52 research outputs found

    When FPGAs are better at floating-point than microprocessors

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    It has been shown that FPGAs could outperform high-end microprocessors on floating-point computations thanks to massive parallelism. However, most previous studies re-implement in the FPGA the operators present in a processor. This is a safe and relatively straightforward approach, but it doesn't exploit the greater flexibility of the FPGA. This article is a survey of the many ways in which the FPGA implementation of a given floating-point computation can be not only faster, but also more accurate than its microprocessor counterpart. Techniques studied here include custom precision, specific accumulator design, dedicated architectures for coarser operators which have to be implemented in software in processors, and others. A real-world biomedical application illustrates these claims. This study also points to how current FPGA fabrics could be enhanced for better floating-point support

    Multipliers for Floating-Point Double Precision and Beyond on FPGAs

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    International audienceThe implementation of high-precision floating-point applications on reconfigurable hardware requires a variety of large multipliers: Standard multipliers are the core of floating-point multipliers; Truncated multipliers, trading resources for a well-controlled accuracy degradation, are useful building blocks in situations where a full multiplier is not needed. This work studies the automated generation of such multipliers using the embedded multipliers and adders present in DSP blocks of current FPGAs. The optimization of such multipliers is expressed as a tiling problem where a tile represents a hardware multiplier and super-tiles are the wiring of several hardware multipliers making efficient use of the DSP internal resources. This tiling technique is shown to adapt to full or truncated multipliers. It addresses arbitrary precisions including single, double but also in the quadruple precision introduced by the IEEE-754-2008 standard and currently unsupported by processor hardware. An open-source implementation is provided in the FloPoCo project

    OverFlow: Multi-Site Aware Big Data Management for Scientific Workflows on Clouds

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    International audienceThe global deployment of cloud datacenters is enabling large scale scientific workflows to improve performance and deliver fast responses. This unprecedented geographical distribution of the computation is doubled by an increase in the scale of the data handled by such applications, bringing new challenges related to the efficient data management across sites. High throughput, low latencies or cost-related trade-offs are just a few concerns for both cloud providers and users when it comes to handling data across datacenters. Existing solutions are limited to cloud-provided storage, which offers low performance based on rigid cost schemes. In turn, workflow engines need to improvise substitutes, achieving performance at the cost of complex system configurations, maintenance overheads, reduced reliability and reusability. In this paper, we introduce OverFlow, a uniform data management system for scientific workflows running across geographically distributed sites, aiming to reap economic benefits from this geo-diversity. Our solution is environment-aware, as it monitors and models the global cloud infrastructure, offering high and predictable data handling performance for transfer cost and time, within and across sites. OverFlow proposes a set of pluggable services, grouped in a data scientist cloud kit. They provide the applications with the possibility to monitor the underlying infrastructure, to exploit smart data compression, deduplication and geo-replication, to evaluate data management costs, to set a tradeoff between money and time, and optimize the transfer strategy accordingly. The system was validated on the Microsoft Azure cloud across its 6 EU and US datacenters. The experiments were conducted on hundreds of nodes using synthetic benchmarks and real-life bio-informatics applications (A-Brain, BLAST). The results show that our system is able to model accurately the cloud performance and to leverage this for efficient data dissemination, being able to reduce the monetary costs and transfer time by up to 3 times

    A-Brain: Using the Cloud to Understand the Impact of Genetic Variability on the Brain

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    International audienceJoint genetic and neuroimaging data analysis on large cohorts of subjects is a new approach used to assess and understand the variability that exists between individuals. This approach has remained poorly understood so far and brings forward very significant challenges, as progress in this field can open pioneering directions in biology and medicine. As both neuroimaging- and genetic-domain observations represent a huge amount of variables (of the order of 106 ), performing statistically rigorous analyses on such Big Data represents a computational challenge that cannot be addressed with conventional computational techniques. In the A-Brain project, we address this computational problem using cloud computing techniques on Microsoft Azure, relying on our complementary expertise in the area of scalable cloud data management and in the field of neuroimaging and genetics data analysis


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    In the last years the interest for magnetic stimulation of the human nervous tissue has increased considerably, because this technique has proved its utility and applicability both as a diagnostic and as a treatment instrument. Research in this domain is aimed at removing some of the disadvantages of the technique: the lack of focalization of the stimulated region and the reduced efficiency of the energetic transfer from the stimulating coil to the tissue. Better stimulation coils can solve these problems. Designing coils is so far a trial-and error process, relying on very compute-intensive simulations. In software, such a simulation has a very high running time (several hours for complicated geometries of the coils). This paper proposes and demonstrates an FPGA- based hardware implementation of this simulation which reduces the computation time by 4 orders of magnitude. Thanks to this powerful tool, some significant improvements in the design of the coils have already been obtained

    Evaluating Streaming Strategies for Event Processing across Infrastructure Clouds

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    International audienceInfrastructure clouds revolutionized the way in which we approach resource procurement by providing an easy way to lease compute and storage resources on short notice, for a short amount of time, and on a pay-as-you-go basis. This new opportunity, however, introduces new performance trade-offs. Making the right choices in leveraging different types of storage available in the cloud is particularly important for applications that depend on managing large amounts of data within and across clouds. An increasing number of such applications conformto a pattern in which data processing relies on streaming the data to a compute platform where a set of similar operations is repeatedly applied to independent chunks of data. This pattern is evident in virtual observatories such as the Ocean Observatory Initiative, in cases when new data is evaluated against existing features in geospatial computations or when experimental data is processed as a series of time events. In this paper, we propose two strategies for efficiently implementing such streaming in the cloud and evaluate them in the contextof an ATLAS application processing experimental data. Our results show that choosing the right cloud configuration can improve overall application performance by as much as three times

    Evaluating Streaming Strategies for Event Processing across Infrastructure Clouds

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    Abstract-Infrastructure clouds revolutionized the way in which we approach resource procurement by providing an easy way to lease compute and storage resources on short notice, for a short amount of time, and on a pay-as-you-go basis. This new opportunity, however, introduces new performance trade-offs. Making the right choices in leveraging different types of storage available in the cloud is particularly important for applications that depend on managing large amounts of data within and across clouds. An increasing number of such applications conform to a pattern in which data processing relies on streaming the data to a compute platform where a set of similar operations is repeatedly applied to independent chunks of data. This pattern is evident in virtual observatories such as the Ocean Observatory Initiative, in cases when new data is evaluated against existing features in geospatial computations or when experimental data is processed as a series of time events. In this paper, we propose two strategies for efficiently implementing such streaming in the cloud and evaluate them in the context of an ATLAS application processing experimental data. Our results show that choosing the right cloud configuration can improve overall application performance by as much as three times

    JetStream: Enabling high throughput live event streaming on multi-site clouds

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    International audienceScientific and commercial applications operate nowadays on tens of cloud datacenters around the globe, following similar patterns: they aggregate monitoring or sensor data, assess the QoS or run global data mining queries based on inter-site event stream processing. Enabling fast data transfers across geographically distributed sites allows such applications to manage the continuous streams of events in real time and quickly react to changes. However, traditional event processing engines often consider data resources as second-class citizens and support access to data only as a side-effect of computation (i.e. they are not concerned by the transfer of events from their source to the processing site). This is an efficient approach as long as the processing is executed in a single cluster where nodes are interconnected by low latency networks. In a distributed environment, consisting of multiple datacenters, with orders of magnitude differences in capabilities and connected by a WAN, this will undoubtedly lead to significant latency and performance variations. This is namely the challenge we address in this paper, by proposing JetStream, a high performance batch-based streaming middleware for efficient transfers of events between cloud datacenters. JetStream is able to self-adapt to the streaming conditions by modeling and monitoring a set of context parameters. It further aggregates the available bandwidth by enabling multi-route streaming across cloud sites, while at the same time optimizing resource utilization and increasing cost efficiency. The prototype was validated on tens of nodes from US and Europe datacenters of the Windows Azure cloud with synthetic benchmarks and a real-life application monitoring the ALICE experiment at CERN. The results show a 3x increase of the transfer rate using the adaptive multi-route streaming, compared to state of the art solutions

    Storage and Ingestion Systems in Support of Stream Processing: A Survey

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    Under the pressure of massive, exponentially increasing amounts ofheterogeneous data that are generated faster and faster, Big Data analyticsapplications have seen a shift from batch processing to stream processing,which can reduce the time needed to obtain meaningful insight dramatically.Stream processing is particularly well suited to address the challenges of fog/edgecomputing: much of this massive data comes from Internet of Things (IoT)devices and needs to be continuously funneled through an edge infrastructuretowards centralized clouds. Thus, it is only natural to process data on theirway as much as possible rather than wait for streams to accumulate on thecloud. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art stream processing systems are not wellsuited for this role: the data are accumulated (ingested), processed andpersisted (stored) separately, often using different services hosted ondifferent physical machines/clusters. Furthermore, there is only limited support foradvanced data manipulations, which often forces application developers tointroduce custom solutions and workarounds. In this survey article, wecharacterize the main state-of-the-art stream storage and ingestion systems.We identify the key aspects and discuss limitations and missing features inthe context of stream processing for fog/edge and cloud computing. The goal is tohelp practitioners understand and prepare for potential bottlenecks when usingsuch state-of-the-art systems. In particular, we discuss both functional(partitioning, metadata, search support, message routing, backpressuresupport) and non-functional aspects (high availability, durability,scalability, latency vs. throughput). As a conclusion of our study, weadvocate for a unified stream storage and ingestion system to speed-up datamanagement and reduce I/O redundancy (both in terms of storage space andnetwork utilization)

    Machine Learning Patterns for Neuroimaging-Genetic Studies in the Cloud

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    International audienceBrain imaging is a natural intermediate phenotype to understand the link between genetic information and behavior or brain pathologies risk factors. Massive efforts have been made in the last few years to acquire high-dimensional neuroimaging and genetic data on large cohorts of subjects. The statistical analysis of such data is carried out with increasingly sophisticated techniques and represents a great computational challenge. Fortunately, increasing computational power in distributed architectures can be harnessed, if new neuroinformatics infrastructures are designed and training to use these new tools is provided. Combining a MapReduce framework (TomusBLOB) with machine learning algorithms (Scikit-learn library), we design a scalable analysis tool that can deal with non-parametric statistics on high-dimensional data. End-users describe the statistical procedure to perform and can then test the model on their own computers before running the very same code in the cloud at a larger scale. We illustrate the potential of our approach on real data with an experiment showing how the functional signal in subcortical brain regions can be significantly fit with genome-wide genotypes. This experiment demonstrates the scalability and the reliability of our framework in the cloud with a two weeks deployment on hundreds of virtual machines
