6,635 research outputs found

    Localized Stable Manifolds for Whiskered Tori in Coupled Map Lattices with Decaying Interaction

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    In this paper we consider lattice systems coupled by local interactions. We prove invariant manifold theorems for whiskered tori (we recall that whiskered tori are quasi-periodic solutions with exponentially contracting and expanding directions in the linearized system). The invariant manifolds we construct generalize the usual (strong) (un) stable manifolds and allow us to consider also non-resonant manifolds. We show that if the whiskered tori are localized near a collection of specific sites, then so are the invariant manifolds. We recall that the existence of localized whiskered tori has recently been proven for symplectic maps and flows in Fontich et. al. (submitted), but our results do not need that the systems are symplectic. For simplicity we will present first the main results for maps, but we will show tha the result for maps imply the results for flows. It is also true that the results for flows can be proved directly following the same ideas.Comment: This version corrects a bibliographical typo that appears in the version published in Annales Henri Poincare: Reference [FdlLS12] was wrongly listed by the publisher as "submitted to Jour. Diff. Equ." in the published version. Reference [FdlLS12] has not been submitted to Jour. Diff. Eq

    Wavelets Applied to the Detection of Point Sources of UHECRs

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    In this work we analyze the effect of smoothing maps containing arrival directions of cosmic rays with a gaussian kernel and kernels of the mexican hat wavelets of orders 1, 2 and 3. The analysis is performed by calculating the amplification of the signal-to-noise ratio for several anisotropy patterns (noise) and different number of events coming from a simulated source (signal) for an ideal detector capable of observing the full sky with equal probability. We extend this analysis for a virtual detector located within the array of detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory, considering an acceptance law.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Proceedings of the Young Researchers Meeting, 2010. Available in: http://www.ifi.unicamp.br/physicae/ojs-2.1.1/index.php/physicae/article/view/191; Physicae, Proceedings of the Young Researchers Meeting, Vol 1, 201

    Infinitesimal relative position vector fields for observers in a reference frame and applications to conformally stationary spacetimes

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    We introduce and analyze the concept of in nitesimal relative position vector eld between \in nitesimally nearby" observers, showing the equivalence between di erent de nitions. Through the Fermi-Walker derivative of in nitesimal relative position vector elds along an observer in a reference frame, we characterize spacetimes admitting an umbilic foliation. Su cient and necessary conditions for those spacetimes to be a conformally stationary spacetime are given. Finally, the important class of cosmological models known as generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes is characterize

    Drift fences in traps: theoretical evidence of effectiveness of the two most common arrays applied to terrestrial tetrapods

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    AbstractBiodiversity inventories are well acknowledged as key to conservation planning. One widely used method for sampling terrestrial fauna is traps with drift fences. Such drift fences, however, may be configured in several arrays, varying the height, length of the fence, space between conjugated traps (e.g., buckets or funnels), and it can be arranged in linear (I) or radial (Y) formats. Consequently, some criticism arose questioning which drift fence arrangement should be employed. Therefore, we made use of geometrical models to test the probability of capturing terrestrial tetrapods (as model organisms) using traps associated along with both I and Y drift fence arrays. With distances varying from 8 to 100m from the fence, the capturing rate of the I format was in average 1.16 times higher than the Y format. Besides this, we also present data that may enable field ecologists to better decide the minimum distance between two traps with drift fences, ensuring accurate statistics. Correct decisions in ecological and management studies may prevent wastes and fundament efficient conservation policies

    Tissue Simulator: A Graphical Tool for Tissue P Systems

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    Recently, different new models of tissue-like P systems have received important attention from the scientific community. This paper is focused in a concrete model: recognizing tissue P system with cell division. A software application allowing to understand better this model is presented. A linear-time solution to an NP-complete problem from graph theory, the 3–coloring problem is considered as a case study with this tool.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía TIC-58

    Diagnósticos departamental del sector artesanal Tolima.

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    22 hojas : ilustraciones, gráficos estadísticos.Diagnósticos realizado en el departamento del Tolima en el marco de responsabilidades del Sistema de Información Estadístico de la Actividad Artesanal- SIEAA, en relación con la estrategia de Ampliación de Cobertura Geográfica y Poblacional, con objeto de conocer descriptiva y estadísticamente las dimensiones de las variables sociodemográficas relativas a la distribución por sexo y su relación con las regiones de residencia, además de la presencia étnica, los grados de vulnerabilidad y los niveles de educación efectivos. En relación con las variables de caracterización económica se presentan los grados de ingresos promedio mensuales por hogar, sus fuentes, relacionados específicamente con la actividad artesanal, teniendo en cuenta los números de personas por hogar. Igualmente se estudian los niveles de pobreza en relación con la tenencia de vivienda y el acceso a los servicios públicos. La actividad económica se observa desde la perspectiva de las distintas formas de participación en los oficios artesanales, además de tener en cuenta los tiempos de dedicación y las formas de relación con el ejercicio productivo y la propiedad de los medios de trabajo, y esto con objeto de determinar las modalidades del empleo. En relación con el mercado se observan las variables relativas al ejercicio de las exportaciones y los ámbitos y modalidades de la comercialización nacional y local. Finalmente se indican las relaciones de los artesanos con las fuentes de financiación y sus formas de uso.Características sociodemográficas y perfiles de vulnerabilidad -- Descripción socioeconómica y productiva -- Asociatividad, instituciones y dinámicas sociales -- Conclusiones : fortaleza y oportunidades

    Completeness of uniformly accelerated observers in Galilean spacetimes

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    Acknowledgements The second author is partially supported by Spanish MICINN Project No. PID2020- 116126GB-I00. The rest of the authors are partially supported by Spanish MICINN Project No. PID2021- 126217NB-I00 and Andalusian FEDER 1380930-F. The authors would like to thank the referees for their valuable suggestions.Funding Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Spanish MICINN Project No. PID2020- 116126GB-I00Spanish MICINN Project No. PID2021- 126217NB-I00Andalusian FEDER 1380930-FWe analyze the concept of uniformly accelerated observer in Galilean spacetimes in the context ofNewton–Cartan theory and find natural geometric assumptions to ensure that an inextensible uniformly accelerated observer in a Galilean spacetime does not disappear in a finite proper time

    Effects of surface roughness and top layer thickness on the performance of Fabry-Perot cavities and responsive open resonators based on distributed Bragg reflectors

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    Optical and acoustic resonators based on distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) hold significant potential across various domains, from lasers to quantum technologies. In ideal conditions with perfectly smooth interfaces and surfaces, the DBR resonator quality factor primarily depends on the number of DBR pairs and can be arbitrarily increased by adding more pairs. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of the impact of top layer thickness variation and surface roughness on the performance of both Fabry-Perot and open-cavity resonators based on DBRs. Our findings illustrate that even a small, nanometer-scale surface roughness can appreciably reduce the quality factor of a given cavity. Moreover, it imposes a limitation on the maximum achievable quality factor, regardless of the number of DBR pairs. These effects hold direct relevance for practical applications, which we explore further through two case studies. In these instances, open nanoacoustic resonators serve as sensors for changes occurring in dielectric materials positioned on top of them. Our investigation underscores the importance of accounting for surface roughness in the design of both acoustic and optical DBR-based cavities, while also quantifying the critical significance of minimizing roughness during material growth and device fabrication processes