388 research outputs found

    Risks for Peripheral Arterial Disease in the Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : Their Correlation with High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein and Ankle-brachial Index

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    The Indonesian elderly population has been projected to increase up to about four-fold inthree decades (1990-2020). As a consequence of this population trend, the increased prevalence ofdegenerative diseases would be inevitable; this would include the prevalence of peripheral arterialdisease.This study aims to identify the correlation of diverse risk factors, either traditional or nontraditional,with the ankle-brachial index scores, and the correlation of novel non-traditional riskfactor, e.i. high sensitive C-reactive protein with the prevalence of perioheral arterial disease in theelderly, age 60-80 years old, with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Among the 146 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and based on measurement ofthe ABI score, approximately 30.9% of them had PAD. Some traditional and non-traditional riskfactors having a significant correlation with the ankle-brachial index score, were age (r = -0.396, p <0.001 for right ABI; r = -0.509, p < 0.001 for left ABI), supine systolic blood pressure (r= -0.268, p =0.012 for right ABI; r = -0.267, p = 0.013 for left ABI), 2-hour post-prandial blood glucose (r= -0.252, p = 0.018 for right ABI), and hsCRP (r = -0.280, p = 0.011 for right ABI; r = -0.402, p <0.001 for left ABI); whereas other risk factors like obesity based on waist circumference and BMI,non-supine systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, duration of diabetes, plasma lipidsdid not show statistically significant different odd ratios. After linear regression test for risk factorshaving significant correlations with ABI, age and hsCRP were found to influence the ABI scores.Based on a case-control study, risk factors which, to some extent, had statistically significant valuesas risk factors, include older age (? 70 years old; OR = 7.737 [CI = 2.515-23.805]; p < 0.001),relatively high supine diastolic blood pressure (? 90 mmHg; OR = 6.882 [CI = 0.789-60.060]; p =0.048), and high concentration of hsCRP (> 3 mg/L; OR = 4.420 [CI = 1.287-15.181]; p = 0.013).Among these statistically significant risk factors, after logistic regression test analysis, only the age ofthe patient appeared to have significant influence on the prevalence of PAD.In conclusion, this study demonstrates a negative correlation between hsCRP and ABI score;and high levels of hsCRP appeared to be a risk factor for PAD. The age of the patient, however,appeared to be the strongest risk factor for PAD

    Pengembangan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia Dini di Era New Normal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru yang meliputi strategi, permainan dan kendala-kendala guru dalam mengembangkan motorik kasar anak di era new normal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek untuk penelitian ini adalah guru kelas kelompok B dan anak kelas kelompok B TK Islam An Nahdliyah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan strategi yang dilakukan guru yaitu membuat anak berkonsentrasi terlebih dahulu, selanjutnya guru memberikan contoh kepada anak, kemudian menuntun anak untuk mempraktekkan secara langsung. Dalam rangka menunjang perkembangan motorik kasar anak guru menerapkan berbagai kegiatan atau permainan seperti mencuci tangan sebelum memasuki ruang kelas, senam pagi, baris berbaris, gerak dan lagu animal dance, praktek wudhu dan sholat. Kendala dalam mengembangkan motorik kasar anak seperti belum terbiasa dengan penerapan 5M, anak membutuhkan pengawasan ekstra, anak mudah bosan dengan permainan, dan guru mengurangi permainan yang banyak menggunakan kontak fisik

    Marketing Strategy Formulation and Implementation at the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park to Create Word of Mouth Marketing

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    Krisnati DesianaLocated in Jimbaran, Bali, the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park or better known by the locals as GWK with its gigantic Garuda Wisnu statue will serve as Bali\u27s tourism landmark. In this paper the objective of this research is to formulate a Word Of Mouth marketing strategy that will make GWK become larger and better known not just in Indonesia but also around the world.The whole concept is to be a symbol of art and culture. It is projected that GWK Cultural theme Park could become a symbol of International tourism in Indonesia. It will become a tourist destination. The methodology that will be used in this research is Qualitative Research. Qualitative research uses a direct approach that clearly sets forth the purposes of research so the question is simple and straight to the point of the problem, in this case I used the In Depth Interview, ideal for travelers as the target of my respondents. Results that can be achieved will be used as guidelines for the GWK management to be better. Before doing what was described above, it is better for the leadership of the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park to conduct internal management primarily about being more modern. It is better to do the research of HR systems as well. Need to do more market research about consumer behavior in the visiting tourist spots.Publication is an important media that needs to be maintained with consistency and content delivery that is direct perceptio


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    Epidemiological data today show an increase in immune diseases; hence increasing awareness to maintain and increase the body's immunity is essential. Immunomodulators are substances that improve the human immune system by stimulating, inhibiting, or regulating components in the immune system. Plants produce secondary metabolites which provide beneficial effects on human health, including immunomodulatory properties. Natural immunomodulators can be used to minimize side effects and toxicity compared to synthetic materials because using synthetic immunomodulators may result undesirable side effects, such as pulmonary toxicity, myelosuppression, alopecia, and nephrotoxicity. Besides that, using plants as medicine is safer to use, more effective against a wide spectrum of pathogens, and relatively cheaper than synthetic medicine. Some of the medicinal plants which have immunomodulatory properties belong to the genus Premna from Lamiaceae. Alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolics, saponins, terpenoids, polysaccharides, and fatty acids supported the pharmacological effect of Premna sp. as immunomodulatory agent. The present work reviews some species in genus Premna, which were the subject of literature search based on major scientific databases, including PubMed, Elsevier, SpringerLink, Science Direct, Scopus, Mendeley, and Google Scholar. This review presents a series of selected plants from genus Premna sp. including their chemical and pharmacological properties as well as immunomodulatory potential

    The Influence of Limited Face-Face Learning on Student Learning Effectiveness in Fiqih Subjects

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    The objectives of this study were: 1) to find out the reality of face-to-face learning limited to class VIII Fiqh subjects at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung; 2) To find out the effectiveness of student learning in class VIII fiqh subjects at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung. 3) Examine only the effectiveness of student learning in Fiqh Class VIII at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung to determine the effect of face-to-face meetings on student learning.The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The techniques or methods of data collection used in this study were questionnaires, observation, and document studies. In taking the sample, we used purposive cluster random sampling. The data analysis technique used in this research is instrument analysis, the classic assumption test, descriptive statistics, and the t test for hypothesis testing. To find out the influence of the learning effectiveness variable on private madrasah tsanawiyah students when face-to-face learning is limited to student learning effectiveness, the researcher used a simple linear regression analysis. The results in this study are as follows: 1) The results of the descriptive statistical test on variable X get an average result of 53.90, with the most answers being "strongly agree." 2) The results of the descriptive statistical test on variable X give an average result of 57.80, with the most answers agreeing. 3) Based on the analysis conducted, the coefficient value of the independent variable is positive, which means that limited face-to-face learning has a positive effect on student learning effectiveness of 21.5% (very weak)

    Analisis Pengaruh Mechanical Milling Menggunakan Planetary Ball Milling terhadap Struktur Kristal dan Struktur Mikro Senyawa Libob

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    ANALISIS PENGARUH MECHANICAL MILLING MENGGUNAKAN PLANETARY BALL MILLING TERHADAP STRUKTUR KRISTAL DAN STRUKTUR MIKRO SENYAWA LiBOB. Telah dilakukan pembuatan senyawa Lithium bis Oksalat Borat (LiBOB) dari bahan baku LiOH, asam oksalat dan asam borat dengan metode reaksi padat padat. Serbuk yang dihasilkan dilanjutkan penghalusan menggunakan planetary ball milling dengan durasi milling di buat bervariasi (4 jam, 5 jam, 6 jam, 10 jamdan 13 jam). Serbuk LiBOB yang dihasilkan dianalisis menggunakan X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) untuk mengetahui fasa yang terbentuk, struktur kristal dan ukuran kritalitnya. Hasil identifikasi senyawa LiBOB dengan XRD berupa pola difraksi kemudian dianalisismenunjukkan terbentuknya 2 fasa yaitu fasa LiB(C2O4)2 dan fasa LiB(C2O4)2.(H2O) dengan sistem kristal orthorhombic. Kerapatan atom paling kecil pada senyawa LiBOB dengan durasi milling 5 jam dan volum unit sel paling besar pada senyawa LiBOB dengan durasi milling 10 jam. Diameter ukuran kristalit berubah seiring dengan durasi milling, sedang regangan kisi terendah pada durasi milling 4 jam dan tertinggi pada durasi milling 5 jam. Durasi milling 5 jam adalah paling bagus dimana pada fasa ini memberikan ruang paling besar pada tiap unit sel dan regangan kisi paling besar sehingga dapat memudahkan ruang gerak transfer ion Li pada baterai Lithium. Senyawa LiBOB hasil sintesis mempunyai sistem kristal yang teratur. Tingkat keteraturan kristal yang dihasilkan ditunjukan dengan perhitungan indeks kristalinitas yang tinggi


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang resiliensi pada remaja yang mengalami perceraian orang tua di Kabupaten Nganjuk. Landasan teori dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Eudemonisme dari Aristoteles. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Kriteria informan di penelitian ini yaitu informan merupakan anak dari keluarga yang sudah bercerai lebih dari lima tahun dan memiliki prestasi akademik dan non akademik. Aktivitas dalam analisis data dalam penelitian ini terbagi ke dalam langkah-langkah yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.. Berdasarkan hasil dan analisis data pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perceraian orang tua tidak terlalu berdampak buruk terhadap perkembangan anak karena ada beberapa faktor yang menunjang subjek. Pertama, subjek dapat beradaptasi dengan kondisinya selain itu juga dapat mengaktualisasikan kemampuannya untuk mencapai tujuan hidupnya. Kedua, subjek selain dapat mengembangkan kemampuannya subjek juga memiliki kepedulian terhadap keluarga, teman dekat dan tetangganya selain itu juga aktif dalam kegiatan ekskul atau organisasi remaja di daerahnya. Ketiga, subjek setelah perceraian orang tuanya menjadi lebih semangat belajar atau bekerja untuk membantu dan membahagiakan ibu atau orang tuanya dengan melakukan hal tersebut subjek tidak memerlukan hal lain lagi.. Kata Kunci: Resiliensi, Remaja, Perceraian Orang Tua

    Analisis Pengaruh Mechanical Milling Menggunakan Planetary Ball Milling terhadap Struktur Kristal dan Struktur Mikro Senyawa Libob

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    ANALISIS PENGARUH MECHANICAL MILLING MENGGUNAKAN PLANETARY BALL MILLING TERHADAP STRUKTUR KRISTAL DAN STRUKTUR MIKRO SENYAWA LiBOB. Telah dilakukan pembuatan senyawa Lithium bis Oksalat Borat (LiBOB) dari bahan baku LiOH, asam oksalat dan asam borat dengan metode reaksi padat padat. Serbuk yang dihasilkan dilanjutkan penghalusan menggunakan planetary ball milling dengan durasi milling di buat bervariasi (4 jam, 5 jam, 6 jam, 10 jamdan 13 jam). Serbuk LiBOB yang dihasilkan dianalisis menggunakan X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) untuk mengetahui fasa yang terbentuk, struktur kristal dan ukuran kritalitnya. Hasil identifikasi senyawa LiBOB dengan XRD berupa pola difraksi kemudian dianalisismenunjukkan terbentuknya 2 fasa yaitu fasa LiB(C2O4)2 dan fasa LiB(C2O4)2.(H2O) dengan sistem kristal orthorhombic. Kerapatan atom paling kecil pada senyawa LiBOB dengan durasi milling 5 jam dan volum unit sel paling besar pada senyawa LiBOB dengan durasi milling 10 jam. Diameter ukuran kristalit berubah seiring dengan durasi milling, sedang regangan kisi terendah pada durasi milling 4 jam dan tertinggi pada durasi milling 5 jam. Durasi milling 5 jam adalah paling bagus dimana pada fasa ini memberikan ruang paling besar pada tiap unit sel dan regangan kisi paling besar sehingga dapat memudahkan ruang gerak transfer ion Li pada baterai Lithium. Senyawa LiBOB hasil sintesis mempunyai sistem kristal yang teratur. Tingkat keteraturan kristal yang dihasilkan ditunjukan dengan perhitungan indeks kristalinitas yang tinggi
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