875 research outputs found

    Peripheral and central auditory findings in individuals with Williams syndrome

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    Introduction: Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare neurodevelopment genetic condition. The syndrome may present manifestations associated with the central nervous system, hearing, and language. It is possible, as well, to observe an alteration in the central auditory system, which can be diagnosed through long-latency auditory evoked potential (LLAEP). Objective: The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the results obtained by peripheral and central auditory evaluation on individuals with WS, verifying if there is a relationship between audiological findings and gender, age and ear side. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in which 14 individuals with WS were evaluated. The exams performed consisted of pure tone audiometry, vocal audiometry, acoustic immittance measures, LLAEP, and cognitive potential. Results: The sample was composed of patients from 4 to 18 years old, with a mean age of 11.6 years old (±5.3), being 9 males (64.3%) and 5 females (35.7%). We mainly verified mild to moderate degree (40-44%) of sensorineural auditory loss (35.7-42.9%), type A tympanometric curve (57.1-64.3%), and absent acoustic reflexes (57.1%). As for central auditory evaluation, the subjects showed latency delay in all of the LLAEP components. Moreover, it was evidenced a statistically significant difference when comparing ears for amplitude on cognitive potential evaluation (p = 0.032), observing higher values at the left ear. It was also observed an inverse association between age and P1 wave latency both on the right (p = 0.006) and on the left ear (p = 0.022), and this result can be related to the nervous system maturational process of the WS individuals. Conclusion: There are few studies investigating the central auditory pathway on WS in literature. The present study contributes to the extension of the knowledge about the central involvement of the auditory phenotype in the syndrome. However, considering the sample size, more studies are suggested to confirm these findings

    Hearing characterization in oculoauriculovertebral spectrum : a prospective study with 10 patients

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    Oculoauriculovertebral spectrum (OAVS), also known as Goldenhar syndrome, is considered a condition associated to failing of embryogenesis involving the first and second branchial arches, leading to structural abnormalities arising from it. The aim of this study is to verify the hearing features presented by patients with OAVS and provide additional information that may contribute to improvement of speech therapy. The sample consisted of 10 individuals diagnosed with OAVS and cared for by the Clinical Genetics Service. All patients underwent objective assessment of auditory function through tonal and vocal audiometry. This evaluation was completed using TOAE and BERA. The patient’s age ranged from 1 year and 9 months to 27 years and 4 months. At physical examination it was found that 10 had microtia, 7 preauricular tags, 6 low-set ears, 6 ear canal atresia, and 2 preauricular pits. Among the patients, five presented with abnormal hearing. Three patients had conductive hearing loss ranging from mild to moderate, and two patients had sensorineural hearing loss from mild to profound. Three patients had hearing loss in both ears. Speech-language disorders are common in children with OAVS. Thus, the referral to the audiologist and speech pathologist is indicated as soon as possible. Early recognition and detailed understanding of aspects related to the etiology, clinical features, and outcome of patients with OAVS are essential for their proper management

    Pricing models for rent and sale of residential properties in the city of João Monlevade-MG via multivariate linear regression.

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    Os consumidores de bens e serviços de um determinado mercado são atraídos por um conjunto de atributos de valor que direta ou indiretamente os qualificam em relação aos seus concorrentes. Por outro lado, embora o “preço” seja apenas um dentre os vários atributos, ele muitas vezes é interpretado como uma variável resposta que reúne os demais, justamente pelo seu grau de relevância quanto à restrição orçamentária dos consumidores. Esse artigo objetiva entender o grau de influência e correlação de um conjunto de variáveis explicativas nos preços de imóveis residenciais ofertados para locação e venda na cidade de João Monlevade-MG, via modelos de regressão linear multivariada. A metodologia proposta se baseia em informações reais referentes aos preços ofertados na cidade e suas características estruturais e locacionais, a citar: quantidade de quartos e vagas na garagem; quantitativo de ocorrências policiais; proximidade com o centro comercial, postos de saúde e escolas estaduais mais próximas. Como resultado, foi possível obter um conjunto de equações matemática capazes de explicar o preço em função das variáveis preditoras, bem como entender a relação entre estas variáveis.Consumers of goods and services in a particular market are attracted by a set of value attributes that directly or indirectly qualify them in relation to their competitors. On the other hand, although the “price” is only one among the various attributes, it is often interpreted as a response variable that gathers the others, precisely because of their relevance level to the consumers budget constraint. This paper proposes to evaluate the level of influence and correlation of a set of explanatory variables in the prices of residential properties offered for rent and sale in the city of João Monlevade-MG, using multivariate linear regression models. The methodology is based on real information regarding the prices offered in the city and its structural and locational characteristics, to quote: number of rooms and parking spaces; number of police occurrences; proximity to the center, health centers and schools more nearby. As a result, it was possible to obtain a set of mathematical equations able to explain the price according to the predictor variables, as well as to understand the relation betweenthese variables


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    O estado de Santa Catarina é destaque na produção agropecuária, desse modo, o consumo degrãos para produção de rações é muito grande. Contudo, o estado tem capacidade de realizarapenas uma safra anual devido a fatores climáticos o que acaba gerando uma produção abaixodo consumo. Na região do Alto Vale do Itajaí a maioria das propriedades são de pequenoporte, 10 à 30 hectares e, em sua maioria trabalham com agricultura convencional. Essaspropriedades utilizam arado, grade, subsolador praticamente todos os anos, o que acabacausando altas taxas de erosão, uma maior suscetibilidade a compactação do solo e tambémperdas de matéria orgânica. Na busca por sistemas agrícolas sustentáveis, práticasconvencionais de manejo que degradam os atributos edáficos têm sido questionadas. Portanto,faz-se necessário adotar sistemas de manejo do solo com bases conservacionistas que utilizamcobertura permanente do solo, e a sucessão ou rotação de culturas podem manter e, ou,melhorar esses atributos. Nesse sentido, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência domanejo do solo sob os atributos físicos e químicos do solo e na produtividade da soja. Aimplantação da área experimental foi feita no município de Agrolândia-SC, com ostratamentos de plantas de cobertura 1: Testemunha (manejo de solo realizado pelo próprioprodutor, arado, grade, subsolador), Tratamento 2: Pousio de inverno, Tratamento 3:Cobertura de trigo, Tratamento 4: Cobertura de centeio + ervilhaca e o Tratamento 5:Cobertura de aveia preta + nabo forrageiro. No verão, as plantas de cobertura foramdessecadas e realizada a semeadura da cultura de verão – soja. Foram analisados valores derendimento de grãos para soja, estes não tiveram diferença significativa após o primeiro anode implantação do sistema, além disso foi avaliada a produção de massa seca da cobertura deinverno, onde o pousio teve o menor aporte de massa seca. Os demais tratamentos nãoapresentaram diferença entre si. Além dos fatores já descritos foram coletadas amostrasquímicas e físicas de solo para a realização de um comparativo a longo prazo para pontoscomo resistência mecânica a penetração, porosidade do solo e fatores químicos

    Molecular Aspects of Dendritic Cell Activation in Leishmaniasis: An Immunobiological View

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are a diverse group of leukocytes responsible for bridging innate and adaptive immunity. Despite their functional versatility, DCs exist primarily in two basic functional states: immature and mature. A large body of evidence suggests that upon interactions with pathogens, DCs undergo intricate cellular processes that culminate in their activation, which is paramount to the orchestration of effective immune responses against Leishmania parasites. Herein we offer a concise review of the emerging hallmarks of DCs activation in leishmaniasis as well as a comprehensive discussion of the following underlying molecular events: DC-Leishmania interaction, antigen uptake, costimulatory molecule expression, parasite ability to affect DC migration, antigen presentation, metabolic reprogramming, and epigenetic alterations

    Promoting Interpersonal Relationships through Elbow Tag, a Traditional Sporting Game. A Multidimensional Approach

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    The aim of this research was to study from a multidimensional point of view (decisional, relational and energetic) the interpersonal relationships established by girls and boys in the traditional sport game of Elbow Tag. Scientific evidence has shown that Traditional Sport Games (TSG) trigger different effects on male and female genders in relation to emotional experiences, decision-making, conflicts and motor relationships. Despite the fact that these dimensions are intertwined, there are hardly any studies that interpret motor behaviors holistically, i.e., taking a multidimensional (360◦ ) view of these dimensions. For this study, a quasi-experimental design was used and a type III design was applied, inspired by the observational methodology N/P/M. A total of 147 university students participated (M = 19.6, SD = 2.3): 47 girls (31.97%) and 100 boys (68.02%). A mixed ‘ad hoc’ registration system was designed with acceptable margins of data quality. Cross-tabulations, classification trees and T-patterns analysis were applied. The results indicated that social interactions between girls and boys in a mixed group were unequal. This difference was mainly due to decisionmaking (sub-role variable), which has much greater predictive power than the energetic variables (MV and steps).This research was funded by the Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC), Universitat de Lleida (UdL), through the 2016 PINEF 00016 project