3 research outputs found

    The concept of soft law the role and legal technologies of influence on the legislation of states

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    The study aims to establish the role of "soft law" as a tool of legal technology, its importance for the formation of the legal system within the regulation of various types of legal relations. The current pace of development of society requires a rapid response from the authorities to certain situations. Sometimes the settlement of certain legal relations by customary law is insufficient, as the range of such legal relations cannot be covered by national or international acts. In this case, it is advisable to follow the prescriptions of "soft law", which contain general ideas and principles that determine the main vectors of the settlement of legal relations. Besides, "soft law" serves the purpose of harmonization of the legal framework of different states, which results in the creation of related mechanisms of interaction. In the context of the desire for global cohesion, in particular, European integration, the definition of the impact and role of "soft law" on rule-making processes becomes especially important. The result of this work is to identify the importance of acts of "soft law" for the settlement of various legal relations at both national and international levels; the role of such acts in the implemented European integration policy; features of legal technologies within the application of "soft law" acts

    Оцінка стану паравертебральных м’язів за допомогою комп’ютерної томографії (огляд літератури)

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    The article analyses a number of scientific publications about possibilities and results of study of paravertebral muscles with help of computed tomography. It is found out that computed tomography makes it possible to reveal the area of the transverse section of muscles and the extent of their X-ray attenuation in Hounsfield units, as well as to assess the distribution of tissues.Проанализирован ряд научных работ, касающихся возможностей и результатов изучения паравертебральных мышц с помощью компьютерной томографии. Установлено, что компьютерная томография позволяет выявить площадь поперечного сечения мышц, степень их рентгенопоглощения в единицах Хаунсфилда, а также оценить распределение тканей.Проаналізована низка наукових робіт щодо можливостей і результатів вивчення паравертебральних м’язів за допомогою комп’ютерної томографії. Встановлено, що комп’ютерна томографія дає змогу виявити площу поперечного перерізу м’язів, ступінь їх рентгенопоглинання в одиницях Хаунсфілда, а також оцінити розподіл тканин

    Genetically modified animals for use in biopharmacology: from research to production

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    Introduction: In this review, the analysis of technologies for obtaining biologically active proteins from various sources is carried out, and the comparative analysis of technologies for creating producers of biologically active proteins is presented. Special attention is paid to genetically modified animals as bioreactors for the pharmaceutical industry of a new type. The necessity of improving the technology of development transgenic rabbit producers and creating a platform solution for the production of biological products is substantiated. The advantages of using TrB for the production of recombinant proteins: The main advantages of using TrB are the low cost of obtaining valuable complex therapeutic human proteins in readily accessible fluids, their greater safety relative to proteins isolated directly from human blood, and the greater safety of the activity of the native protein. The advantages of the mammary gland as a system for the expression of recombinant proteins: The mammary gland is the organ of choice for the expression of valuable recombinant proteins because milk is easy to collect in large volumes. Methods for obtaining transgenic animals: The modern understanding of the regulation of gene expression and the discovery of new tools for gene editing can increase the efficiency of creating bioreactors for animals and help to obtain high concentrations of the target protein. The advantages of using rabbits as bioreactors producing recombinant proteins in milk: The rabbit is a relatively small animal with a short duration of gestation, puberty and optimal size, capable of producing up to 5 liters of milk per year per female, receiving up to 300 grams of the target protein