171 research outputs found

    Čimbenici (de)sekuritizacije opskrbe EU plinom

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    The EU energy policy has come closer to the security policy due to ever growing EU dependence on the external, non-market-oriented gas suppliers and due to experience of the gas supply disruption crises. The issue of gas supply security represents the basis of the security dimension, one of three EU energy policyā€™s dimensions (besides economic and environmental ones). Putting emphasis on security dimension has provoked the securitization of the EU energy policy. In the aftermath of the first gas supply crisis in the EU, one of the member states took the role of a securitizing actor. It has tried to convince the relevant audience (other member states as well as the EU institutions) that the gas supply disruption presents an existential threat and has claimed commitment to extraordinary measures. Failed securitization due to divergent member statesā€™ interests has revealed the security dimension as the weakest dimension of the EU energy policy. The EU wants to avoid the impression of the militarisation of this non-military sector and leaves the issue within the sphere of regular politics. It retains the discursive dimension of securitization (ā€energy securityā€ has become a usual collocation), but simultaneously has decided to create common crises response capabilities. The aim of this paper is to show which market and non-market measures are taken to safeguard gas supply as well as the mechanism of gas supply crisis management, based on solidarity, subsidiarity and regionality. The working hypothesis is that the EU has not securitized the issue of gas supply but has moved it from the non-politicized to the politicized sphere as a part of public policy. The comprehensive EU mechanism of gas supply management, strict rules and a system of mutual control prevent the securitization of the issue, namely the emergency mode, going beyond standard political procedures.Sve veća ovisnost EU o vanjskim, netržiÅ”no orijentiranim opskrbljivačima plinom i iskustvo kriza zbog prekida opskrbe energetsku su politiku EU približili sigurnosnoj politici. Pitanje sigurne opskrbe plinom temelj je sigurnosne, kao jedne od tri (uz ekonomsku i ekoloÅ”ku) dimenzije energetske politike EU. Isticanje sigurnosne dimenzije potaknulo je sekuritizaciju energetske politike EU. Nakon prve krize vezane uz opskrbu plinom EU, jedna država članica preuzela je ulogu provoditelja sekuritizacije te pokuÅ”ala uvjeriti relevantnu javnost (ostale države članice i tijela EU) da je prekid opskrbe plinom egzistencijalna prijetnja, koja traži obvezivanje na izvanredne mjere. Sekuritizacija nije uspjela zbog različitih interesa država članica, Å”to je potvrdilo da je sigurnosna dimenzija najslabija u energetskoj politici EU. EU nije željela vezivanjem energetske politike sa ā€œsigurnoŔćuā€ implicirati militarizaciju tog nevojnog sektora, pa je pitanje zadržala u procesu uobičajenog političkog pregovaranja. DoduÅ”e, diskurzivna dimenzija procesa sekuritizacije je zadržana (uvriježila se sintagma ā€œenergetska sigurnostā€), ali je EU odlučio unaprijed razviti zajedničke kapacitete za odgovor na krizu. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati tržiÅ”ne i netržiÅ”ne mjere za osiguranje opskrbe plinom te mehanizam kriznog upravljanja opskrbom plinom, temeljen na principima solidarnosti, supsidijarnosti kao i regionalnom pristupu. Osnovna je hipoteza da pitanje opskrbe EU plinom nije sekuritizirano, ali je iz nepolitizirane preÅ”lo u politiziranu sferu kao dio javne politike. Upravo sveobuhvatan EU pristup u upravljanju opskrbe plinom, čvrsta pravila i uzajamne kontrole onemogućuju sekuritizaciju tog pitanja, odnosno hitnu akciju, izvan standardnih političkih procedura i dogovorenih pravila

    Impulse radio ultra wideband (IR-UWB) pulse generator in CMOS technology

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    Impulsni generator predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih delova bežičnog primopredajnika. Pored toga Å”to treba da generiÅ”e signal čiji spektar zadovoljava odgovarajuću spektralnu masku, generator treba da bude Å”to jednostavniji, zauzima malu povrÅ”inu i ima malu potroÅ”nju. Naučni doprinos ove doktorske disertacije predstavlja sedam novih konfiguracija ultra-Å”irokopojasnih impulsnih generatora projektovanih u CMOS tehnologiji, od kojih su tri fabrikovane u 0,18 Ī¼m UMC CMOS procesu. Prvi dizajn je zasnovan na principu kombinovanja kratkotrajnih impulsa, sledeća tri sadrže ring oscilator, naredna dva impulsna generatora koriste princip filtriranja, dok poslednje novo reÅ”enje obezbeđuje BPSK kodovanje koriŔćenjem dva ring oscilatora.Pulse generator is one of the most important parts of a wireless transceiver. Besides generating a signal which spectrum has to satisfy corresponding spectral mask, the pulse generator should have topology as simple as possible, consume low power and occupy low die-area. Scientific contribution of this dissertation are seven novel IR-UWB pulse generator architectures designed in CMOS technology of which three are fabricated in 0.18 Ī¼m UMC CMOS process. The first design is based on combining very short pulses, the next three contain a ring oscillator topology followed by two pulse generators that use the filtering approach, while the last new solution enables BPSK modulation by employing two ring oscillator topologies

    Impulse radio ultra wideband (IR-UWB) pulse generator in CMOS technology

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    Impulsni generator predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih delova bežičnog primopredajnika. Pored toga Å”to treba da generiÅ”e signal čiji spektar zadovoljava odgovarajuću spektralnu masku, generator treba da bude Å”to jednostavniji, zauzima malu povrÅ”inu i ima malu potroÅ”nju. Naučni doprinos ove doktorske disertacije predstavlja sedam novih konfiguracija ultra-Å”irokopojasnih impulsnih generatora projektovanih u CMOS tehnologiji, od kojih su tri fabrikovane u 0,18 Ī¼m UMC CMOS procesu. Prvi dizajn je zasnovan na principu kombinovanja kratkotrajnih impulsa, sledeća tri sadrže ring oscilator, naredna dva impulsna generatora koriste princip filtriranja, dok poslednje novo reÅ”enje obezbeđuje BPSK kodovanje koriŔćenjem dva ring oscilatora.Pulse generator is one of the most important parts of a wireless transceiver. Besides generating a signal which spectrum has to satisfy corresponding spectral mask, the pulse generator should have topology as simple as possible, consume low power and occupy low die-area. Scientific contribution of this dissertation are seven novel IR-UWB pulse generator architectures designed in CMOS technology of which three are fabricated in 0.18 Ī¼m UMC CMOS process. The first design is based on combining very short pulses, the next three contain a ring oscillator topology followed by two pulse generators that use the filtering approach, while the last new solution enables BPSK modulation by employing two ring oscillator topologies

    Food tourism concept - creating synergy between urban and rural places - case study of Maglič, Serbia

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    Food tourism is being seen as one of the fastest growing industries over the second half of the twentieth century (e.g. Saeter, 1998; Smith, 1988) and a key support for the rural development. In declining rural areas, food tourism is often seen as an additional economic activity and a method of retaining rural regions (Font and Ahjem, 1999). Urban-rural connections are important for poverty assuagement, sustainable rural land use and balanced territorial development in general. Additionally, strong bonds can improve the overall living conditions and employment chances for both rural and urban areas (Tacoli, 1998, 2003; Rosenthal, 2000). The primary purpose of this study is to foster relationships between urban and rural areas by developing a concept proposal for food tourism, through the........ at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. The proposal was created during the two theoretical and project-based courses, focused on the sustainable planning and design in the natural environment. The location chosen for the project is a medieval fortress ..... with its surroundings, located in the gorge of Ibar, 20 km south of the city of Kraljevo. Having lost its primary function, the site is nowadays poorly visited. This problem is seen as a challenge to reinvent the urban/rural landscape and create an attractive ambient which relates to the revitalised historical site. As a result, the specific concept of food tourism called ā€œslow foodā€ is developed, both based on tradition and modern values, further elaborated through the planning proposal and urban design project. Following the specific planning and urban design methodology, the extensive research is drawn upon mostly primary and secondary sources, including analysis of urban plans in different scales, comprehensive literature review, as well as cooperation with local authorities and institutions. The full purpose and value of the proposal are confirmed by the city government of Kraljevo and several city agencies and institutes, as the proposal initialized the discussion and revival of the ideas for the important but forgotten historic place and its rural background

    Tolerantnost kukuruza (Zea mays L.) na prisustvo NaCl tokom klijanja i nicanja

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    Since corn is grown in climatically diverse regions and under different production conditions, assuming that high salinity in the substrate affect corn seed performance, such conditions were simulated in this study in order to examine their effects on seedling geminability and length in several corn genotypes. The study showed that the tested seeds tolerated the stress conditions up to a certain point. The studied genotypes differed in level of resistance to the stress conditions. Salt concentrations were determined, which were capable of affecting negatively seed germinability and seedling growth.S obzirom na Å”irok areal rasprostranjenja i na različite uslove proizvodnje, seme kukuruza izloženo je različitim stresnim uslovima koji vladaju u pojedinim rejonima. Seme različitih genotipova kukuruza izloženo je različitim nepovoljnim faktorima. Simulirani su uslovi povećanog sadržaja soli u supstratu kao i njihov uticaj na klijavost i dužinu klijanca kod pojedinih genotipova kukuruza. Seme svih biljnih vrsta je osetljivo na nepovoljne uslove koji se mogu javiti u prirodi. Povećan sadržaj soli može da utiče na smanjenje klijavosti semena kukuruza kao i na smanjenje dužine korena i dužine ponika. Ispitivanja su pokazala razliku između genotipova u otpornosti na stresne uslove. Takođe ispitivanjem su utvrđene koncentracije koje mogu imati negativan uticaj kako na klijavost semena tako i na porast klice. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitivano seme može podneti određene nepovoljne uslove

    Influence of current reuse LNA circuit parameters on its noise figure

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    A 2.4 GHz low noise amplifier (LNA) with a bias current reuse technique is proposed in this work. To obtain the optimum noise figure (NF) value, dependence of NF on its most influential LNA parameters has been analyzed. Taking into account the LNA design requirements for other figures of merit, values of the circuit parameters are given for the optimum noise figure

    Concept of energy security in contemporary security studies

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    Sintagma energetska sigurnost toliko je često koriÅ”tena da se čini jasnom i razumljivom. To je samo privid, jer je njezina upotreba ustvari kontroverzna, često i preholistička, Å”to upućuje na nedovoljnu razvijenost koncepta. Pod pojmom energetske sigurnosti raspravlja se o najrazličitijim pitanjima, koje na okupu drži pojam ā€ženergijaā€ kao zajednički nazivnik. U ovome se radu polazi od toga da je aktualni rast važnosti koncepta posljedica nove uloge koju je plinska trgovina između EU-a i RF-a dobila nakon 2000., kao svojevrsna eksternalija njezina koriÅ”tenja u politici moći, njezine politizacije i pokuÅ”aja sekuritizacije. Pokazat će se da je koncept uvriježen semantički konstrukt, no analitički prazan ā€“ pokriven je sektorom ekonomske, joÅ” viÅ”e (vanjsko)političke sigurnosti. RazjaÅ”njenje i redefiniranje koncepta energetske sigurnosti u aktualnom kontekstu pridonosi boljem teorijskom definiranju i dubljem razumijevanju empirijskih posljedica koriÅ”tenja koncepta, koji već kao diskurzivna praksa određuje Å”to se smatra problemom i može otežati ekonomsku suradnju.The term ā€˜energy securityā€™ has been so ubiquitous that it seems transparent and understandable. But that is just an illusion ā€“ the usage of the term is controversial, often too holistic, indicating underdevelopment of the concept itself. Most diverse questions have been discussed under the term ā€˜energy securityā€™ ā€“ they are, however, bound together only by the term ā€˜energyā€™ as their common denominator. In this paper, it is assumed that this concept is currently growing in importance as the consequence of a new role assigned to the gas trade between the EU and the Russian Federation since 2000, as an externality of the use of this trade in power politics, of its politicization and attempts at securitization. It will be shown that this concept is a semantically ingrained construct; as an analytical concept it is empty ā€“ its meaning is already contained in the economic security sector, and even more so in the (foreign) political security sector. Explication and redefinition of the concept of energy security in the current context contribute to the improvement of theoretical delineation and deeper understanding of empirical implications of its usage. As a discursive practice, the concept determines what is to be considered a problem, and it may cause difficulties in economic cooperation

    A Hibrid EU Response to Russiaā€™s Politicization of Gas Trade Aimed At Energy Security Strenghtening

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    Europska unija se politizaciji svoje plinske trgovine s Ruskom Federacijom u 21. stoljeću prilagođava hibridnim modelom, koji je mjeÅ”avina različitih mjera. Kako bi spriječila ili barem ublažila rusko koriÅ”tenje te trgovine u realističkoj politici moći, odgovara mjerama koje se sve viÅ”e udaljuju od ekonomske, osobito slobodnotržiÅ”ne, i približavaju političkoj perspektivi, jer je unoÅ”enje političkog elementa u vanjskotrgovinski odnos tražilo netržiÅ”ne odgovore. Na temelju analize odgovora Europske unije na prijetnju čije je ishodiÅ”te u ruskoj politizaciji plinske trgovine moguće je pratiti postupnu transformaciju liberalno- ekonomskog identiteta Europske unije u sve viÅ”e geopolitički u svijetu koji postaje sve realističniji kako u energetskim pitanjima konkretno tako i u međunarodnim poslovima općenito. Europska unija je u svoju energetsku politiku uvrstila koncepte solidarnosti i suvereniteta, a visoki predstavnik za zajedničku vanjsku i sigurnosnu politiku Europske unije traži od nje da ā€œponovno nauči jezik moćiā€.In the 21st century the European Union is adapting to the politicization of its gas trade with the Russian Federation with a hybrid model: a mixture of different measures. In order to prevent, or at least to mitigate, Russian use of gas trade in a realistic power politics, the EU is responding with measures which are digressing from the economic perspective, especially free-market one, and getting closer to the political perspective. Non-market responses have become unavoidable primarily due to bringing the political element into a foreign trade relationship. Based on the analysis of the EUā€™s responses to the threat, which has originated from the Russian politicization of gas trade, it is possible to follow the incremental transformation of the EU liberal-economic identity into an increasingly geopolitical one in a world that is becoming increasingly realistic, both in the energy field and in international affairs in general. The European Union has included concepts of solidarity and sovereignty in its energy policy, yet according to the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, the EU has to ā€œlearn to use the language of power againā€

    Stvaranje Europske energetske unije i dnevni red političkog odlučivanja EU-a

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    Pitanje energetske sigurnosti, definirane kao sigurna opskrba energentima, potaknulo je produbljenje europske integracije na energetskom području, koje se držalo neodvojivim dijelom nacionalnog suvereniteta, tek kada je na važnosti dobio sigurnosni stup europske energetske politike sa svojom vanjskom dimenzijom, i to primarno uz opskrbu plinom. Pitanje stvaranja europske energetske unije penjalo se postupno po dnevnom redu EU-a, a uspjelo se popeti visoko tek putanjom ā€žvisoke politikeā€, nakon Å”to je uokvireno kroz sigurnosni stup. Na to su utjecali mnogi institucionalni i pojedinačni akteri, a joÅ” viÅ”e vanjski krizni događaji. Iako je jedan institucionalni akter EU, s uobičajenom ulogom iniciranja politika, vrlo rano oblikovao pitanje opskrbe energenata kao sigurnosno pitanje, u radu ćemo, primjenjujući teoriju postavljanja dnevnog reda, nastojati pokazati Å”to je sve bilo potrebno da se ostale institucije i države članice EU-a uvjere u važnost tako oblikovanog pitanja, te da je Europsko vijeće, koje je, prije zadovoljno statusom quo, dugo sprječavalo stavljanje pitanja na dnevni red, odigralo ulogu ā€žmoćnog vrataraā€. S pomoću Kingdonova koncepta ā€žprozora mogućnostiā€ pokazat ćemo da je tek konvergencija osnaženoga političkog tijeka, uslijed novih geopolitičkih događaja, s već postojećim policy i problemskim tijekovima omogućila otvaranje ā€žprozoraā€ za dalje produbljivanje europske energetske politike. Osvrnut ćemo se i na problem koherentnosti europske energetske politike, uvjetovan njezinim trima stupovima, međusektorskim implikacijama i intrainstitucionalnim segmentiranjem

    The gas and vaccine trade in power politics

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    Ruska Federacija u odnosu s EU-om koristi plinsku trgovinuā€Ž kao instrument tvrde moći, dok trgovinu cjepivom pokuÅ”avaā€Ž koristiti kao instrument meke moći. Preduvjeti koji omogućavajuā€Ž koriÅ”tenje ta dva trgovinska odnosa u politici moći su ā€Žvrsta robe, a joÅ” viÅ”e odnos ovisnosti. Dok je pri uspostavi plinskeā€Ž trgovine s Rusijom EU zanemario mogućnost da vanjsko-trgovinskiā€Žodnos postane instrument jačanja nacionalne moćiā€Ž i da uključuje potencijalne političko-sigurnosne eksternalije, ā€Žtrgovinu cjepivom s ovom državom ne želi niti pokretati. To ā€ŽÅ”to je osiguranje opskrbe određenom robom postalo sastavniā€Ž dio vanjske i sigurnosne politike ukazuje na mijenjanje liberalno-ā€Žekonomskog identiteta EU-a u realističko-politički i na ā€ŽÅ¾elju Unije da izgradi i očuva strateÅ”ku autonomiju i suverenoā€Ž akterstvo u međunarodnim odnosima.ā€ŽThe Russian Federation is using gas trade as an instrument of hard ā€Žpower in its relations with the EU, whereas trying to use the vaccine ā€Žtrade as an instrument of soft power. The preconditions that allow the ā€Žuse of those two trade relations in the power politics are the kind of ā€Žcommodity, and even more the relation of dependence. While in establishing ā€Žgas trade with Russia, the EU has neglected the possibility of ā€Žthe foreign trade relationship becoming an instrument of strengthening ā€Žnational power and including security externalities, it does notā€Ž want to start the vaccine trade with Russia. The fact that securing theā€Ž supply of certain goods has become an integral part of foreign and security ā€Žpolicy indicates a change in the EUĀ“s liberal-economic identity ā€Žinto realistic-political one and the EUĀ“s desire to build and preserveā€Ž
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