16 research outputs found

    Institutionaalista keskustelua

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    Kirja-arvioDrew, Paul & Heritage, John (toim.): Talk at work. Interaction in institutional setting

    Puheenaiheiden esittely ja jatkaminen lääkärin vastaanotolla

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    Initiating and following up topics in doctor-patient interaction (englanti)3/1996 (100)Liisa Raevaara (kotus.fi)INITIATING AND FOLLOWING UP TOPICS IN DOCTOR-PATIENT INTERACTION Research on doctor-patient interaction has paid attention to the fact that medical interviews are mainly based on questions asked by the doctor and the patient's responses to these questions. As the one doing the asking, the doctor can initiate new topics of discussion and control the kinds of topics that are discussed in the interaction; the potential for patients to initiate new topics is restricted. Research to date has focused mainly on topic construction in these interviews: researchers have looked at whether it is the doctor or the patient who initiates a new topic, what kinds of topics are introduced and to what extent the doctor interrupts, ignores or follows up a topic introduced by the patient.This article looks at how topics are introduced and followed up in a medical interview from the point of view of the ongoing activity - in terms of both the global structure of the interview and locally defined activity sequences. Talk - whether it is the doctor's or the patient's - is given a different meaning and provokes a different response depending on the kind of activity sequence in which it occurs. This article analyses doctor-patient interaction as a process that is collaboratively constructed and investigates the status and role of both doctor and patient in terms of the ongoing activity. There is also some discussion of cut-and-dried classifications of activity types as being either doctor-centred or patient-centred. The data is from videotapes of medical interviews recorded at a Finnish medical centre. The research method used in the analysis of the data is ethnomethodological conversation analysis

    Afaatikkojen vuorovaikutustaidot

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    Kirja-arvioKlippi, Anu: Conversation as an achievement in aphasi

    Roolihahmot puheessa ja näyttämöllä - osallistumisen kehykset ja ammatillinen katse teatteriharjoitusten vuorovaikutuksessa

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    The article examines rehearsals of a theatre project for young adults, and episodes during which the stage characters are talked about. It draws from and contributes to the conversation analytic line of research focusing on the use and coordination of multimodal resources in interaction. It also connects to studies analyzing different ways of referring to participants in interaction. Analysis of videotaped data shows how the participants – through the choice of verbal forms referring to the stage character and through varied embodied resources – modify participation framework and approach the character from different viewpoints. By learning these practices constructing different viewpoints, the participants of the project adopt the buildings blocks of the professional vision in theatre making.Artikkelissa tarkastellaan nuorille aikuisille suunnatun teatteriprojektin harjoituksia ja niihin sisältyviä tilanteita, joissa puhutaan roolihahmoista ja roolihahmona toimimisesta. Tutkimus on keskustelunanalyyttinen ja kytkeytyy erityisesti vuorovaikutuksen multimodaalisuutta, kehollisten ja kielellisten resurssien käyttöä ja koordinointia tarkastelevaan tutkimukseen. Se täydentää myös tutkimuksia läsnäolijoihin viittaamisen käytänteistä vuorovaikutuksessa. Artikkelissa osoitetaan, miten läsnäolijoihin viittaavien kielellisten elementtien valinta sekä osanottajien kehollinen toiminta ja tilan käyttö rakentavat toiminnan osallistumiskehikkoa ja roolihahmon tarkastelun näkökulmia. Samalla ne rakentavat teatteriprojektin osanottajien kahdentunutta roolia esiintyjinä ja roolihahmoina sekä teatterityön ammatillista katsetta

    Liikkuvaa vuorovaikutusta

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    Arvioitu teos:Pentti Haddington, Lorenza Mondada & Maurice Nevile (toim.): Interaction and mobility. Language and the body in motion. Berlin: De Gruyter 2013. 430 s. ISBN 978-3-11-029114-8

    "Mitäs me sovittais" : s-partikkelin sisältävien hakukysymysten tehtävistä

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    Summary: The function of Finnish wh-questions containing the particl

    Kuvaukset keskustelussa: potilaiden esittämät alkoholinkäytön kuvaukset lääkärin vastaanotolla

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