28 research outputs found

    The association between different blood group systems and susceptibility to COVID-19: a single center cross-sectional study from Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, many associated factors have been investigated to clarify the susceptibility and severity among the affected individuals. Biological markers can play an important role in identification of individual susceptibility to such pandemic. Growing evidence suggest the influence of different blood group systems on susceptibility to COVID-19 virus, with a particular blood type conferring selection advantage. Objectives: The study aimed to determine the association of ABO, Rhesus (D) and P1 blood groups with COVID-19 susceptibility in Taif city, Western Saudi Arabia. Methods: ABO, D and P1 blood antigens were determined in 104 blood samples of COVID-19 patients versus 100 control samples using either automated immunohematology analyser or test tube method. Statistical differences between patients and control samples were calculated based on p-value where results of ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. Results: O+ve blood group constituted the predominant type among the studied samples. Determination of P1 antigen showed significant association where Anti-P1 was positive in 76.9% of patients compared to 61.0% of controls with a P value of 0.01 conferring the susceptibility of P1+ve patients to COVID-19. Conclusion: Although our study showed no significant association between ABO and D, and susceptibility to COVID-19, there was a significant association between P1+ve and COVID-19. P1+ve participants were 2.131 times more associated with the risk of COVID-19 infection than those with Anti P1-ve. Thus, P1 antigen can be used as a biological marker for identification of individuals susceptibility to COVID-19. It is strongly advised that such individuals should consider extra protective measures.Further studies on other contributing factors should also be considered for more scientific clarity. Keywords: ABO Blood group; Rh(D); P1 antigen, COVID-19

    Engineering articular cartilage from human infrapatellar fat pad stem cells for transplantation therapy

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    © 2015 Dr. Raed Ismail FelimbanMesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have shown promise in cartilage tissue engineering due to their unlimited capacity for self-renewal and capability to differentiate into cartilage tissue lineage under certain physiological or experimental conditions. In this thesis, we harvested MSCs from human infrapatellar fat pad tissue (hIPFP) and further fully characterised using flow cytometry. Human IPFP-derived MSCs at passage three (P3) show good homogeneity for MSCs cluster differentiation (CD) markers including CD29, CD44, CD73, CD90, and CD105. Hyaline articular cartilage repair is a significant challenge in orthopaedics and traditional therapeutic options result in inferior outcomes. We believe traditional methods can be improved through applications based on three-dimension (3D) culture systems and tissue engineering strategies. In this thesis, we planned to investigate the chondrogenic potential of hIPFP-derived MSCs, stimulated by TGFβ3 and BMP6, over 7, 14 and 28 day in vitro in 3D pellet culture, a 3D printed chitosan scaffold and a 3D scaffold comprising methacrylated hyaluronic acid and methacrylated gelatin (called HA/GelMA). Therefore, endpoints included histology staining, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and temporal changes in expression of specific chondrogenic genes using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). In vitro 3D pellet culture maintained cells to be in close proximity to each other and promoted cell aggregation that mimics the cellular condensation process within native cartilage tissue. Furthermore, research has shown the potential of 3D biomaterial scaffolds for providing a suitable environment for chondrogenic induction and significantly enhancing the proliferation, differentiation, and chondrocytic extracellular matrix synthesis by MSCs. Collaborators at the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute (IPRI) at the Uiversity of Wollongong have developed extrusion printing for diverse bioengineering projects and this technique has developed for provision of both 3D chitosan scaffolds and 3D hyaluronic acid/biogel scaffolds for this project. The biocompatibility of chitosan and its structural similarity with glycosaminoglycan make it attractive for cartilage tissue engineering. Also, methacrylated HA and gelatin polymers were utilised to produce UV- crosslinkable HA/GelMA scaffold. A cartilage extracellular matrix component, HA, is the main non-sulphated glycosaminoglycan and offers a promise candidate for engineering of cartilage. In all three types of cultures (pellet, chitosan and HA/GelMA), over 14–28 days, clusters of encapsulated chondrocytes formed. Collagen type 2 and proteoglycan production were confirmed using immunohistochemistry and immunoflourescence. Chondrogenic lineage markers including: SRY-related transcription factor (SOX9), collagen type 2 alpha 1 (COL2A1), and aggrecan (ACAN) gene expression increased significantly over the time course. We reported that chitosan and HA/GelMA scaffolds enhance and increase the efficiency of chondrogenesis in our model. Finally, advanced microarray technique was conducted to provide novel informations about overall gene expressions during chondrogenesis across all three cultures. This is the first time that in vitro microarray has been used in the assessment of the chondrogenic differentiation of hIPFP-derived MSCs cultured in 3D pellet and seeded into chitosan and HA/GelMA scaffolds. Microarray gene analysis requires high-end programming for assessment of the test statistics that show whether a particular gene or a set of related genes are highly regulated (up- or down-regulated). Another challenge is to select a ‘ranking of expressed genes’ that may be relevant to a particular set of experimental conditions or of particular interest from a biological perspective (e.g. a particular metabolic pathway or a set of apoptotic genes). Therefore, we have successfully demonstrated in vitro production of hyaline-like cartilage from infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP)-derived MSCs in 3D culture. Microarray has provided novel informations concerning genes involved in chondrogenesis of hIPFP- derived MSCs and our approach offers a viable strategy for generating clinically relevant cartilage for therapeutic use

    Bioengineering of articular cartilage: past, present and future

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    The treatment of cartilage defects poses a clinical challenge owing to the lack of intrinsic regenerative capacity of cartilage. The use of tissue engineering techniques to bioengineer articular cartilage is promising and may hold the key to the successful regeneration of cartilage tissue. Natural and synthetic biomaterials have been used to recreate the microarchitecture of articular cartilage through multilayered biomimetic scaffolds. Acellular scaffolds preserve the microarchitecture of articular cartilage through a process of decellularization of biological tissue. Although promising, this technique often results in poor biomechanical strength of the graft. However, biomechanical strength could be improved if biomaterials could be incorporated back into the decellularized tissue to overcome this limitation

    Investigation of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 and 2 Mutations in Acute Leukemia Patients in Saudi Arabia

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    Different forms of human cancer show mutations for isocitrate dehydrogenases 1 and 2 (IDH1/2). Mutation of these genes can cause aberrant methylation of the genome CpG islands (CGIs), which leads to an increase of suppressed oncogenes transcription or repression of active tumor suppressor gene transcription. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of IDH1/2 mutations in acute leukemia patients. The study cohort included 43 AML patients and 30 childhood ALL patients, from whom DNA bone marrow samples were taken. The alteration hotspots in codons IDH1 (R132) and IDH2 (R172 and R140) were examined via direct sequencing. Mutations in IDH1 were detected in 7 out of 43 (16.2%) AML patients; 5 of them occurred at codon R132. The other two mutations included a single-nucleotide polymorphism, which affected codon G105 in one patient. However, no mutation was detected in the IDH2 in any of the patients. Moreover, no mutations were detected in either IDH1 or IDH2 in ALL patients. The dominance of IDH1 mutations in AML, which was 16%, emphasizes the existence of the mutation in our population. On the other hand, IDH2 mutation was observed to be less frequent in both illnesses. Due to the limitation of using a small sample size, larger cohort screening is recommended to determine their usefulness as prognostic indicators

    <i>TP53</i> Expression and Mutational Analysis in Hematological Malignancy in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Tumor protein 53 (TP53) is a tumor-suppressor gene and plays an essential role in apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, genomic stability, and DNA repair. Although it is the most often mutated gene in human cancer, it has respectively low frequency in hematological malignancy but is significantly linked with complex karyotype, poor prognosis, and chemotherapeutic response. Nevertheless, the prevalence and prognostic role of TP53 mutations in hematological malignancy in Saudi patients are not well reported. We, therefore, aim to assess the frequency of TP53 mutations in hematological malignancies in Saudi Arabia. Method: 20 different hematological malignancy samples were tested using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique for TP53 deletion detection and next-generation sequencing (NGS) targeted panel was applied on 10 samples for mutations identification specifically TP53 mutation. Results: TP53 deletion was detected in 6 of 20 samples by FISH. Most of the 6 patients with TP53 deletion had acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and majority of them were child. NGS result revealed one heterozygous missense mutation in exon 5 of the TP53 gene (c. G9963A, p.H175R). Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, the TP53 mutation is novel variant, and the first time we are reporting their association with myelodysplastic syndromic individual with complex karyotype. This study recommends further analysis of genomic mutations on bigger cohorts, utilizing high throughput technologies

    Chondrogenesis of infrapatellar fat pad derived adipose stem cells in 3D printed chitosan scaffold

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    Infrapatellar fat pad adipose stem cells (IPFP-ASCs) have been shown to harbor chondrogenic potential. When combined with 3D polymeric structures, the stem cells provide a source of stem cells to engineer 3D tissues for cartilage repair. In this study, we have shown human IPFP-ASCs seeded onto 3D printed chitosan scaffolds can undergo chondrogenesis using TGFβ3 and BMP6. By week 4, a pearlescent, cartilage-like matrix had formed that penetrated the top layers of the chitosan scaffold forming a ‘cap’ on the scaffold. Chondrocytic morphology showed typical cells encased in extracellular matrix which stained positively with toluidine blue. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated positive staining for collagen type II and cartilage proteoglycans, as well as collagen type I. Real time PCR analysis showed up-regulation of collagen type II, aggrecan and SOX9 genes when IPFP-ASCs were stimulated by TGFβ3 and BMP6. Thus, IPFP-ASCs can successfully undergo chondrogenesis using TGFβ3 and BMP6 and the cartilage-like tissue that forms on the surface of 3D-printed chitosan scaffold may prove useful as an osteochondral graft

    Differentiation of stem cells derived from human infrapatellar fat pad for cartilage engineering: characterisation of cells undergoing chondrogenesis

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    Hyaline cartilage repair is a significant challenge in orthopedics and current techniques result in formation of fibrocartilage. Human infrapatellar fat pad (hIPFP)-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are capable of differentiation into multiple tissue lineages, including cartilage and bone. Chondrogenesis is a crucial part of normal skeletal development but the molecular mechanisms are yet to be completely defined. In this study we sourced hIPFP-derived MSCs utilizing chondrogenic growth factors, transforming growth factor beta-3, and bone morphogenetic protein-6, to form hyaline-like cartilage in micromass cultures and we studied chondrogenic development of 7, 14, and 28 days. The purpose of this study was (1) to characterize chondrogenesis from MSCs derived from hIPFP tissue by conventional techniques and (2) to characterize temporal changes of key molecular components during chondrogenesis using microarray gene expression. Endpoints included histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC), gene expression profiles using a microarray technique, and changes in expression of specific genes using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Over 14-28 days, clusters of encapsulated chondrocytes formed surrounded by collagen type II and aggrecan in the extracellular matrix (ECM). Collagen type II and aggrecan production was confirmed using IHC and chondrogenic lineage markers were studied; SRY-related transcription factor (SOX9), collagen type II alpha 1 (COL2A1), and aggrecan gene expression increased significantly over the time course. Normalized microarray highlighted 608 differentially expressed genes; 10 chondrogenic genes were upregulated (2- to 87-fold), including COL2A1, COL10A1, COL9A1, COL11A1, COL9A2, COL11A2, COL1A1, COMP, SOX9, and COL3A1. We found that the upregulated genes (twofold or greater) represent significant level of expression (enrichment score) for the ECM structural constituent of the molecular functional at days 7, 14, and 28 during chondrogenesis. Therefore, we have successfully demonstrated in vitro production of hyaline-like cartilage from IPFP-derived MSCs in micromass culture. Microarray has provided information concerning genes involved in chondrogenesis of hIPFP-derived MSCs and our approach offers a viable strategy for generating clinically relevant cartilage for therapeutic use

    Enhancing the Antipsychotic Effect of Risperidone by Increasing Its Binding Affinity to Serotonin Receptor via Picric Acid: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    The aim of this study was to assess the utility of inexpensive techniques in evaluating the interactions of risperidone (Ris) with different traditional &pi;-acceptors, with subsequent application of the findings into a Ris pharmaceutical formulation with improved therapeutic properties. Molecular docking calculations were performed using Ris and its different charge-transfer complexes (CT) with picric acid (PA), 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyanop-benzoquinon (DDQ), tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ), tetracyano ethylene (TCNE), tetrabromo-pquinon (BL), and tetrachloro-p-quinon (CL), as donors, and three receptors (serotonin, dopamine, and adrenergic) as acceptors to study the comparative interactions among them. To refine the docking results and further investigate the molecular processes of receptor&ndash;ligand interactions, a molecular dynamics simulation was run with output obtained from AutoDock Vina. Among all investigated complexes, the [(Ris) (PA)]-serotonin (CTcS) complex showed the highest binding energy. Molecular dynamics simulation of the 100 ns run revealed that both the Ris-serotonin (RisS) and CTcS complexes had a stable conformation; however, the CTcS complex was more stable

    Preparation and Optimization of Garlic Oil/Apple Cider Vinegar Nanoemulsion Loaded with Minoxidil to Treat Alopecia

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    Alopecia areata is a scarless, localized hair loss disorder that is typically treated with topical formulations that ultimately only further irritate the condition. Hence, the goal of this study was to develop a nanoemulsion with a base of garlic oil (GO) and apple cider vinegar (APCV) and loaded with minoxidil (MX) in order to enhance drug solubilization and permeation through skin. A distance coordinate exchange quadratic mixture design was used to optimize the proposed nanoemulsion. Span 20 and Tween 20 mixtures were used as the surfactant, and Transcutol was used as the co-surfactant. The developed formulations were characterized for their droplet size, minoxidil steady-state flux (MX Jss) and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against Propionibacterium acnes. The optimized MX-GO-APCV nanoemulsion had a droplet size of 110 nm, MX Jss of 3 μg/cm2 h, and MIC of 0.275 μg/mL. The optimized formulation acquired the highest ex vivo skin permeation parameters compared to MX aqueous dispersion, and varying formulations lacked one or more components of the proposed nanoemulsion. GO and APCV in the optimized formulation had a synergistic, enhancing activity on the MX permeation across the skin membrane, and the percent permeated increased from 12.7% to 41.6%. Finally, the MX-GO-APCV nanoemulsion followed the Korsmeyer–Peppas model of diffusion, and the value of the release exponent (n) obtained for the formulations was found to be 1.0124, implying that the MX permeation followed Super case II transport. These results demonstrate that the MX-GO-APCV nanoemulsion formulation could be useful in promoting MX activity in treating alopecia areata

    Utilization of a nanostructured lipid carrier encapsulating pitavastatin–Pinus densiflora oil for enhancing cytotoxicity against the gingival carcinoma HGF-1 cell line

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    AbstractOral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common epithelial tumor of the oral cavity. Gingival tumors, a unique type of OSCC, account for 10% of these malignant tumors. The antineoplastic properties of statins, including pitavastatin (PV), and the essential oil of the Pinus densiflora leaf (Pd oil) have been adequately reported. The goal of this investigation was to develop nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) containing PV combined with Pd oil and to determine their cytotoxicity against the cell line of human gingival fibroblasts (HGF-1). A central composite quadratic design was adopted to optimize the nanocarriers. The particle size and stability index of the nano-formulations were measured to evaluate various characteristics. TEM analysis, the entrapment efficiency, dissolution efficiency, and the cytotoxic efficiency of the optimized PV-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier drug delivery system (PV-Pd-NLCs) were evaluated. Then, the optimal PV-Pd-NLCs was incorporated into a Carbopol 940® gel base and tested for its rheological features and its properties of release and cell viability. The optimized NLCs had a particle size of 98 nm and a stability index of 89%. The gel containing optimum PV-Pd-NLCs had reasonable dissolution efficiency and acceptable rheological behavior and acquired the best cytotoxic activity against HGF-1 cell line among all the formulations developed for the study. The in vitro cell viability studies revealed a synergistic effect between PV and Pd oil in the treatment of gingival cancer. These findings illustrated that the gel containing PV-Pd-NLCs could be beneficial in the local treatment of gingival cancer