5 research outputs found

    Effect of Previous Incubation of Aeromonas hydrophila in Wastewater Prior to Its Transfer Into Marine Water Microcosms

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    The occurrence of the mesophilic motile Gram negative non enterobacterial species A. hydrophila in the wild is a major problem that deserves to be resolved since it is a potentially pathogen able to enter into a non-culturable state on routine bacteriological plating media. These non-culturable forms can be detected by several direct or indirect visualization methods. This species has frequently been isolated from pathological forms in fish farming marine areas, especially near wastewater discharges. Consequently, we studied A. hydrophila in marine water microcosms placed during a 24 hour period in treated waste waters and compared with the homologous strain not placed in the same conditions. Thus, two kinds of microcosms were prepared using filtered and autoclaved marine water or waste water, inoculated by A. hydrophila and maintained at 25°C in darkness. The results obtained indicated that A. hydrophila population incubated at 25°C in marine water declined rapidly (3.21 log units in plate count number) during the first three days. Additionally, we noted that A. hydrophila incubated in marine water after a previous treatment in waste water declined progressively to 2.74 log units (in plate count number). Nevertheless, we showed no significant variations of the number of total bacterial cells for A. hydrophila developed in marine water after prior treatment in waste water, despite the appearance of the VBNC form. During this state, rods of normal size, elongated cells and cocci were obtained. Concomitantly, we determined several changes in biochemical and antimicrobial patterns of stressed A. hydrophila, notably the acquisition of adipate metabolization and an increase of resistance to antimicrobial compounds, especially for A. hydrophila incubated in marine water after treatment in waste water.A. hydrophila (mĂ©sophile, Gram nĂ©gative, mobile) compte parmi les espĂšces non entĂ©robactĂ©riennes opportunistes du milieu aquatique. Son isolement ou son dĂ©nombrement en milieu marin selon les mĂ©thodes classiques est compromis par l’acquisition de la forme viable non cultivable (VNC) chez la bactĂ©rie dont la visualisation repose sur des mĂ©thodes moins usuelles, notamment la cytomĂ©trie en image ou en flux. En pathologie aquacole, A. hydrophila compte parmi les espĂšces les plus frĂ©quemment isolĂ©es, notamment dans les zones de rejets. Le prĂ©sent travail a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© en vue d’étudier la survie d’A. hydrophila en eau de mer aprĂšs transit en eaux usĂ©es domestique. Ainsi, deux types de microcosmes ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s, le premier rempli d’eau de mer filtrĂ©e, stĂ©rile et placĂ© Ă  25 °C Ă  l’obscuritĂ©; le second est rempli d’eau usĂ©e filtrĂ©e, stĂ©rile et placĂ©e pendant 24 h Ă  l’obscuritĂ© avant transfert en eau de mer. Les caractĂ©ristiques intrinsĂ©ques : cultivabilitĂ©, forme cellulaire, profils biochimiques et antibiotypiques ont Ă©tĂ© suivis au cours de ce stress. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus indiquent que la cultivabilitĂ© d’A. hydrophila placĂ©e directement dans l’eau de mer diminue rapidement durant les trois premiers jours d’incubation (3,21 Ulog). Aussi, nous avons notĂ© une rĂ©duction progressive de la cultivabilitĂ© d’A. hydrophila placĂ©e en eau de mer aprĂšs transit en eaux usĂ©es (2,74 Ulog). NĂ©anmoins, le nombre de cellules totales ne montre pas de variation significative tout le long de la pĂ©riode de suivi (30 jours), avec l’apparition de la forme Viable Non Cultivable (VNC). Au cours de ce stress, nous avons observĂ© des cellules de formes bacillaires, allongĂ©es et arrondies rĂ©duites. ParallĂšlement, nous avons trouvĂ© qu’A. hydrophila ayant sĂ©journĂ© en eau de mer (avec ou sans passage en eaux usĂ©es) a subi diffĂ©rentes modifications ayant portĂ© aux caractĂ©ristiques biochimiques et antibiotypiques, dont les plus remarquables sont la capacitĂ© Ă  mĂ©taboliser l’adipate et l’acquisition de nouvelles rĂ©sistances aux antibiotiques, notamment aprĂšs passage en eaux usĂ©es

    Étude de l’influence des facteurs environnementaux sur la distribution de diffĂ©rentes populations bactĂ©riennes dans une station mytilicole de la lagune de Bizerte (Nord-Tunisie)

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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e en vue d’évaluer l’effet des fluctuations des paramĂštres abiotiques sur la distribution de diffĂ©rentes populations bactĂ©riennes viables dans la station mytilicole la plus productrice de la lagune de Bizerte (Nord‑Tunisie). Le suivi a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tabli pendant une annĂ©e (septembre 2004 ‑ aoĂ»t 2005) au niveau des neuf tables du site.Les dĂ©nombrements bactĂ©riens des coliformes totaux (CT), des entĂ©rocoques fĂ©caux (EF), des Vibrionaceaes (VB) et des bactĂ©ries hĂ©tĂ©rotrophes cultivables (BHC) ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s pour l’eau de surface, les moules (Mytilus galloprovincialis) ainsi que pour les sĂ©diments. Ces charges bactĂ©riennes ont Ă©tĂ© corrĂ©lĂ©es Ă  la tempĂ©rature de l’eau, l’oxygĂšne dissous, la salinitĂ©, le pH, la pluviomĂ©trie et l’ensoleillement, mesurĂ©s pĂ©riodiquement en tout point du site.Le suivi des paramĂštres bactĂ©riologiques a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une prĂ©sence assez importante de charges bactĂ©riennes pendant toute la pĂ©riode d’étude, notamment dans les moules et les sĂ©diments, avec une distribution temporelle saisonniĂšre. L’étude statistique a montrĂ© des corrĂ©lations positives, d’une part, entre les charges en polluants fĂ©caux et la pluviomĂ©trie et, d’autre part, entre les charges en Vibrionaceaes et la salinitĂ© et la tempĂ©rature.Ces rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent l’effet anthropique bactĂ©rien au niveau du site mytilicole : les rejets continentaux en hiver et la remontĂ©e des bactĂ©ries autochtones en pĂ©riode estivale ont une influence considĂ©rable sur la mytiliculture et son devenir dans la lagune de Bizerte.The present study aimed to assess the influence of abiotic parameters on the distribution of various viable bacterial populations in the most productive mussel farming area in the Bizerte Lagoon (Northern Tunisia). A monitoring survey was carried out over one year (September 2004 ‑ August 2005), within all the farming tables at the station. Bacterial enumerations of total coliforms (CT), fecal enterococci (EF), Vibrionaceae (VB) and cultivable heterotrophic bacteria (BHC) were carried out for surface water, mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and sediments. These bacterial counts were correlated with water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH, rainfall and sunshine, which were periodically measured at all points within the sampling area.The survey of the bacteriological parameters revealed high bacterial counts during the whole monitoring period, especially in the mussels and sediments, as well as seasonal variability. Statistical analyses revealed positive correlation between the loads of fecal pollutants and rainfall during the winter period, and between the loads of Vibrionaceae and salinity and temperature during the summer period.These results highlight the negative anthropogenic bacterial effect within the mussel farming areas: sewage discharges in winter, and the growth of autochthonous pathogenic bacteria during the summer period, have a considerable influence on the mussel culture in the Bizerte Lagoon

    Characterization of Vibrio Isolates from Carpet Shell Clam (Ruditapes Decussatus) Suffering from Brown Ring Disease (BRD) on Tunisian Coasts

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    Abstract A total of 13 pathogenic Vibrio spp. bacteria were isolated fro m carpet shell clams (Ruditapes decussatus) with Brown Ring Disease (BRD) in Tunisia. Organisms were identified based on a combination of phenotypic and mo lecular methods (SSP-PCR and 16SrDNA sequencing). Viru lence effects were determined by in vivo testing on R. decussatus and in vitro testing on the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum). All isolates demonstrated biochemical profiles typical of Vibrio spp; nine different biotypes. Three isolates were identified as V.splendidus biovar II TA E2 but the remain ing isolates fell into eight biotypes different fro m each other and fro m the V.tapetis biotype. Species delineation based on 16S rDNA sequencing indicated that the isolated Vibrio spp closely resembled V.chagasii (eight isolates), V.splendidus (two isolates), V.alginolyticus(one isolates), Psychrobacter spp. and Pseudoalteromonas mariniglutinosa (one isolates for each). In vitro cytotoxicity effects and mortalit ies could be induced by the isolates of V.chagasii, V.splendidus and V.alginolyticus at lower dosages than induced by V.tapetis (CECT4600)

    Occurrence of Brown Ring Disease in Carpet Shell Clams Ruditapes decussatus from the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia, Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    International audienceThe occurrence and spread of brown ring disease (BRD) to several northern Mediterranean coasts is described. We report the results of a 6-y surveillance of BRD in natural populations of carpet shell clams (Ruditapes decussatus) in 14 zones along the Gulf of Gabes in Tunisia (southern Mediterranean Sea). BRD symptoms in adult animals resulting from conchiolin deposits in inner parts of carpet shell were observed in all zones surveyed. Infestation rates within each site ranged from 65-100%, and BRD prevalence varied from 1-58% of clams in winter and from 1-33% in summer. Positive correlations were demonstrated between BRD prevalence and Vibrio spp. concentrations in clams. Vibrio tapetis was not identified among the bacterial organisms, suggesting that other marine Vibrio species are capable of causing BRD-like illness in carpet shell clams