52 research outputs found

    New Tourist Tax as a Tool for Municipalities in the Czech Republic

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    The Czech Republic is one of many states where the new legal regulation of tourist taxes was introduced to limit the shortcomings of the original regulation. The aim of this paper is to define the opportunities and threats of the new regulation in the Czech Republic in the area of tourist taxes. To achieve the purpose of this article, the tourist tax is defined and Czech legal regulation valid until the end of 2019 and since 2020 in the given area is analysed. The hypothesis that the new regulation is perfect and ideal for the tax administration and for the municipalities was confirmed only partially. While most of the critical issues were solved and the new tourist charge is a good step for both municipalities and the tax administration, the charge rate of 21 CZK in 2020, resp. 50 CZK in the following years is not adequate. With the new regulation, municipalities got new opportunities, primarily to increase their revenues. The single tourist charge makes the system easier for all stakeholders: for municipalities, for tourists, and for quartermasters. Issues arise especially concerning the simplified evidence and the non-chargeable long-term stays. Municipalities should be particularly careful when defining the exemptions and differentiating the charge rate for specific dates in the year, or specific parts of the municipality. The unequal treatment might be seen as discrimination or even unfair public incentive.Česká republika je jedním z mnoha států, kde byla zavedena nová právní úprava daní z cestovního ruchu s cílem omezit nedostatky původní úpravy. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je definovat příležitosti a hrozby nové regulace v České republice v oblasti turistických daní. Pro dosažení účelu tohoto článku je definována turistická daň a analyzována česká právní úprava platná do konce roku 2019 a od roku 2020 v dané oblasti. Hypotéza, že nová regulace je dokonalá a ideální pro správu daní a pro obce, se potvrdila jen částečně. Zatímco většina kritických otázek byla vyřešena a nový turistický poplatek je dobrým krokem jak pro obce, tak pro daňovou správu, sazba poplatku 21 Kč v roce 2020, resp. 50 Kč v následujících letech nestačí. Díky novému nařízení dostaly obce nové příležitosti, především ke zvýšení příjmů. Jednotný turistický poplatek usnadňuje systém pro všechny zúčastněné strany: pro obce, pro turisty a pro ubytovatele. Problémy vyvstávají zejména ve vztahu ke zjednodušené evidenci a k neupoplatněným dlouhodobým pobytům. Obce by měly být obzvláště opatrné při definování osvobození a rozlišování sazby poplatku pro konkrétní části roku nebo konkrétní části obce. Nerovné zacházení lze považovat za diskriminaci nebo dokonce za neoprávněnou veřejnou podporu.The Czech Republic is one of many states where the new legal regulation of tourist taxes was introduced to limit the shortcomings of the original regulation. The aim of this paper is to define the opportunities and threats of the new regulation in the Czech Republic in the area of tourist taxes. To achieve the purpose of this article, the tourist tax is defined and Czech legal regulation valid until the end of 2019 and since 2020 in the given area is analysed. The hypothesis that the new regulation is perfect and ideal for the tax administration and for the municipalities was confirmed only partially. While most of the critical issues were solved and the new tourist charge is a good step for both municipalities and the tax administration, the charge rate of 21 CZK in 2020, resp. 50 CZK in the following years is not adequate. With the new regulation, municipalities got new opportunities, primarily to increase their revenues. The single tourist charge makes the system easier for all stakeholders: for municipalities, for tourists, and for quartermasters. Issues arise especially concerning the simplified evidence and the non-chargeable long-term stays. Municipalities should be particularly careful when defining the exemptions and differentiating the charge rate for specific dates in the year, or specific parts of the municipality. The unequal treatment might be seen as discrimination or even unfair public incentive

    Major Problematic Issues in the Property Taxation in the Czech Republic

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    This article aims to open the debate on the recurrent property tax in the Czech Republic, to define most important problems of the existing legal regulation and to set the list of possible solutions de lege ferenda. The hypothesis that the immovable property tax is a good tax and a traditional part of the Czech tax system, was confirmed. The most problematic issue is the low tax revenue. However, ad valorem system does not seem to be the solution and the unit system (area) tax base should be retained. There should be one maximum tax rate in the legislation for every type of property, and municipalities should have the right to introduce their own specific tax rates below that level. At the same time, there should be another rate (standard rate) in the legislation for those municipalities that do not set their own specific tax rates.Článek si klade za cíl otevřít debatu nad pravidelnou majetkovou daní v ČR, definovat zásadní problémy stávající právní regulace a shrnout možnosti regulace de lege ferenda. Hypotéza, že daň z nemovitých věcí je dobrou daní a tradiční součástí českého daňového systému, byla potvrzena. Nejkritičtější je nízký výnos daně. Avšak zdanění ad valorem není řešením a jednotkový systém by měl být zachován. Zákonem by měla být stanovena maximální sazba daně pro každý typ nemovitosti a obce by měly mít možnost stanovit vlastní specifické sazby daně pod tímto maximem. Zároveň by měla existovat základní sazba daně přímo v zákoně pro ty obce, které si nestanoví sazby vlastní.This article aims to open the debate on the recurrent property tax in the Czech Republic, to define most important problems of the existing legal regulation and to set the list of possible solutions de lege ferenda. The hypothesis that the immovable property tax is a good tax and a traditional part of the Czech tax system, was confirmed. The most problematic issue is the low tax revenue. However, ad valorem system does not seem to be the solution and the unit system (area) tax base should be retained. There should be one maximum tax rate in the legislation for every type of property, and municipalities should have the right to introduce their own specific tax rates below that level. At the same time, there should be another rate (standard rate) in the legislation for those municipalities that do not set their own specific tax rates

    System of Tax Law

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    This contribution deals with the system of tax law. The main aim of the contribution is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that there is a system of tax law. This can be really tough as in Central and Eastern European countries just a few legal schools accepts tax law as an independent branch of law. If the hypothesis is confirmed, the task is to describe and characterise the system of tax law using the knowledge from the legal theory and other branches of law in the Czech Republic and experience of tax law experts from the other countries in the Central and Eastern European region. Author will use the scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison. "This is a targeted publication on the one topic (Financial Law). It has been requested for inclusion in WOS."Příspěvek se zabývá systémem daňového práva. Jeho hlavním cílem je potvrzení nebo vyvrácení hypotézy, že systém daňového práva existuje. To může být v podmínkách zemí střední a východní Evropy skutečně obtížné, neboť jen velmi málo právních škol akceptuje daňové právo jako samostatné odvětví práva. Pokud je základní hypotéza potvrzena, je nezbytné popsat a charakterizovat systém daňového práva za využití poznatků právní teorie a dalších právních odvětví v ČR a zkušeností expertů na daňové právo z jiných zemí střední a východní Evropy. Autor užívá zejména metod analýzy, syntézy a komparace. "Jedná se o zacílenou publikaci na jedno téma (finacial law). Bylo požádáno na zařazení do WOS."This contribution deals with the system of tax law. The main aim of the contribution is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that there is a system of tax law. This can be really tough as in Central and Eastern European countries just a few legal schools accepts tax law as an independent branch of law. If the hypothesis is confirmed, the task is to describe and characterise the system of tax law using the knowledge from the legal theory and other branches of law in the Czech Republic and experience of tax law experts from the other countries in the Central and Eastern European region. Author will use the scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison

    Opodatkowanie influencerów korzystających z Instagrama

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    This scientific article discusses issues related to the taxation of Instagram influencers. Its main objective is to define how the influencers’ incomes should be taxed. To achieve this primary purpose, the partial objective is defined to give the list of (legal) cooperation contracts between the marketers and influencers. The hypothesis that there is no need to adopt new specific tax law norms to tax influencers’ incomes properly, at least in developed countries, was confirmed. All jurisdictions are taxing influencers’ incomes. It is always necessary to focus on the content of the relationship generating influencer’s income, as the principle of priority of content over form must be used. The tax liability is influenced only by the tax base. The tax rate and other structural components of the tax remain the same for different types of incomes. Generally, it is always better for the influencer to have a trading license (to be a businessman) than tax his/her incomes as incomes from copyright. Incomes from dependent activities based on labour law contract or occasional incomes are not probable for a typical influencer, and still, the taxation in this way is not really favourable. The novelty of the presented research lies in the fact that no scientific articles deal with the covered issues published so far. The author believes that the article has a cognitive value for both science and practice.W niniejszym artykule omówiono kwestie związane z opodatkowaniem influencerów korzystających z serwisu społecznościowego Instagram. Głównym celem było ustalenie sposobu, w jaki należy opodatkować dochody influencerów. Celem pośrednim dla osiągnięcia tego podstawowego celu było sporządzenie listy umów o współpracy pomiędzy specjalistami od marketingu a influencerami. Potwierdzono hipotezę o braku potrzeby uchwalania nowych norm prawa podatkowego dla prawidłowego opodatkowania dochodów influencerów, przynajmniej w krajach rozwiniętych. Wszystkie systemy prawne opodatkowują dochody influencerów. Trzeba zawsze koncentrować się na treści stosunku generującego dochód influencera, gdyż należy stosować zasadę pierwszeństwa treści nad formą. Należność podatkowa wynika jedynie z podstawy opodatkowania. Stawka podatku i inne elementy składowe podatku są takie same dla różnych rodzajów dochodu. Co do zasady rejestracja działalności gospodarczej jest dla influencera zawsze lepszym rozwiązaniem niż opodatkowanie dochodów z praw autorskich. Dochody z niezależnej działalności w oparciu o umowę o pracę lub dochody okazjonalne są dość rzadkie dla typowego influencera, a opodatkowanie w ten sposób nie jest w istocie korzystne. Nowatorski charakter przedstawionych badań polega na tym, że dotychczas w żadnych opublikowanych artykułach naukowych nie poruszono przedmiotowej tematyki. W opinii autora artykuł ma wartość poznawczą, zarówno naukową, jak i praktyczną

    Municipalities and Gambling Taxation in the Czech Republic

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    Hazard is often is considered to be socially undesirable phenomena. Municipalities are the most important regulators of this business. Generally, municipalities have two possibilities how to reduce the negative effects of the gambling business run at their territories: they can prohibit the gambling at all or they can heavily tax the gambling business to minimize all the negative impacts of the hazard. The main goal of this article is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that the new regulation protects the interests of Czech municipalities in the area of hazard. It is obvious that gambling tax is an effective tool (not only) for local self-government and it is a new local tax in the Czech Republic as it fulfills all the conditions I have defined for a local tax.Hazard je často považován za společensky nepřijatelný fenomén. Obce jsou nejvýznamnějším regulátorem tohoto podnikání. Obecně mají obce dvě možnosti eliminovat negativní dopady podnikání v oblasti hazardu na svém území: mohou zcela zakázat hazard, nebo mohou výrazně zdanit hazardní byznys, aby minimalizovalli veškeré negativní dopady. Hlavním cílem článku je potvrdit nebo vyvrátit hypotézu, že nová právní úprava chrání zájmy českých obcí v oblasti hazardu. Je evidentní, že daň z hazardu je efektivní nástroj (nejen) pro místní samosprávu a jedná se o novu místní daň v ČR, neboť naplňuje veškeré definiční znaky místní daně.Hazard is often is considered to be socially undesirable phenomena. Municipalities are the most important regulators of this business. Generally, municipalities have two possibilities how to reduce the negative effects of the gambling business run at their territories: they can prohibit the gambling at all or they can heavily tax the gambling business to minimize all the negative impacts of the hazard. The main goal of this article is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that the new regulation protects the interests of Czech municipalities in the area of hazard. It is obvious that gambling tax is an effective tool (not only) for local self-government and it is a new local tax in the Czech Republic as it fulfills all the conditions I have defined for a local tax

    Property Taxes Reforms in the Czech Republic

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    Celem artykułu jest wskazanie i analiza zmian regulacji prawnych dotyczących opodatkowania mienia, które odnoszą się do nowych możliwości samorządów miejskich w kwestii wywierania wpływu na opodatkowanie mienia, nowych wyjątków od opodatkowania dziedziczenia i opodatkowania darowizn dla członków rodzin oraz tendencji do zniesienia tych podatków w zupełności, redukcji opodatkowania nowych pojazdów silnikowych etc. Na podstawie tych zmian widać wyraźnie, że opodatkowywanie mienia powoli traci efekty i funkcje fi skalne nie tylko w Republice Czeskiej, a coraz większego znaczenia nabiera funkcja regulacyjna.The Masaryk University (The Czech Republic

    Walka z uchylaniem się od opodatkowania w Republice Czeskiej po wdrożeniu ATAD

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    The topic of tax evasion is a much-debated issue in the scientific community. In the context of the process of globalisation and the development of international trade, it can be stated that this problem has taken on a global dimension. For this reason, different Member States take different measures to prevent or eliminate tax evasion. The European Union is also such a case in the field. One of these initiatives is the Council Directive (EU) 2016/1164 of 12 July 2016 laying down rules against tax avoidance practices that directly affect the functioning of the internal market. This Directive is intended to contribute to this ambitious goal. The paper discusses its implementation in the Czech Republic. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of post-ATAD fight against tax evasion in the Czech Republic, while verifying the hypotheses: a) the Czech Republic has adequately harmonised its national legal order under the relevant Directives; b) the fight against tax evasion is currently more effective in the Czech Republic.Temat uchylania się od opodatkowania jest szeroko omawiany w środowisku akademickim. Biorąc pod uwagę kontekst postępującej globalizacji oraz rozwój handlu międzynarodowego, można stwierdzić, że ten problem nabrał charakteru globalnego. W związku z tym różne państwa członkowskie UE podejmują rozmaite działania, by zapobiegać uchylaniu się od opodatkowania bądź całkowicie je wyeliminować. Jedną z inicjatyw podjętych przez Unię Europejską jest Dyrektywa Rady (UE) 2016/1164 z dnia 12 lipca 2016 r. ustanawiająca przepisy mające na celu przeciwdziałanie praktykom unikania opodatkowania, które mają bezpośredni wpływ na funkcjonowanie rynku wewnętrznego. W artykule omówiono kwestię wdrożenia tej dyrektywy w Republice Czeskiej. Dokonano oceny skuteczności walki z uchylaniem się od opodatkowania w Czechach po wdrożeniu ATAD, a jednocześnie zweryfikowano następujące hipotezy: 1) Czechy adekwatnie zharmonizowały swój porządek prawny zgodnie z literą odpowiednich dyrektyw, 2) walka z uchylaniem się od opodatkowania w Republice Czeskiej jest obecnie bardziej efektywna

    Electronic Revenue Registry in the Czech Republic

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    In the Czech Republic there is an on-going debate and for the last year also legislative work on a Revenue Registry Act. This article introduces the system of revenue registry which should be applied in the Czech Republic, critically analyses fundamental provisions of the draft bill and summarizes advantages and disadvantages of the regulation and its strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Article deals with a hypothesis that implementation of revenue registry will fulfil the goals of the proposed regulation i.e. new source of data for tax administration, restriction of grey economy, more efficient tax collection, especially of income tax and VAT and also elimination of market inequalities in the Czech economy.V České republice dlouhodobě probíhají diskuse a v posledním roce také legislativní práce na zákoně o elektronické evidenci tržeb. Tento článek představuje systém evidence příjmů, který by měl být aplikován v České republice, kriticky analyzuje základní ustanovení z návrhu zákona a shrnuje výhody a nevýhody takové regulace a její silné a slabé stránky, příležitosti a hrozby. Článek se zabývá hypotézou, že zavedení evidence tržeb splní cíle navrhované úpravy, tj. bude znamenat nový zdroj informací pro daňovou správu, omezení šedé ekonomiky, účinnější výběr daní, zejména daně z příjmů a DPH, a také odstraňování tržních nerovností v české ekonomice.In the Czech Republic there is an on-going debate and for the last year also legislative work on a Revenue Registry Act. This article introduces the system of revenue registry which should be applied in the Czech Republic, critically analyses fundamental provisions of the draft bill and summarizes advantages and disadvantages of the regulation and its strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Article deals with a hypothesis that implementation of revenue registry will fulfil the goals of the proposed regulation i.e. new source of data for tax administration, restriction of grey economy, more efficient tax collection, especially of income tax and VAT and also elimination of market inequalities in the Czech economy

    Czech Tax Heaven for Sportsmen

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    There is no specific legal regulation of professional athletes in the Czech Republic. In practice, both individual players and team players are mostly self-employment. In case of team players, compared to the legal regulation in other European countries, it is unique. This article deals with the legal regulation of professional team players, especially in the area of taxation. It works with the hypothesis, stated in two judgments of the Supreme Administrative Court, that team players should tax their incomes by the personal incomes tax as self-employed persons, i.e. businesspersons. In 2011, the Supreme Administrative Court stated that team players are not employees of their club and they should pay taxes as from independent activities. The Czech Financial Administration followed this decision and taxed these sportsmen as so-called independent professions. The reason why the Supreme Administrative Court reopened this issue was the case of football player David Lafata, who got a business license (he became a businessperson) as a footballer and claimed that playing football is not an independent profession, but real business. The aim of the paper is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis stated above, analyzing existing legal regulation and case law, and it offers solutions de lege [email protected] Radvan is vice-dean for foreign and external affairs at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, and Associate Professor of Financial Law at the Department of Financial Law and Economics. He specializes in tax law. He is the author of 5 books and the coauthor of almost 45 books. He presented his scientific research in approx. 80 reviewed articles in prestigious journals and conference proceedings. He is a member of the European Association of Tax Law Professors and the Information and Organization Centre for the Research on the Public Finances and Tax Law in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe.Masaryk UniversityLoukota, W., Stefaner, M.C. (eds.): Taxation of Artistes and Sportsmen in International Tax Law, Vienna: Linde Verlag, 2007.Radvan, M., Neckář, J.: Taxation of Professional Team Sports Athletes in the Czech Republic, Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review in the European Union and Central and Eastern Europe no. 1 (2016).Simpson, A.: Taxation of Non-Resident Entertainers and Sportsmen: The United Kingdom’s Definition of Performance Income and How it Ought to be Measured, Washington University Global Studies Law Review no. 11 (2012).Sluka, T.: Profesionální sportovec: právní a ekonomické aspekty (Professional Sportsman: Legal and Economic Aspects), Praha: Havlíček Brain Team, 2007.Tetłak, K.: Taxation of International Sportsmen, Amsterdam: IBFD, 2014.Vybíral, R.: Analýza judikatury vztahující se k postavení profesionálních sportovců v oblasti kolektivních sportů v České republice (The Analysis of the Case Law Relating to the Status of Professional Athletes in Team Sports in the Czech Republic), Jurisprudence no. 1 (2013).Directive on the evidence of professional and non-amateur contracts, 2014. www.fotbal.cz.EU: ECJ: C-276/12 (Jiri Sabou v. Financial Directorate Prague).CZ: Supreme Administrative Court: 2 Afs 62/2004-70.CZ: Supreme Administrative Court: 2 Afs 176/2004-140.CZ: Supreme Administrative Court: 2 Afs 16/2011-78.CZ: Supreme Administrative Court: 6 Afs 278/2016-54.71972

    Taxes on Communal Waste in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia

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    Waste management at the municipal level in almost all European countries is financed by local taxes, usually by special charges, sometimes by the property tax. This article deals with these possibilities. The main goal of this paper is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that there should be one local tax (charge) and its revenue should be used for communal waste management. To achieve this goal, a critical analysis of existing legal regulation of taxes and/or charges on communal waste and a comparison of existing tax / charge schemes concerning communal waste in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland is used. Synthesis of the gained knowledge especially in the area of taxpayers, correction components and rates allows introducing the optimal system of legal regulation of communal waste taxation.Odpadové hospodářství na obecní úrovni je takřka ve všech evropských zemích financováno prostřednictvím místních daní, obvykle speciálním poplatkem, někdy daní z nemovitých věcí. Článek se věnuje právě těmto možnostem financování. Hlavním cílem je potvrdit či vyvrátit hypotézu, že by měla existovat jediná daň (poplatek) a výnos by měl být určen na financování odpadového hospodářství. K dosažení cíle je využito kritické analýzy existující právní regulace zdanění komunálního odpadu a srovnání existujících schémat zdanění v dané oblasti v ČR, v Polsku a na Slovensku. Syntéza získaných poznatků zejména co se týče poplatníků, korekčních prvků a sazeb umožňuje představit optimální systém právní regulace zdanění komunálního odpadu.Waste management at the municipal level in almost all European countries is financed by local taxes, usually by special charges, sometimes by the property tax. This article deals with these possibilities. The main goal of this paper is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that there should be one local tax (charge) and its revenue should be used for communal waste management. To achieve this goal, a critical analysis of existing legal regulation of taxes and/or charges on communal waste and a comparison of existing tax / charge schemes concerning communal waste in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland is used. Synthesis of the gained knowledge especially in the area of taxpayers, correction components and rates allows introducing the optimal system of legal regulation of communal waste taxation