22 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effect of Front-End Planning in Fast-Track Delivery Systems for Industrial Projects

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    Numerous research studies to date have been conducted to examine the processes and effectiveness of Front-End Planning. However, very little is known about the impact of the “level” of Front-End Planning to the cost, schedule and change order performance, specifically for Fast-track Delivery Systems for Industrial projects. This study aims to address this issue by investigating correlation between the Front-End resource allocation and project performance, simultaneously comparing the Design-Build and Construction Manager at Risk delivery systems to the baseline traditional Design-Bid-Build system. The data used for statistical analysis were obtained from the Construction Industry Institute through a Project Level Survey conducted in 2009. The data compiled into a Benchmarking & Metrics database was used by this study for statistical analysis. 439 Industrial projects from both the Light and Heavy Industrial sectors were analyzed during this research. Spearman’s correlation analysis was performed to test the relationship between the “level” of FEP and project performance and Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the different delivery systems in terms of their performance. Results from the statistical analysis revealed that Design-Build projects with higher level of FEP performed more effectively considering cost and change metrics, whereas the level of FEP in CM-at-Risk projects exhibited a strong relationship with schedule performance. FEP was more effective in Design-Build cost performance because of the collaboration between the designer and the builder in the early phases of the project resulting in accurate estimations and minimized likelihood of major change orders. The Guaranteed Maximum Price ensured in the CM-at-Risk system, hinders the effect of FEP on its cost performance. This study is expected to encourage more effort into the Front-End of the project and could become a decision making tool for project participants on the choice of delivery systems in Industrial projects. This thesis study recommends Design-Build as the ideal delivery system for Industrial projects and for the implementation of Front-End Planning, based on statistical evidence

    Comparison of antral follicle count, antimullerian hormone and day 2 follicle stimulating hormone as predictor of ovarian response and clinical pregnancy rate in patient with an abnormal ovarian reserve test

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    Background: Patients having abnormal ovarian reserve test are likely to have poor response to controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) in artificial reproduction technique, where large number of follicles is desirable. Although direct measurement of the primordial follicle pool is impossible, it has been shown that the number of antral follicles in the ovaries is proportionally related to the size of primordial follicle stock from which they were recruited. Therefore, the antral follicle count (AFC) is believed to represent the quantitative aspect of ovarian aging. The aim of the study was to To compare the  day two Antral follicle count, antimullerian hormone and  Follicle stimulating hormone levels as a predictor of ovarian response among the patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation using GnRH antagonist and its implications in clinical pregnancy rate.Methods: A prospective study was conducted in KJK Hospital Trivandrum on 119 patients having abnormal ovarian reserve test undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) with GnRH antagonist protocol from January 2010- December 2015. Patients AFC, AMH and FSH levels were measured and their association in predicting the ovarian reserve in terms of oocyte maturation, fertilization and embryo cleavage and their pregnancy rate.Results: AFC had the highest accuracy for predicting ovarian response in patient with abnormal ovarian reserve test and was statistically significant (number of oocyte aspirated p value <0.001) than AMH (p value 0.06) and FSH (p value 0.212) in predicting ovarian response. For prediction of poor ovarian response a model including AFC+AMH was found to be almost similar to that of (p value 0.001) using AFC alone. However AFC (p value 0.458), AMH (p value 0.267) and FSH (p value 0.486) did not predict pregnancy rate in patient with abnormal ovarian reserve test and it was statistically not significant.Conclusions: This study indicates that AFC is the most useful marker in predicting the ovarian response. Doing AFC assessment alone would be more cost effective for predicting the ovarian response in patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation with GnRH antagonist

    Review on Unconventional Wind Energy

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    Fossil fuel is the major source of energy and is a fast depleting resource. The phenomenal increase in fossil fuel consumption has adversely affected carbon footprint impacting our environment. With strict environmental regulations in place, the focus towards renewable sources of energy is gaining momentum supported by recent advancement in technologies in wind, hydro and solar. Wind turbines were the first forms of clean energy has seen a major increase in power production. The site restrictions, have limited the wind turbine from being used to its maximum potential. In recent years, the concept of some unconventional methods is being proposed. In this review, the various types of wind turbines are emphasized with their recent advances and depicting the challenges faced in various aspects. The reviews contain details mainly about 4 types of wind turbines i.e. floating offshore wind turbine, airborne wind turbine, highway wind turbine systems and locomotive mounted wind turbine

    Vitamin D and cause-specific vascular disease and mortality:a Mendelian randomisation study involving 99,012 Chinese and 106,911 European adults

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    Investigation of factors determining the critical wall thickness in electrical discharge machining

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    The project aims to investigate the factors determining the critical wall thickness in electrical discharge machining and there by arrive at an equation that can deduce the optimal wall thickness. This was facilitated by the measurement and analysis of the critical wall thickness of four different materials using SEM (JSM-5600 LV). 1100 Aluminium, Galvanized Steel,304 Stainless Steel and Syalon 501 were chosen for the analysis due to their wide spread usage in the industry. Experimental results proved that the critical wall thickness of materials have been increased by an increase in the discharge energy for these materials. Based on the properties, the critical wall thickness has been varied for different materials. As a result, the equations have been derived for these materials. The hardness of the machined work piece has been studied by using a micro hardness tester. It is observed that the hardness of the work piece decreases with a decrease in the discharge energy.Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering

    Satunnaistettu tutkimus tupakoinnin lopettamisinterventiosta Keralan maaseudulla

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    Yhteisöinterventio auttaa miesten tupakoinnin lopettamista Keralan maaseudulla Tupakointi on maailmanlaajuinen terveysongelma – niin myös Intiassa, jossa 48% miehistä ja 20% naisista käyttää tupakkaa joko polttamalla tai muussa muodossa. Tupakkakuolemien vähentämiseksi Intia laati vuosina 2007-08 tupakanvastaisen lainsäädännön, jonka yksi päätavoite oli lopettamisen helpottaminen. Väitöskirjaprojektin aineisto perustui tupakoinnin lopettamiseen tähtäävään interventiotutkimuksen, joka tehtiin Intian lounaisosassa sijaitsevan Keralan osavaltion maaseudulla, missä miesten tupakanpoltto on yleisempää (28%) kuin muualla Intiassa (24%). Mukaan valittiin yli 3000 miestä jotka olivat iältään 18-60 vuotta (viideltä interventio- ja kuudelta vertailualueelta). Heidän tupakointitottu-muksensa ja nikotiiniriippuvuutensaarvioitiintutkimuksen alussa. Interventioalueella asuville tehtiin lääketieteellinen tutkimus ja annettiin ryhmäneuvonta tupakoinnin lopettamiseksi. Lisäksi heille järjestettiin neljä käynti- tai puhelinneuvontakertaa 26 viikon aikana. Neuvonnan suorittivat koulutetut sosiaalityöntekijät. Tupakointitavat selvitettiin uudelleen vuoden kuluttua. Sekä interventio- että vertailualueella tupakointi oli vähentynyt, mutta interventioalueella (15%) lopettaneita oli kaksi kertaa enemmän kuin vertailualueella (7%). Vielä selvemmin väheni tupakoijien polttamien savukkeiden määrä. Tulokset osoittavat että ryhmäneuvonta on toimiva tapa vähentää tupakointia myös maaseudun vähän koulutetun väestön joukossa. Tupakoinnin lopettamismenetelmä voitaisiin integroida hallituksen käynnissä oleviin terveysohjelmiin ilman lisäresurssitarpeita.A Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation in Rural Kerala, India Tobacco related mortality has emerged as a major public health problem in the world. The magnitude of the problem is massive and catastrophic for India, where nearly a million deaths annually are attributed to tobacco consumption. Currently 48% of males and 20% of females in India are tobacco users. In view of the rising tobacco consumption and the mortality associated with it, the Government of India has enacted the National Tobacco Control Programme in the year 2007-08, where apart from strengthening legislation, one of the core areas envisaged was tobacco cessation. In a country where majority of the tobacco users live in rural areas, there is an urgent need to develop intervention programmes for tobacco cessation in the rural community. The state of Kerala located in the south west corner of India, represents 3% of India’s population. Kerala ranks top in human development indicators and is a model for other states in the country. However, rise in tobacco consumption has emerged as a major public health problem in the state. It was estimated that 35.5% males and 8% females in Kerala use tobacco in some form or the other. The smoking prevalence (27.9%) among males was reported to be higher than the national average (24.3%). This dissertation explored the effectiveness of a proactive community-based smoking cessation programme in the southern state of Kerala in India. The dissertation also attempts to illustrate the tobacco prevalence, nicotine dependence and the multiple approaches that have been adopted for intervention programmes in the community. The study was conducted in 4 selected rural Community Development Blocks (An administrative system prevailing in rural areas of the country) of relatively uniform socio-demographic characteristics in a southern district of Kerala using a multistage sampling method. 11 wards/clusters (the lowest level of administrative system) was identified from the blocks, which include 5 intervention and 6 control clusters. Men aged 18–60 years were interviewed by trained health workers through a house to house survey. ‘Current daily smokers’ were thus identified for the study. Nicotine dependence was assessed using the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence scale on a scale of 1 to 10, where the maximum score denotes very high dependence to nicotine. In the intervention area, four rounds of counselling (2-4 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months) were conducted after conducting the baseline survey in a span of one year by trained medical social workers. Initially a medical camp and group counselling was conducted in all the intervention clusters after completion of the baseline survey. The common modes of counselling were face to face counselling and telephone counselling. Self-reported smoking status was assessed at 12 months after completion of the baseline survey. 3304 subjects were interviewed about the tobacco use status. Among them, 928 respondents (28%) were ‘current daily smokers’ of cigarette/bidi (Bidi is locally made by casing coarse tobacco in dried temburni leaf). Of the current smokers, intervention groups consisted of 474 subjects (average age 44.5 years) while the control group had 454 subjects (average age 44.6 years). In general, the intervention and control groups were comparable in terms of age, socio-economic status and nicotine dependence score. The overall nicotine dependence score was 5.06, which represents moderate nicotine dependence. The scores in the control and intervention groups were 4.75 and 5.33 respectively. The self reported 7 day point prevalence rates of smoking abstinence was 14.7% in the intervention and 6.8% in the control group with a twofold quit rate in the intervention group. Lower number of cigarettes/bidis, low nicotine dependence score and doctor consultation were the significant predictors for smoking cessation in the study. At the end of 12 months, 41.3% subjects in the intervention area and 13.6% in the control area had reduced smoking by 50% or more. The study demonstrated that proactive smoking cessation intervention utilizing multiple methods could enhance quit rates in smoking in rural areas of India

    Satunnaistettu tutkimus tupakoinnin lopettamisinterventiosta Keralan maaseudulla

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    Yhteisöinterventio auttaa miesten tupakoinnin lopettamista Keralan maaseudulla Tupakointi on maailmanlaajuinen terveysongelma – niin myös Intiassa, jossa 48% miehistä ja 20% naisista käyttää tupakkaa joko polttamalla tai muussa muodossa. Tupakkakuolemien vähentämiseksi Intia laati vuosina 2007-08 tupakanvastaisen lainsäädännön, jonka yksi päätavoite oli lopettamisen helpottaminen. Väitöskirjaprojektin aineisto perustui tupakoinnin lopettamiseen tähtäävään interventiotutkimuksen, joka tehtiin Intian lounaisosassa sijaitsevan Keralan osavaltion maaseudulla, missä miesten tupakanpoltto on yleisempää (28%) kuin muualla Intiassa (24%). Mukaan valittiin yli 3000 miestä jotka olivat iältään 18-60 vuotta (viideltä interventio- ja kuudelta vertailualueelta). Heidän tupakointitottu-muksensa ja nikotiiniriippuvuutensaarvioitiintutkimuksen alussa. Interventioalueella asuville tehtiin lääketieteellinen tutkimus ja annettiin ryhmäneuvonta tupakoinnin lopettamiseksi. Lisäksi heille järjestettiin neljä käynti- tai puhelinneuvontakertaa 26 viikon aikana. Neuvonnan suorittivat koulutetut sosiaalityöntekijät. Tupakointitavat selvitettiin uudelleen vuoden kuluttua. Sekä interventio- että vertailualueella tupakointi oli vähentynyt, mutta interventioalueella (15%) lopettaneita oli kaksi kertaa enemmän kuin vertailualueella (7%). Vielä selvemmin väheni tupakoijien polttamien savukkeiden määrä. Tulokset osoittavat että ryhmäneuvonta on toimiva tapa vähentää tupakointia myös maaseudun vähän koulutetun väestön joukossa. Tupakoinnin lopettamismenetelmä voitaisiin integroida hallituksen käynnissä oleviin terveysohjelmiin ilman lisäresurssitarpeita.A Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation in Rural Kerala, India Tobacco related mortality has emerged as a major public health problem in the world. The magnitude of the problem is massive and catastrophic for India, where nearly a million deaths annually are attributed to tobacco consumption. Currently 48% of males and 20% of females in India are tobacco users. In view of the rising tobacco consumption and the mortality associated with it, the Government of India has enacted the National Tobacco Control Programme in the year 2007-08, where apart from strengthening legislation, one of the core areas envisaged was tobacco cessation. In a country where majority of the tobacco users live in rural areas, there is an urgent need to develop intervention programmes for tobacco cessation in the rural community. The state of Kerala located in the south west corner of India, represents 3% of India’s population. Kerala ranks top in human development indicators and is a model for other states in the country. However, rise in tobacco consumption has emerged as a major public health problem in the state. It was estimated that 35.5% males and 8% females in Kerala use tobacco in some form or the other. The smoking prevalence (27.9%) among males was reported to be higher than the national average (24.3%). This dissertation explored the effectiveness of a proactive community-based smoking cessation programme in the southern state of Kerala in India. The dissertation also attempts to illustrate the tobacco prevalence, nicotine dependence and the multiple approaches that have been adopted for intervention programmes in the community. The study was conducted in 4 selected rural Community Development Blocks (An administrative system prevailing in rural areas of the country) of relatively uniform socio-demographic characteristics in a southern district of Kerala using a multistage sampling method. 11 wards/clusters (the lowest level of administrative system) was identified from the blocks, which include 5 intervention and 6 control clusters. Men aged 18–60 years were interviewed by trained health workers through a house to house survey. ‘Current daily smokers’ were thus identified for the study. Nicotine dependence was assessed using the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence scale on a scale of 1 to 10, where the maximum score denotes very high dependence to nicotine. In the intervention area, four rounds of counselling (2-4 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months) were conducted after conducting the baseline survey in a span of one year by trained medical social workers. Initially a medical camp and group counselling was conducted in all the intervention clusters after completion of the baseline survey. The common modes of counselling were face to face counselling and telephone counselling. Self-reported smoking status was assessed at 12 months after completion of the baseline survey. 3304 subjects were interviewed about the tobacco use status. Among them, 928 respondents (28%) were ‘current daily smokers’ of cigarette/bidi (Bidi is locally made by casing coarse tobacco in dried temburni leaf). Of the current smokers, intervention groups consisted of 474 subjects (average age 44.5 years) while the control group had 454 subjects (average age 44.6 years). In general, the intervention and control groups were comparable in terms of age, socio-economic status and nicotine dependence score. The overall nicotine dependence score was 5.06, which represents moderate nicotine dependence. The scores in the control and intervention groups were 4.75 and 5.33 respectively. The self reported 7 day point prevalence rates of smoking abstinence was 14.7% in the intervention and 6.8% in the control group with a twofold quit rate in the intervention group. Lower number of cigarettes/bidis, low nicotine dependence score and doctor consultation were the significant predictors for smoking cessation in the study. At the end of 12 months, 41.3% subjects in the intervention area and 13.6% in the control area had reduced smoking by 50% or more. The study demonstrated that proactive smoking cessation intervention utilizing multiple methods could enhance quit rates in smoking in rural areas of India

    Comparison of antral follicle count, antimullerian hormone and day 2 follicle stimulating hormone as predictor of ovarian response and clinical pregnancy rate in patient with an abnormal ovarian reserve test

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    Background: Patients having abnormal ovarian reserve test are likely to have poor response to controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) in artificial reproduction technique, where large number of follicles is desirable. Although direct measurement of the primordial follicle pool is impossible, it has been shown that the number of antral follicles in the ovaries is proportionally related to the size of primordial follicle stock from which they were recruited. Therefore, the antral follicle count (AFC) is believed to represent the quantitative aspect of ovarian aging. The aim of the study was to To compare the day two Antral follicle count, antimullerian hormone and Follicle stimulating hormone levels as a predictor of ovarian response among the patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation using GnRH antagonist and its implications in clinical pregnancy rate. Methods: A prospective study was conducted in KJK Hospital Trivandrum on 119 patients having abnormal ovarian reserve test undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) with GnRH antagonist protocol from January 2010- December 2015. Patients AFC, AMH and FSH levels were measured and their association in predicting the ovarian reserve in terms of oocyte maturation, fertilization and embryo cleavage and their pregnancy rate. Results: AFC had the highest accuracy for predicting ovarian response in patient with abnormal ovarian reserve test and was statistically significant (number of oocyte aspirated p value <0.001) than AMH (p value 0.06) and FSH (p value 0.212) in predicting ovarian response. For prediction of poor ovarian response a model including AFC+AMH was found to be almost similar to that of (p value 0.001) using AFC alone. However AFC (p value 0.458), AMH (p value 0.267) and FSH (p value 0.486) did not predict pregnancy rate in patient with abnormal ovarian reserve test and it was statistically not significant. Conclusions: This study indicates that AFC is the most useful marker in predicting the ovarian response. Doing AFC assessment alone would be more cost effective for predicting the ovarian response in patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation with GnRH antagonist. [Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016; 5(8.000): 2762-2767

    Self-reported tobacco use, knowledge on tobacco legislation and tobacco hazards among adolescents in rural Kerala State

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    Context: Tobacco consumption initiated during the adolescent period is a major contributor to the pathogenesis of fatal diseases in adulthood. Information on tobacco use and awareness regarding tobacco legislation and hazards among adolescents in rural Kerala is limited. Aims: To assess the prevalence of tobacco use among adolescent students in a rural district in Kerala state and to understand the extent of awareness about the prominent legislative measures against tobacco and tobacco hazards. Materials and Methods: Data on awareness regarding health hazards due to tobacco use and legislation against tobacco consumption were collected from students of 15 randomly selected high schools in an educational sub-district in Kerala, using a cross-sectional study design. Chi-square and Fisher′s exact test statistics were used for statistical analysis. Results: A total of 1473 students participated in the study, of which 79% were males (mean age 15.4 years, SD 1.5). The overall prevalence of ′current tobacco users′ was 8%. A significant association between age and tobacco use was noted among tobacco habitues (P<0.05). Awareness regarding legislation against smoking in public places was more in the higher age-groups (P<0.05). Females were more aware of the ′smoking ban′ than males (P<0.05). Our survey of the awareness regarding the hazards associated with tobacco use revealed that 41.5% of the students knew about the link between oral cancer and tobacco, with the awareness being greater among females than among males (64.3% vs 35.4%). Conclusion: The finding that tobacco consumption increases with age is a matter of concern. In addition to their clinical work, dental professionals should also educate the public on the hazards of tobacco and conduct tobacco cessation programmes for adolescent groups to control the tobacco epidemic