al-Khattab with the pronouncements in the Kompilasi. Among the similarities are the prohibition to propose a woman who are engaged to other man, the approval of a woman for her marriage, the prohibition of marriage without guardian, the prohibition of setting steep dowry, the prohibition of temporary marriage (mut’a), and the introduction of pre-marital agreement. Abstrak: Umar bin Khattab adalah sosok manusia yang keras, kasar, cerdas, dari kekasaran dan kecerdasannya inilah yang mengantarkan dia masuk Islam. Dalam memahami nash-nash al-Qur’an, Umar dapat langsung menerima, namun terhadap menentukan suatu hukum dari hadis, maka ia akan sangat hati-hati, ia selalu menghubungkan nash as-Sunnah dengan al-Qur’an, tujuannya agar keduanya dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Islam. Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) jika dilihat dari sejarah penyusunannya adalah himpunan kaidah-kaidah hukum Islam yang ditulis dan disusun secara teratur dan sistematis, diambil dari berbagai kitab (pendapat para fuqaha/doktrin) yang dipergunakan sebagai referensi pada Pengadilan Agama. Terdapat kesesuaian antara ijtihad Umar bin Khattab dengan Kompilasi Hukum Islam, di antaranya adalah: Larangan seorang laki-laki meminang perempuan di atas pinangan orang lain sesuai dengan Kompilasi Hukum Islam yang tercantum dalam pasal 12 ayat 3 dan 4. Persetujuan calon istri. Hal tersebut tercantum dalam pasal 16 dan 17. Larangan pernikahan tanpa wali sesuai KHI sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam Pasal 14, 19, 20. Larangan memberi mahar terlalu tinggi sesuai KHI pasal 31. Diperbolehkan mengadakan perjanjian perkawinan sesuai dengan KHI Pasal 45. Larangan nikah mut’ah sesuai dengan ketentuan KHI dalam pasal 2 ayat 3. Dan Larangan menikah beda agama sesuai dengan KHI pasal 40 dan 44
The good governance in Iraq can only be achieved when the corruption in the public sector is eliminated. This can be achieved only when there is an equality at work among the public servants in order for them to achieve job satisfaction in terms of their salaries and job description. It was found that job satisfaction is the main factor that contributes to the reduction of corruption. This article discusses the relationship between good governance and the administrative corruption. It outlines the findings and results that have been done among public servants. This study was made possible by all the public servants who have contributed to the findings by filling up the questionnaires which reflected real opinions and thoughts on corruption and the effort towards good governance in Iraq. The survey participants also left valuable feedbacks with regard to the questions. The feedbacks were very useful as more insights gained on the applications of good governance in Iraq and the quest for seeking real and conceptual reasons corruption takes place in Iraq
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