193 research outputs found

    Desarrollo del pensamiento proporcional en el grado séptimo, una propuesta transversal

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    En el marco de la Maestría en Docencia de la Matemática de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional cohorte 2016-01, se adelanta un trabajo de grado tipo innovación curricular; este estudio es del tipo acción–participación, de corte cualitativo; se adelanta en una Institución Educativa Distrital (IED) del sector oficial, el colegio se ubica en la zona octava de Bogotá; en este colegio se analiza el pensamiento de los estudiantes de un grado séptimo de la educación básica entorno a su comprensión de la razón y la proporción matemática. Para lo anterior, específicamente se indaga sobre el pensamiento proporcional de los niños, puesto a prueba al desarrollar una serie de actividades o tareas, diseñadas sobre contextos variados, ejercitando las diferentes competencias específicas del área, mostrando la proporcionalidad como un saber conectado y como preámbulo del futuro trabajo algebraico en años posteriores

    Gender differences and age-related changes in performance at the duathlon world champions

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    Analyze the differences in performance between genders, and changes in performance in age group category at Short distance during the ITU Duathlon World Championships held between 2005 and 2016.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Effects of a strength and stretching program, combined or Iisolated, on active flexibility in physical education setting.

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    Purpose. To examine the effects of a two-session-per-week strength and stretching program on sit and reach score among high-school students in the physical education setting. Methods. A sample of 46 high-school students (16 girls and 30 boys) aged 12-14 years from four classes were clustered and randomly assigned to a strength group (n=8), a stretching group (n=12), a strength + stretching group (n=16) or a control group (n=10). During physical education classes, the experimental students performed a 1-minute stretching, a 1-minute strength or a 2-minutes strength + stretching program twice a week a total of 20 weeks. Control students performed the same physical education classes, but they did not follow any strength and/or stretching program. Active flexibility (estimated by the classic sit-and-reach test) was assessed at the beginning and at the end of the intervention program. Results. The Wilcoxon test results showed that students that performed a combined strength and stretching program increased statistically significantly their active flexibility levels from pre-intervention to post-intervention (∆ = 1.8 ± 3.2 cm; p 0.05). Conclusiones. Since in physical education many curricular contents need to be developed each academic year and the subject is also restricted by its limited curriculum time allocation, teachers could improve students’ flexibility combining stretching and strength workout. Therefore, in addition to the improvement of students’ flexibility levels, this intervention program might permit regular development of other physical education curricular contents.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Differences according to modalities, distances and genders of how the triathletes carry their bicycles for the boxes during the first transition in the Spanish Championships

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    Introduction The purpose was to compare the proportion in the use (by elite or pro category) of the 4 types of hold-riding the bicycle during the transition between triathletes’ sex (men and women), distance or modality (Olympic, sprint, long and cross) at the Triathlon Spanish Championships. Method The sample was composed by 648 Spanish triathletes, participants of eight elite Spanish championship triathlon during 2016. Results Most of triathletes hold-ride the bike by the seat only while driving it (76.2%), followed by the handlebar (14.9%), seat-handlebar (7.1%) and stem styles (1.9%). The same tendency was showed within sex, category and race subcategories, except for Olympic (seat style was used for the 95% of triathletes), sprint (seat and handlebar styles were similar), and long (seat-handlebar and stem styles were equal). The results showed that there were statistically significantly differences in the proportion of triathletes that used each hold-riding of the bicycle between sex, race, and sex-race subcategories (p 0.05; Cramer´s V = 0.000-0.244). Discussion The difference between men and women is that men have twice the grip on the handlebars. The videos show that this may be because the groups of men in the boxes are greater than those of the women, and this sometimes forces them, to take the bike by the handlebar to control it better and avoid incidents. While in the Olympic, sprint and long-distance elite triathletes mostly used the seat style, and in the cross race the handlebar style.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Comparison of the effect of a Physical Education-Based Stretching Program applied during the Warm-Up, ColdDown and both periods on hamstring extensibility in Primary Schoolchildren.

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    Purpose. To compare the effects of a physical education-based stretching program applied during the warm-up, cold-down and both periods on hamstring extensibility in primary schoolchildren. Methods. A sample of 237 schoolchildren aged 7-12 years old (128 girls and 109 boys) from two primary school centres participated in the present study and met satisfactorily the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A cluster randomized controlled trial design was used. The classes balanced by grade were randomly assigned to the warm-up (n = 57), cold-down (n = 55), both periods (n = 61) or control groups (n = 64). During the physical education sessions, the students from the interventional groups performed a four-minute stretching program twice a week for eight weeks. The intervention program was applied during the warm-up (4 minutes), cold-down (4 minutes) and warm-up (2 minutes)-cold-down (2 minutes) for the warm-up, cold-down and both periods groups, respectively. Hamstring extensibility (estimated by the back-saver sit-and-reach test) was assessed at the beginning and at the end of the intervention program. Results. The one-way ANOVA (p 0.05). Conclusions. In order to develop students’ flexibility, PE teachers should apply stretching programs during the cold-down period. Due to the negative effect of static stretching on performance as previously found in the literature, it seems that PE teachers should improve students´ flexibility during the cool-down period of the sessions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Inclusión de televisión, radio y contenidos multimedia en las aplicaciones móviles oficiales de los clubes de fútbol

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    La radio, la televisión, y los contenidos multimedia, son empleados por los clubes de fútbol de élite, como medios esenciales a la hora de dirigirse a sus seguidores y simpatizantes, siendo una parte fundamental de la comunicación y abriendo nuevas posibilidades, a través de las posibilidades que ofrecen las aplicaciones móviles oficiales de estas entidades, que son también un medio que ayuda a cumplir con los objetivos de los mismos, más allá de la web 2.0 y las cuentas oficiales en redes sociales que gestionan los profesionales de los departamentos de comunicación de los clubes. Los medios analizados, funcionan para que estas entidades mantengan el seguimiento mediático y la repercusión en sus diferentes públicos. La metodología del estudio, se ha basado en el método hipotético-deductivo, utilizando fundamentalmente la técnica del análisis de contenido, y clasificando la utilización o no, de la televisión online, la radio online, o los contenidos multimedia, como secciones de la aplicación móvil oficial de los clubes de fútbol seleccionados en la muestra de la investigación. Los resultados muestran grandes diferencias en la utilización de estos novedosos contenidos por parte de estas entidades del mundo del deporte. El estudio puede resultar de gran interés para el desarrollo y la gestión estratégica de la comunicación móvil en las organizaciones del mundo del fútbol

    Catalyst Pore Space Exploration using Fluorescence and X-Ray Microscopy Techniques

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    Mass transport is a crucial aspect in heterogeneous catalysis as it can influence activity, selectivity, and the overall lifespan of a catalyst material. Therefore, rational pore space design has immense potential for improving catalytic performance. To investigate how synthesis parameters affect catalyst materials' pore networks, high-resolution and high-throughput porosity characterization techniques are required. However, current techniques face challenges: bulk analytical measurements ignore heterogeneity within and between catalyst particles, and high-resolution techniques are complex, expensive, and offer poor statistical representation. In this PhD thesis, new analytical methods to study the pore space of heterogeneous catalysts using X-ray and fluorescence microscopy were explored. In Chapter 2, transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) was used to study the macroporosity of MIL-47(V) metal-organic framework (MOF) crystals, revealing macropore defects up to the micron scale. These defects were confirmed by focused ion beam (FIB) cutting and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), showing localized and poorly connected macropore networks. In Chapter 3, a cost-effective method to characterize individual porous particles was developed using conventional fluorescence microscopy and a PDMS-made microfluidic device. Here, the uptake of fluorophores into the solid particles over time was used to characterize them, showing significant heterogeneities among seemingly homogeneous particles. Electrostatic interactions, modulated by pH and ionic strength, significantly influenced mass transfer. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 explore the possibility of using single-molecule (particle) localization microscopy (SMLM) and single particle tracking (SPT) to explore and map porous catalyst materials with sub-diffraction limit resolution. In Chapter 4, we introduce a two-dimensional (2D) silica model pore system made with lithography and wet etching. We investigated the diffusion and trapping (immobilization) behavior of quantum dots (QDs) as local probes in confinement. The duration and frequency of trap events could be suppressed via the pH. Further, we demonstrated the use of QDs under nearly non-trapping conditions for pore-space mapping of a real-life polymerization catalyst support particle, with sub-diffraction-limit resolution. In Chapter 5, we investigate whether we can probe pore sizes in three dimensions based on local diffusion coefficients measured with SPT. Therefore, we varied the 2D model pore depth and studied the motion behavior of individual quantum dots under non-trapping conditions. Surprisingly, the trajectories displayed virtually the same diffusion coefficients for all studied pore depths. This contradicted hydrodynamic drag simulations, where the diffusion coefficient was predicted to vary notably with the 2D pore depth. In Chapter 6, we investigated the use of smaller carbon dot probes for pore space exploration. Their small size (~2 nm) allowed us to track them within porous silica particles that were inaccessible to the probes used in Chapters 4 and 5, showing their potential to map mesoporous materials. Furthermore, different trapping event durations were observed on unconfined surfaces with different chemical compositions. Potentially, this parameter could be used to map chemically heterogeneous surfaces. Finally, confocal laser scanning microscopy imaging of stained mesoporous silica particles suggested that the trapping behavior could also be tuned via the pH of the system

    Cumplimiento del protocolo de cetoacidosis diabética nacional en pacientes adultos atendidos en el Hospital Dr. Fernando Vélez Paiz Enero a Diciembre 2018

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    La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM tipo 2), para Nicaragua representa un problema de salud pública, al igual que en muchos países de Latinoamérica; es una de las enfermedades que más incide en la población en general, afectando a personas de cualquier sexo, edad, etnia, religión, condición socio-económica, zona, región o país, debido a su creciente incremento en la prevalencia, se estima que para el año 2030 habrá 32.9 millones de diabéticos. (Mendieta Alonso, 2011). En 2016 murieron en Nicaragua 2,049 personas por diabetes mellitus que se ha convertido en la tercera causa de defunción en el país. De acuerdo con el Mapa de Padecimientos publicado por el Ministerio de Salud (MINSA), la diabetes es la segunda enfermedad crónica que afecta a la población nicaragüense, es así que el año pasado 84,183 personas fueron atendidas por el MINSA, a causa de este mal, que únicamente es superado por la hipertensión arterial. (Munguía Argeñal, 2017

    Evaluación de tratamientos fisioterapéuticos en futbolistas con lesiones de tobillo y rodilla de UNAN-Managua, 2017

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    La evaluación de cuatro tratamientos fisioterapéuticos en futbolistas con lesiones de tobillo y rodilla de UNAN-Managua en 2017, se realizó en un estudio descriptivo, correlacional y analítico. Se analizaron datos sobre características sociodemográficas y clínicas, grado de dolor, inflamación de segmentos e índice de masa corporal. Los análisis estadísticos efectuados fueron: descriptivos, Correlación de Pearson, Análisis de Varianza Factorial, mediante la Modelación Estadística Avanzada, aplicando Modelos Mixtos para examinar el efecto de dos factores fijos y su posible interacción y el test de Fisher (LSD). Del análisis y discusión de resultados obtenidos se alcanzaron las siguientes conclusiones: los deportistas fueron de procedencia urbana, con edades entre 17 y 20 años, secundaria y universidad incompleta en su mayoría. Prevalecieron lesiones de tipo ligamentosa. Los grados de dolor fueron según escala de BASS entre 0 a 7; en la evaluacion pre-tratamiento y en la evalución postratamiento, los dolores disminuyeron en categorías de 0 a 4; por tanto, los dolores fueron de tipo intermitente. Se determinó en el análisis por segmento y localización que en la rodilla derecha el dolor se manifestó en la cara anterior; el dolor en la rodilla izquierda se manifestóo en la cara anterior y posterior. En cuanto a los tobillos, el dolor se presentó en ambos lados de la cara anterior. La correlación de Pearson entre los segmentos derecho e izquierdo del cuerpo, aportó evidencias de correlación significativa (p= 0.001). Se demostró que no existen diferencias significativas en los Tratamientos fisioterapéuticos, Género de los deportistas, así como su interacción (p valor= 0.5026; 0.3278 y 0.7697. El mejor modelo evaluado fue el Análisis de Variancia en DCA, Bifactorial con efecto de Interacción, sin los efectos aleatorios de Deportista y Equipo, obteniéndose los menores valores de AIC y BIC