2,544 research outputs found
Vertex Isoperimetric Inequalities for a Family of Graphs on Z^k
We consider the family of graphs whose vertex set is Z^k where two vertices
are connected by an edge when their l\infty-distance is 1. We prove the optimal
vertex isoperimetric inequality for this family of graphs. That is, given a
positive integer n, we find a set A \subset Z^k of size n such that the number
of vertices who share an edge with some vertex in A is minimized. These sets of
minimal boundary are nested, and the proof uses the technique of compression.
We also show a method of calculating the vertex boundary for certain subsets
in this family of graphs. This calculation and the isoperimetric inequality
allow us to indirectly find the sets which minimize the function calculating
the boundary.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure
Minimizing the number of independent sets in triangle-free regular graphs
Recently, Davies, Jenssen, Perkins, and Roberts gave a very nice proof of the
result (due, in various parts, to Kahn, Galvin-Tetali, and Zhao) that the
independence polynomial of a -regular graph is maximized by disjoint copies
of . Their proof uses linear programming bounds on the distribution of
a cleverly chosen random variable. In this paper, we use this method to give
lower bounds on the independence polynomial of regular graphs. We also give new
bounds on the number of independent sets in triangle-free regular graphs
Counting dominating sets and related structures in graphs
We consider some problems concerning the maximum number of (strong)
dominating sets in a regular graph, and their weighted analogues. Our primary
tool is Shearer's entropy lemma. These techniques extend to a reasonably broad
class of graph parameters enumerating vertex colorings satisfying conditions on
the multiset of colors appearing in (closed) neighborhoods. We also generalize
further to enumeration problems for what we call existence homomorphisms. Here
our results are substantially less complete, though we do solve some natural
Soot oxidation rates in gas turbine engines
A basis is proposed for extrapolating soot oxidation rate measurements obtained in laboratory flames to the more extreme operating conditions of gas turbine combustion chambers. The proposal is based on the observation that, within probable experimental uncertainty, the limited soot oxidation measurements correlate with the more extensive measurements of the surface oxidation rates of macroscopic samples of pyrographite. The soot oxidation rates thus determined for the conditions of a typical gas turbine combustion chamber are considerably lower than estimates which were based on simple extrapolations of the flame data
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