1,075 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a single exciton in strongly correlated bilayers

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    We formulated an effective theory for a single interlayer exciton in a bilayer quantum antiferromagnet, in the limit that the holon and doublon are strongly bound onto one interlayer rung by the Coulomb force. Upon using a rung linear spin wave approximation of the bilayer Heisenberg model, we calculated the spectral function of the exciton for a wide range of the interlayer Heisenberg coupling \alpha=J_{\perp}/Jz. In the disordered phase at large \alpha, a coherent quasiparticle peak appears representing free motion of the exciton in a spin singlet background. In the N\'{e}el phase, which applies to more realistic model parameters, a ladder spectrum arises due to Ising confinement of the exciton. The exciton spectrum is visible in measurements of the dielectric function, such as c-axis optical conductivity measurements.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Qualitative Research from Start to Finish: A Book Review

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    I reviewed Yin\u27s (2011) recent publication entitled Qualitative Research from Start to Finish, with a particular eye to the benefits for the seasoned researcher, as well as significant aspects that are appropriate for the beginning and intermediate graduate student. A unique element of the book is the inclusion of a discussion of worldviews at the end of the book. Additionally, the adaptive focus of the book might be helpful for both novice and seasoned researchers

    Operant approach to stuttering in children: Two case studies.

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    Aspects of electron-phonon interactions with strong forward scattering in FeSe Thin Films on SrTiO3_3 substrates

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    Mono- and multilayer FeSe thin films grown on SrTiO3_\mathrm{3} and BiTiO3_\mathrm{3} substrates exhibit a greatly enhanced superconductivity over that found in bulk FeSe. A number of proposals have been advanced for the mechanism of this enhancement. One possibility is the introduction of a cross-interface electron-phonon (ee-phph) interaction between the FeSe electrons and oxygen phonons in the substrates that is peaked in the forward scattering (small q{\bf q}) direction due to the two-dimensional nature of the interface system. Motivated by this, we explore the consequences of such an interaction on the superconducting state and electronic structure of a two-dimensional system using Migdal-Eliashberg theory. This interaction produces not only deviations from the expectations of conventional phonon-mediated pairing but also replica structures in the spectral function and density of states, as probed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, and quasi-particle interference imaging. We also discuss the applicability of Migdal-Eliashberg theory for a situation where the \ep interaction is peaked at small momentum transfer and in the FeSe/STO system

    Training Visual Imagery: Improvements of Metacognition, but not Imagery Strength

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    Visual imagery has been closely linked to brain mechanisms involved in perception. Can visual imagery, like visual perception, improve by means of training? Previous research has demonstrated that people can reliably evaluate the vividness of single episodes of imagination – might the metacognition of imagery also improve over the course of training? We had participants imagine colored Gabor patterns for an hour a day, over the course of five consecutive days, and again 2 weeks after training. Participants rated the subjective vividness and effort of their mental imagery on each trial. The influence of imagery on subsequent binocular rivalry dominance was taken as our measure of imagery strength. We found no overall effect of training on imagery strength. Training did, however, improve participant’s metacognition of imagery. Trial-by-trial ratings of vividness gained predictive power on subsequent rivalry dominance as a function of training. These data suggest that, while imagery strength might be immune to training in the current context, people’s metacognitive understanding of mental imagery can improve with practice

    A Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies

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    When analyzing software systems we are faced with the challenge of how to implement a particular analysis for different programming languages. A solution for this problem is to write a single analysis using a code query language abstracting from the specificities of languages being analyzed. Over the past ten years many code query technologies have been developed, based on different formalisms. Each technology comes with its own query language and set of features. To determine the state of the art of code querying we compare the languages and tools for seven code query technologies: Grok, Rscript, JRelCal, SemmleCode, JGraLab, CrocoPat and JTransformer. The specification of a package stability metric is used as a running example to compare the languages. The comparison involves twelve criteria, some of which are concerned with properties of the query language (paradigm, types, parametrization, polymorphism, modularity, and libraries), and some of which are concerned with the tool itself (output formats, interactive interface, API support, interchange formats, extraction support, and licensing). We contextualize the criteria in two usage scenarios: interactive and tool integration. We conclude that there is no particularly weak or dominant tool. As important improvement points, we identify the lack of library mechanisms, interchange formats, and possibilities for integration with source code extraction components

    Fermions and bosons : excitons in strongly correlated materials

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    This thesis involves excitonic physics in bilayers of strongly correlated electron materials. The fermionic bilayer extended Hubbard model is studied by means of mean field theory and Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. A bosonic low-energy effective theory is developed, called the exciton t-J model. The phase diagram and the elementary excitations of this model are investigated. Surprisingly, the excitons are predicted to exhibit Ising confinement physics in the antiferromagnetic phase. In the exciton superfluid phase the magnetic triplon modes borrow kinetic energy from the excitons.Theoretical Physic