17 research outputs found

    Availability of drinking water in small municipalities

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    Je zlepšování dostupnosti pitné vody pro obyvatele malých obcí indikátorem sociekonomického rozvoje? Jaké jsou možnosti adaptace malých obcí na sucho? Odpověďmi nejen na tyto otázky se zabývá tento článek, jehož hlavním cílem je přiblížit problematiku zásobování malých obcí pitnou vodou v současných i predikovaných klimatických podmínkách. Dále je účelem článku zobecnit a uvést vybrané pojmy z pojmu vodárenství.Is improving the availability of drinking water for residents of small municipalities an indicator of socio-economic development? What are the possibilities of dry adaptation of small municipalities? The answer to not only these questions is dealt with in this article, whose main aim is to bring the problems of drinking water supply to small municipalities in current and predicted climatic conditions. The purpose of the article is to generalize and introduce selected terms from the concept of water supply

    Comparing a hydrodynamic model from fifth generation DTM data and a model from data modified by means of CroSolver tool

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    Flooding is a natural phenomenon that occurs with varying intensity and at irregular time intervals. Floods are the natural disasters that pose the greatest direct threat to the Czech Republic. They may cause serious critical situations during which not only extensive material damages are incurred, but so too is the loss of human life in affected areas as well as vast devastation of the cultural landscape including environmental damages. The information issued by flood forecasting services about the character and size of flood areas for individual N-year flood discharge events and specific flood scenarios is important for eliminating the potential threats and consequences of such events. Hydrodynamic models provide an adequate image of depths and flow velocities at the longitudinal or cross profiles of the watercourse during a flood event. This is why information obtained from hydrodynamic models occupies a privileged position from the viewpoint of protecting human life and mitigating property damage. Altimetry data are the basic input into hydrodynamic models. One way to obtain such data is through the method of aerial laser scanning (ALS) from the digital terrain model (DTM). This method is considered one of the most accurate methods for obtaining altimetry data. Its major drawback is however its inability to record terrain geometry under water surfaces due to the fact that the laser beam is absorbed by the body of water. The absence of geometric data on watercourse cross sectional area may perceptibly affect results of modelling, especially if the capacity of a missing part of the channel represents a significant cross sectional area. One of the methods for eliminating this deficiency is sufficiently calculating channel depth by means of software tools such as CroSolver. This paper deals with the construction of a hydrodynamic model using fifth generation DTM data and compares outputs from this model at various discharges with a model based on the altimetry data modified using CroSolver. Outputs from the two hydrodynamic models are compared using HEC-RAS software with the use of depth estimate data and with the use of the unmodified DTM. The comparison is done on two watercourse reaches with different terrain morphology and watercourse size. A complementary output is the comparison of inundation areas issuing from both model variants. Our results indicate that differences in the outputs are significant, namely at lower discharges (Q1, Q5), whereas at Q50 and Q100 the difference is negligible with a great role played by the morphology of the modelled area and by the watercourse size

    The potential of development sites for efficient rainwater management in urbanized territories

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    Cílem příspěvku je specifikovat pět základních typů rozvojových ploch měst z hlediska podmínek pro projektování systémů hospodaření se srážkovou vodou. Předpoklady pro optimální návrh systému hospodaření se srážkovou vodou byly částečně odvozeny na základě statistického rozboru detailní struktury pokryvu ploch modelového území Plzně. Průměrné hodnoty zastoupení pokryvu ploch byly využity k výpočtu environmentálních parametrů, charakteristických pro jednotlivé typy funkčního využití. Dále byly pro stanovení potenciálu území pro hospodaření se srážkovou vodou zohledněny poznatky z rozboru literatury v oblasti typologie funkčních ploch urbanizovaných území z hlediska klimatických a hydrologických podmínek. V příspěvku také diskutujeme majetkový podíl města na jednotlivých typech území a jeho vliv na prosazování vhodného systému hospodaření se srážkovou vodou. Zobecnění výsledků, doplněné o poznatky z dostupných typologií, se návazně stane podkladem pro tvorbu softwaru a metodiky na podporu výběru vhodných opatření hospodaření se srážkovou vodou a nástrojů veřejné správy na jejich prosazování.The aim of this article is to specify five basic types of urban development sites in terms of rainwater management and conditions for projects for rainwater management systems. In part, preconditions for an ideal rainwater management system have been taken from a statistical analysis of detailed site cover structure in a model territory in the city of Plzeň. The mean values of site cover representation have been used to calculate the environmental parameters characteristic of particular types of functional use. Knowledge of literature on functional urban areas in the context of climatic and hydrological conditions has also been taken into account in order to identify the rainwater management potential of various territories. The article includes a discussion on the property share of municipalities in various types of territories and its impact on advances in suitable systems of rainwater management. A summary of the results, enhanced by knowledge of available typologies, will inform the creation of software and methodology to support rainwater management measures and tools that the state administration will use to apply them

    Availability of drinking water as a development factor for small municipalities from the perspective of residents and mayors

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    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou zásobování pitnou vodou v malých obcích. Představeny jsou hlavní výsledky ze dvou dotazníkových šetření. První dotazníkové šetření bylo zacíleno na starostky a starosty malých obcí a byly zde specifikovány otázky týkající se problematiky zásobování pitnou vodou. Druhá dotazníková kampaň byla zaměřena na obyvatele ČR starší 15 let. Zde byly otázky směřovány ke zjištění nejdůležitějších faktorů ovlivňujících výběr obce či města, ve které by chtěl dotazovaný bydlet. Sběr dat byl realizován na jaře roku 2020. Šetření probíhalo v rámci řešení projektu s názvem „Dostupnost pitné vody pro obyvatele malých obcí jako indikátor socio – ekonomického rozvoje společnosti“ financovaného z programu TAČR ÉTA. Cílem zmiňovaného projektu je v souladu s resortními strategiemi a koncepcemi vytvořit metodiku adaptace malých obcí z pohledu dostupnosti pitné vody pro obyvatele jako indikátoru socio – ekonomického rozvoje společnosti. Získané poznatky dokládají, že problematika zásobování obcí pitnou vodou je aktuálním tématem, které je vnímáno jak ze strany obecní samosprávy, tak ze strany široké veřejnosti. Pro obě skupiny respondentů je význam zásobování pitnou vodou v malých obcích jedním z určujících faktorů v kontextu rozvoje obce

    Výsledky překladu Zásobování pitnou vodou jako faktor rozhodování o změně bydlení – názory obyvatel v celostátním dotazníkovém šetření

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    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou zásobování pitnou vodou jako faktorem změny bydlení a prezentuje vybrané výsledky realizovaného dotazníkového šetření v ČR z pohledu obyvatel ČR starších 15 let. Příspěvek prezentuje konkrétní výstupy projektu č. . TL02000060 s názvem „Dostupnost pitné vody pro obyvatele malých obcí jako indikátor socioekonomického rozvoje společnosti“, který vznikl za podpory Technologické agentury ČR.The paper deals with the issue of drinking water supply as a factor for changing housing and presents selected results of the implemented questionnaire survey in the Czech Republic from the perspective of Czech inhabitants over the age of 15. The paper presents the particular outputs of project no. TL02000060 entitled “Availability of Drinking Water for Inhabitants of Small Municipalities as an Indicator of the Socioeconomic Development of Society”, which was created with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

    Comparing a hydrodynamic model from fifth generation dtm data and a model from data modified by means of crosolver tool =Porovnání hydrodynamického modelu z dat DMR 5. generace a modelu z dat upravených pomocí nástroje CroSolver

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    Flooding is a natural phenomenon that occurs with varying intensity and at irregular time intervals. Floods are the natural disasters that pose the greatest direct threat to the Czech Republic. They may cause serious critical situations during which not only extensive material damages are incurred, but so too is the loss of human life in affected areas as well as vast devastation of the cultural landscape including environmental damages. The information issued by flood forecasting services about the character and size of flood areas for individual N-year flood discharge events and specific flood scenarios is important for eliminating the potential threats and consequences of such events. Hydrodynamic models provide an adequate image of depths and flow velocities at the longitudinal or cross profiles of the watercourse during a flood event. This is why information obtained from hydrodynamic models occupies a privileged position from the viewpoint of protecting human life and mitigating property damage. Altimetry data are the basic input into hydrodynamic models. One way to obtain such data is through the method of aerial laser scanning (ALS) from the digital terrain model (DTM). This method is considered one of the most accurate methods for obtaining altimetry data. Its major drawback is however its inability to record terrain geometry under water surfaces due to the fact that the laser beam is absorbed by the body of water. The absence of geometric data on watercourse cross sectional area may perceptibly affect results of modelling, especially if the capacity of a missing part of the channel represents a significant cross sectional area. One of the methods for eliminating this deficiency is sufficiently calculating channel depth by means of software tools such as CroSolver.This paper deals with the construction of a hydrodynamic model using fifth generation DTM data and compares outputs from this model at various discharges with a model based on the altimetry data modified using CroSolver. Outputs from the two hydrodynamic models are compared using HEC-RAS software with the use of depth estimate data and with the use of the unmodified DTM. The comparison is done on two watercourse reaches with different terrain morphology and watercourse size. A complementary output is the comparison of inundation areas issuing from both model variants. Our results indicate that differences in the outputs are significant, namely at lower discharges (Q1, Q5), whereas at Q50 and Q100 the difference is negligible with a great role played by the morphology of the modelled area and by the watercourse size.293

    River Bathymetry Model Based on Floodplain Topography

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    An appropriate digital elevation model (DEM) is required for purposes of hydrodynamic modelling of floods. Such a DEM describes a river’s bathymetry (bed topography) as well as its surrounding area. Extensive measurements for creating accurate bathymetry are time-consuming and expensive. Mathematical modelling can provide an alternative way for representing river bathymetry. This study explores new possibilities in mathematical depiction of river bathymetry. A new bathymetric model (Bathy-supp) is proposed, and the model’s ability to represent actual bathymetry is assessed. Three statistical methods for the determination of model parameters were evaluated. The best results were achieved by the random forest (RF) method. A two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic model was used to evaluate the influence of the Bathy-supp model on the hydrodynamic modelling results. Also presented is a comparison of the proposed model with another state-of-the-art bathymetric model. The study was carried out on a reach of the Otava River in the Czech Republic. The results show that the proposed model’s ability to represent river bathymetry exceeds that of his current competitor. Use of the bathymetric model may have a significant impact on improving the hydrodynamic model results