20 research outputs found

    Improvement in lung function and functional capacity in morbidly obese women subjected to bariatric surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether weight loss in women with morbid obesity subjected to bariatric surgery alters lung function, respiratory muscle strength, functional capacity and the level of habitual physical activity and to investigate the relationship between these variables and changes in both body composition and anthropometrics. METHODS: Twenty-four women with morbid obesity were evaluated with regard to lung function, respiratory muscle strength, functional capacity, body composition, anthropometrics and the level of habitual physical activity two weeks prior to and six months after bariatric surgery. RESULTS: Regarding lung function, mean increases of 160 mL in slow vital capacity, 550 mL in expiratory reserve volume, 290 mL in forced vital capacity and 250 mL in forced expiratory volume in the first second as well as a mean reduction of 490 mL in inspiratory capacity were found. Respiratory muscle strength increased by a mean of 10 cmH2O of maximum inspiratory pressure, and a 72-meter longer distance on the Incremental Shuttle Walk Test demonstrated that functional capacity also improved. Significant changes also occurred in anthropometric variables and body composition but not in the level of physical activity detected using the Baecke questionnaire, indicating that the participants remained sedentary. Moreover, correlations were found between the percentages of lean and fat mass and both inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes. CONCLUSION: The present data suggest that changes in body composition and anthropometric variables exerted a direct influence on functional capacity and lung function in the women analyzed but exerted no influence on sedentarism, even after accentuated weight loss following bariatric surgery

    Comorbidities remission after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for morbid obesity is sustained in a long-term follow-up and correlates with weight regain

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    BACKGROUND: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is considered an effective therapy for weight loss although weight regain may be observed in a long-term follow-up. Obesity-related comorbidities are also well treated by RYGB due to weight loss and intestinal hormone changes. Few studies reported long-term status of comorbidities especially if weight regain is present. This study aims to analyze: (1) the resolution of obesity-related comorbidities after RYGB in a long-term follow-up and (2) its relationship to weight regain. METHODS: 140 patients (mean age 41, 18 male, mean body mass index (BMI) before operation 52 (range 39-82) kg/m2, mean BMI at nadir weight 29 (range 18-46) kg/m2, mean BMI at last follow-up 33 (range 19-49) kg/m2 were followed-up after RYGB for morbid obesity for at least 5 years (mean follow-up 90, range 60-155 months). Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea, arthropathy, and infertility were present when submitted to surgery in 26 (18%), 14 (10%), 88 (62%), 18 (13%), 83 (59%), 90 (64%), 9 (16%) patients; and in 6 (4%), 8 (5%), 38 (27%), 6 (4%), 45 (32%), 75 (53%), 7 (12%) patients at the Nadir weight, respectively. RESULTS: BMI was significantly different in the 3 periods. Comorbidities resolution was sustained in a long-term follow-up for diabetes, hypertension, cardiopathy and infertility. Comorbidities status was direct related to the % of weight loss for all comorbidities except infertility. CONCLUSION: Our results show that comorbidities remission after RYGB is sustained in the majority of patients in a long-term follow-up. Weight regain is linked to worse results for all comorbidities except infertility.Objetivo: Avaliar em pacientes obesos mórbidos submetidos à derivação gástrica em Y de Roux com anel de contenção há mais de cinco anos: 1) o efeito a longo prazo da cirurgia nas comorbidades; 2) a relação deste efeito com o reganho de massa. Métodos: Foram estudados 140 pacientes (122 mulheres, média de idade de 41,4±10,6 (variação 19 a 62) anos, média de massa de 138,7±23,1 (variação 98 a 220) kg e média de IMC de 52,3±7,9 (variação 37 a 82) kg/m2 submetidos à derivação gástrica em Y de Roux com anel de contenção há cinco anos ou mais. Foram analisadas as seguintes comorbidades: diabetes tipo 2, hipertensão arterial, doença cardiovascular, dislipidemia, apnéia do sono, artropatia e infertilidade, e classificadas em Resolvida, Melhorada, Inalterada ou Piorada no momento de menor massa e no último seguimento. Resultados: Houve diferença significativa na variação da massa nos três momentos do estudo (inicial x mínimo, p<0.001; inicial x final, p<0.001; mínimo x final, p<0.001). Não houve variação do status obtido no momento de menor massa para diabetes tipo 2, doença cardiovascular e infertilidade. Hipertensão arterial mostrou discreta piora dos resultados, porém, sem significância estatística (p=0,8). Houve piora dos resultados para dislipidemia (p=0,012), apnéia do sono (p=0,046) e artropatia (p=0,007). Não há relação entre a variação do IMC e a evolução da comorbidade para infertilidade (p=0,71, massa mínima e p=0,42, massa final). Há relação direta entre a variação do IMC e a evolução das comorbidades para diabetes tipo 2 (p=0,013, massa mínima e p=0,014, massa final), hipertensão arterial (p=0,015, massa mínima e p=0,001, massa final) e doença cardiovascular (p=0,015, massa mínima e p=0,043, massa final). Há relação direta entre a variação do IMC e a evolução das comorbidades apenas no último seguimento para artropatia (p=0,096, massa mínima e p=0,0012, massa final), dislipidemia (p=0,054, massa mínima e p=0,015, massa final) e apnéia do sono (p=0,11, massa mínima e p=0,011, massa final). Conclusões: Em pacientes obesos mórbidos submetidos à derivação gástrica em Y de Roux com anel de contenção há mais de cinco anos: (1) Há manutenção do status obtido para o momento de menor massa para as comorbidades diabetes tipo 2, hipertensão arterial, doença cardiovascular e infertilidade, mas não para dislipidemia, apnéia do sono e artropatia; (2) A melhoria de todas as comorbidades avaliadas, com exceção da infertilidade, associou-se diretamente ao percentual de perda de massa corpórea.TEDEBV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Preoperative workup, patient selection, surgical technique and follow-up for a successful laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication

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    Experienced surgeons have reported excellent results for laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Others, however, associate this operation with unacceptable rates of morbidity, mortality and inferior outcomes. Results are certainly linked to an appropriate patient selection, work up, technical details and follow-up. This review focuses on the proper preoperative workup, patient selection, surgical technique, and follow-up for a successful laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. Certainty of the diagnosis of GERD and the esophageal physiology is essential. An extensive dissection of the esophagus and crus in the abdomen and mediastinum, an adequate hiatoplasty, and a short-floppy fundoplication are important technical points. New onset or persistent symptoms after the operation must be carefully studied. Excellent outcomes may be reproducible if a proper preoperative workup, patient selection, surgical technique and follow-up are rigorously observed

    Alteracoes da qualidade de vida no seguimento a curto e longo prazos de individuos obesos morbidos submetidos a derivacao gastrica com Y de Roux

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    Context It is unclear whether health-related quality of life (HRQL) is sustained in a long-term follow-up of morbidly obese patients who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Objective This study aims to analyze the HRQL changes following RYGB in short and long-term follow-up. Methods We compared the health-related quality of life among three separate patient groups, using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Group A - 50 preoperative morbidly obese patients; Group B - 50 RYGB patients 1-2 years post-surgery; Group C - 50 RYGB patients more than 7 years post-surgery. Results The groups were similar for gender, age and body mass index before surgery. We observed that physical functioning, social function, emotional role functioning and mental health scales did not vary between the three groups. The physical role functioning scale was unchanged in the short-term and decreased compared to the preoperative scale in the long-term follow-up. Bodily pain improved after the operation but returned to the initial level after 7 years. The vitality and general health perceptions improved after the operation and maintained these results after 7 years compared with the preoperative perceptions. Conclusions RYGB improved health-related quality of life in three SF-36 domains (bodily pain, general health perceptions and vitality) in the short-term and two SF-36 domains (general health perceptions and vitality) in the long-term.Contexto Ainda não está claro se as melhorias na qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde se sustentam no acompanhamento a longo prazo de pacientes obesos mórbidos que se submetem a derivação gástrica com Y de Roux (RYGB). Objetivo Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as alterações na qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde no acompanhamento a curto e longo prazos de obesos mórbidos submetidos a RYGB. Métodos Foram comparados aspectos da qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde entre os três grupos distintos de pacientes, usando o questionário 36-Item Health Survey Short-Form (SF-36). Grupo A - 50 pacientes obesos mórbidos no pré-operatório, Grupo B - 50 pacientes submetidos à RYGB 1-2 anos pós-cirurgia e, Grupo C - 50 pacientes submetidos à RYGB há mais de 7 anos. Resultados Os grupos comparados eram semelhantes quanto ao sexo, idade e índice de massa corporal antes da cirurgia. Quanto aos aspectos componentes do questionário SF-36, observou-se que capacidade funcional, aspectos social e emocional e saúde mental não variaram quando se comparou os resultados dos três grupos. Quanto ao componente aspectos físicos, observou-se que permaneceu inalterado na avaliação de curto prazo e piorou em comparação aos valores obtidos no pré-operatório no seguimento a longo prazo. O componente dor corporal melhorou após a operação, mas voltou para nível semelhante ao pré-operatório após 7 anos. Vitalidade e estado geral de saúde melhoraram após a operação e apresentaram manutenção destes resultados após 7 anos, em comparação com as percepções pré-operatórias. Conclusões RYGB melhorou a qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde em três domínios do SF-36 (dor, estado geral de saúde e vitalidade) no seguimento a curto prazo e dois domínios SF-36 (estado geral de saúde e vitalidade) a longo prazo.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de CirurgiaHospital do Mandaqui Departamento de CirurgiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de CirurgiaSciEL