15 research outputs found

    Le GSP : Groupe de Sélectionneurs de Protéagineux

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    National audienceLe GSP est un Groupement d’intérêt économique et un outil collectif des sélectionneurs de protéagineux pour relever les défis de l’amélioration génétique des protéagineux. Animé par l’interprofession Terres Univia, le GSP regroupe actuellement 6 sélectionneurs français de pois protéagineux et 3 sélectionneurs de féveroles. Le GSP a pour objet de faciliter et de développer l'activité de recherche et de sélection de ses membres sur le pois protéagineux, la féverole et le lupin, notamment par : La définition d’objectifs d’amélioration variétale sur des thèmes ciblés et l’élaboration de projets de recherche communs, la valorisation des acquis de la recherche (INRA principalement), la création d’un fonds commun de ressources génétiques, d’outils et méthodes de phénotypage et de génotypage permettant d’introduire des caractères innovants dans les programmes de création variétale propres à chaque membre. 3 programmes principaux en cours Amélioration de la résistance à l’aphanomyces du pois. Cette maladie racinaire du pois en France provoque des dégâts majeurs en parcelle infestée et limite ainsi l’extension des surfaces. Rechherche de géniteurs communs présentant un haut niveau de tolérance et des marqueurs moléculaires des différents QTLs associés à cette résistance Amélioration du pois d’hiver. Du fait de sa précocité à maturité et de son cycle de culture plus long au printemps, le pois d’hiver permet de s’adapter à l’évolution du climat et aux contraintes des systèmes de grande culture et d’échapper partiellement à aphanomyces. Amélioration du rendement et de la qualité de la féverole. Ce programme rassemble les 3 sélectionneurs français de féverole, majoritairement sur féverole de printemps, ainsi que l’INRA. Les 3 objectifs principaux poursuivis actuellement sont : l’amélioration de la qualité, pour accélérer la création de variétés à forte teneur en protéines et à faible teneur en vicine-convicine , la création de géniteurs améliorés de résistance à la bruche, l’amélioration de la résistance au froid conjointement à la précocité pour aboutir à l’inscription de variétés de féveroles mieux adaptées à l’est de la France , l’amélioration de la résistance aux maladies aériennes (botrytis, rouille). Une recherche scientifique dynamique Les sélectionneurs français, outre l’appui de l’interprofession au travers d’actions collectives, bénéficient d’un environnement scientifique porteur : en effet, l’INRA est l’un des principaux producteurs de références scientifiques sur le pois et la féverole au niveau mondial

    La bruche, état des lieux en France : biologie de l’insecte, solutions actuelles limitées, pistes de recherche

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    La vente des graines de féveroles, en alimentation humaine est le plus rémunérateur mais exige un bon niveau de qualité visuelle avec un taux maximum de 3% de graines bruchées. Les dégâts de bruches sont des taches et des cavités circulaires sur les graines matures. Rappel du cycle de vie et des différents stades de développements de l’insecte, de sa répartition géographique en France. La forte pression bruche et les difficultés de maîtrise du ravageur présentent un frein à la culture de féverole en France. La bruche de la féverole est présente sur tout le territoire, tandis que la bruche du pois étant, à l’heure actuelle surtout présente dans le sud de la France, mais présence sur le territoire s’agrandit, et remonte vers le nord, année après année. La lutte chimique en culture et lors du stockage est la seule solution actuelle contre la bruche. Les matières actives disponibles pour les producteurs de pois et de féveroles sont limitées, peu efficaces et la loi abeille engendre des limites réglementaires à l’utilisation des insecticides en culture. Pour lors, il n’y a pas de variétés commercialisées de féveroles ni de pois tolérantes aux bruches. Vers des recherches de solutions à moyen terme: La sélection et la recherche se tournent vers de nouvelles pistes pour lutter contre les bruches. L’étude de nouveaux génotypes de féverole tolérants aux bruches, l’intégration de ces génotypes d’intérêt dans des programmes de création variétale, la recherche de gènes impliqués dans les mécanismes de tolérance aux bruches, utilisation de la sélection assistée par marqueurs pour compléter la sélection variétale classique. Enfin une dernière piste prometteuse est la mise au point d’un attractif de synthèse pour piéger les bruches de la féverole. En effet les bruches sont attirées par l’odeur émise par les plantes à la floraison, les composés organiques volatiles pourraient donc devenir de vrais outils de lutte contre ces ravageurs (voir présentation Ené Leppik INRA)

    Identification of novel sources of resistance to seed weevils (bruchus spp.) in a faba bean germplasm collection

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    International audienceSeed weevils (Bruchus spp.) are major pests of faba bean, causing yield losses, and affecting marketability. Our objective was to identify stable sources of resistance to seed weevil attacks, determine the climatic factors that most influenced its incidence and its relationship with some phenological and agronomic traits. The accessions "BOBICK ROD115," "COTE D'OR," "221516," and "NOVA GRADISKA" showed increased resistance to penetration and development of larvae. Other accessions such as "QUASAR," "109.669," and "223303" exhibited resistance to larval development. The results of this work suggest the presence of different defense mechanisms to seed weevils in faba bean, which in the future could be introgressed in elite cultivars to create resistant varieties and contribute to more sustainable agriculture with less need for pesticides. The temperature, rainfall, and humidity seemed to be the climatic factors most influencing faba bean seed weevil attack while the precocity and the small weight of the seeds were correlated with lower infestation rates in the different experiments

    Phytosulfokine-alpha, an enhancer of in vitro regeneration competence in recalcitrant legumes

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    International audienceOligopeptides have been recognized as signalling molecules playing an important role in plant cell growth and development. Phytosulfokine-alpha (PSK), a plant-specific disulfated pentapeptide, is involved at nanomolar concentrations in initial steps of cellular dedifferentiation, proliferation, and re-differentiation, with a biological function similar to that of plant hormones. On the other hand, legume crops are generally known for their recalcitrance to in vitro regeneration approaches, which has restrained the exploitation of biotechnological tools for their genetic improvement. Against this background, we added PSK at concentrations of 10-10 to 10-6 M, to semisolid MS-based culture media previously shown to permit some regeneration responses with a number of genotypes of pea (Pisum sativum), Medicago truncatula and also the highly recalcitrant faba bean (Vicia faba). Callus, cell suspensions and embryo-derived explants of barrel medic R108, pea cvs Frisson and Cameor and a zero vicin, zero tannin faba bean genotype were tested and their embryogenic and organogenic regeneration competence was assessed. PSK had a strong and significant enhancing effect on the regeneration competence of all genotypes, producing somatic embryos and organs that yielded regenerated plants of both pea and M. truncatula, and with a major organogenic effect leading to plant regeneration with faba bean where somatic embryos, although produced, failed to convert into viable plants. This is the first report on the use of PSK with legume species

    Phytosulfokine-alpha, an enhancer of in vitro regeneration competence in recalcitrant legumes

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    International audienceOligopeptides have been recognized as signaling molecules playing an important role in plant cell growth and development. Phytosulfokine-alpha (PSK), a plant-specific disulfated pentapeptide, is involved at nanomolar concentrations in initial steps of cellular dedifferentiation, proliferation, and re-differentiation, with a biological function similar to that of plant hormones. On the other hand, legume crops are generally known for their recalcitrance to in vitro regeneration approaches, which has restrained the exploitation of biotechnological tools for their genetic improvement. Against this background, we added PSK at concentrations of 10(-10) to 10(-6)M, to semisolid MS-based culture media previously shown to permit some regeneration responses with pea (Pisum sativum) and highly recalcitrant faba bean (Vicia faba). Callus, cell suspensions and embryo-derived explants of pea cultivars Frisson and Cameor and a low vicin, zero tannin faba bean genotype (Fevita((c))) were assessed for their embryogenic and organogenic regeneration competence. For all genotypes, PSK reliably and significantly enhanced the regeneration competence producing somatic embryos and organs that yielded regenerated plants of both pea cultivars, and had a major organogenic effect leading to plant regeneration with faba bean where somatic embryos, although produced, failed to convert into viable plants. This is the first report on the use of PSK with legume species

    An RNAseq approach towards deciphering mechanisms involved in bruchid tolerance in faba bean

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    International audienceBroad bean weevil (Bruchus rufimanus) is a major pest of faba bean. Once eggs are laid on the pods, larvae penetrate, develop in the seeds and create damage that affects the quality of the beans. This renders them unsuitable for the human consumption market. Therefore, in the context of reducing pesticide use and in order to develop faba bean varieties resistant to bruchid, the search for tolerant accessions is an important issue. A germplasm screen has identified two accessions with good levels of tolerance, suggesting that these genotypes are less attractive to the insects and/or that their seeds contain compounds toxic for the larvae. In order to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms, we used an RNAseq transcriptomic approach on different plant tissues (leaf, flower, young pod and developing seed) of these two tolerant accessions and one additional sensitive cultivar. As the Vicia faba genome has not yet been sequenced, a de-novo assembly was performed to build a set of genes to be used for differential expression analyses : individual assemblies per tissue and genotype have been done and clustered to eliminate redundancy. A SuperTranscript [1] of 30825 genes (average size of contigs 1945bp) has been obtained with good completeness (97% of BUSCO [2]) representing the transcriptome from the four organs of each of the three genotypes. Differential expression studies using this Unigene have highlighted contrasted response of the three genotypes for specific pathways and will help identifying regulated genes

    Faba bean adaptation to autumn sowing under European climates

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    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important grain legume widely grown as a spring crop to avoid frost damage. However, there is interest in winter types for the expected benefits in grain yield as compared to spring ones. In the current experiments, we compared field performance in autumn sowings of 15 faba bean winter-type cultivars that were sown in two consecutive autumns in 12 climatically contrasting sites in Austria, France, Germany, Spain, and the UK. GGE biplot analyses (genotype plus genotype-byenvironment interaction) were conducted to evaluate yield performance of faba bean genotypes and identification of mega-environments. Crossover genotypeenvironment was large and mainly due to the geoclimatic area. GGE biplot allowed identification of three mega-environments, namely continental, oceanic, and Mediterranean. Due to the climatic diversity of the environments, no cultivar performed well in all environments. Cultivars Clipper, Castel, Target, Wizard, and Gabl-107 performed well in oceanic mega-environment, whereas cultivars Castel, HIX, and Target performed well in continental mega-environment. None of the studied cultivars were suited to Mediterranean environments, and only Irena was able to give some modest yield at Cordoba. The average tester coordinate (defined by the average of first and second principal components of all environments) allowed to evaluate cultivars for their yielding ability and stability and to evaluate environments for their discriminating ability and to be more representative of the mega-environment. Thus, Wizard and Gabl-107 were the highest yielding cultivars being relatively stable over oceanic and continental environments. In contrast, the cultivars Irena and Divine yielded poorly at all environments. The results support the specific breeding for each major geoclimatic zone based on distinct genetic bases and selection environments.© INRA and Springer-Verlag, France 2012.Financial support by the European Union EUFABA project (ref. QLK5-CT2002-02307) is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    A QTL approach in faba bean highlights the conservation of genetic control of frost tolerance among legume species

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    International audienceFrost is a major abiotic stress of winter type faba beans ( Vica faba L.) and has adverse effects on crop yield. Climate change, far from reducing the incidence of frost events, is making these phenomena more and more common, severe, and prolonged. Despite the important interaction that the environment has in the tolerance of faba bean to frost, this trait seems to have good levels of heritability. Several QTLs for frost tolerance have already been reported, however, a more robust identification is needed to more precisely identify the genomic regions involved in faba bean tolerance to sub-zero temperatures. Several pea ( Pisum sativum L.) and barrel medic ( Medicago truncatula L.) frost tolerance QTLs appear to be conserved between these two species, furthering the hypothesis that the genetic control of frost tolerance in legume species might be more generally conserved. In this work, the QTL mapping in two faba bean recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations connected by a common winter-type parent has led to the identification of five genomic regions involved in the control of frost tolerance on linkage groups I, III, IV, and V. Among them, a major and robust QTL of great interest for marker-assisted selection was identified on the lower part of the long-arm of LGI. The synteny between the faba bean frost tolerance QTLs and those previously identified in other legume species such as barrel medic, pea or soybean highlighted at least partial conservation of the genetic control of frost tolerance among different faba bean genetic pools and legume species. Four novel RILs showing high and stable levels of tolerance and the ability to recover from freezing temperatures by accumulating frost tolerance QTLs are now available for breeding programs