66 research outputs found

    Urban space as a frame of children's everyday life based on the study of the specific urban areas of Novi Sad

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    Rezime U radu se na nivou konkretnih urbanih prostora različitog koncepta (otvoren/zatvoren tip urbanog bloka) i položaja (centralan/periferan) u Novom Sadu, ali i globalnih trendova, prikazuje odnos gradskog prostora i detinjstva, sa ciljem sagledavanja prostornih mogućnosti za realizaciju dečijih svakodnevnih praksi i načina na koji deca odgovaraju na makrostrukture ugrađene u urbani prostor. Lefevrov koncept proizvodnje prostora usvojen je kao adekvatan konceptualni okvir razumevanja oblikovanja prostorne dimenzije grada kao strukturnog konteksta dečjih svakodnevnih aktivnosti i urbanog iskustva. Razumevanje svakodnevnih praksi detinjstva u skladu sa kojima se prostor oblikuje omogućeno je konceptualizacijom detinjstva kao druÅ”tvene tvorevine. Usvajanjem ova dva koncepta, prostorni resursi za dečje svakodnevne prakse razmatraju se u kontekstu Å”irih druÅ”tvenih procesa oblikovanja prostorno-funkcionalne strukture savremenih gradova, operacionalizovanim u praksama urbane politike i strukturnih procesa oblikovanja savremenog detinjstva, pre svega institucionalizacije i familizacije. Rad se bazira na pristupu viÅ”estrukog metoda, koji obuhvata analizu postojećih istraživanja, zakonodavne, urbanističke, i druge relevantne dokumentacije, kao i analizu porodičnih karakteristika dece kao značajnog strukturnog konteksta formiranja dečijeg urbanog iskustva. Međutim, orijentacija da se odnos grada i detinjstva sagleda iz perspektive dece odredila je da se centralni deo analize bazira na podacima prikupljenim specifičnom vizuelnom metodom ā€“ tehnikom koriŔćenja fotografija za podsticanje razgovora (Photo-elicitation Interview), pri čemu su za izvođenje razgovora koriŔćene dečje fotografije urbanog prostora. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na zaključak da je dečje urbano iskustvo, operacionalizovano kao prostorna pokretljivost, institucionalizacija slobodnog vremena (odnos mesta za decu i dečjih mesta) i prostorna autonomija, ograničeno delovanjem strukturnih činilaca ā€“ prostornog i porodičnog konteksta. Ograničenja prostornog konteksta rezultat su praksi urbane politike koja planiranu dečiju upotrebu grada svodi na nivo stambenog naselja i na namenske prostore igre i obrazovanja. Izvan ovih praksi i prostornih resursa za njihovo zadovoljavanje, deca se ne prepoznaju kao značajni i legitimni korisnici grada. Kontekstualne specifičnosti gradova u Srbiji, pa i u Novom Sadu, ispoljavaju se kao tipoloÅ”ka svedenost, malobrojnost i neadekvatnost prostora za decu. Ograničenja porodičnog konteksta deluju preko druÅ”tvenog sloja porodice deteta koji dobija dodatni značaj u kontekstu proizvodnje druÅ”tveno segregiranih (homogenih) prostora i privatizacije i komercijalizacije gradskih sadržaja, pa i onih namenjenih deci. Strukturna ograničenja dečjih prostornih praksi dovode do urbanog iskustva svedenog na nivo susedstva, te do smanjene prostorne i socijalne kompetentnosti dece, čime se odlaže proces sazrevanja i odrastanja, ali i ograničava mogućnost druÅ”tvene integracije. Moć dece da deluju izvan datih struktura, da formiraju svoje prostore reperezentacije ā€“ dečja mesta, ograničena je i obuhvata marginalne prostore, prostore koji se nalaze izvan interesovanja odraslih i/ili starije dece, odnosno čije ih koriŔćenje ne dovodi u konflikt sa njima. Tako, urbani prostor i po pitanju mogućnosti koje pruža deci predstavlja mesto reprodukcije druÅ”tvenih nejednakosti, a ne inkluzivnu sredinu

    Proteinases from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum moench) seeds: Purification and properties of the 47 kDa enzyme

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    Analizirane su aspartične proteinaze semena heljde. Upotrebom pepstatin A afinitetne hromatografije, iz zrelog semena izdvojene su tri forme aspartičnih proteinaza, od 47 kDa, 40 kDa i 28 kDa, dok je u ekstraktu nezrelog semena odsustvovala forma od 40 kDa. Protein od 47 kDa naknadno je razdvojen od ostalih formi kada je hromatografiji prethodila amonijum-sulfatna precipitacija. Pokazano je da tip proteolitičkog delovanja prečiŔćene forme enzima odgovara delovanju himozina, aspartične proteinaze animalnog porekla, čime bi se mogla objasniti njegova sposobnost da koaguliÅ”e mleko. Enzim je lokalizovan u membranskoj ćelijskoj frakciji.Aspartic proteinases from buckwheat seeds are analyzed. Three forms of 47 kDa, 40 kDa and 28 kDa, were purified from mature buckwheat seeds, while two forms of 47 kDa and 28 kDa were detected in developing buckwheat seeds using pepstatin A affinity chromatography. A form of 47 kDa was selectively precipitated from other forms by ammonium sulfate precipitation. This enzyme resembles the chymosin-like pattern of proteolytic activity, as it was shown using BSA and k-casein as substrates, clarifying its ability for milk-clotting. The 47 kDa aspartic proteinase form is localized in the membrane fraction

    Proteinases from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum moench) seeds: Purification and properties of the 47 kDa enzyme

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    Aspartic proteinases from buckwheat seeds are analyzed. Three forms of 47 kDa, 40 kDa and 28 kDa, were purified from mature buckwheat seeds, while two forms of 47 kDa and 28 kDa were detected in developing buckwheat seeds using pepstatin A affinity chromatography. A form of 47 kDa was selectively precipitated from other forms by ammonium sulfate precipitation. This enzyme resembles the chymosin-like pattern of proteolytic activity, as it was shown using BSA and k-casein as substrates, clarifying its ability for milk-clotting. The 47 kDa aspartic proteinase form is localized in the membrane fraction.

    Seed-specific aspartic proteinase FeAP12 from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

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    Gen za aspartičnu proteinazu (FeAP12) je izolovan iz eDNA biblioteke semena heljde u razviću. Analiza izvedene amino kiselinske sekvence FeAP12 gena ukazuje na njenu visoku homologiju sa ostalim tipičnim biljnim aspartičnim proteinazama (AP) koje se odlikuju prisustvom biljno specifičnog inserta (plant specific insert PSI), jedinstvenog među AP. Pokazano je da gen FeAP12 nije eksprimiran u listu, korenu, stablu i cvetu, već da je iRNA za FeAP12 prisutna samo u semenu. Najveći nivo ekspresije ovog gena je uočen u ranim fazama razvića semena, Å”to ukazuje na njegovu moguću ulogu u degradaciji nucelusa.Aspartic proteinase gene (FeAP12) has been isolated from the cDNA library of developing buckwheat seeds. Analysis of its deduced amino acid sequence showed that it resembled the structure and shared high homology with typical plant aspartic proteinases (AP) characterized by the presence of a plant-specific insert (PSI), unique among APs. It was shown that FeAP12 mRNA was not present in the leaves, roots, steam and flowers, but was seed-specifically expressed. Moreover, the highest levels of FeAP12 expression were observed in the early stages of seed development, therefore suggesting its potential role in nucellar degradation

    Isolation and structural analysis of a gene coding for a novel type of aspartic proteinase from buckwheat seed (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

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    Iz biblioteke cDNK semena heljde u srednjoj fazi razvića izolovan je gen koji kodira novi tip aspartične proteinaze. Analizom sekvence ove cDNK (Fe-APL1) uočeno je odsustvo domena karakterističnog samo za biljne aspartične proteinaze, a analizom odgovrajućeg genomskog fragmenta da se radi o genu koji ne sadrži introne. Bioinformatičkim analizama genoma arabidopsisa je pokazano da je većina potencijalnih gena za aspartične proteinaze upravo sa ovim osobinama, iako je to eksperimentalno dokazano samo kod malog broja gena. Rezultati ovog rada daju doprinos u analizi raznovrsnosti unutar familije biljnih aspartičnih proteinaza. .A novel type of aspartic proteinase gene was isolated from the cDNA library of developing buckwheat seeds. This cDNA, FeAPL1, encoded an AP-like protein lacking the plant-specific insert (PSI) domain characteristic of typical plant aspartic proteinases. In addition the corresponding genomic fragment was isolated. It is demonstrated that this gene does not contain introns. Since bioinformatics analysis of the Arabidopsis genome showed that most potential AP genes are intronless and PSI-less, it appears that "atypical" is an inappropriate word for that class of AP. Isolation of this specific buckwheat gene among the small group of those isolated from other plant species provides a new perspective on the diversity of AP family members in plants.

    Evaluation of toxicity and antioxidative effects of Tussilago farfara and Verbascum thapsus water extracts in zebrafish and in bronchial epithelial cells

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    Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot) and Verbascum thapsus (mullein) have been used as folk remedies for treating respiratory disorders. The aim of this study was to test the toxicity of the water extracts of T. farfara and V. thapsus in vivo in zebrafish and in vitro in BEAS 2B epithelial bronchial cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the antioxidative properties of T. farfara and V. thapsus extracts in cell culture. Our results show that the T. farfara leaf extract does not produce toxic effects on zebrafish embryos or BEAS 2B cells, and that it has a protective effect in BEAS 2B after induction of oxidative stress. The water extract from V. thapsus displayed pronounced toxic effects on zebrafish embryos and BEAS 2B cells and did not exhibit a significant antioxidative effect on BEAS 2B cells exposed to oxidative stress. Our results suggest that the use of T. farfara water leaf extract is potentially safe and effective in treating respiratory disorders, whereas the use of V. thapsus needs further investigation

    Phenazines producing pseudomonas isolates decrease Alternaria tenuissima growth, pathogenicity and disease incidence on cardoon

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    Phenazines, secondary metabolites of fluorescent Pseudomonas, represent a group of heterocyclic nitrogen-containing compounds showing a broad spectrum of antibiotic properties. Phenazines producing fluorescent Pseudomonas species are studied extensively for their application in plant disease management. In this study, we examined the antifungal activity of different indigenous Pseudomonas isolates (Q16, B25 and PS2) against the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria tenuissima, which had infected cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L., Asteraceae). An in vitro experiment demonstrated the antifungal activity of selected indigenous isolates. In addition, an in vivo experiment under gnotobiotic conditions showed suppression of C. cardunculus disease caused by A. tenuissima. The quantification of phenazines revealed significant amounts of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) and 2-hydroxy-phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (2-OH-PCA). PCR analysis confirmed the presence of PCA genes in all examined indigenous Pseudomonas isolates. Based on our results, we assume that these Pseudomonas isolates have potential in controlling plant diseases caused by A. tenuissima. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46007 and br. TR31018

    GraŔak i urov Tetovac - made in ranogvozdenodobni Leskovac, Deo drugi - ekstrakcija drevne DNK iz ugljenisanih semena sa nalaziŔta Hisar u južnoj Srbiji

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    The extracts were prepared from the samples of 3,200-year-old charred pea and bitter vetch seeds from the site of Hissar near Leskovac, South Serbia, using two different DNA extraction procedures. We used CTAB method with some modification and obtained low quantity of ancient DNA in comparison with the second method used - commercial available kit. After the extraction, a whole genome amplification using Phi29 DNA polymerase was performed. The amplified DNAs were used for PCR reaction using primers for 26S rDNA gene, which is located on the nuclear genome. The single band corresponding to 26S rDNA fragment from modern relatives was obtained. We conclude that DNA from charred pea and vetch seed can be extracted and used for further archaeobotanical analysis at the molecular level.Primenom dve različite procedure ekstrahovana je drevna DNK iz ugljenisanih semena graÅ”ka i urova starih 3200 godina sa lokaliteta Hisar kod Leskovca. KoriŔćena je modifikovana CTAB metoda i dobijena je relativno mala količina drevne DNK u poređenju sa drugom primenjenom metodom - komercijalno dostupnim kitom za izolaciju DNK. Nakon ekstrakcije primenjeno je umnožavanje celog genoma pomoću Phi29 DNK polimeraze. Umnožena DNK je koriŔćena za PCR reakciju primenom prajmera za 26S rDNK gen, koji je lociran u jedarnom genomu. Dobijen je fragment iste veličine kao i PCR fragment 26S rDNK savremenih srodnika graÅ”ka i urova. Može se zaključiti da je moguće ekstrahovati drevnu DNK iz ugljenisanih semena graÅ”ka i urova i koristiti je za dalje arheobotaničke analize na molekularnom nivou

    Tolerantnost prema osmotskom stresu, PGP osobine i RAPD analiza sojeva Bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    The osmotic stress tolerance of B. japonicum strains assessed according to their persistence in PEG solution. The lowest tolerance to osmotic stress was observed in strain 511 (43.3%), and the highest tolerance was observed for strain D216 (3.3% growth reduction in presence of PEG). PGP traits of B. japonicum strains were tested. None of five B. japonicum strains produced siderophore, strains 511 and 518 had the urease ability, and only B. japonicum 518 strain showed the ability to solubilize insoluble tricalcium phosphate. RAPD analysis, using AP10, BC318, AF14 and SPH1 primers, indicated genetic differences between Bradyrhizobium strains. The first group (strains 3, 6 and 518) showed more than 80% similarity. Strains 511 and D216 formed separate clusters. Difference between strains D216 and the other strains were more than 60%, with maximum value of 72% in comparison with strain 511. Plant-growth promoting (PGP) traits, osmotic stress tolerance and RAPD analysis highlighted strain D216 as useful for further investigation of B. japonicum impact on drought reduction in symbiosis with soybean.Tolerantnost sojeva B. japonicum prema osmotskom stresu ispitana je na osnovu preživljavanja sojeva u rastvoru PEG-a. Najmanju tolerantnost prema osmotskom stresu pokazao je soj 511 (43.3%), dok je najtolerantniji bio soj D216 (sa 3.3% smanjenja rasta u prisustvu PEG-a). Ispitane su PGP osobine sojeva B. japonicum. Nijedan od pet sojeva B. japonicum nije produkovao siderofore, ureaznu aktivnost pokazali su sojevi 511 i 518, a sposobnost solubilizacije neorganskog tri-kalcijum fosfata imao je samo soj B. japonicum 518. RAPD analiza, prajmerima AP10, BC318, AF14 i SPH1, ukazala je na genetske razlike između sojeva Bradyrhizobium. Prva grupa (sojevi 3, 6 i 518) pokazala je viÅ”e od 80% sličnosti. Sojevi 511 i D216 formiraju zasebne klastere. Razlika između soja D216 i ostalih sojeva bila je veća od 60%, a maksimalna divergentnost od 72% zabeležena je u poređenju sa sojem 511. PGP osobine, tolerantnost prema osmotskom stresu i RAPD analiza izdvojili su soj D216 kao veoma značajan za dalja istraživanja B. japonicum u smanjenju negativnih posledica suÅ”e na simbioznu zajednicu sa sojom
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