12 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Budidaya Tambak Dengan Metode Skoring

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    Pond cultivation is a coastal sector’s potential in Nusawungu District. To optimize the potential of fish and shrimp ponds in Nusawungu District, mapping of the suitable coastal locations as pond cultivation areas was carried out. This research was included in descriptive – quantitative study of the suitability class of pond cultivation land by using the scoring method from the overlay parameter of land usage, soil type, soil texture, slope inclination, pond to river distance, and pond to beach distance. The land suitability class based on this method was divided into 3 (three) classes, suitable (S1), conditionally suitable (S2), and unsuitable (S3). The results showed that 48.32% or an area of 29.6008 km2, categorized S1 (suitable) as location for pond cultivation. Furthermore, the S2 (Conditionally suitable) class was recorded for 33.98% or an area of 20.8039 km2. S3 (unsuitable) class was recorded for 17.72% or an area of 10.8553 km2

    Analisa Karakteristik Dielektrik dan Kimia Minyak Gas To Liquid (GTL) Sebagai Media Isolasi Transformator

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    Gas to Liquid transformer oil with iso-paraffinic as the main constituent is an alternative insulating medium with fewer impurities, therefore its insulating strength is increasing. This study aims to determine the relationship of changes in the dielectric characteristics of transformer oil to changes in the chemical characteristics of gas to liquid oil. The object of research for gas to liquid oil is treated as the actual condition of the transformer at a temperature of 1000C, then thermal aging was carried out with temperatures of 1200C and 1500C starting from 362 hours to 1008 hours. the dielectric loss value of transformer oil still met the standard value used, namely ASTM D924 of 0.0015%, but the resistivity value was not in accordance with the standard specified by IEC 60442 which was 60 Gm. The value of chemical characteristics such as water content is above the ASTM D1533 standard of 35 mg/kg, the value of the acid content of the oil is above the ASTM D974 standard of 0.20 mg KOH/g, and the color scale value exceeds the predetermined limit of ASTM D1500 by 0,5

    Characteristic Study of Film Thickness on Countercurrent of Water-Air Flow in Hot-Leg Simulator of L/D = 25 by using Parallel-Wire Methods

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    In water-air counter current flow, relative movement between water and air occurred. The results of this movement interfacial instability occurred in the flow, causing the liquid film moves up and down. In this study, film thickness characteristics of water-air counter current flow in L/D=25 hot-leg simulator are identified. Film thickness measurement was carried out using parallel-wire sensor consists of parallel wires installed through the pipe’s cross sectional area with spacing of 5 mm. sensor has wire diameter of 0,51 mm made from copper coated in silver. This experimental study was carried out with water superficial velocity (JL) variation of JL=0,003 m/s, JL=0,032 m/s, and JL=0,065 m/s. From the film thickness measurement, film thickness characteristics of water-air counter current flow are identified based on the flow pattern and the position of onset of flooding. JL variation affects the occurring time of flow pattern change, hydraulic jump, and onset of flooding. Hydraulic jump and onset of flooding position occurred further from the bend as the JL increased. Onset of flooding occurrence time is faster as the JL bigger

    Efek Temperatur Pengarangan Cangkang Kerang dan Tulang Sapi Terhadap Proximate

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    Studies on the use of animal waste as charcoal ingredient in the needs of activated charcoal material has been carried out and developed. Activated charcoal is produced through activation process at a certain temperature, condition, and time in order to creat a higher carbon content  in charcoal . One of the important factors in the manufacture of activated charcoal is the temperature during the production process. The purpose of this study is to discuss the influence of temperature factor of mussel shells and beef bones on water content, ash content, volatile matter and fixed carbon during the charcoal production process. The research is carried out through experimental method of  making chorcoal with temperature variations of 400, 500, 600, 700, and 800 oC. The result of the experiment shows the highest ash content and water content found respectively in beef bone charcoal of 800 oC which is 98,697 %, and of 400 oC which is 4,942 %, while the highest volatile matter and fixed carbon levels are found in clam shell charcoal of 800 oC which is 6,717 %, and of 500 oC which is 43,282 %. The result concluded that the effect of the temperature of the production process affects the water content, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon

    Pengaruh Sudut Sudu Turbin Jenis Taper Terhadap Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) dan Power Coefficient (CP) pada Turbin Angin Horisontal Berbasis Q-Blade

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    Pemanfaatan energi angin sebagai pembangkit listrik masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan, dengan melihat performa turbin yang tidak selalu sama pada kondisi daerah yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sudut sudu (30, 50, 70, dan 100) turbin terhadap TSR dan CP dengan menggunakan simulasi Q-Blade. Software Q-Blade digunakan untuk mengetahui perbandingan nilai CP dan TSR, sehingga dapat memprediksi nilai daya yang dihasilkan pada putaran sudu. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, sebagai variabel tetap, adalah tipe airfoil NACA 4412, jenis sudu taper, jumlah sudu (4), jari-jari sudu (0,3 m), kecepatan angin ± 3,6 m/s. Hasil simulasi yang ditampilkan berupa grafik hubungan CP terhadap perubahan TSR dan gambar simulasi pendistribusian beban yang terjadi pada geometri sudu. Nilai CP tertinggi dihasilkan dari sudut sudu 30 pada angka TSR 5, yaitu  ±0,4. Nilai pembebanan yang rendah pada daerah sumbu/rotor, pada variasi sudut sudu 30, menyeimbangkan gaya sentrifugal pada fluida yang berputar. Gaya sentrifugal menghasilkan gaya dorong pada turbin, sehingga sudu berputar dengan nilai CP yang tinggi pada daerah tersebut

    Pengaruh Sudut Sudu Turbin Jenis Taper Terhadap Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) dan Power Coefficient (CP) pada Turbin Angin Horisontal Berbasis Q-Blade

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    The utilization of wind energy as a power plant still needs to be improved by looking at the turbine performance, which is not always the same in different regional conditions. This study aims to determine the effect of the blade angle of the turbine on the tip speed ratio (TSR) and power coefficient (CP) by using a Q-Blade simulation. Q-Blade software can predict the value of the power generated at the blade rotation by comparing the CP and TSR values. The type of airfoil NACA 4412, taper blade, blade's numbers (4), blade radius (0.3 m), wind speed ± 3.6 m/s were fixed variables in this study. The simulation generated a graph of the relationship between CP and TSR changed and a simulation image of the load distribution ensued in the blade geometry. The blade angle of 30 at the TSR number 5 produced the highest CP values, which was ±0.4. The low loading value in the axis/rotor region, at a variation of the blade angle of 30, balances the centrifugal force on the rotating fluid. The centrifugal force produces thrust on the turbine so that the blade rotates with a high CP value in that area

    Analisis Performa dan Studi Konsumsi Energi Kendaraan Listrik Sepeda Motor Listrik SEMOLI

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    In this article the author conducts research related to energy consumption studies on electric motorbike vehicles (SEMOLI) made and developed by the author. The purpose of the energy consumption study is to determine the energy consumption of electric motorbike vehicles that have been made for further improvement and development. The method used is experimentation with the first phase testing on a straight flat road for one kilometer with flat road conditions, this phase of experimental results shows an average energy consumption of 30 Wh, for an average uphill road consumption of 40 km / h and for the second phase of experimental data using experimental methods with speed parameters 30 - 35 km energy consumption has an average of 30 Wh, at speeds of 40 - 45 km / h energy consumption has an average of 28 Wh, and 50-55 km / h average energy consumption of 27 Wh. The test results show that on flat road conditions and the increasing speed, the energy consumption will decrease. &nbsp

    Rancang Bangun Rangka dan Penggerak Mesin FDM Berbasis Arduino Tipe XZ-Head

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    FDM is an AM method that is currently being developed due to the flexibility of the object geometry that can be formed. This study aims to design the frame and drive of the XZ Head type FDM engine. Stress simulation was carried out to determine the safety factor in the frameXZ design. Lead screw parameters in the form of torque, shear stress, axial stress, and critical load were calculated to determine the torque requirement of the driving motor. The value of the linear axis of the stepper motor was calibrated to determine the dimensions of the printed output. Based on the simulation, the dynamic and static stresses on the XZ frame were 1.9 MPa and 2 MPa. The yield strength was 55 MPa with a safety factor of 28. The results of the calculation of the lead screw torque (TR) and (TL) were 18.27 N.mm and 6.60 N.mm. The calculated nominal shear stress of the screw () was 0.43 N/mm2, the axial loading stress () was -0.62 N/mm2, and the critical load (Wcr) was 9986.41 N. The difference in dimensions of the measurement results in the X and Z planes was 0.22 and 0.17 mm larger than the target dimensions of 20 mm.Mesin FDM tipe XY dan Delta memiliki kompleksitas desain rangka. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang rangka dan penggerak mesin FDM tipe XZ Head.  Simulasi tegangan dilakukan pada frameXZ untuk mengetahui nilai safety factor rangka. Parameter lead screw berupa torsi, tegangan geser, tegangan aksial, dan beban kritis merupakan fokus rancangan. Kalibrasi motor stepper dilakukan untuk mengamati dimensi hasil cetakan. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, tegangan dinamis dan statis pada frameXZ sebesar 1,9 MPa dan 2 MPa. Yield strength pada simulasi tegangan statis sebesar 55 MPa dengan safety factor 28. Hasil perhitungan torsi lead screw untuk menaikkan (TR) dan menurunkan (TL) beban sebesar 18,27 N.mm dan 6,60 N.mm. Tegangan geser nominal screw () = 0,43 N/mm2, tegangan aksial pembebanan () = -0,62 N/mm2, dan beban kritis (Wcr) = 9986,41 N. Terdapat selisih dimensi hasil pengukuran pada bidang X dan Z yaitu 0,22 dan 0,17 mm lebih besar dari dimensi target 20 mm


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    Hampir seluruh masyarakat tidak memiliki kesiapan dalam menghadapi situasi pandemi, secara khusus masyarakat Kampung Seprih 005/001 Kebonmanis. Pembatasan aktivitas mengakibatkan menurunnya kegiatan perdagangan warga. Pengetahuan yang terbatas dan pengalaman yang belum memadai, menghambat perkembangan usaha dagang warga yang notabene penghasilan setiap bulannya tidak tetap. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, solusi yang dibutuhkan untuk peningkatan perekonomian warga adalah kegiatan kewirausahaan bersama di lingkungan Kampung Seprih. Kegiatan wirausaha bersama ini dapat terlaksana dengan memanfaatkan lahan warga yang belum produktif. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menggambarkan potensi usaha mandiri Kampung Seprih menjadi Kampung Produktif Seprih dan memberikan pelatihan serta pendampingan penulisan proposal sponsorship kepada warga secara khusus GEMA (Gerakan Pemuda Nol Lima) Kampung Seprih. Kampung Produktif Seprih digambarkan pada denah pekerjaan yang terbagi menjadi 4 area, yaitu lahan produksi, lahan peternakan, lahan pertanian, dan lahan ruang baca (perpustakaan warga Kampung Seprih). Kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan penulisan proposal sponsorship dilaksanakan selama 12 kali pertemuan dan diikuti oleh pengurus dan anggota GEMA. Proposal sponsorship dikirimkan ke PFmuda 2022 melalui aplikasi yang tersedia pada tanggal 18 Mei 2022 pukul 19.44 WIB. Harapan dari Penulis dan tim beserta GEMA Kampung Seprih adalah proposal tersebut lolos dan didanai kegiatan selanjutnya. Namun jika hasilnya belum sesuai rencana, maka GEMA dapat mengajukan proposalnya ke instansi lain dengan bekal pelatihan yang sudah diterima


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    nuclear reactor now One of the most current adays is III generation reactor. One of III + generation reactor is PWR Advanced Passive 1000 (AP1000). AP1000 uses passive system for the core and active system for the spent fuel pool storage. The main purpose of this study is to analyze and optimize variable parameter and geometry to get the design of AP1000 spent fuel pool storage with passive cooling system. The data specification for modeling is adapted from AP1000 specification.The main reasearch of this study is to design a heat exchanger that can passively cools the spent fuel pool without any aid of pumps. The heat exchanger model has parallel pipeline with hot fluid and cold fluid in counter flow. The material used for heat exchanger modeling is made of stainless steel with variation of 1 inch, 1.5 inch, and 2 inch Sch.40 pipe diameter, and the number of the tube varies in 27000 and 30000 with air mass flow rate 0.05 kg/s. From the conducted analysis, the heat exhanger length, the different altitude and the height of chimney are obtained. The length of heat exchanger, the altitude, and the chimney become smaller with the increasing of pipe diameter used. The higher the number of pipe used, the smaller the altitude and the heat exhanger length needed