105 research outputs found

    Kompetentnost nastavnika i upotreba asistivne tehnologije u nastavi za učenike sa smetnjama u razvoju

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    Асистивнa технологије је значајна јер омогућава ученицима већу самосталност у свакодневном животу, али и већу контролу над искуством учења. Да би асистивна технологија могла да се користи у школама, у раду са ученицима, неопходно је да наставници буду компетентни за њену употребу. Компетентан наставник је онај који има висок ниво знања, вештина и познавања употребе асистивне технологије. Од његове компетенције зависи колико ће се користити у настави и колики ће значај имати за ученике. Уколико је наставник компетентан и сматра да је значајна у раду уложиће напоре на интегрисању технологије у процес учења. Циљ рада је да на основу прегледа литературе и објављених истраживања сумирамo научна сазнања о кометентности наставника за примену асистивне технологије и значај употребе асистивних уређаја у образовању ученика са сметњама у развоју у инклузивним условима као и могуће изазове на које наилазе наставници при одабиру потребних помагала, као и описати мишљење и компетентност наставника који су у свакодневном контакту са децом за коришћење асистивне технологије у редовној настави. Основна истраживачка питања била су: Какви су ставови наставника о значају употребе асистивне технологије у образовању ученика са сметњама у развоју? Каква је компетентност наставника за коришћење асистивне технологије? Како наставници процењују своја знања за употребу асистивне технологије? Да ли су наставници и учитељи редовне наставе заинтересовани за професионално усавршавање које се односи на асистивну технологију? Претраживањем су обухваћени радови објављени у електронским базама података Web of Science, Google Academic i Pub Med, са кључним речима „асистивна технологија“, „употреба“, „компетенција“, „сметње у развоју“, „ученици“, „инклузивно образовање“. У обзир су узети радови публиковани на српском и енглеском језику у периоду од 1994. до 2019. године. Резултати анализираних истраживања су показали да наставници имају позитивне ставове о асистивној технологији, али им недостаје знања и компетенција, међутим сви наставници су спремни на професионално усавршавање. Може се закључити да се асистивна технологија недовољно користи у образовању ученика, јер без обзира на позитивне ставове, наставници своје знање процењују углавном као лоше, јер им недостају компетенције за њену употребу па је потребно посветити већу пажњу професионалном усавршавању учитеља и наставника, за шта су и сами заинтересовани.Assistive technology is important because it allows students greater independence in everyday life, but also greater control over the learning experience. In order for assistive technology to be used in schools, in working with students, it is necessary for teachers to be competent in its use. A competent teacher is one who has a high level of knowledge, skills and knowledge of the use of assistive technology. It depends on his competence how much it will be used in teaching and how important it will be for students. If the teacher is competent and believes that it is important in the work, he will make efforts to integrate technology into the learning process. The aim of this paper is to summarize the scientific knowledge of teachers' competence for the application of assistive technology and the importance of using assistive devices in the education of students with disabilities in inclusive conditions, as well as possible challenges faced by teachers in selecting the necessary aids. and describe the opinion and competence of teachers who are in daily contact with children to use assistive technology in regular classes. The basic research questions were: What are the attitudes of teachers about the importance of using assistive technology in the education of students with disabilities? What is the competence of teachers to use assistive technology? How do teachers assess their knowledge of the use of assistive technology? Are regular teachers interested in professional development related to assistive technology? The search included papers published in electronic databases Web of Science, Google Academic and Pub Med, with the key words "assistive technology", "use", "competence", "developmental disabilities", "students", "inclusive education". Papers published in Serbian and English in the period from 1994 to 2019 were taken into account. The results of the analyzed research showed that teachers have positive attitudes about assistive technology, but they lack knowledge and competencies, but all teachers are ready for professional development. It can be concluded that assistive technology is insufficiently used in student education, because regardless of positive attitudes, teachers assess their knowledge mostly as bad, because they lack competencies for its use, so it is necessary to pay more attention to professional development of teachers. and interested themselve

    Determination of phenol content and antioxidant activity of leek (Allium Porrum L.) extract

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    From molecules to Functionalised Materials : Intensive Lecture Course : March 16-20, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2011

    The Effect of Shelter on Oxidative Stress and Aggressive Behavior in Crested Newt Larvae (Triturus spp.)

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    Shelters are important for animal survival. Provision of adequate hiding places allow animals to express their natural sheltering behavior and it can have different positive effects on cortisol levels, physiological processes and mental performance. Although the absence of a refuge activates some stress response, its effect on oxidative stress has not been adequately examined. This study investigated whether the presence/absence of a shelter modifies the oxidative status (the antioxidant system and oxidative damage) and aggressive behavior of crested newt larvae (Triturus macedonicus and its hybrid with T. ivanbureschi). Our results show that individuals reared with shelters had lower values of the tested antioxidant parameters (catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase and glutathione), indicating a lower production of reactive species than individuals reared without shelter. The same pattern was observed in both T. macedonicus and its hybrid. Contrary to the activation of some physiological pathways, shelter availability did not significantly affect the rate of intraspecific aggressive behavior. The physiological benefits of shelter use can be manifested as a lower requirement for investment in the energy necessary for the maintenance of the upregulated antioxidant defenses, activation of repair systems and synthesis of endogenous antioxidants. This study highlights the importance of shelter provision, which may be valuable in habitat restoration and animal conservation studies

    Površinski epitel jajnika hipotireoidnih novorođenih i neonatalnih pacova - iz perspektive PCNA i kaspaze-3

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    Introduction. The ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) undergoes intensive regeneration and remodelling after each ovulation during the whole reproductive period. This process increases the risk of one of the most common ovarian tumors in women and the female dog. Considering the fact that maternal hypothyroidism highly impacts cell proliferation and cell death during folliculogenesis in the early neonatal period, we aimed to analyze its effect on OSE morphology and dynamics. Materials and Methods. The study was performed on newborn (24-h-old) and neonatal (4-day-old) female rats, a randomized trial between the control and hypothyroid groups, born under controlled circumstances and hypothyroid mothers, respectively. Their ovaries were analyzed histologically and processed to determine the OSE cell height as an average value of four measurement points. Also, the immunopositivity of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and caspase-3 were assessed semiquantitatively. Results and Conclusions. No major structural differences of OSE were found between groups within the given ages except for a slight increment of OSE cell height and incompleteness of apical cell membrane with cytoplasmic projections in hypothyroid animals. PCNA immunopositivity of the OSE cells was higher in ovaries of hypothyroid animals of both ages in comparison to the controls. Moreover, only scarce OSE cells were caspase-3 positive in both groups and ages, with no difference in immunopositivity. Our study confirms the impact of hypothyroidism in the early postnatal period on morphology and proliferation rate of OSE cells, with no effect on caspase-3 dependent cell removal, which may serve as a premise for future investigation of potential carcinogenesis, in terms of prevention and treatment of ovarian cancer.Uvod. Tokom reproduktivnog perioda, nakon svake ovulacije, površinski epitel (PE) jajnika se intenzivno regeneriše i remodelira. Ovaj proces povećava rizik od nastajanja jednog od najčešćih tumora jajnika kod žena i kuja. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da hipotireoidizam majki u velikoj meri utiče na proliferaciju i ćelijsku smrt u toku folikulogeneze u ranom postnatalnom periodu, cilj rada je bio da analiziramo efekat hipotireoidizma majki na morfologiju i dinamiku PE jajnika potomaka. Materijal i metode. U eksperimentu su korišćeni tek rođeni (24 časa stari) i neonatalni (4 dana stari) mladunci koji potiču od kontrolnih i hipotireoidnih majki. Morfometrijskom analizom određivana je prosečna visina ćelija PE, izmerena na četiri mesta na svakom ispitivanom preseku jajnika. Takođe, imunopozitivnost proliferativnivnog ćelijskog nuklearnog antigena (PCNA) i kaspaze 3 je određivana semikvantitativno. Rezultati i zaključci. Veće promene u strukturi PE jajnika nisu zapažene između grupa, osim blagog povećanja visine ćelija i nepotpune apikalne membrane sa projekcijama citoplazme kod hipotireoidnih životinja. Imunopozitivnost PCNA je značajno povećana u jajnicima hipotireoidnih životinja obe starosne grupe u odnosu na kontrole, dok je imunopozitivnost na kaspazu 3 slabo izražena kod svih životinja. Naše istraživanje je pokazalo da hipotireoidizam u ranom postnatalnom periodu dovodi do promena u morfologiji i proliferaciji ćelija PE, bez efekta na uklanjanje ćelija delovanjem kaspaze 3. Ovaj model može da posluži u budućim istraživanjima potencijalne karcinogeneze u cilju prevencije i tretmana kancera jajnika

    Z-cells and oogonia/oocytes in the advanced process of autophagy are the dominant altered cells in the ovaries of hypothyroid newborn rats

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    Induced prenatal hypothyroidism in rat pups leads to accelerated primordial follicle assembly and premature follicular atresia with ovary failure. This work investigates the influence of maternal hypothyroidism induced with 6-n-propyl-2-thyouracil (PTU) on the number and morphology of oogonia/oocytes in newborn rat pups with light and transmission electron microscopy. Expression of apoptosis and autophagy markers in oogonia/oocytes were examined using immunohistochemistry. Hypothyroid newborn pups had a decreased number of mitotic and resting oogonia, while the number of altered oogonia/oocytes was increased. Ultrastructural observations revealed the increased presence of degenerated pachytene oocytes (Z-cells) and oogonia/oocytes undergoing autophagy, apoptosis and combined apoptosis and autophagy, in this group. The most abundant altered oogonia/oocytes in the hypothyroid group were those with morphological features of advanced autophagy and Z-cells. The percentage of TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling) positive oogonia/ oocytes was significantly lower in the hypothyroid group. No significant difference was recorded in the expression of caspase-3, ATG7 and LC3 possibly reflecting that these proteins were not involved in the oogonia/ oocyte alteration process during prenatal rat hypothyroidism. The obtained results indicate that developmental hypothyroidism in the offspring enhances the number of Z-cells and oogonia/ oocytes altered with the advanced process of autophagy

    Activity of oxidative stress biomarkers in the white muscle of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L.) from the Adriatic sea

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of oxidative stress biomarkers (total superoxide dismutase - Tot SOD; and copper and zinc-containing superoxide dismutase - CuZn SOD; manganese-containing superoxide dismutase - Mn SOD; catalase - CAT; glutathione peroxidase - GSH-Px; and glutathione reductase - GR), as well as the biotransformation phase II enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST), in the white muscle of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L.) at Platamuni (PL) and Valdanos (VAL) in the Adriatic Sea during the winter and spring seasons. The obtained results show both site and seasonal influences on the investigated parameters, with lower enzyme activities at VAL than at PL and in spring than in winter.Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje aktivnosti biomarkera oksidacionog stresa(ukupne superoksid-dismutaze-Tot SOD, bakar cink sadržavajuće superoksid-dismutaze-CuZn SOD, mangan sadržavajuće superoksid-dismutaze-Mn SOD, katalaze-CAT, glutation-peroksidaze-GSH-Px i glutation-reduktaze-GR) kao i enzimafaze II biotransformacije glutation-S-transferaze (GST) u belom mišiću trlje (Mullus barbatus L.) sa lokaliteta Platamuni i Valdanosu Jadranskom moru (Crna Gora) u zimskoj i prolećnoj sezoni. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju razlike ispitivanih parametara između različitih lokaliteta kao i ispitivanih sezona sa nižim aktivnostima enzima u VAL nego u PL i u proleće u odnosu nazimu.Projekat ministarstva br. 143035

    Antioxidant Response in Gills of Eurasian Perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) to Cyanobacterial Bloom Exposure in the Gruža Reservoir

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    The aim of this study was to assess the impact of an Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom in the Gruža Reservoir on the antioxidant parameters measured in the gill cells of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). Effects of the bloom were evaluated through copper, zinc and manganese containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD and MnSOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and biotransformation phase II enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities and glutathione (GSH) and sulfydryl (–SH) groups concentrations. The activities of CuZn SOD and Mn SOD decreased during the cyanobacterial bloom compared to the period before the bloom. The opposite trend was observed for CAT and GSH-Px activities that increased. During the bloom GR and GST activities and GSH concentration decreased significantly. CuZn SOD, GR and GST activities are detected as the most important parameters for individual variations. Our results indicated that an A. flos-aquae bloom promotes oxidative stress in the gills of P. fluviatilis. The investigated parameters could be used in environmental risk assessment procedures to monitor the effects of A. flos-aquae blooms on fish. Observed changes in the antioxidant parameters in P. fluviatilis gills make them potential biomarkers in the research of ecological risk situations in freshwater ecosystems with frequent cyanobacterial blooms.Water Research and Management (2016), 6(2): 19-2

    Erektilna disfunkcija, zavisnost od droge i osobine ličnosti

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    Introduction Drug addiction is a relatively frequent cause of erectile dysfunction. It is believed that this substance induced disorder is a consequence of direct physiological effects of toxic substances. Objective The subject of this paper is to analyze the impact of variables of dependency and variables of personality on the differences between groups of drug users with and without diagnosed erectile dysfunction. The objective is to determine the possibility of predicting these differences using variables of dependency and analysis of the role of personality in that process. Method A sample of addicts comprises 252 males, aged between 19 and 25 years (average 23.3), with the length of dependency from 1 to 5 years. All subjects were convicted for robbery in the period 2007- 2010. year. Dependence and sexual dysfunction were determined using the forensic examination of psychiatrists, and evidence of personality traits using the psychologists expertise (based on the MMPI). Data collection was performed by analyzing of court cases in 2011 year. Testing the difference between groups was done by canonical discriminant analysis. Group of addicts with erectile dysfunction consists of 54 subjects (21.4%), and group of addicts without that dysfunction consists of 198 subjects (78.6%). Results The results obtained by analyzing the difference found out one canonical function, significant at the level of 0.001. Its canonical correlation is .430. This function is defined by four variables of dependency and two variables of personality traits. Conclusion Canonical function explains 18.5% of the variance of differences between analyzed groups. The direct impact and the ability to predict differences have: early onset of drug use, lack of addiction treatment, short periods of abstinence, taking of heroin and synthetic drugs and high hysteria. All of these variables affect in the direction of the occurrence of disorder. In the opposite direction operate the using of cocaine and paranoia.Uvod Zavisnost od droge je relativno čest razlog erektilne disfunkcije. Smatra se da je ovaj supstancama indukovani poremećaj posledica direktnih fizioloških efekata toksičnih supstanci. Cilj Predmet ovog rada je analiza uticaja varijabli zavisnosti i osobina ličnosti na razlike između grupa zavisnika sa i bez dijagnostifikovane erektilne disfunkcije. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje mogućnosti prognoziranja ovih razlika varijablama zavisnosti i analiza uloge osobina ličnosti u tom procesu. Metod Uzorak zavisnika čini 252 subjekta muškog pola, starih između 19 i 25 godina (prosek 23,3), sa stažom zavisnosti od 1 do 5 godina. Svi subjekti su osuđeni za razbojništva u periodu 2007-2010. godine. Zavisnost i seksualna disfunkcija utvrđeni su sudskim veštačenjem psihijatara, a osobine ličnosti veštačenjem psihologa (na osnovu testa MMPI). Prikupljanje podataka obavljeno je analizom sudskih predmeta 2011. godine. Testiranje razlika između grupa učinjeno je kanoničkom diskriminativnom analizom. Grupa zavisnika sa erektilnom disfunkcijom broji 54 (21,4%) ispitanika, a grupa bez te disfunkcije 198 (78,6%). Rezultati Analizom razlika dobijena je jedna kanonička funkcija značajna na nivou 0.001. Njena kanonička korelacija je reda veličine .430. Ovu funkciju definišu četiri varijable zavisnosti i dve osobine ličnosti. Zaključak Kanonička funkcija objašnjava 18,5% varijanse razlika između grupa koje su analizirane. Neposredan uticaj i mogućnost predviđanja razlika imaju: rani početak korišćenja droge, izostanak lečenja zavisnosti, kratki periodi apstinencije, unos heroina i sintetičkih droga i visoka histeričnost. Sve te varijable deluju u pravcu javljanja poremećaja. U suprotnom smeru deluju korišćenje kokaina i paranoidnost

    Heavy metals, oxidative stress and their relationship in Pelophylax ridibundus frogs during pre- and posthibernation period

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    In temperate regions, low temperatures and the lack of food during the winter lead the water frogs to hibernate in order to survive. Hibernation represents an adaptation mechanism and is a part of frogs yearly life cycle (Wells, 2007). Hibernation, as well as pre- (autumn) and post-hibernation (spring) periods are characterized by different biochemical, physiological, morphological and behavioral changes, all in order to prepare the organisms for a significant depression in aerobic metabolic rate (autumn) and then recovery to a normal state (spring). An important role in this response plays the antioxidative defense system (AOS), especially in spring, when increased metabolic rate during arousal is followed by high oxygen consumption and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Oxidative stress is also induced by various xenobiotics in the environment and this raises the question of their share in oxidative stress of hibernators in a yearly cycle? To examine this we first determined concentrations and seasonal variations of accumulated metals (As, Cd, Cr, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) and AOS parameters (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH- Px), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione (GSH) and sulfhydryl (SH) groups concentrations) in skin and muscle of Pelophylax ridibundus during pre- (autumn) and post- hibernation (spring) periods, and second we evaluated the possible relationship between accumulated metals and AOS parameters. The results showed seasonal variation of accumulated concentrations: autumn frogs were characterized by higher concentrations of Ni, Cr and Hg, while frogs sampled in spring had higher As and Cd. On the other hand almost all AOS parameters were higher during the spring in comparison to individuals from autumn (in skin SOD, CAT, GR, GST, GSH and SH groups, while in muscle SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, GR and SH groups). The number of significant correlations between accumulated metals and AOS parameters were very similar in frogs from both seasons. All results showed that oxidative stress in the post-hibernating season was mainly caused by the organism’s recovery from hibernation, and that the metals did not contribute significantly to this response, indicating that natural selection affected AOS of the frogs in that way that during arousal they were able to produce higher levels of antioxidant defenses

    Heavy metals, oxidative stress and their relationship in Pelophylax ridibundus frogs during pre- and posthibernation period

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    In temperate regions, low temperatures and the lack of food during the winter lead the water frogs to hibernate in order to survive. Hibernation represents an adaptation mechanism and is a part of frogs yearly life cycle (Wells, 2007). Hibernation, as well as pre- (autumn) and post-hibernation (spring) periods are characterized by different biochemical, physiological, morphological and behavioral changes, all in order to prepare the organisms for a significant depression in aerobic metabolic rate (autumn) and then recovery to a normal state (spring). An important role in this response plays the antioxidative defense system (AOS), especially in spring, when increased metabolic rate during arousal is followed by high oxygen consumption and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Oxidative stress is also induced by various xenobiotics in the environment and this raises the question of their share in oxidative stress of hibernators in a yearly cycle? To examine this we first determined concentrations and seasonal variations of accumulated metals (As, Cd, Cr, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) and AOS parameters (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH- Px), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione (GSH) and sulfhydryl (SH) groups concentrations) in skin and muscle of Pelophylax ridibundus during pre- (autumn) and post- hibernation (spring) periods, and second we evaluated the possible relationship between accumulated metals and AOS parameters. The results showed seasonal variation of accumulated concentrations: autumn frogs were characterized by higher concentrations of Ni, Cr and Hg, while frogs sampled in spring had higher As and Cd. On the other hand almost all AOS parameters were higher during the spring in comparison to individuals from autumn (in skin SOD, CAT, GR, GST, GSH and SH groups, while in muscle SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, GR and SH groups). The number of significant correlations between accumulated metals and AOS parameters were very similar in frogs from both seasons. All results showed that oxidative stress in the post-hibernating season was mainly caused by the organism’s recovery from hibernation, and that the metals did not contribute significantly to this response, indicating that natural selection affected AOS of the frogs in that way that during arousal they were able to produce higher levels of antioxidant defenses