96 research outputs found

    Evidence for topological band inversion of the phase change material Ge2Sb2Te5

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    We present an angle-resolved photoemission study of a ternary phase change material, namely Ge2Sb2Te5, epitaxially grown on Si(111) in the metastable cubic phase. The observed upper bulk valence band shows a minimum at Gamma-bar being 0.3 eV below the Fermi level E_F and a circular Fermi contour around Gamma-bar with a dispersing diameter of 0.27-0.36 Anstroms^-1. This is in agreement with density functional theory calculations of the Petrov stacking sequence in the cubic phase which exhibits a topological surface state. The topologically trivial cubic KH stacking shows a valence band maximum at Gamma in line with all previous calculations of the hexagonal stable phase exhibiting the valence band maximum at Gamma for a trivial Z_2 topological invariant nu_0 and away from Gamma for non-trivial nu_0. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy exhibits a band gap of 0.4 eV around E_F

    Hints for a general understanding of the epitaxial rules for van der Waals epitaxy from Ge-Sb-Te alloys

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    In this study, a generalized guideline is identified to predict the interaction between two-dimensional (2D) layered materials and substrate surfaces. Additionally, the van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures commensurability, the phase formation and the strain relaxation are identified during interface growth. To achieve such a general overview, the case of Ge-Sb-Te (GST) alloys on InAs(111) is studied. In this system, low-lattice mismatch conditions are fulfilled to avoid relaxation due to formation of misfit dislocations and allow to correctly identify vdW epitaxy. At the same time, the substrate can be efficiently prepared into self- and un-passivated surfaces to clarify the role of the surface interaction. Furthermore, the GST epilayer exhibits two different highly ordered 2D structures and a three-dimensional disordered structure, allowing to directly infer the nature of the epitaxy. This study opens the way for the design and mastering of vdW epitaxial growth of 2D heterostructures as well as hybrid 2D and non-layered materials

    Interband characterization and electronic transport control of nanoscaled GeTe/Sb2_2Te3_3 superlattices

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    The extraordinary electronic and optical properties of the crystal-to-amorphous transition in phase-change materials led to important developments in memory applications. A promising outlook is offered by nanoscaling such phase-change structures. Following this research line, we study the interband optical transmission spectra of nanoscaled GeTe/Sb2_2Te3_3 chalcogenide superlattice films. We determine, for films with varying stacking sequence and growth methods, the density and scattering time of the free electrons, and the characteristics of the valence-to-conduction transition. It is found that the free electron density decreases with increasing GeTe content, for sub-layer thickness below ∼\sim3 nm. A simple band model analysis suggests that GeTe and Sb2_2Te3_3 layers mix, forming a standard GeSbTe alloy buffer layer. We show that it is possible to control the electronic transport properties of the films by properly choosing the deposition layer thickness and we derive a model for arbitrary film stacks

    Interface formation of two- and three-dimensionally bonded materials in the case of GeTe-Sb2Te3 superlattices

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    GeTe–Sb2Te3 superlattices are nanostructured phase-change materials which are under intense investigation for non-volatile memory applications. They show superior properties compared to their bulk counterparts and significant efforts exist to explain the atomistic nature of their functionality. The present work sheds new light on the interface formation between GeTe and Sb2Te3, contradicting previously proposed models in the literature. For this purpose [GeTe(1 nm)–Sb2Te3(3 nm)]15 superlattices were grown on passivated Si(111) at 230 °C using molecular beam epitaxy and they have been characterized particularly with cross-sectional HAADF scanning transmission electron microscopy. Contrary to the previously proposed models, it is found that the ground state of the film actually consists of van der Waals bonded layers (i.e. a van der Waals heterostructure) of Sb2Te3 and rhombohedral GeSbTe. Moreover, it is shown by annealing the film at 400 °C, which reconfigures the superlattice into bulk rhombohedral GeSbTe, that this van der Waals layer is thermodynamically favored. These results are explained in terms of the bonding dimensionality of GeTe and Sb2Te3 and the strong tendency of these materials to intermix. The findings debate the previously proposed switching mechanisms of superlattice phase-change materials and give new insights in their possible memory application

    Spontaneous nucleation and growth of GaN nanowires: Fundamental role of crystal polarity

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    We experimentally investigate whether crystal polarity affects the growth of GaN nanowires in plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy and whether their formation has to be induced by defects. For this purpose, we prepare smooth and coherently strained AlN layers on 6H-SiC(0001) and SiC(0001ˉ\bar{1}) substrates to ensure a well-defined polarity and an absence of structural and morphological defects. On N-polar AlN, a homogeneous and dense N-polar GaN nanowire array forms, evidencing that GaN nanowires form spontaneously in the absence of defects. On Al-polar AlN, we do not observe the formation of Ga-polar GaN NWs. Instead, sparse N-polar GaN nanowires grow embedded in a Ga-polar GaN layer. These N-polar GaN nanowires are shown to be accidental in that the necessary polarity inversion is induced by the formation of Six_{x}N. The present findings thus demonstrate that spontaneously formed GaN nanowires are irrevocably N-polar. Due to the strong impact of the polarity on the properties of GaN-based devices, these results are not only essential to understand the spontaneous formation of GaN nanowires but also of high technological relevance
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