494 research outputs found

    The Correlation of Dental Arch Width and Ethnicity

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    This study sought to demonstrate a correlation between arch width, ethnic background, individual height, weight, and whether orthodontic treatment had been rendered. Conclusions revealed that arch widths were significantly larger (p= 0.002 for the mandible and p= 0.008 for the maxilla) in non-Whites than in Whites. In addition, arch widths of the mandible were significantly larger in individuals who had had orthodontic treatment compared to those who had not (p=0.005). This did not carry through to those arch widths in the maxilla of orthodontic versus nonorthodontic care (p=0.258)

    Problems associated with the utilization of algae in bioregenerative life support systems

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    A workshop was conducted to identify the potential problems associated with the use of microalgae in biorregenerative life support systems, and to identify algae rlated research issues that must be addressed through space flight experimentation. Major questions to be resolved relate to the choice of algal species for inclusion in a bioregenerative life support system, their long term behavior in the space environment, and the nature of the techniques required for the continuous growth of algae on the scale required. Consideration was given to the problems associated with the conversion of algal biomass into edible components. Specific concerns were addressed and alternative transformation processes identified and compared. The workshop identified the following major areas to be addressed by space flight experimentation: (1) long term culture stability, (2) optimal design of algal growth reactors, and (3) post growth harvesting and processing in the space environment

    Ajoneuvoyhdistelmien mitta- ja massamuutoksen vaikutuksia

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää täysperävaunuyhdistelmien mitta- ja massamuutoksen vaikutuksia ajoneuvoyhdistelmän käyttökustannuksiin sekä kuljetus-kalustoon. Lisäksi työssä pohdittiin, miten muutos vaikuttaa kuljetusyrityksiin sekä esiteltiin vaikutuksia yleisesti. Opinnäytetyön pohjana on käytetty saatavilla olevaa teoriatietoa sekä omia kokemuksia. Tärkein työstä saatava tulos on sen antama tietopohja lukijalle ajoneuvoyhdistelmien uusista mitoista ja massoista. Lisäksi kuljetusyrittäjät voivat hyödyntää työtä esimerkiksi uutta kalustoa hankkiessaan. Ajoneuvoyhdistelmien uusien mittojen ja massojen tuomat hyödyt vaikuttavat haittoja suuremmilta. Todelliset hyödyt tullaan näkemään kuitenkin vasta tulevaisuudessa.The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of the changes in mass and measures of articulated vehicles in relation to their cost effectiveness and to the related driving equipment. In addition, the study considered what kind of effects these changes might have to logistic companies and also on general level. The foundation of the thesis is based on the available theoretical knowledge and practi-cal experiences. The main result of the thesis is the knowledge base it provides for the reader regarding the new measures and masses of articulated vehicles. Entrepreneur in the field of logistics may use the study according to their own needs, for example when acquiring new vehicles and equipment. To conclude, the benefits of the changes in measures and mass of articulated vehicles appear to override the negative aspects. However, the tangible benefits will be perceived in the future

    The Quantification of Tooth Displacement

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    By using reference points from a single pixel marker placed at the center point of the cuspid teeth and the center point on each of the incisor teeth, a polynomial curve was generated as a native curve for each dental arch studied. The polynomial curve generated from actual tooth position in each arch provides the forensic odontologist with another reference point that is quantifiable. The study represents that individual characteristics, such as tooth displacement, can be quantified in a simple, reliable, and repeatable format

    Teaching Casual Random Blood Glucose Screening to Second-Year Dental Students

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    In our project, archived casual random blood glucose levels of second-year dental students who were taught the mechanics of self-testing were retrieved. Material data were analyzed by calculating means, medians, standard deviations, and ranges for 161 dental students screened by this casual and random self-monitoring of blood glucose levels as described by the American Diabetes Association’s 2008 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. Three types of data were assessed in this study. The first was the casual blood glucose levels of second-year dental students. The second was the data retrieved from student questionnaires regarding the value of teaching casual random blood glucose screening. The third was the U.S. dental schools’ responses regarding inclusion of casual blood glucose screening in their current curricula. Second-year dental students self-reported hypoglycemia in three instances and hyperglycemia in eight, based on current American Diabetes Association standards. Students agreed or strongly agreed that the value of teaching was informative (92.3 percent), beneficial (95 percent), and something that might be included in their practices (78.2 percent), with 19.2 percent being neutral on the inclusion. Only six U.S. dental schools reported teaching casual random glucose screening

    Algal culture studies related to a Closed Ecological Life Support System (CELSS)

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    Studies with algal cultures which relate to closed ecological life support systems (CELSS) are discussed. A description of a constant cell density apparatus for continuous culture of algae is included. Excretion of algal by-products, and nitrogen utilization and excretion are discussed

    Quantification of the Individual Characterstics of the Human Dentition: Methodology

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    This study provides a method for comparing six individual human dentition characteristics using the standard measuring tool in Adobe Photoshop CS2 as compared to measuring individual characteristics with an automated software program under development at Marquette University, which has been adapted for bitemark analysis. The algorithm identifies color-specific pixels and automatically calculates the measurements

    Characterization of Photosynthetic Efficiency and Growth of Selected Microalgae in Dense Culture

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    An objective of the Aquatic Species Program is the development of large scale culturing systems for the production of fuels from lipid-rich microalgae. A major constraint to any such culturing system is the provision of sufficient light in the most economical manner possible, which has led to the use of shallow outdoor ponds that are illuminated using natural sunllght

    Algal culture studies for CELSS

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    Microalgae are well-suited as a component of a Closed Environmental Life Support System (CELSS), since they can couple the closely related functions of food production and atmospheric regeneration. The objective was to provide a basis for predicting the response of CELSS algal cultures, and thus the food supply and air regeneration system, to changes in the culture parameters. Scenedesmus growth was measured as a function of light intensity, and the spectral dependence of light absorption by the algae as well as algal respiration in the light were determined as a function of cell concentration. These results were used to test and confirm a mathematical model that describes the productivity of an algal culture in terms of the competing processes of photosynthesis and respiration. The relationship of algal productivity to cell concentration was determined at different carbon dioxide concentrations, temperatures, and light intensities. The maximum productivity achieved by an air-grown culture was found to be within 10% of the computed maximum productivity, indicating that CO2 was very efficiently removed from the gas stream by the algal culture. Measurements of biomass productivity as a function of cell concentration at different light intensities indicated that both the productivity and efficiency of light utilization were greater at higher light intensities