55 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Aflatoxin M1 Enrichment Factor in Semihard Cow's Milk Cheese and Correlation with Cheese Yield.

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    ABSTRACT The fate of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in cow's milk cheese produced from naturally contaminated raw milk was evaluated. Cow's milk, naturally contaminated by AFM1 at levels ranging from 0.020 to..

    Influence of Maternal and Postweaning Linseed Dietary Supplementation on Growth Rate, Lipid Profile, and Meat Quality Traits of Light Sarda Lambs

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    The effects of dietary extruded linseed (EL) on growth performance, meat quality, and lipid profile of Semimembranosus and Longissimus lumborum muscles of 81 Sarda lambs were studied in a 3 × 3 design: EL content (0%, 10%, and 20%) of maternal dietary concentrate fed from 20 d to parturition to 60 d of lactation and EL content (0%, 10%, 20%) of lamb concentrate fed after weaning for 30 d. The basal diet was composed of alfalfa and meadow hay during pregnancy and alfalfa hay during lactation. At slaughter, carcass and meat quality were evaluated. Sensory quality of Semimembranosus from 0% and 20% EL lambs was assessed. Both maternal and postweaning diets affected growth performance, with higher body weights recorded with the 10% EL concentrate. Carcass and meat quality were not affected by diet. Saturated and monounsaturated FA decreased and n-3 polyunsaturated FA increased with increasing EL content in lamb diet. An increase in vaccenic and rumenic acid was associated with the EL content of the maternal diet. Both diets increased the n-6/n-3 FA ratio. No differences in acceptability were detected by consumers among groups. It is concluded that EL supplementation and early life nutrition can influence performance and FA metabolism in growing lambs

    Rearing Romagnola geese in vineyard: pasture and antioxidant intake, performance, carcass and meat quality

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    This study aimed to assess the effect of rearing system (intensive vs. free-range under vineyard) on the qualitative characteristics of goose meat. In particular, the integration of a goose raising system with an organic grape production was evaluated. Six hundred Romagnola geese of both sexes were divided into two groups at 21 d of age: Vineyard group (V) – 480 geese (120 geese/ha) pasturing in 4 ha of vineyard, and Control Group (C) – 120 geese of the same genotype in the experimental farm of Perugia, without any access to the pasture. Live weight, feed consumption and other performance were registered weekly on 30 selected and marked animals/group. At 160 days of age, 15 geese/group were slaughtered and characteristics of carcase, breast and drumstick (physical, chemical, oxidative status, fatty acids profile) were evaluated. The chemical analysis of diet and pasture and the ingestion of crude protein, digestible energy and bioactive compounds were also estimated. Vineyard geese, showed lower productive performance than the C ones (live and carcase weight), however, due to pasture availability, the intake of bioactive compounds (vitamin E, retinol, n-3 long-chain fatty acids) was higher and positively affected the antioxidant content of breast and drumstick. The higher kinetic activity of V geese reduced the fat amount of carcase and meat, whereas increased the development of drumstick muscle (higher meat/bone ratio) and worsened the oxidative status of meat. Concluding, the free-range vineyard geese resulted in a positive payoff on the geese meat quality viewpoint.Highlights Pasture enhance the amount of VIT E in goose muscle. Pasture reduce the amount of lipid in goose carcass and meat. Pasture enhance the amount of n-3 PUFA in goose meat

    Absence of Viable Toxoplasma gondii in Artisanal Raw-Milk Ewe Cheese Derived from Naturally Infected Animals

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    The presence of viable Toxoplasma gondii was investigated in artisanal cheeses made from milk of naturally infected ewes. Ewe milk was analyzed beforehand for the presence and vitality of T. gondii by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), respectively. Cheeses were prepared from raw milk following a traditional cheesemaking process. The cheese obtained from T. gondii-positive milk was analyzed by LAMP to detect Toxoplasma DNA-positive samples. RT-PCR was then carried out to assess the viability of the parasites in T. gondii-positive milk samples and fresh cheese, after 5 and 15 days of ripening. Physical-chemical parameters of cheeses were also investigated. All cheese samples derived from T. gondii-positive milk were positive according to LAMP, at both 5 and 15 days of ripening, while none of the samples were positive according to RT-PCR. Thus, while the presence of the parasite was demonstrated by the detection of specific DNA, the absence of detectable T. gondii RNA supports the hypothesis that changes in the chemical and physical characteristics occurring during the cheesemaking process and ripening period, could be sufficient to inactivate viable T. gondii in milk, minimizing the risk of human infection through consumption of raw sheep milk cheese

    An in vitro system for the comparison of excision and wet-dry swabbing for microbiological sampling of beef carcasses.

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    An in vitro system for the comparison of wet-dry swabbing and surface tissue excision was developed to ascertain whether the commonly accepted statement of the advantage (in terms of bacterial recovery) of the tissue excision method is also legitimate when different kinds of bacteria are used. A total of 1,770 sections (2.5 by 10 cm) of bovine skin were individually inoculated on the subcutaneous fat side by spreading various suspensions of marker organisms (nalidixic acid-resistant Escherichia coli, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) at different concentrations and sampled by two standard methods: cotton wet-dry swabbing and excision. Most counts from cuts sampled by excision were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than the wet-dry swabs; however, no differences were observed between the control and the sampling method when sections were inoculated with bacterial solutions at a concentration of 10(3) CFU/ml and sampled by excision. For sections inoculated with bacterial solutions at a concentration of 10(3) CFU/ml, counts given as log CFU/25 cm2 ranged from 1.97 (S. aureus sampled by wet-dry swab) to 3.06 (S. aureus sampled by excision). For sections inoculated at a concentration of 10(4), counts given as log CFU/25 cm(2) ranged from 2.15 (E. faecalis sampled by wet-dry swab) to 3.19 (S. aureus sampled by excision). For sections inoculated at 10(5), counts given as log CFU/25 cm(2) ranged from 2.94 (E. faecalis, wet-dry swab) to 3.98 (S. aureus, excision), and for sections inoculated at 106, counts given as log CFU/25 cm(2) ranged from 3.53 (E. coli, wet-dry swab) to 4.69 (S. aureus, excision). The proposed system, which enabled a considerable amount of samples to be analyzed under controlled experimental conditions and a large number of data to be generated in a short time, demonstrated among the tested microorganisms that whereas the excision method recovered the highest number of bacteria, control means were always (with the exception of an inoculum of 10(3)/ml) significantly higher than means from either of the sampling methods. Our results indicate that particular attention should be paid to the diverse microflora that can contaminate carcasses in a given slaughterhouse and that it is not appropriate to generalize by saying that the destructive method is the reference technique for the bacteriological sampling of carcasses in slaughterhouses, especially when the contamination is higher than 10(3) CFU/25 cm(2)

    Microbial, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of salami produced from Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)

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    The wild boar (Sus scrofa) population in central Italy has strongly increased in the last decades. The meat of the game is characterized by high-quality value and the manufacture of food products from game meat could represent a remarkable added value for the local market promoting local gastronomic specialties and traditions. Adult animals were hunted with the waiting method and the carcasses were processed into the game processing center. Five batches of salami were produced with different amounts of wild boar meat and pork meat. The microbiological, physicochemical, rheological, and sensory evaluations were performed. The microbiological analyses indicated that the salami is safe to consume as Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. were undetectable in the end products. The Enterobacteriaceae count was below 3 log CFU.g-1 attesting to the adequacy of hygienic characteristics of the process. The chemical composition analyses showed lower lipid content in comparison to pork salami, while the rheological characteristics were equivalent among products. The sensory evaluation highlighted that the consumers' appreciation of wild boar salami is comparable to that of traditional pork salami

    quality traits of ciauscolo salami from meat of pigs fed rosemary extract enriched diet

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    The microbiological, chemical-physical and organoleptic characteristics of four batches of Ciauscolo salami, two made from meat of pigs fed diet integrated with 0.2% of rosemary extract (RS) and two controls (CSs), were considered. Three samples for each batch were in double analyzed for total bacterial count at 30°C, enumeration of lactococci, lactobacilli, staphylococcus coagulase positive, enterococci, Enterobacteriaceae, and isolation of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes, after filling and at 7 and 20 days of ripening. On the same samples, measurement of pH (pHmeter MP120; Mettler-Toledo Spa, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland), activity water (aw) (Hygroscope BT-RS1 Rotronic; PBI International, Milan, Italy) and CIE L*a*b* colour (Chromameter Minolta C400; Minolta Ltd., Osaka, Japan) were performed. Proximal composition, NaCl content (AOAC, 1990) thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARs) and panel test (ISO 8586-1:1993 and ISO 8586) were performed only on samples obtained at the end of the ripening time. No difference in proximal composition, pH, aw values and microbial counts between CS and RS samples were observed along the whole production period. Colour analyses reveal higher a* values in RS (10.79 vs 9.68, P<0.05). Higher TBARs mean value was recorded in CS at the end of ripening (1.12 vs 0.91 mg MDA/100g, P<0.01). Even if no statistical differences were recorded in all the parameters considered in sensory evaluation, the overall acceptance of RS samples tended to be higher than CS

    Genetic Profiles and Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Salmonella Infantis Strains Isolated in Italy in the Food Chain of Broiler Meat Production

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    This work aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility of 87 Salmonella Infantis strains isolated in Italy from 2016 to 2019 along the food chain of broiler meat production and in humans and to determine the genetic profiles of the strains in order to establish a possible correlation with the antimicrobial pattern. All isolates were tested by the disk diffusion method to evaluate antimicrobial susceptibility toward sixteen antimicrobials, and the broth microdilution method was used to confirm extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) production. PCR and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were applied to characterize ESBL-encoding and AmpC β-lactamase genes and to analyze the S. Infantis strains genetic profiles respectively. S. Infantis isolates showed high prevalence of resistance, in particular toward nalidixic acid (97.7%), tetracycline (96.5%), sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (91%) and cefepime (72.4%). The 80.5% of isolates were ESBL, cefotaxime-resistant, carrying the blaCTX-M1 gene. The most prevalent PFGE profile was XbaI.0126 (35.6%). The remaining strains had a genetic homology from 81% to 97% with the XbaI.0126 profile. The strains belonging to these profiles were isolated from different matrices collected along the broiler food chain independently on the year and from the region and there was no correlation between the PFGE profiles and resistance patterns. We found two ESBL-producing S. Infantis strains with the same XbaI.2621 profile isolated from humans and from poultry feces, not yet reported in Italy. Our findings confirmed the diffusion of ESBL-multi drug resistant (MDR) S. Infantis along the broiler food chain and in humans and underlined the importance of continuous monitoring to control and to reduce the prevalence of this bacterium, applying a global One Health approach. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerlan

    Contribution of vegetables and cured meat to dietary nitrate and nitrite intake in Italian population: Safe level for cured meat and controversial role of vegetables

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    Nitrate and nitrite content was determined on a total of 900 samples of vegetables and cured meat and the nitrite and nitrate exposure assessment was evaluated for central Italy population based on the food consumption data reported by the national dietary surveys. The highest average content of nitrate was detected in rocket salad (4415 mg/kg) and radish (3817 mg/kg) and for cured meat in “Bresaola” (188 mg/kg) and in Bacon (178 mg/kg). The nitrite content was negligible both in vegetables than in cured meat. The average consumption among population resulted 3.45 g/kg bw/die and 0.62 g/kg bw/die for vegetables and cured meat respectively. The obtained data confirm that nitrate ADI was higher than the limits of 3.7 mg/kg bw/die for infants and was the highest exposure level for people of all ages. Cured meat consumption did not contribute to nitrate ADI exceedance neither as a mean nor as 99th percentile of exposure
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