6 research outputs found

    Kombinacione sposobnosti inbred linija kukuruza za prinos zrna i komponente prinosa

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    Diallel mating design experiment with reciprocal crosses was used to determine combining abilities of five maize inbred lines and their hybrid combinations for grain yield, ear length, ear diameter, number of kernel rows per ear, number of kernels per row in 2005. and 2006. year. GCA and SCA significant values were observed for all traits under study in both years. GCA/SCA relation showed that dominant gene effect had prevalent influence in the inheritance of grain yield, ear length and ear diameter. Additive gene effect had larger importance in the inheritance of number of kernel rows per ear. NS-1445 inbred line showed best GCA effect for grain yield, ear length and number of kernels per row, but worst GCA effect for number of kernel rows per ear. Best GCA effect for ear diameter achieved inbred line F-7R. Line BL-47 showed best GCA effect for number of kernel rows per ear in both years, but also the worst GCA effect for grain yield and number of kernels per row. Hybrid combination NS-1445 x BL-47 showed largest SCA effect for grain yield in both years and also showed, like hybrid combination F-7R x NS-1445, significant SCA effects for all other traits, except ear diameter. This cross also proved that hybrid combinations that include one parent with good GCA effect and the other parent with bad GCA effect can have very successful performance. It will be useful during selection material testing, to keep also genotypes which show bad GCA effect, but have phenotypic favorable trait values. Reciprocity effect was significant for SCA effects of all traits but ear diameter. It is the conformation of involvement of plasmagenes in maize quantitative traits inheritance. The largest reciprocity effect for grain yield achieved F-7R x BL-47 in both years. Significantly higher grain yield in this hybrid combination was achieved when line F-7R was used as a female parent and significantly higher number of kernel rows per ear was achieved when line BL-47 was used as a female parent.Metodom dialelnog recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja utvrđene su kombinacione sposobnosti pet inbred linija kukuruza i njihovih hibridnih kombinacija za prinos zrna, dužinu klipa, prečnik klipa, broj redova zrna i broj zrna u redu u 2005. i 2006. godini. Ustanovljene su značajne vrednosti OKS i PKS za sve ispitivane osobine u obe proučavane godine. Odnos između OKS i PKS, pokazuje da dominantno delovanje gena ima preovlađujuću ulogu u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna, dužine klipa i prečnika klipa, dok aditivno delovanje gena ima veći značaj u nasleđivanju broja redova zrna. Najbolju OKS za prinos zrna, dužinu klipa i broj zrna u redu pokazala je linija NS-1445, koja je ujedno imala i najslabiju OKS za broj redova zrna. Najbolju OKS za prečnik klipa pokazala je linija F-7R. Najbolju OKS za broj redova zrna pokazala je linija BL-47 u obe proučavane godine, a ujedno je imala i najslabiju OKS za prinos zrna i za broj zrna u redu. Najveću vrednost PKS za prinos zrna pokazao je hibrid NS-1445 x BL-47 u obe proučavane godine, koji je osim toga, kao i hibrid F-7R x NS-1445, pokazao značajne vrednosti PKS i za sve ostale osobine, osim prečnika klipa. To je dokaz da pojedine hibridne kombinacije koje uključuju jednog roditelja sa dobrim OKS i drugog roditelja sa loÅ”im OKS, mogu imati izuzetno dobre performanse. Zbog toga bi prilikom testiranja selekcionog materijala, korisno bilo zadržati i one genotipove koji pokazuju loÅ”e OKS, a ujedno imaju fenotipski poželjne osobine. Ustanovljeno je da recipročno ukrÅ”tanje utiče na efekat PKS za sve ispitivane osobine, osim prečnika klipa. To ukazuje, da osim nuklearnih gena i plazma geni imaju važnu ulogu u nasleđivanju kvantitativnih osobina kukuruza. Najveću razliku u vrednosti PKS za prinos zrna između direktnog i recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja ostvario je hibrid F-7R x BL-47 u obe proučavane godine. Pri tome su značajno veći prinosi zrna ostvareni koriŔćenjem linije F-7R kao ženskog roditelja. Suprotno prinosu, ovaj hibrid je imao značajno veći broj redova zrna sa linijom BL-47 na poziciji ženskog roditelja

    Značaj kombinacionih sposobnosti i heterozisa za prinos zrna kukuruza

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    The estimation of variability of five maize inbred lines and their diallel hybrids related to the grain yield, superior-parent heterosis and general and specific combining abilities after the method developed by Griffing, (1956a) (Method I, mathematical model I) was the aim of this study. According to obtained results it can be concluded that the variability of this trait is significantly affected by a genotype, year and a genotype x year interaction. Since the depression of the ear length occurs in inbreds in inbreeding, this trait was greater in hybrids than inbreds, as expected. The highest average heterosis for the grain yield was determined in the hybrids F-7R x NS-1445 (157,38% in 2005.) and F-7R x BL-47 (114.23% in 2006). The analysis of variance of combining abilities for the grain yield pointed out to highly significantly positive values of GCA and SCA for the observed trait in both years of investigation. Non-additive genes (dominance and epistasis) had the significant importance for grain yield heritability, indicating that the GCA to SCA ratio was bellow 1. The inbreds F-7R and NS-1445 were genotypes with the highest GCA effects, while hybrid combinations NS-1445 x BL-47, F-7RxW-37A, F-7RxNS-1445 were population with significant SCA effects in both years of investigation. They encompass both parents with high GCA effects or one parent with high GCA effects and other with low GCA effects. This is probably a result of additive gene effects (additive x additive) of the interaction between parents.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se za prinos zrna kukuruza procene: varijabilnost inbred linija i njihovih dialelnih hibrida, heterozis u odnosu na boljeg roditelja i opÅ”te i posebne kombinacione sposobnosti. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata dvogodiÅ”njeg istraživanja može se zaključiti da na varijabilnost ove osobine značajno utiču genotip, godina i njihova interakcija. Kao posledica fenomena heterozisa i depresije usled inbridinga, hibridi su u odnosu na linije u obe godine imali značajno veće srednje vrijednosti za prinos. Ispitivani genotipovi su specifično reagovali na uslove proizvodnje za prinos. Najveći prosečan prinos zrna imao je hibrid F-7R x NS-1445 u 2005. i njegova recipročna verzija u 2006. godini. Ustanovljene su značajne vrednosti OKS i PKS kod prinosa zrna. Odnos između OKS i PKS, pokazuje da dominantno delovanje gena ima preovlađujuću ulogu u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna. Najbolju OKS za prinos zrna pokazala je linija NS- 1445. Najveću vrednost PKS za prinos zrna pokazao je hibrid NS-1445 x BL-47 u obe godine. To je dokaz da pojedine hibridne kombinacije koje uključuju jednog roditelja sa dobrim OKS i drugog roditelja sa loÅ”im OKS, mogu imati izuzetno vredne performanse. Ovo je verovatno posledica delovanja aditivnog tipa (aditivni x aditivni) interakcije među roditeljima. Ustanovljeno je da recipročno ukrÅ”tanje utiče na efekat PKS za prinos zrna, jer osim nuklearnih gena i plazma geni imaju važnu ulogu u nasleđivanju prinosa kukuruza. Najveću razliku u vrijednosti PKS za prinos zrna između direktnog i recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja ispoljio je hibrid F-7R x BL-47 u obe godine proučavanja. Pri tome su značajno veći prinosi ostvareni koriŔćenjem linije F-7R na poziciji majke umjesto oca

    Genetička osnova nasleđivanja visine biljke kukuruza

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    The aim of this study, on the grounds of direct and reciprocal diallel crossing of five inbred lines of maize, was to determine: variability, heterosis, combining ability and genetic basis of plant height inheritance. The experiment was based on the principle of randomized block design in four repetitions during two years. Analysis of variance of combining abilities for plant height indicates the significance of general and specific combining abilities. The GCA/SCA ratio shows that for the inheritance of these traits non-additive genes are the most important. Variations between direct and reciprocal crossing of this trait were highly significant in all combinations except in combination of ZPL-11/6 x NS-1445, with the largest effect of reciprocity established in combination of ZPL-11/6 x BL-47 in both years. This indicates that regarding the inheritance of plant height, apart from nuclear genes, plasma genes are involved as well. Eight out of ten hybrid combinations had highly significant positive values of SCA. The high value of SCA for this trait was noticed in the case of a hybrid combination of F-7R and lines that were generally bad combiners (ZPL-11/6 and BL-47; hybrid combinations where one parent was with high GCA and the other with low GCA), which was probably due to interactions between parents' genes.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se na osnovu direktnog i recipročnog dialelnog ukrÅ”tanja pet inbred linija kukuruza utvrde: varijabilnost, heterozis, kombinacione sposobnosti i genetička osnova nasleđivanja visine biljke. Ogled je postavljen po metodu slučajnog blok sistema u četiri ponavljanja u toku dve godine. Analiza varijanse kombinacionih sposobnosti za visinu biljke ukazuje na značajnost i opÅ”tih i posebnih kombinacionih sposobnosti. Odnos OKS/PKS pokazuje da u nasleđivanju ove osobine značajniju ulogu imaju neaditivni geni. Razlike između direktnog i recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja za ovu osobinu bile su visoko značajne kod svih kombinacija, osim kombinacije ZPL-11/6 x NS-1445, a najveći efekat reciprociteta ustanovljen je kod kombinacije ZPL-11/6 x BL-47 u obe godine ispitivanja. Ovo nam ukazuje da u nasleđivanju visine biljke, osim nuklearnih učestvuju i plazma geni. Visoko značajne pozitivne vrednosti PKS imalo je osam od ukupno deset hibridnih kombinacija. Visoke vrednosti PKS za ovu osobinu imale su hibridne kombinacije F-7R i linije koje su bile loÅ”i opÅ”ti kombinatori (ZPL-11/6 i BL-47; hibridne kombinacije gde je jedan roditelji sa visokom OKS, a drugi sa niskom OKS), Å”to je verovatno posledica interakcije između gena roditelja

    Varijabilnost i heritabilnost prinosa i komponenata prinosa kukuruza

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    A set of five maize inbred lines and their diallel hybrids of the F1 generation for grain yield and yield components (ear lenght, kernel row number and kernel number per row) were investigated in this study. A comparative trial with inbreds and hybrids was set at Banja Luka in 2005 and 2006. The analysis of genetic variance components and regression analysis were done after Jinks, 1954, Hayman, 1954, Mather and Jinks, 1971. Dominant components (H1 and H2) of genetic variance were greater than additive ones (D) for all studied traits except the kernel row number. Results on the regression analysis point out to super-dominance in inheritance of all traits, but the kernel row number, for which a partial dominance was estimated. The high broad sense heritability was registered for all traits, indicating a great significance of dominant genes for their expression. As expected, the highest narrow sense heritability was detected for the kernel row number, due to a higher frequency of additive genes. .Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se za četiri svojstva kukuruza oceni varijabilnost inbred linija i njihovih dijalelnih hibrida i procene komponente genetičke varijabilnosti i heritabilnosti na bazi dijalelnog seta. Utvrđeno je da na varijabilnost ispitivanih svojstava značajno utiču genotip, godina i njihova interakcija. Hibridi su u odnosu na linije ispoljili veće srednje vrednosti za većinu svojstava. Analiza komponenti genetičke varijanse pokazuje da su dominantne komponente bile veće od aditivne i imale važniju ulogu u nasleđivanju svih ispitivanih svojstava, osim za broj redova zrna gde je aditivna genetička varijansa bila značajnija. F parametar, kao i frekvencija dominantnih gena ukazuju da dominantni geni preovlađuju nad recesivnim za većinu svojstava. Sva svojstva, osim broja redova zrna, se nasleđuju superdominantno. Odnos dominantih i recesivnih gena kod roditelja pokazuje da su za prinos zrna, dužinu klipa i broj zrna u redu preovladavali dominantni, a za broj redova zrna recesivni geni. Za sva ispitivana svojstva, osim za broj redova zrna, dobijene su niske vrednosti heritabilnosti u užem, a visoke u Å”irem smislu.


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    The aim of this research was to determine the effects of small-sided games (SSGs) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on body composition in adolescent soccer players. A total of 60 young male soccer players (Age: 15.6Ā±0.6 years) were recruited. We registered the following body composition variables: body fat, percentage of fat mass (BF%), muscle mass, body mass, total body water (TBW), and BMI. Players were randomly assigned to the SSG or HIIT group during the last eight weeks of the season. The HIIT group showed significantly improved body fat and body fat % (pā‰¤0.05), whereas no change was observed for body mass, BMI, body water and muscle mass in both groups. In conclusion, HIIT training improved or maintained body composition status in adolescent soccer players. On the contrary, SSG training seems to increase body fat and consequently affect playersā€™ performance at the end of the season.Cilj ove studije bio je utvrditi efekte igara na malom prostoru (SSG) i visoko intenzivnog intervalnog treninga (HIIT) na telesnu kompoziciju kod mladih fudbalera. Ukupan broj učesnika u ovoj studiji bio je 60 (Uzrast: 15.6Ā±0.6 godina). Za procenu telesne kompozicije koriŔćene su sledeće varijable: telesne masti, procenat telesnih masti (BF%), miÅ”ićna masa, telesna masa, ukupna količina vode (TBW) i BMI. Igrači su bili nasumično raspoređeni u SSG ili HIIT grupu tokom poslednjih osam nedelja u sezoni. HIIT grupa pokazala je značajno poboljÅ”anje telesnih masti i procenta telesnih masti (pā‰¤0.05),dok promene nisu uočene u telesnoj masi, BMI, telesnoj vodi i miÅ”ićnoj masi u obe grupe. Zaključili smo da je HIIT trening poboljÅ”ao ili zadržao postojeći status telesne kompozicije mladih fudbalera. S druge strane, SSG trening je povećao telesne masti i time uticao na performanse igrača na kraju sezone

    The genetic basis of inheritance of plant height in maize

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    The aim of this study, on the grounds of direct and reciprocal diallel crossing of five inbred lines of maize, was to determine: variability, heterosis, combining ability and genetic basis of plant height inheritance. The experiment was based on the principle of randomized block design in four repetitions during two years. Analysis of variance of combining abilities for plant height indicates the significance of general and specific combining abilities. The GCA/SCA ratio shows that for the inheritance of these traits non-additive genes are the most important. Variations between direct and reciprocal crossing of this trait were highly significant in all combinations except in combination of ZPL-11/6 x NS-1445, with the largest effect of reciprocity established in combination of ZPL-11/6 x BL-47 in both years. This indicates that regarding the inheritance of plant height, apart from nuclear genes, plasma genes are involved as well. Eight out of ten hybrid combinations had highly significant positive values of SCA. The high value of SCA for this trait was noticed in the case of a hybrid combination of F-7R and lines that were generally bad combiners (ZPL-11/6 and BL-47; hybrid combinations where one parent was with high GCA and the other with low GCA), which was probably due to interactions between parentsā€™ genes