1,443 research outputs found

    The ALICE Off-Line Strategy: A Successful Migration to OO

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    The ALICE Experiment has chosen to start developing its software directly in OO, using the services of the ROOT system, which is ALICE's official candidate for the common LHC framework. This had lead to the definition of a complete environment (AliRoot) where the software developed by the different experimental groups is being integrated. Different test-benches for I/O and Simulation have been set up based on real production code. This allows early assessment of technology, both software and hardware in a realistic production environment. Different codes, such as GEANT3, GEANT4 and FLUKA, or the reconstruction algorithms by the physicists developing the detectors, have been easily integrated in the framework, that has shown to be both evolutive and modular.The ALICE Collaboration has adopted this setup and we are now successfully migrating the users into it. This talk describes the AliRoot environment and its future evolution

    ROOT, an object oriented data analysis framework

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    ROOT is an object-oriented framework aimed at solving the data analysis challenges of high-energy physics. Here we discuss the main components of the framework. We begin with an overview describing the framework's organization, the interpreter CINT, its automatic interface to the compiler and linker ACLiC, and an example of a first interactive session. The subsequent sections cover histogramming and fitting. Then, ROOT's solution to storing and retrieving HEP data, building and managing of ROOT files, and designing ROOT trees. Followed by a description of the collection classes, the GUI classes, how to add your own classes to ROOT, and PROOF, ROOT's parallel processing facility

    A new subtype of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with FUS pathology

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a clinical syndrome with a heterogeneous molecular basis. The neuropathology associated with most FTD is characterized by abnormal cellular aggregates of either transactive response DNA-binding protein with Mr 43 kDa (TDP-43) or tau protein. However, we recently described a subgroup of FTD patients, representing around 10%, with an unusual clinical phenotype and pathology characterized by frontotemporal lobar degeneration with neuronal inclusions composed of an unidentified ubiquitinated protein (atypical FTLD-U; aFTLD-U). All cases were sporadic and had early-onset FTD with severe progressive behavioural and personality changes in the absence of aphasia or significant motor features. Mutations in the fused in sarcoma (FUS) gene have recently been identified as a cause of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, with these cases reported to have abnormal cellular accumulations of FUS protein. Because of the recognized clinical, genetic and pathological overlap between FTD and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, we investigated whether FUS might also be the pathological protein in aFTLD-U. In all our aFTLD-U cases (n = 15), FUS immunohistochemistry labelled all the neuronal inclusions and also demonstrated previously unrecognized glial pathology. Immunoblot analysis of protein extracted from post-mortem aFTLD-U brain tissue demonstrated increased levels of insoluble FUS. No mutations in the FUS gene were identified in any of our patients. These findings suggest that FUS is the pathological protein in a significant subgroup of sporadic FTD and reinforce the concept that FTD and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are closely related condition

    Developments in ROOT I/O and trees

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    For the last several months the main focus of development in the ROOT I/O package has been code consolidation and performance improvements. Access to remote files is affected both by bandwidth and latency. We introduced a pre-fetch mechanism to minimize the number of transactions between client and server and hence reducing the effect of latency. We will review the implementation and how well it works in different conditions (gain of an order of magnitude for remote file access). We will also review new utilities, including a faster implementation of TTree cloning (gain of an order of magnitude), a generic mechanism for object references, and a new entry list mechanism tuned both for small and large number of selections. In addition to reducing the coupling with the core module and becoming its owns library (libRIO) (as part of the general restructuration of the ROOT libraries), the I/O package has been enhanced in the area of XML and SQL support, thread safety, schema evolution, TTreeFormula, and many other areas. We will also discuss various ways, ROOT will be able to benefit from multi-core architecture to improve I/O performances

    The Usage of ROOT for Online Monitoring in the ALICE DATE System

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    Presentation for CHEP2000Data Acquisition systems for HEP applications need constant monitoring (online and offline) of their data streams to accomplish several tasks: quality checking, tuning, statistics, pre-analysis. Monitoring tasks can and should use the same tools as data analysis products (conventions, libraries, environments) to reduce training, installation, development and support efforts and -at the same time - to strengthen the liaison between the online and the offline worlds. The ALICE DATE Data Acquisition system available today for R&D and for test beams is fully integrated with the ROOT environment. A simple DAQ-oriented approach and a more complex OO-based model have been developed to allow a variety of programming paradigms and to validate the complete life cycle of monitoring tools, both for online and offline environments

    Highlights of the 2009 scientific sessions of the European Society of Cardiology.

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    Nebivolol is a third-generation beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist (beta-blocker) with high selectivity for beta(1)-adrenergic receptors. In addition, it causes vasodilatation via interaction with the endothelial L-arginine/nitric oxide (NO) pathway. This dual mechanism of action underlies many of the haemodynamic properties of nebivolol, which include reductions in heart rate and blood pressure (BP), and improvements in systolic and diastolic function. With respect to BP lowering, the NO-mediated effects cause a reduction in peripheral vascular resistance and an increase in stroke volume with preservation of cardiac output. Flow-mediated dilatation and coronary flow reserve are also increased during nebivolol administration. Other haemodynamic effects include beneficial effects on pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure, exercise capacity and left ventricular ejection fraction. In addition, nebivolol does not appear to have adverse effects on lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity like traditional beta-blockers. The documented beneficial haemodynamic effects of nebivolol are translated into improved clinical outcomes in patients with hypertension or heart failure. In patients with hypertension, the incidence of bradycardia with nebivolol is often lower than that with other currently available beta-blockers. This, along with peripheral vasodilatation and NO-induced benefits such as antioxidant activity and reversal of endothelial dysfunction, should facilitate better protection from cardiovascular events. In addition, nebivolol has shown an improved tolerability profile, particularly with respect to events commonly associated with beta-blockers, such as fatigue and sexual dysfunction. Data from SENIORS (Study of the Effects of Nebivolol Intervention on Outcomes and Rehospitalization in Seniors with Heart Failure) showed that significantly fewer nebivolol versus placebo recipients experienced the primary endpoint of all-cause mortality or cardiovascular hospitalization. The benefits of nebivolol therapy were shown to be cost effective. Thus, nebivolol is an effective and well tolerated agent with benefits over and above those of traditional beta-blockade because of its effects on NO release, which give it unique haemodynamic effects, cardioprotective activity and a good tolerability profile

    An assessment on the unsteady flow distortion generated by an S-duct intake

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    Closer integration between the fuselage and the propulsion system is expected for futureaircraft toreducefuel consumption, emissions, weight and drag. The use of embedded or partially embedded propulsion systems may require the use of complex intakes. However, thiscanresult in unsteady flow distortion which can adversely affect the propulsion system efficiency and stability. This works assesses the characteristics of the unsteady flow with a view to the potential flow distortion presented to the compression system.Particle image velocimetry is used to measure the flow distortion generated by an S-shaped intake.The time-resolved tracking of the idealized relative incidence angle revealed that most frequent distortion events exhibited90°exposure sector and upto±5°meanrelativeincidence. The imposition of a thicker boundary at the S-duct inlet increased the probability of distortion events that are characterized by a longer exposure sector and higher relative incidence angles.Because of these characteristics, thedistortion caused by the S-duct intake could induce instabilities that are detrimental for the propulsion system performances and stability. Overall, this work proposes a new method to assess thepossible relativeincidence angle on the compressor rotor taking into account the intake flow unsteadiness
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