10 research outputs found


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    Given challenging competition of today service providers are required to be more proactive in satisfying the environmental conditions and customer needs. Proactive maintenance should start at the design stage with establishing the functions, functional failures and failure modes. The understanding the failure behavior, especially the relationship between potential failures, functional failures and diagnostic parameters is the most important task. In the next step the designer have to explore the maintenance activities as they have to apply to the design criteria. The models and frameworks have been presented in the paper also a comprehensive review of literature and some results of laboratory investigations

    Mechanical Faults Analysis in Switched Reluctance Motor

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    The switched reluctance motor (SRM) is an electric motor that can function effectively in challenging operating conditions thanks to its sturdy construction and resilience to external factors. Despite somewhat weaker parameters in terms of energy and power density compared to other types of electric motors, the SRM is recommended for applications such as the military, mining, industry, and other locations where the reliability of vehicle drive is essential. Therefore, monitoring the motor’s operating state and identifying the fault’s condition while it is still in the beginning phase is crucial. The paper presents SRM diagnostic methods and the authors’ research on the test stand. The examined faults were dynamic eccentricity and imbalance. Experiments were performed for various rotational speeds and loads. The analysis of the results consisted of the interpretation of the current and acceleration spectra acquired from proper sensors. The spectra bands are compared in terms of their amplitudes and frequency values. These results show the nonlinear characteristics of the motor’s operation, and interpretation of these results allows for estimating the impact of a fault parameter on a motor’s performance

    Perception and preservation of national heritage in historically conditioned regions

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie autorskiej propozycji wyodrębnienia regionów na podstawie granic historycznych (z ostatnich 400 lat, przede wszystkim granic przecinających Polskę w XIX i XX w.) oraz weryfikacja hipotezy, że granice te różnicują nasz kraj w sferze postrzegania dziedzictwa narodowego i kultywowania tradycji oraz w odniesieniu do analizowanych wskaźników społecznych. W opracowaniu wykorzystano dane statystyczne o postrzeganiu dziedzictwa narodowego i kultywowaniu tradycji, uogólnione dla wyodrębnionych regionów uwarunkowanych historycznie, pochodzące z cyklicznego, wieloaspektowego, ankietowego Badania spójności społecznej (BSS), przeprowadzonego przez GUS w 2015 r. Uwzględniono również dane Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa (NID) o zabytkach oraz statystykę ludności według rejestru TERYT. Największe różnice — w stosunku do przeciętnych dla kraju — wartości analizowanych wskaźników wystąpiły w przypadku: Ziem Zachodnich i Północnych, obszaru woj. śląskiego w II RP, Galicji i wschodniej części zaboru rosyjskiego w obecnych granicach Polski (kongresowego Królestwa Polskiego) — na wschód od Wisły, Narwi i Pisy.The aim of the article is to present an author’s proposal to distinguish regions based on the analysis of historical borders (from the last 400 years, mainly the borders crossing Poland in the 19th and the 20th century) and to verify the hypothesis that those historical borders diversify our country in the sphere of perception and preservation of national heritage and in relation to the analysed social indicators. The study contains statistical data on the perception and preservation of national heritage generalised for the elaborated historically conditioned regions from the cyclic, multidimensional Social Cohesion Survey conducted by Statistics Poland in 2015. In addition, data on monuments of the National Heritage Board of Poland and population data based on National Official Register of the Territorial Division of the Country (TERYT) were also taken into account. The largest differences in relation to the country’s average values of the analysed indicators occurred in the western and northern territories of Poland, the Śląskie voivodship area in Poland before the World War II, as well as Galicia and the eastern part of Russian partition within the present borders of Poland — east of the Vistula, Narew and Pisa rivers

    Diagnostically Oriented Experiments and Modelling of Switched Reluctance Motor Dynamic Eccentricity

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    The article compares the results of experimental and modelling research of switched reluctance motor at two different operational states: one proper and one with mechanical fault, i.e., with dynamic eccentricity of the rotor. The experiments were carried out on a test bench and then the results were compared with mathematical modelling of quasi-static and dynamic analysis of 2D geometry model. Finally, it was examined how the operation with dynamic eccentricity fault of the motor affected its main physical parameter—the phase current. The analysis was presented in the frequency domain using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT); however, individual current waveforms in the time domain are also shown for comparison. Applying results of the research could increase reliability of the maintenance of SRM and enhance its application in vehicles for special purposes as well as its military and industrial applications

    Acoustic signal processing and analysis for the byside monitoring station

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    abstractEN: To improve safety in the rail transportation, permanent monitoring of technical state of critical parts and sets of rail vehicles is necessary. Interesting idea for the enhancement of present diagnostics systems, widely consider on the world, seems to be conception of use of byside monitoring station which aim, in the particular points of rail track, would be inspection of passing trains and identification and analysis of signals connected with safety of the railway traffic. Operation of the bysides monitoring systems bases on the assumption, that diagnostically interesting information is available in acoustic signal, which is emitted by the passing rail vehicle.Grounded on this conception, paper presents possibility of acoustic signal analysis, which is generate by the moving vehicle and acquired by the stationary diagnostic station. Those circumstances introduce lot of difficulties in the fault - oriented signal analysis. Fundamental influence has Doppler effect, which causes in the observed signal, persistently change of the values of carrier frequencies. Paper presents the method of reduction of Doppler effect consequences, which definitely impede signal analysis and thwart use of conventional method of signal analysis. Presented method is a task - oriented signal dynamic resampling, which allows identification of undistracted frequencies and proceed further analysis and interpretation. The problem of diagnosis of real rail vehicle is more complicated, because we must proceed with not alone, but with many signals from the following wheels/carriers, which are situate close together and are moving with high velocity. For this purpose, simulation model of moving source signals was created. Using constructed model, many configuration of measurement station were tested, and the influence for the character of registered signal and selection of the proper technique of signal analysis, was exhibited. Application of proper selection measurement parameters creates opportunity to make use of Doppler effect or to minimize its influence. In the case of appropriate configuration of measurement station for the two different relevant distances of sources, it is possible to observe beat effect, which can directly deliver information about frequency variation produces by the Doppler effect. Discovering the character of disturbances, we are able to, for example, estimate the speed of moving vehicle. Further analysis of frequency and nature of beat effect can indicate the difference in the carrier frequencies of source signals (not connected to the Doppler effect), which give the information about differences in the kinematics and dynamics work of following vehicles sets, for example affected by the different wheel diameter. Spread of signal analysis supported by the model, makes possible appreciate the fact that signal acquisition performs with several microphones. Changing its arrangement and putting together signal during the object is closing and the signal during the object is recede, we are able creates sufficient condition for beat effect generation (even when the objects are moving in high velocity). Aiming better analysis and increase usefulness of beat effect attend of frequency shifting, which moves interesting frequencies to different band (better for analysis), is suitably. It also allows operate frequencies from particular sources in order to exhibit and identify beat effect, which might help to decide if the acquired information is connected to proper running of vehicle or there is some anomaly in its behavior. There is also chance to recognize the specific place, through the all carriages, where the anomaly was observed.To perform described investigation, essential is the skill of signal identification, which modulates the amplitude of analyzing signal. Except classic methods, empirical mode decomposition was examinee.The paper also includes the examples of described analysis in the application to the simulated data and to the real signals from the rail vehicles registered by the stationary measurement station.score: 10collation: 2735-275

    Fault Identification in Membrane Structures Using the Hilbert Transforms

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    Fault diagnostics present a crucial technical issue in the areas of both the condition monitoring of machines and the monitoring of structural health. The identification of faults at an early stage in their development has an immense effect on the safety of monitored structures. Correct identification allows for the monitoring of the development of faults and the choosing of optimal operation strategies. This article discusses a method of monitoring structural health, based on the application of the Hilbert transforms (GHT and FrHT) for detecting fault formations and their development in membrane structures. A signal resulting from the HT is analyzed using spectral analysis to identify features indicating the technical state

    Analysis of possibility of use Peltier modules in task of energy scavenging

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    abstractEN: Actually in motor industry, specialty in car market is tender to maximum utilization ofenergy included in fuel – air mixture, which most of part of burning process is lost. In today’s Times Peltier module are generally available, which is mainly used in coolers for keeping of low temperature. They make use of Peltier phenomenon, relying on power module from electric net for manufactured low temperature on cold side that module. Module producer’s usually available voltages characteristics that’s working modules.In realize research use that same modules but for recuperate electrical energy from temperature. Research target was in temperature equivalent on cold side and warm side check value of manufactured voltage from these modules. Utilized of Seebeck phenomenon depends on heat of warm side with simultaneously cool module cold side which manufacture electricity.In effect realize research findings series of results for which equivalent characteristics describing those module capacities. The first influence from realize research is fact that characteristics isn’t identical with characteristics for that same modules manufactured low temperature.score: 8collation: 1-1

    Distributed System for Monitoring of the Large Scale Infrastructure Structures Based on Analysis of Changes of its Static and Dynamic Properties

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    abstractEN: The complexity and diversity of civil engineering structures impose requirements on the monitoring systems, which are difficult to be satisfied. In the paper the concept of the distributed diagnostic system capable of monitoring the technical state of critical elements of large infrastructure objects like steel trusses, supermarket buildings, exposition halls, bridges etc. is discussed. Adaptation of such systems is essential for online assessment of technical state of the infrastructure objects and could limit the possibility of catastrophic disasters with loss of people. As a source of information data from strain gauges, passive magnetic field sensors and acceleration sensors applied to the construction are considered. For the process of selection of sensors and diagnostic methods the mathematical model of the construction and the physical test stand were used..score: 8collation: 106-11