35 research outputs found

    Electrical characteristics of female and male human skin

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    Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) is a popular method for characterizing the electrical properties of biological tissues. In this study, BIS measurement data of female and male human skin were analyzed and compared. The electrical characteristics of tissue were followed according to four-parameters of the Cole-Cole model: low frequency resistance R0; high frequency resistance Rāˆž; relaxation time t and parameter a. Individual electrical characteristics of human skin were determined for 30 women and 30 men. The distribution and one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) of the Cole-Cole parameters R0, Rāˆž, t, a within the human population indicated their different dependence on gender. Parameter a, which is higher in the female subjects (a =0.83Ā±0.03) than in the male subjects (a=0.7Ā±0.05), is strongly dependent on gender (p=0). Parameter Rāˆž also significantly depends on gender (p=0.002), while t and R0 seem to be slightly related to gender (p>0.05). [Acknowledgments - This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (41006).

    Electrical characteristics of female and male human skin

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    Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) is a popular method for characterizing the electrical properties of biological tissues. In this study, BIS measurement data of female and male human skin were analyzed and compared. The electrical characteristics of tissue were followed according to four-parameters of the Cole-Cole model: low frequency resistance R0; high frequency resistance Rāˆž; relaxation time t and parameter a. Individual electrical characteristics of human skin were determined for 30 women and 30 men. The distribution and one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) of the Cole-Cole parameters R0, Rāˆž, t, a within the human population indicated their different dependence on gender. Parameter a, which is higher in the female subjects (a =0.83Ā±0.03) than in the male subjects (a=0.7Ā±0.05), is strongly dependent on gender (p=0). Parameter Rāˆž also significantly depends on gender (p=0.002), while t and R0 seem to be slightly related to gender (p>0.05)

    Effect of protamine sulfate on the isolated mesenteric arteries of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    We tested the relaxant effect of increased protamine sulfate (PS) amounts (10, 20, 50, 100 and 150 Ī¼g/ml) on the isolated mesenteric arteries of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats, with or without endothelium. PS caused concentration-dependent relaxation of isolated mesenteric arteries in both types of rats. The relaxation effect of PS was lower in SH rats than in normotensive ones. Our results indicate that the vascular smooth muscles play a significant role in PS-mediated relaxation.Ispitivan je relaksantni efekat rastućih količina (10, 20, 50, 100 i 150 Ī¼g/ml) protamin sulfata (PS) na izolovanim mezenteričnim arterijama normotenzivnih i spontano hipertenzivnih (SH) pacova sa i bez endotela. PS je uzrokovao koncentracijski zavisnu relaksaciju izolovanih mezenteričnih arterija kod oba tipa pacova. Kako je relaksantni efekat bio slabiji kod SH pacova upoređenju sa normotenzivnim, naÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da pored vaskularnog endotela, glatki miÅ”ići krvnih sudova imaju veoma značajnu ulogu u PS-posredovanoj relaksaciji.Projekat ministarstva br. 143034B: The Role of Redox-Active Substances in the Maintenance of Homeostasi

    The influence of increased rearing density on medial protocerebral neurosecretory neurons of Lymantria dispar L. caterpillars

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    Morphometric changes of A1, A1' and A2 protocerebral dorsomedial neurosecretory neurons, total brain protein content and brain protein profiles were analyzed in 4th instar Lymantria dispar larvae under elevated rearing density, i.e. under intense stress when 5 larvae were kept in a petri dish (V = 80 ml), less intense stress when 5 larvae were kept in a plastic cup (V = 300 ml). In the control samples the larvae were reared in isolated conditions. Protein pattern changes in the brain were observed. Proteins with the following molecular masses: 30, 14, 10 and 3.4-2.5 kD were detected in the experimental groups. The size and cytological characteristics of protocerebral dorsomedial neurosecretory neurons were changed under elevated rearing density.U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj povećane gustine gajenja na gusenice gubara Lymantria dispar L. Morfometrijske promene A1, A1' i A2 dorzomedijalnih neurosekretnih neurona protocerebruma, ukupna količina proteina u homogenatima mozga i proteinski profili mozga gusenica gubara 4. larvenog stupnja su ispitivani pod sledećim eksperimentalnim uslovima: intenzivan stres - 5 larvi je gajeno u petri Å”olji (V = 80 ml), manje intenzivan stres - 5 larvi je gajeno u plastičnim čaÅ”ama (V = 300 ml) i kontrola - larve su gajene pojedinačno, u izolovanim uslovima. U proteinskim profilima promene su uočene u sledećim regionima molekulskih masa: 30, 14, 10, 3.4-2.5 kD. Veličina i citoloÅ”ke osobine protocerebralnih dorzomedijalnih neurosekretnih neurona se menjaju pod delovanjem povećane gustine gajenja.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303

    Effect of protamine sulfate on the isolated mesenteric arteries of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    We tested the relaxant effect of increased protamine sulfate (PS) amounts (10, 20, 50, 100 and 150 Ī¼g/ml) on the isolated mesenteric arteries of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats, with or without endothelium. PS caused concentration-dependent relaxation of isolated mesenteric arteries in both types of rats. The relaxation effect of PS was lower in SH rats than in normotensive ones. Our results indicate that the vascular smooth muscles play a significant role in PS-mediated relaxation.Ispitivan je relaksantni efekat rastućih količina (10, 20, 50, 100 i 150 Ī¼g/ml) protamin sulfata (PS) na izolovanim mezenteričnim arterijama normotenzivnih i spontano hipertenzivnih (SH) pacova sa i bez endotela. PS je uzrokovao koncentracijski zavisnu relaksaciju izolovanih mezenteričnih arterija kod oba tipa pacova. Kako je relaksantni efekat bio slabiji kod SH pacova upoređenju sa normotenzivnim, naÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da pored vaskularnog endotela, glatki miÅ”ići krvnih sudova imaju veoma značajnu ulogu u PS-posredovanoj relaksaciji.Projekat ministarstva br. 143034B: The Role of Redox-Active Substances in the Maintenance of Homeostasi

    The influence of increased rearing density on medial protocerebral neurosecretory neurons of Lymantria dispar L. caterpillars

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    Morphometric changes of A1, A1' and A2 protocerebral dorsomedial neurosecretory neurons, total brain protein content and brain protein profiles were analyzed in 4th instar Lymantria dispar larvae under elevated rearing density, i.e. under intense stress when 5 larvae were kept in a petri dish (V = 80 ml), less intense stress when 5 larvae were kept in a plastic cup (V = 300 ml). In the control samples the larvae were reared in isolated conditions. Protein pattern changes in the brain were observed. Proteins with the following molecular masses: 30, 14, 10 and 3.4-2.5 kD were detected in the experimental groups. The size and cytological characteristics of protocerebral dorsomedial neurosecretory neurons were changed under elevated rearing density.U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj povećane gustine gajenja na gusenice gubara Lymantria dispar L. Morfometrijske promene A1, A1' i A2 dorzomedijalnih neurosekretnih neurona protocerebruma, ukupna količina proteina u homogenatima mozga i proteinski profili mozga gusenica gubara 4. larvenog stupnja su ispitivani pod sledećim eksperimentalnim uslovima: intenzivan stres - 5 larvi je gajeno u petri Å”olji (V = 80 ml), manje intenzivan stres - 5 larvi je gajeno u plastičnim čaÅ”ama (V = 300 ml) i kontrola - larve su gajene pojedinačno, u izolovanim uslovima. U proteinskim profilima promene su uočene u sledećim regionima molekulskih masa: 30, 14, 10, 3.4-2.5 kD. Veličina i citoloÅ”ke osobine protocerebralnih dorzomedijalnih neurosekretnih neurona se menjaju pod delovanjem povećane gustine gajenja.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303

    Uticaj lipolize i ketogeneze na metaboličke i hematoloŔke parametre kod mlečnih krava tokom peripartalnog perioda

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    The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of the metabolic profile and complete blood count in cows in the periparturient period on the basis of the intensity of lipolysis and ketogenesis (concentration of non esterified fatty acid - NEFA and betahydroxybutyrate - BHB). Based on median values of NEFA and BHB cows were divided into 3 groups: cows physiologically burdened with catabolism (NEFA and BHB levels above the median one week after parturition), cows significantly burdened with catabolism (NEFA and BHB levels above the median one week before and after parturition) and cows that are not burdened with catabolism (NEFA and BHB below the median, i.e. the control group). The median value of NEFA was 0.27 mmol/L one week before parturition and 0.61 mmol/L one week after it. The median value of BHB was 0.51 mmol/L one week before parturition and 0.99 mmol/L one week after it. A significant group effect was shown for each week separately, so that cows physiologically burdened with catabolism and/or cows significantly burdened with catabolism compared to the control group have the following features of the metabolic profile and complete blood count: higher concentrations of NEFA and BHB (weeks: -1, 1, 2, 4, 8), lower concentrations of glucose (weeks: 1, 4), lower concentration of cholesterol (week 8), lower concentrations of total protein (weeks: 1, 2), lower concentrations of urea (weeks: 1, 2, 4, 8) and a higher concentration of bilirubin (weeks: - 1, 1, 2, 4, 8), increased levels of AST (weeks: -1, 1) and ALT (weeks: -1, 2), lower value of Ca (week -1), lower hemoglobin concentration (week -1), lower white blood cell count (week 4), a larger number of neutrophils (weeks: -1, 1, 2) and a higher number of lymphocytes (week 4). Using the method of factor analysis and principal components showed that NEFA, BHB and glucose are the major components that affect the metabolic profile and blood count, making 71.8% of the variability of all parameters. Cows with hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, decreased hemoglobin concentration and/or red blood cell count and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio >1 showed significantly higher concentrations of NEFA and BHB compared to cows with parameters within normal ranges. Complete ROC (receiver operating characteristics) analysis showed that NEFA and BHB are important diagnostic indicators that allow the separation of cows with parameters out of the reference values from cows with normal values of parameters in the metabolic profile and blood count (0.5 lt AUC lt 0.87). Reliability of identification of cows with parameters that are out of the reference value increases with increasing concentrations of NEFA and BHB, which confirms that intense lipolysis and ketogenesis start a series of compensatory processes in the metabolism in cows. The results confirm that NEFA and BHB significantly affect the value of numerous metabolic and hematological parameters in the periparturient period.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju karakteristike metaboličkog profila i krvne slike krava u peripartalnom periodu na osnovu intenziteta lipolize i ketogeneze (koncentracija NEFA i BHB). Na osnovu vrednosti medijane NEFA i BHB krave su podeljene u 3 grupe: krave fizioloÅ”ki opterećene katabolizmom (NEFA i BHB iznad medijane u nedelji posle partusa), krave značajno opterećene katabolizmom (NEFA i BHB iznad medijane u nedelji pre i posle partusa) i krave koje nisu opterećene katabolizmom (NEFA i BHB ispod medijane). Srednja vrednost NEFA bila je 0.27 mmol/l u nedelji pre partusa i 0.61 mmol/l u nedelji posle partusa. Srednja vrednost BHB iznosila je 0.51mmol/l u nedelji pre partusa i 0.99 mmol/l u nedelji posle partusa. Dokazan je signifikantan uticaj grupe za svaku nedelju posebno, tako da krave fizioloÅ”ki opterećene katabolizmom i/ili značajno opterećene katabolizmom u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu imaju: viÅ”u koncentraciju NEFA i BHB (nedelje: -1, 1, 2, 4, 8), nižu koncentraciju glukoze (nedelje:1, 4), nižu koncentraciju holesterola (nedelja 8), nižu koncentraciju ukupnih proteina (nedelje:1, 2), nižu koncentraciju uree (nedelje:1, 2, 4, 8) i viÅ”u koncentraciju bilirubina (nedelje: -1, 1, 2, 4, 8), viÅ”u aktivnost AST (nedelje: -1, 1) i ALT (nedelje: -1, 2), nižu vrednost Ca (nedelja -1), nižu koncentraciju hemoglobina (nedelja -1), manji broj leukocita (nedelja 4), veći broj neutrofila (nedelje: -1, 1, 2) i veći broj limfocita (nedelja 4). Faktorskom analizom i metodom glavnih komponenti utvrđeno je su NEFA, BHB i glukoza najznačajnije komponente koje utiču na metabolički profil i krvnu sliku čineći 71.8% varijabilnosti svih parametara. Krave kod kojih je utvrđena hipoglikemija, hipokalcemija, hipoalbuminemija, hiperbilirubinemija, snižena koncentracija hemoglobina i/ili broj eritrocita i odnos neutrofila i limfocita >1 imaju značajno viÅ”u koncentraciju NEFA i BHB u odnosu na krave sa vrednostima ovih parametara u okviru referentnih. Kompletnom ROC (receiver operating characteristics) analizom je dokazano da su NEFA i BHB značajni dijagnostički indikatori koji omogućavaju razdvajanje krava sa parametrima izvan referentnih vrednosti od krava čiji su parametri u okviru referentnih vrednosti (0.5 lt AUC lt 0.87). Pouzdanost identifikacije krava sa parametrima izvan referentneih vrednosti raste sa porastom koncentracije NEFA i BHB (intenzivniji katabolizam), Å”to potvrđuje da intenzivna lipoliza i ketogeneza pokreću niz kompenzatornih procesa u metabolizmu krava. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju da NEFA i BHB značajno utiču na vrednost metaboličkih i hematoloÅ”kih parametara u peripartalnom periodu


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    the isolated mesenteric arteries of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats, with or without endothelium. PS caused concentration-dependent relaxation of isolated mesenteric arteries in both types of rats. The relaxation effect of PS was lower in SH rats than in normotensive ones. Our results indicate that the vascular smooth muscles play a significant role in PS-mediated relaxation

    The influence of increased rearing density on medial protocerebral neurosecretory neurons of Lymantria dispar L. caterpillars

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    Morphometric changes of A1, A1' and A2 protocerebral dorsomedial neurosecretory neurons, total brain protein content and brain protein profiles were analyzed in 4th instar Lymantria dispar larvae under elevated rearing density, i.e. under intense stress when 5 larvae were kept in a petri dish (V = 80 ml), less intense stress when 5 larvae were kept in a plastic cup (V = 300 ml). In the control samples the larvae were reared in isolated conditions. Protein pattern changes in the brain were observed. Proteins with the following molecular masses: 30, 14, 10 and 3.4-2.5 kD were detected in the experimental groups. The size and cytological characteristics of protocerebral dorsomedial neurosecretory neurons were changed under elevated rearing density

    An appraisal of conventional, microwave and ultrasound BCR extraction methods for the analysis of metals in sediments of Pančevo, Serbia

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    We use conventional, microwave and ultrasound assisted sequential extraction, of defined time and power, techniques for extractions of Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in sediments and certified material. We did not change the conditions of extractions through steps, cause we what to see is there difference in extraction results for the certified material and sediments. We use lower powers and time from microwave and ultrasound extraction in order to avoid additional heating and boiling of the samples. Steps 1ā€“3 of the BCR (Community Bureau of Reference), excluding the hydrogen peroxide digestion in step 3, were completed in 16 h in the conventional, in 120 s with 90 W power of microwave and in 30 min of 42 kHz of an ultrasonic frequency. Digestion of organic matter with hydrogen peroxide was performed the same for all techniques. The fourth step, the pseudo-total content, was performed the same on samples remaining after performing the extraction of the previous three phases either conventionally, microwave-assisted or with ultrasound. The precision and accuracy of the proposed procedures were evaluated using a certified reference material BCR701. Acceptable accuracy for most of the metals was observed for all three steps of BCR protocol applying a 16 h total shaking period. Metals were determined with an acceptable accuracy after the pseudo-total step; expect Cr. Results obtained after the application of different techniques on sediments were comparable with ANOVA test for the 95 % of confidence level