27 research outputs found

    SemQuaRE - An extension of the SQuaRE quality model for the evaluation of semantic technologies

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    To correctly evaluate semantic technologies and to obtain results that can be easily integrated, we need to put evaluations under the scope of a unique software quality model. This paper presents SemQuaRE, a quality model for semantic technologies. SemQuaRE is based on the SQuaRE standard and describes a set of quality characteristics specific to semantic technologies and the quality measures that can be used for their measurement. It also provides detailed formulas for the calculation of such measures. The paper shows that SemQuaRE is complete with respect to current evaluation trends and that it has been successfully applied in practice

    Developing ontologies for representing data about key performance indicators

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    Multiple indicators are of interest in smart cities at different scales and for different stakeholders. In open environments, such as The Web, or when indicator information has to be interchanged across systems, contextual information (e.g., unit of measurement, measurement method) should be transmitted together with the data and the lack of such information might cause undesirable effects. Describing the data by means of ontologies increases interoperability among datasets and applications. However, methodological guidance is crucial during ontology development in order to transform the art of modeling in an engineering activity. In the current paper, we present a methodological approach for modelling data about Key Performance Indicators and their context with an application example of such guidelines

    Explorer la synergie entre le Web sémantique et la vision par ordinateur pour la personnalisation

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    National audienceNous explorons la synergie entre le Web sémantique et la vision par ordinateur dans le contexte des systèmes de personnalisation. Nous présentons deux nouvelles applications : profilage utilisateur à partir des images et sélection d'images dans les bannières de recommandation. Mots-clés : Web sémantique, Vision par ordinateur, Personnalisation, Profil utilisateur, Image. Plusieurs travaux ont montré des points de convergence intéressants entre le domaine du Web sémantique et celui de la vision par ordinateur : amélioration de la détection des objets à l'aide des graphes de connaissances externes (Fang et al., 2017), description des scènes avec des triplets (Baier et al., 2017), complétion des graphes de connaissances avec des ca-ractéristiques visuelles (Thoma et al., 2017) et recherche visuo-sémantique (Ferrada et al., 2017). Nous explorons la synergie entre les deux domaines dans le contexte des systèmes de personnalisation. Nous présentons deux nouvelles applications. La première application est le profilage utilisateur à partir des images. Nous avons proposé deux approches. La première approche consiste à associer une image aux entités sémantiques correspondant aux objets apparaissant dans l'image. La seconde approche consiste à associer une image aux entités sémantiques dépeintes par les images visuellement similaires et qui existent dans la portée conceptuelle du jeu de données au sein duquel la personnalisation est réalisée. Notre évaluation a montré la supériorité de notre seconde approche par rapport au référentiel en termes de la pertinence des entités constituant les profils. La deuxième application est la sélection d'images dans les bannières de recommandation. Nous ordonnons les images associées au produit recommandé et affichons dans les bannières celle correspondant le mieux au profil de l'utilisateur dans le but d'augmenter son affinité envers le produit. Nous avons mené une étude utilisateur avec 32 participants en utilisant un vrai jeu de données contenant 1,357 circuits touristiques dans 136 pays accompagnés de 11,614 images distinctes. Les résultats ont montré la performance prometteuse de notre approche en termes de persuasion, attention, efficacité et affinité. Les travaux résumés ci-dessus ont été originellement publiés dans un article au congrès SEMANTICS 2018 (Lully et al., 2018)

    Towards the anonymisation of RDF data

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    Privacy protection in published data sets is of crucial importance, and anonymisation is one well-known technique for privacy protection that has been successfully used in practice. However, existing anonymisation frameworks have in mind specific data structures (i.e., tabular data) and, because of this, these frameworks are difficult to apply in the case of RDF data. This paper presents an RDF anonymisation framework that has been developed to address the particularities of the RDF specification. Such framework includes an anonymisation model for RDF data, a set of anonymisation operations for the implementation of such model, and a metric for measuring precision and distortion of anonymised RDF data. Furthermore, this paper presents a use case of the proposed RDF anonymisation framework

    Strategy for Energy Management System Interoperability

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    priego2013aThe goal of the Ready4SmartCities project is to support energy data interoperability in the context of SmartCities. It keeps a precise focus on building and urban data. Work package 2 is more specifically concerned with identifying the knowledge and data resources available or needed, that support energy management system interoperability. This deliverable defines the strategy to be used in WP2 for achieving its goal. It is made of two parts: identifying domains and stakeholders specific to the WP2 activity and the methodology used in WP2 and WP3

    Guidelines for Linked Data generation and publication: an example in building energy consumption

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    Linked Data is the key paradigm of the Semantic Web, a new generation of the World Wide Web that promises to bring meaning (semantics) to data. A large number of both public and private organizations have published their data following the Linked Data principles, or have done so with data from other organizations. To this extent, since the generation and publication of Linked Data are intensive engineering processes that require high attention in order to achieve high quality, and since experience has shown that existing general guidelines are not always sufficient to be applied to every domain, this paper presents a set of guidelines for generating and publishing Linked Data in the context of energy consumption in buildings (one aspect of Building Information Models). These guidelines offer a comprehensive description of the tasks to perform, including a list of steps, tools that help in achieving the task, various alternatives for performing the task, and best practices and recommendations. Furthermore, this paper presents a complete example on the generation and publication of Linked Data about energy consumption in buildings, following the presented guidelines, in which the energy consumption data of council sites (e.g., buildings and lights) belonging to the Leeds City Council jurisdiction have been generated and published as Linked Data

    Strategy for Energy Management System Interoperability

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    priego2013aThe goal of the Ready4SmartCities project is to support energy data interoperability in the context of SmartCities. It keeps a precise focus on building and urban data. Work package 2 is more specifically concerned with identifying the knowledge and data resources available or needed, that support energy management system interoperability. This deliverable defines the strategy to be used in WP2 for achieving its goal. It is made of two parts: identifying domains and stakeholders specific to the WP2 activity and the methodology used in WP2 and WP3

    RIDER - A Recommendation Framework for Exploiting Evaluation Results and User Quality Requirements

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    Analytic Network Process and Analytic Hierarchy Process are Multiple Criteria Decision Making methods which are often used for providing recommendations in terms of rankings in order to help with the problem of selecting one product, service or action among a group of possible alternatives. The usage of the Analytic Network Process and of the Analytic Hierarchy Process implies a definition of a model of a recommendation, and involvement of persons (users or experts in the field related to the alternatives to be recommended) for the manual comparison of alternatives according to their quality by specifying preferences (importance) of one alternative over another. However, different users have different quality requirements over alternatives and every specific set of quality requirements implies repeated definition of a model of a recommendation adapted to that set of quality requirements, which is a resource consuming task. Furthermore, relying on user or expert comparison of alternatives is often expensive since it requires knowledge about all the alternatives and about the comparison method used with the Analytic Hierarchy or Network Process. On the other hand, in some fields in which the selection of the best alternative is a difficult task, such as the field of Semantic Web and semantic technologies, there exist a number of alternatives’ quality evaluation results that can be used for the comparison of alternatives and deriving preferences between these alternatives. Such evaluation results are usually obtained in the process of evaluation driven by the guidelines defined in a quality model. This thesis aims to advance the current state of the art in the Multiple Criteria Decision Making field and in the semantic technologies field. In particular, the main goals of this thesis are: i) to provide a Multiple Criteria Decision Making framework that extends the Analytic Network Process and that takes advantage of evaluation results of alternatives and of user quality requirements over such alternatives; and ii) to apply this MCDM framework in the Semantic Web field for semantic tools recommendation. To achieve these goals, the following contributions are delivered in this thesis: _ A set of domain-independent algorithms for the automatic comparison of alternatives according to alternatives’ evaluation results, which can be used in the Analytic Network Process and in the Analytic Hierarchy Process. _ A set of methods for the dynamic extraction of the Analytic Network Process and Analytic Hierarchy Process models, that are based on user quality requirements. _ Software that supports the proposed MCDM framework. _ SemQuaRE, a quality model for semantic tools. _ The application of the proposed MCDM framework for the recommendation of semantic technologies, including a web application for the recommendation of such technologies. The MCDM framework proposed in this thesis is generic and can be instantiated in any domain by defining a quality model, an AHP or ANP model of the domain, criteria pairwise comparisons (as required by the AHP or the ANP) made by experts, and taking evaluation results of alternatives as inputs. Once instantiated, the proposed framework takes a set of quality requirements specified by a user as input and produces as output a ranked list of alternatives that best suit the specified user quality requirements. RESUMEN El Proceso Analítico en Red y el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico son métodos de toma de decisiones multicriterio que a menudo se utilizan para proporcionar recomendaciones (en términos de un ranking) con el fin de ayudar en el problema de selección de un producto, servicio o acción entre un grupo de posibles alternativas. El uso del Proceso Analítico en Red y del Proceso Analítico Jerárquico implica la definición de un modelo de recomendación y la participación de personas (usuarios o expertos en el ámbito relacionado con las alternativas a ser recomendadas) en la comparación manual de alternativas de acuerdo a su calidad mediante la especificación de preferencias (importancias) de una alternativa frente a otra. Sin embargo, distintos usuarios tienen diferentes requisitos de calidad para dichas alternativas y cada conjunto de requisitos de calidad específico implica la repetición de la definición del modelo de recomendación adaptado a ese conjunto de requisitos de calidad, que es una tarea que consume muchos recursos. Por otra parte, basar la comparación de alternativas en el usuario o experto es a menudo costoso, ya que requiere conocimientos sobre todas las alternativas y sobre el método de comparación utilizado en el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico o en el Proceso Analítico en Red. Por otra parte, en algunos campos en los que la selección de la mejor alternativa es una tarea difícil, como el campo de la Web Semántica y de las tecnologías semánticas, existen una serie de resultados de la evaluación de calidad de alternativas que pueden ser utilizados para la comparación y derivación de preferencias entre estas alternativas. Tales resultados de evaluación normalmente se obtienen mediante un proceso de evaluación impulsado por las guías definidas en un modelo de calidad. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo avanzar el estado del arte en el campo de métodos de toma de decisiones multicriterio y en el campo de las tecnologías semánticas. En particular, los principales objetivos de esta tesis son: i) proporcionar un marco de recomendación basado en un método de toma de decisiones multicriterio que extiende el Proceso Analítico en Red y que se aprovecha de los resultados de evaluación de alternativas y de los requisitos de calidad de los usuarios relacionados con estas alternativas; y ii) aplicar este marco de recomendación en el campo de la Web Semántica para la recomendación de tecnologías semánticas. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, las siguientes contribuciones se presentan en esta tesis: _ Un conjunto de los algoritmos independientes de dominio para la comparación automática de alternativas en función de sus resultados de evaluación, que se pueden utilizar en el Proceso Analítico en Red y en el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico. _ Un conjunto de métodos para la extracción dinámica de los modelos del Proceso Analítico en Red y del Proceso Analítico Jerárquico, que se basan en los requisitos de calidad del usuario. _ El software que soporta el marco de recomendación propuesto. _ SemQuaRE, un modelo de calidad para las tecnologías semánticas. _ La aplicación del propuesto marco de recomendación para la recomendación de tecnologías semánticas, incluyendo una aplicación web para la recomendación de este tipo de tecnologías. El marco de recomendación propuesto en esta tesis es genérico y puede ser instanciado en cualquier dominio mediante la definición de un modelo de calidad, un modelo de AHP o ANP del dominio, la comparación de los criterios (según los requisitos del AHP o el ANP) hecha por los expertos, y tomando como entrada los resultados de la evaluación de alternativas. Una vez instanciado, el marco propuesto toma como entrada un conjunto de requisitos de calidad especificados por un usuario y produce como salida un ranking de las alternativas que mejor se adapten a dichos requisitos de calidad