9 research outputs found
Definição de uma metodologia para modelagem de agentes inteligentes difusos a partir da técnica de mapas mentais : um estudo de caso baseado na percepção e comportamento de usuários da praia Brava, SC – Brasil
Copyright © 2005 OLAMA partir da premissa de que os conhecimentos da percepção e do comportamento humanos são importantes para o entendimento de seus valores, e que estes podem influenciar no uso e ocupação do espaço, este artigo considera crucial ao processo de gestão ambiental a compreensão destes elementos. A pesquisa apresentada é de caráter exploratório, qualitativo e associa a investigação em cognição ambiental com inteligência artificial através do empreendimento da técnica de mapa mental para caracterização do perfil de grupos de usuários da praia Brava, Itajaí – SC, Brasil, a partir da percepção e comportamento de cada indivíduo frente a atributos espaciais do meio. Os perfis obtidos por este tipo de metodologia são testados num modelo de simulação baseada em agentes inteligentes difusos, uma técnica de inteligência artificial bastante recente. O uso da ferramenta de simulação para a gestão ambiental em áreas costeiras, em particular em praias, é uma importante forma de entender o impacto humano através da previsão de situações e medidas que visam o gerenciamento mais adequado do lugar.ABSTRACT: Understand people’s values and spatial behavior is important toward a successful environmental planning and management. This paper merge environmental perception and spatial behavior with simulation through the employment of a new simulation paradigm called intelligent fuzzy agent-based model. In this research, sketch maps and questionnaires were apply to study coastal zones user group’s perceptions and spatial behavior in order to provide information for modelling reasons. It was selected as study case the Praia Brava, Itajaí – SC, Brazil due to its diverse environment. As conclusion was proven that the methodology is an excellent method to categorize user’s perception and spatial behavior for computational codification
Littoral sensitivity index (LSI) to oil spills along the Santa Catarina island and adjacent areas
This paper describes the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) for oil-spill accidents for the Santa Catarina Island and surrounded areas. The shoreline classification was obtained according to the Guidelines for ESI elaboration, established by the Environmental Quality Secretariat of the Environmental Ministry (SQA/MMA, 2002). Field works and literature review were conduced in order to fulfill all the required information for the classification. All information was processed by a geographic information software system, Arc Map 8.3. The study area was divided into 291 segments, resulting in 447,5 km of shoreline classification. Index 10 is the most frequent in the study area, representing about 36% (mangroves, salt marshes and vegetated river-margins). The index 7 was not determined in the study area. The resulting ESI maps are articulated in 7 Operational Maps at 1:50.000 scales
Determination of the littoral sensitivity index (LSI) to oil spills along the south-southeast of Santa Catarina state
The Littoral Sensitivity Index (LSI) is based on geomorphologic characteristics as the exhibition degree to the energy of the waves and tides, the steepness of the coast and the substratum type, fundamental for the determination of the impact degree and permanence of the spilled oil. Each LSI represents the sensibility of a space of the coast, and it varies of the least sensitive (1) to the most sensitive (10). The sensibility maps consist of contingency plans in case of oil spill, and could impede or reduce the caused impacts to the coastal zone. The present work had for general objective to determine the LSI to the spill of oil for southeast and south area of the State of Santa Catarina in order to integrate the project SAO Letters. For obtaining the necessary characteristics, data originated from the project SAO Letters and “field survey” was used. Later they were organized in GIS, to be classified in agreement with the proposed methodology. The computational tool used was the software ArcMap version 8.3. The resulting LSI maps are articulated in 15 Operational Maps at 1:50.000 scales. In the study area 87 segments were identified, totalizing 819,82 Km of extension. The applied methodology showed to be efficient for visualization and determination of the characteristics that distinguish different LSI
Fibrose pulmonar idiopática: características clínicas e sobrevida em 132 pacientes com comprovação histológica Pulmonary idiopathic fibrosis: clinical findings and survival in 132 histologically-proven patients
Com o objetivo de avaliar as características clínicas e sobrevida de pacientes portadores de fibrose pulmonar idiopática, foram analisados 132 casos com confirmação histológica, internados no Pavilhão Pereira Filho entre 1970 e 1996. O diagnóstico foi realizado em 120 casos por biópsia a céu aberto e em 12 casos por biópsia transbrônquica. A idade média do grupo estudado foi de 56 anos; 78 eram do sexo masculino; 126 eram brancos e 6, negros. O tabagismo estava presente em 61 casos. A duração média dos sintomas antes do diagnóstico foi de 22,7 meses. O hipocratismo digital esteve presente em 75 pacientes e estertores teleinspiratórios foram verificados em 100 casos. Dispnéia só não foi constatada em dois pacientes e tosse esteve presente em 89 casos. As provas de função pulmonar apresentaram os seguintes valores médios: CVF, 62%; VEF1, 70%; DCO, 43,4%; CPT, 76,7%; PaO2, 67,3mmHg; PaCO2, 39,1mmHg e SaO2, 92,3%. O lavado broncoalveolar apresentou os seguintes valores médios: macrófagos, 83,8%; neutrófilos, 9,1%; linfócitos; 6,1% e eosinófilos, 0,6%. Na radiologia convencional de tórax, foi observado faveolamento em 79 casos, redução da capacidade pulmonar total em 107 e alargamento da traquéia intratorácica em 50. Na TC de tórax, o grau médio de profusão do padrão reticular foi de 42,3% e do padrão de granularidade, de 43,6%. O padrão histológico usual esteve presente em 128 casos, sendo apenas quatro pacientes portadores de padrão descamativo. Em 121 casos foram obtidas informações quanto à sobrevida em dezembro de 1997. A sobrevida média total desta série foi de 28 meses, sendo de 24 meses para os pacientes que foram a óbito. Os pacientes desta série apresentaram características associadas a um estágio avançado da doença. Este fato, mais a presença maciça de pacientes com padrão usual e a rígida seleção de casos muito provavelmente contribuíram para os resultados encontrados quanto à sobrevida.<br>In order to evaluate the clinical findings and survival of pulmonary idiopathic fibrosis patients, 132 cases with histologically-proven biopsy were studied, coming from Pavilhão Pereira Filho Hospital, from 1970 to 1996. The diagnosis was made in 120 patients by open lung biopsy and in 12 cases by transbronchial lung biopsy. The average age was 56 years; 78 were male and only 6 were black. Smoking was observed in 61 cases. Mean duration of symptoms before diagnosis was 22.7 months. Digital clubbing was present in 75 patients and teleinspiratory crackles in 100. Dyspnea was observed in all but two patients and cough was present in 89 cases. Lung function test values were: FVC, 62%; FEV1, 70%; DLCO, 43.4%; TLC, 76.7%; PaO2, 67.3 mmHg; PaCO2, 39.1 mmHg and SaO2, 92.3%. Bronchoalveolar cellularity values were: macrophages, 83.8%; neutrophils, 9.1%; lymphocytes, 6.1% and eosinophils, 0.6%. In X-ray, honeycombing was present in 79 cases, reduced total lung capacity in 107 and intrathoracic tracheal widening in 50. In CT, the mean reticular pattern profusion was 42.3% and the mean granular pattern profusion was 43.6%. The usual histologic pattern was found in 128 cases, and the descamative pattern in only 4. Information about survival was found in 121 cases until December 1997. The mean survival rate of all patients was 28 months and for dead patients was 24 months. Patient characteristics in this study were associated with advanced stage of disease, which was confirmed by small survival rates of those cases. The strong predominance of usual pattern and better patient selection may have contributed to these results