45 research outputs found

    Child Well Being Survey 2005

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    The 2005 Child Well-Being Survey is a collaborative survey funded by The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, The Child Policy Research Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and United Way of Greater Cincinnati. The survey provides an in-depth description of the well-being of children living in the Greater Cincinnati area. Through comparisons to national survey results, the survey also documents how child well-being in the community compares to the nation. The results of the survey provide useful population-based information to area health related organizations and agencies that focus on child health, as well as policy makers and residents, as they work towards improving the overall health of children living in the Greater Cincinnati area

    Nonequilibrium control of thermal and mechanical changes in a levitated system

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    Fluctuation theorems are fundamental extensions of the second law of thermodynamics for small nonequilibrium systems. While work and heat are equally important forms of energy exchange, fluctuation relations have not been experimentally assessed for the generic situation of simultaneous mechanical and thermal changes. Thermal driving is indeed generally slow and more difficult to realize than mechanical driving. We here use feedback cooling techniques to implement fast and controlled temperature variations of an underdamped levitated microparticle that are one order of magnitude faster than the equilibration time. Combining mechanical and thermal control, we verify the validity of a fluctuation theorem that accounts for both contributions, well beyond the range of linear response theory. Our system allows the investigation of general far-from-equilibrium processes in microscopic systems that involve fast mechanical and thermal changes at the same time

    Структурно-грамматическое оформление лингвистических терминов в крымскотатарском языке

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    В статье предпринята попытка исследования структурных и частеречных особенностей лингвистических терминов крымскотатарского языка. Подробно анализируется соотношение однословных и многокомпонентных терминологических единиц. Рассматриваются типология структурных моделей двухсловных терминов-словосочетаний.У статті здійснена спроба дослідження структурних особливостей лінгвістичних термінів кримськотатарської мови та їх належність до частин мови. Докладно аналізується співвідношення однослівних і багатокомпонентних терінологічних одиниць. Розглядається типологія структурних моделей двослівних термінів-словосполучень.The author of the article makes an effort to research into structural and parts-of-speech peculiarities of Crimean Tatar linguistic terminology. The correlation of one-word and multi-componential terminological units is analyzed in detail. The article also deals with the structural types of the two-word term combinations

    Sex-specific stroke incidence over time in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study

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    OBJECTIVE: Recent data suggest stroke incidence is decreasing over time, but it is unknown whether incidence is decreasing in women and men to the same extent. METHODS: Within our population of 1.3 million, all incident strokes among residents ≥20 years old were ascertained at all hospitals during July 1993-June 1994 and calendar years 1999, 2005, and 2010. A sampling scheme was used to ascertain out-of-hospital cases. Sex-specific incidence rates per 100,000 among black and white participants, age- and race-adjusted, were standardized to the 2000 US Census population. Trends over time by sex were compared; a Bonferroni correction was applied for multiple comparisons. RESULTS: Over the 4 study periods, there were 7,710 incident strokes; 57.2% (n = 4,412) were women. Women were older than men (mean ± SE 72.4 ± 0.34 vs 68.2 ± 0.32, p < 0.001). Incidence of all strokes decreased over time in men (263 [confidence interval 246-281] to 192 [179-205], p < 0.001) but not in women (217 [205-230] to 198 [187-210], p = 0.15). Similar sex differences were seen for ischemic stroke (men, 238 [223-257] to 165 [153-177], p < 0.01; women, 193 [181-205] to 173 [162-184], p = 0.09). Incidence of all strokes and of ischemic strokes was similar between women and men in 2010. Incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage were stable over time in both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: Decreases in stroke incidence over time are driven by a decrease in ischemic stroke in men. Contrary to previous study periods, stroke incidence rates were similar by sex in 2010. Future research is needed to understand why the decrease in ischemic stroke incidence is more pronounced in men

    BioSentinel: Monitoring DNA Damage Repair Beyond Low Earth Orbit on a 6U Nanosatellite

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    We are designing and developing a 6U nanosatellite as a secondary payload to fly aboard NASAs Space Launch System (SLS) Exploration Mission (EM) 1, scheduled for launch in late 2017. For the first time in over forty years, direct experimental data from biological studies beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) will be obtained during BioSentinels 12- to 18-month mission. BioSentinel will measure the damage and repair of DNA in a biological organism and allow us to compare that to information from onboard physical radiation sensors. This data will be available for validation of existing models and for extrapolation to humans.The BioSentinel experiment will use the organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) to report DNA double-strand-break (DSB) events that result from space radiation. DSB repair exhibits striking conservation of repair proteins from yeast to humans. The flight strain will include engineered genetic defects that prevent growth and division until a radiation-induced DSB activates the yeasts DNA repair mechanisms. The triggered culture growth and metabolic activity directly indicate a DSB and its repair. The yeast will be carried in the dry state in independent microwells with support electronics. The measurement subsystem will sequentially activate and monitor wells, optically tracking cell growth and metabolism. BioSentinel will also include TimePix radiation sensors implemented by JSCs RadWorks group. Dose and Linear Energy Transfer (LET) data will be compared directly to the rate of DSB-and-repair events measured by the S. cerevisiae biosentinels. BioSentinel will mature nanosatellite technologies to include: deep space communications and navigation, autonomous attitude control and momentum management, and micropropulsion systems to provide an adaptable nanosatellite platform for deep space uses

    Temporal Trends of Sex Differences in Transient Ischemic Attack Incidence Within a Population

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    Objective: Previously we reported that ischemic stroke incidence is declining over time for men but not women. We sought to describe temporal trends of sex differences in incidence of transient ischemic attack (TIA) within the same large, biracial population. Methods: Among the population of 1.3 million in the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Stroke Study (GCNKSS) region, TIAs among area residents (≥20 years old) were identified at all local hospitals. Out of hospital cases were ascertained using a sampling scheme. First-ever cases and first within each study period for a patient were included in incidence rates. All cases were physician-adjudicated. Incidence rates (during 7/93-6/94 and calendar years 1999, 2005, and 2010) were calculated using the age-, race-, and sex-specific number of TIAs divided by the GCNKSS population in that group; rates were standardized to the 2010 U.S. population. T-tests with Bonferroni correction were used to compare rates over time. Results: There were a total of 4746 TIA events; 53% were female, and 12% were black. In males, incidence decreased from 153 (95%CI 139-167) per 100,000 in 1993/4 to 117 (95%CI 107-128) in 2010 (p0.05). Conclusions: Within the GCNKSS population, TIA incidence decreased significantly over time in males but not females, data which parallels trends in ischemic stroke in the GCNKSS over the same time period. Future research is needed to determine if these sex differences in incidence over time continue past 2010