41 research outputs found

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    Психолого-педагогічні та правові засади діяльності поліції із захисту прав дитини : навч. посіб. / [Д. В. Швець, О. М. Бандурка, О. І. Федоренко та ін.], за заг. ред. Д. В. Швеця; МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків: ХНУВС, 2020. – 284 с. – ISBN 978-966-610-175-7.Shvets D. V. (ed.), 2020. Psychological, Pedagogical and Legal Principles of Police Activities on Protecting Children Rights [Psykholoho-pedahohichni ta pravovi zasady diialnosti politsii iz zakhystu prav dytyny]. Kharkiv: Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet vnutrishnikh sprav.У навчальному посібнику висвітлено матеріал, що відображає сучасний стан питань щодо психолого-педагогічних та правових аспектів захисту прав дітей, особливостей реагування і профілактики злочинів проти дитинства та злочинів неповнолітніх. Для курсантів і студентів, психологів та науково-педагогічного складу закладів вищої освіти МВС, практичних психологів, працівників підрозділів ювенальної превенції, патрульної поліції, дільничних офіцерів поліції та всіх, хто цікавиться діяльністю поліції із захисту прав дитини.The textbook covers material that reflects the current state of issues on psychological, pedagogical and legal aspects of protection of children's rights, features of response and prevention of crimes against childhood and juvenile delinquency. For cadets and students, psychologists and scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, practical psychologists, employees of juvenile prevention units, patrol police, police officers and anyone interested in the activity police for the protection of children's rights.В учебном пособии освещены материал, отражающий современное состояние вопросов психолого-педагогических и правовых аспектов защиты прав детей, особенностей реагирования и профилактики преступлений против детства и преступлений несовершеннолетних. Для курсантов и студентов, психологов и научно-педагогического состава высших учебных заведений МВД, практических психологов, работников подразделений ювенальной превенции, патрульной полиции, участковых офицеров полиции и всех, кто интересуется деятельностью полиции по защите прав ребенка

    Impacts of symptom checker apps on health care professionals in general practice - a scoping review

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    Herausforderungen bei der Erreichung eines diversen Samples. Erfahrungen aus einer qualitativen Interviewstudie

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    The paper focuses on the problem of professional burnout among female teachers and the impact of diverse factors on their burnout. The study aims to consider the coping mechanisms of teachers at different levels of burnout and the ways in which their experience and age are factored into their emotional well-being. Based on socio-demographic and psychological questionnaires, the study sampled 209 female teachers. The research pinpointed that as age as experience was inversely related to the indicators of emotional burnout. There were differences in the use of coping mechanisms by teachers with high and low levels of emotional burnout: the former more frequently used the ineffective strategies of "Avoidance", "Asocial action" and "Aggressive actions", while the latter often used the adaptive strategies of "Social joining", "Seeking social support" and "Assertive actions". The results will help to better understand burnout mechanisms and improve the effectiveness of burnout prevention programmes

    Grain Growth during Mechanical Processing of Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI 321

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    The kinetics of austenite grain growth during thermomechanical treatment of AISI 321 steel with a relatively high content of carbon (0.07 wt. %) and titanium (0.50 wt. %) were studied. Hot deformation was carried out by the uniaxial compression of cylindrical specimens on a Gleeble 3800 thermomechanical simulator. A dependence is obtained for calculating the kinetics of austenite grain growth for a temperature range of 1150–1250 °C. The proposed dependence makes it possible to evaluate grain growth under non-isothermal conditions. The verification of the adequacy of the proposed dependence and the method for calculating the grain size at cooling rates 0.2, 1 and 5 °C/s showed its high convergence. The difference between the calculated and experimental grain size did not exceed 8%. The suppression of grain growth is due to the precipitation of titanium carbides and carbonitrides. Using the developed grain growth model, an analysis was made of the reasons for the formation of large grains in the shell after the elongating in the production process

    Postglacial Paleoceanographic Environments in the Barents and Baltic Seas

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    This paper presents reconstructions of ice sheet boundaries, lacustrine and marine paleobasins, as well as the connections of the Barents and Baltic seas with the North Atlantic from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. The reconstructions are based on original and published data obtained from the northern and western parts of the Barents Sea and Baltic depressions with account for the available regional schematic maps of deglaciation. The early deglaciation of the Scandinavian–Barents ice sheet culminated with the Bølling-Allerød interstadial (14.5–12.9 cal ka BP), which was characterized by a more vigorous Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and a corresponding increase in surface Atlantic water inflow into the Barents Sea through deep troughs. The Baltic Ice Lake (BIL) remained a dammed-up isolated basin during deglaciation from 16.0 to 11.7 cal ka BP. In the Younger Dryas (YD), the lake drained into the North Sea and was replaced by a brackish Yoldia Sea (YS) at the beginning of the Holocene (Preboreal, 11.7–10.7 cal ka BP), due to a limited connection between two basins through the Närke Strait. In the Barents Sea, the next increase in the Atlantic water influx into the deep basins corresponded to terminal YD and Preboreal events with a culmination in the Early Holocene. The Yoldia Sea became a lake again during the next stage, the Ancylus (~10.7–8.8 cal ka BP). Atlantic water inflow both into the Barents and Baltic seas varied during the Holocene, with a maximum contribution in the Early Holocene, when the Littorina Sea (LS, 8–4 cal ka BP) connection with the North Sea via the Danish Straits was formed to replace the Ancylus Lake. The recent, post-Littorina stage (PS, the last 4 cal ka) of the Baltic Sea evolution began in the Late Holocene