76 research outputs found

    Motivation as mediator of relations between home support for learning and educational achievement: example of reading literacy

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    Teoretičari druÅ”tvene reprodukcije skloni su da tvrde da porodični faktori, pored toga Å”to utiču na obrazovno postignuće učenika, definiÅ”u i odnos učenika prema obrazovanju. Istovremeno, među brojnim pedagozima je ustaljena ideja da motivacija učenika direktno doprinosi njihovom obrazovnom postignuću. Uzimajući u obzir dva pomenuta teorijska polaziÅ”ta, cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja je da se ispita da li je povezanost između podrÅ”keza učenje koju učenik ima kod kuće i obrazovnog postignuća posredovana motivacijom učenika. Kako bismo na ovo pitanje odgovorili, koristili smo podatke prikupljene u viÅ”e od 50 zemalja u okviru međunarodnog istraživanja razvoja čitalačke pismenosti ā€’ PIRLS 2016. Od svih zemalja koje su učestvovale u ovom ispitivanju, u naÅ”e istraživanje uključene su tri zemlje u kojima je korelacija između podrÅ”ke za učenje kod kuće i postignuća na testu čitalačke pismenosti najviÅ”a: Slovačka (r = ,57), Bugarska (r = ,52) i Mađarska (r = ,52). Uzorak je činilo 14355 učenika četvrtog razreda osnovne Å”kole, oba pola (50,8% dečaka). PodrÅ”ka koju učenik ima kod kuće operacionalizovana je preko opremljenosti domaćinstva (npr. broj knjiga i broj knjiga za decu) i obrazovno-karijernih karakteristika roditelja (najviÅ”i nivo obrazovanja i radna pozicija). Motivacija za čitanje merena je na osnovu odgovora učenika na 10 pitanja kojima je ispitivan njihov odnos prema nastavi čitanja i čitanju u slobodno vreme. Za obradu podataka koriŔćen je makro PROCESS za SPSS. Rezultati pokazuju da podrÅ”ka za učenje kod kuće direktno pozitivno predviđa postignuće (b = 22,52, p < ,01), ali ga predviđa i indirektno preko motivacije (b = 0,47, 95% CI [0,37, 0,58]). Budući da podrÅ”ka kod kuće ostvaruje samo mali deo svog efekta na postignuće preko motivacije (2,1%), u narednim istraživanjima bi trebalo ispitati dodatne potencijalne posrednike ove veze, ne samo u slučaju čitalačke pismenosti, već i u okviru ostalih sposobnosti, kako bi se detaljnije objasnili mehanizmi preko kojih podrÅ”ka koju učenici dobijaju u okviru porodičnog sistema doprinosi razvoju njihovih različitih sposobnosti.Social reproduction theorists tend to acknowledge that family factors, beside the influence on studentsā€™ educational achievement, also define the attitude towards education in general. Additionally, numerous pedagogists share a widespread idea that studentsā€™ motivation directly contributes to their educational achievement. Taking into consideration two aforementioned theoretical perspectives, the aim of our investigation is to examine whether the connection between the support for learning which student receives at home and educational achievement is mediated by the studentā€™s motivation. In order to answer this question, we used data gathered in more than 50 countries which participated in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study ā€’ PIRLS 2016. Among all the countries which participated in this survey, our examination looks into the three countries with the highest correlation between home support for learning and achievement on the reading literacy test: Slovakia (r = .57), Bulgaria (r = .52) and Hungary (r = .52). The sample consists of 14355 four-grade elementary school students of both genders (50.8% male). The support the student has at home is operationalized by the household resources (for example number of books and children books households possess) and parentsā€™ educational and occupational features (the highest level of education and job position). Motivation for reading is measured using the studentsā€™ answers to 10 questions related to their attitude toward reading classes and free-time reading. For the data analysis, macro PROCESS for SPSS is used. Results indicate that home support for learning directly positively predicts the achievement (b = 22.52, p < .01), but it also predicts it indirectly via motivation (b = 0.47, 95% CI [0.37, 0.58]). As the home support realises only a small part of its effect on the achievement via motivation (2.1%), forthcoming research should examine additional potential mediators of this relation, not just in terms of reading literacy but also in terms of other abilities, so as to explain in a more detail the mechanisms through which the support that students receive within the family system contributes to development of their various abilities.Knjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "PedagoÅ”ka istraživanja i Å”kolska praksa"Book of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice

    Sunflower Genetics from Ancestors to Modern Hybrids-A Review

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    Domestication and the first steps of sunflower breeding date back more than 4000 years. As an interesting crop to humans, sunflower underwent significant changes in the past to finally find its place as one of the most significant oil crops today. Substantial progress has already been made in understanding how sunflower was domesticated. Recent advances in molecular techniques with improved experimental designs contributed to further understanding of the genetic and molecular basis underlying the architectural and phenotypic changes that occurred during domestication and improvements in sunflower breeding. Understanding the domestication process and assessing the current situation concerning available genotypic variations are essential in order for breeders to face future challenges. A review of the tools that are used for exploring the genetic and genome changes associated with sunflower domestication is given in the paper, along with a discussion of their possible implications on classical sunflower breeding techniques and goals

    Genetic and Genomic Tools in Sunflower Breeding for Broomrape Resistance

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    Broomrape is a root parasitic plant causing yield losses in sunflower production. Since sunflower is an important oil crop, the development of broomrape-resistant hybrids is the prime breeding objective. Using conventional plant breeding methods, breeders have identified resistant genes and developed a number of hybrids resistant to broomrape, adapted to different growing regions worldwide. However, the spread of broomrape into new countries and the development of new and more virulent races have been noted intensively. Recent advances in sunflower genomics provide additional tools for plant breeders to improve resistance and find durable solutions for broomrape spread and virulence. This review describes the structure and distribution of new, virulent physiological broomrape races, sources of resistance for introduction into susceptible cultivated sunflower, qualitative and quantitative resistance genes along with gene pyramiding and marker assisted selection (MAS) strategies applied in the process of increasing sunflower resistance. In addition, it presents an overview of underutilized biotechnological tools, such as phenotyping, -omics, and genome editing techniques, which need to be introduced in the study of sunflower resistance to broomrape in order to achieve durable resistance

    Fizičke metode suzbijanja korova koriŔćenjem malčeva sa mogućnoŔću primene u lekovitom bilju

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    Physical methods for weeds suppression in cultivation encompass many methods but our article focuses on application of various mulches. They belong to integrated non-chemical weed management strategies and are very useful in organic farming. Mulching might be performed either by the use of biodegradable mulching materials or by various mulch films. The main benefits of organic mulches are that they can be collected from the nature, thus providing cheaper crop production. In addition, they use to be biodegradable and with no harmful effects on environment. Physical methods of weed control can cause both, positive and negative effects; they certainly influence weed suppression leading to a higher yield of cultivated herbs and vegetables but if applied as living mulches in a main crop production, they compete for essential resources. In addition, apart from the weeds, living cover crop at the same time also suppress the main crop. Therefore, a great attention should be paid when selecting the most appropriate living mulch for the purpose of weed suppression in any specific cultivation. In this article, experiences with various biodegradable mulches (straw, chopped newspapers, biodegradable and photodegradable films, gravel and compost) are well described, with a special attention devoted to their use in cultivation of medicinal plants. Presented data support application of physical methods of weeds control in cultivated crops and suggest them as efficient for use in cultivation of medicinal plants.Fizičke metode suzbijanja korova u lekovitom bilju obuhvataju veliki broj mera, a mi smo detaljnije opisali koriŔćenje živih malčeva i malč prostirki. Ove metode suzbijanja korova se mogu koristiti u kombinaciji sa drugim metodama u okviru integralnih mera suzbijanja korova, kao i u organskoj poljoprivredi. Malčiranje predstavlja prekrivanje zemljiÅ”ta pri čemu se mogu koristiti biorazgradivi malčevi ili različite malč folije. Glavne prednosti organskih malčeva su te Å”to se mogu sakupiti u prirodi i samim tim pojeftiniti proizvodnju. Pored toga, prednosti njihovog koriŔćenja se vide i u tome Å”to su biorazgradive i Å”to nemaju Å”tetne efekte na životnu sredinu. Fizičke metode suzbijanja korova mogu da dovedu do pozitivnih efekata, s obzirom da suzbijaju korove u lekovitom bilju i povrću, pa tako doprinose povećanju prinosa. Ukoliko se koristi živi malč, koji pored pozitivnih mera suzbijanja korova može dovesti i do negativnih efekata potroÅ”nje neophodnih materija iz zemljiÅ”ta, pa se samim tim stvara kompeticija između gajene vrste i živog malča oko potrebnih materija iz zemljiÅ”ta. Pored toga, živi malč može dovesti i do guÅ”enja i smanjenja prinosa gajene vrste, a ne samo do smanjenja pojave korova. Zbog toga se mora posvetiti posebna pažnja u odabiru živog malča, da ne bi doÅ”lo do navedenih negativnih efekata. U ovom radu smo izdvojili iskustva prilikom koriŔćenja različitih biorazgradivih malčeva (slama, iseckane novine, biorazgradive folije, Å”ljunak i kompost), a posebno je naglaÅ”ena njihova primena u lekovitom bilju. Predstavljeni načini malčiranja, kao vrsta fizičke metode suzbijanja korova, imaju pozitivne efekte i predlaže se njihova upotreba u lekovitom bilju

    Preliminarna istraživanja efikasnosti mulčeva i drugih mehničkih mera borbe protiv korova primenjenih u usevu Mentha piperita L.

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    Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is a perennial, medicinal and aromatic, cultivated plant species belonging to Lamiaceae family. In this study, survey of 9 organic mulches (straw, chopped pieces of the pine bark, sawdust of acacia, cardboard, dry pine needles, chopped maize sedge, chopped pieces of the acacia bark, herbal composts 1 and 2), 1 biodegradable (black mulch film) and 4 plastic mulch films (silver-brown, perforated black, black, black 'agrotextil') were tested in Mentha x piperita experimental cultivation, located in Serbia. Three different models were used for application of mulches and films in the early spring of 2015. The plots were separated on two parts, one with hand weeding and the other one without weeding. Identical rows with peppermint were used as a double control, with no use of mulches/films; one control was kept free of weeds (C1 - weeds were manually removed), while the second one was kept intact (C2 - no weeds removal). Comparing to control treatment silver-brown polyethylene film (sPE), black agrotextil film (BA) and two organic mulches (sawdust of acacia and pine needles), showed very good effects on peppermint yield and reduction of weed biomass. Therefore, we selected them for further investigation. The aim of this study was to evaluate and select the best application models of organic mulches and mulch films for further investigation which will lead to the achievement of the highest yield of good quality peppermint herbal drug.Pitoma nana (Mentha x piperita) je viÅ”egodiÅ”nja lekovita i aromatična biljka, koja pripada familiji Lamiaceae (usnatice). U ovom istraživanju je ispitivano 9 organskih malčeva (slama, usitnjena kora bora, bagremova piljevina, karton, suve iglice bora, usitnjena kukuruzovina, usitnjena kora bagrema, kompost od ostataka iz proizvodnje lekovitog bilja 1 i 2), biorazgradiva crna malč folija i 4 malč folije (srebrno-braon, perforirana crna, crna, crna 'agrotekstil') u eksperimentalnom ogledu pitome nane koji je postavljen na lokalitetu u Pančevu, u Srbiji. U proleće 2015. godine koriŔćene su tri različite metode za postavljanje malča. Ogled je podeljen na dva dela, jedan koji je ručno plevljen i drugi gde korovi nisu uklanjani. U ogled su uključene i dve kontrole bez postavke malča, s tim Å”to su u jednoj kontroli korovi uklanjani redovno (C1), dok su se u drugoj korovi slobodno razvijali i rasli zajedno sa nanom (C2). U poređenju sa kontrolama, pozitivan efekat na prinos pitome nane, kao i na redukciju biomase korova pokazali su sledeći tretmani: srebrno-braon folija (sPE), crni 'agrotekstil' (BA) i dva organska malča (bagremova piljevina i iglice bora). Navedeni mačevi su uključeni u dalja istraživanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procena i odabir najboljeg modela primene organskog malča kao i malč folija za dalja istraživanja, koja će garantovati visok prinos gajene nane odličnog kvaliteta

    Rapeseed breeding for multiple uses assisted by biotechnological tools at Novi Sad

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    Rapeseed is not only one of the most important edible oil source, but also raw material for industry and feed. Furthermore, it has proven to be very efficient in remediation of heavy metal polluted soils. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS) has more than 20 year long tradition of rapeseed breeding during which more than 30 spring type varieties and lines, as well as more than a 1000 winter type varieties and lines have been developed. Proper examination and exploitation of such collection requires use of a multidisciplinary approach. By use of in vitro tests, we have analyzed tolerance of chosen rapeseed genotypes to heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. The most tolerant genotypes from NS gene pool, which have proven to have stable and high oil yield and composition in different field experiments, were included in NS rapeseed hybrid breeding program and have been used as components for rapeseed hybrid production

    Epigenetics: possible applications in climate-smart crop breeding

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    To better adapt transiently or lastingly to stimuli from the surrounding environment, the chromatin states in plant cells vary to allow the cells to fine-tune their transcriptional profiles. Modifications of chromatin states involve a wide range of post-transcriptional histone modifications, histone variants, DNA methylation, and activity of non-coding RNAs, which can epigenetically determine specific transcriptional outputs. Recent advances in the area of '-omics' of major crops have facilitated identification of epigenetic marks and their effect on plant response to environmental stresses. As most epigenetic mechanisms are known from studies in model plants, we summarize in this review recent epigenetic studies that may be important for improvement of crop adaptation and resilience to environmental changes, ultimately leading to the generation of stable climate-smart crops. This has paved the way for exploitation of epigenetic variation in crop breeding

    Genomics-assisted speed breeding for crop improvement: present and future

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    Global agricultural productivity and food security are threatened by climate change, the growing world population, and the difficulties posed by the pandemic era. To overcome these challenges and meet food requirements, breeders have applied and implemented different advanced techniques that accelerate plant development and increase crop selection effectiveness. However, only two or three generations could be advanced annually using these approaches. Speed breeding (SB) is an innovative and promising technology to develop new varieties in a shorter time, utilizing the manipulation of controlled environmental conditions. This strategy can reduce the generation length from 2.5 to 5 times compared to traditional methods and accelerate generation advancement and crop improvement, accommodating multiple generations of crops per year. Beside long breeding cycles, SB can address other challenges related to traditional breeding, such as response to environmental conditions, disease and pest management, genetic uniformity, and improving resource efficiency. Combining genomic approaches such as marker-assisted selection, genomic selection, and genome editing with SB offers the capacity to further enhance breeding efficiency by reducing breeding cycle time, enabling early phenotypic assessment, efficient resource utilization, and increasing selection accuracy and genetic gain per year. Genomics-assisted SB holds the potential to revolutionize plant breeding by significantly accelerating the identification and selection of desirable genetic traits, expediting the development of improved crop varieties crucial for addressing global agricultural challenges

    Drawing history. Stories of rescue during the Holocaust

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    "... Odluka da se priče o spasavanju Jevreja i Roma iz čeljusti užasa koji su se pripadnicima njihovih zajednica događali tokom Drugog svetskog rata predstave u formi stripa pokazala se kao opravdana joÅ” davne 1992. godine kada je Art Å pigelman dobio Pulicerovu nagradu za svoj roman Maus. Strip je umetnost koja neposredno, slikom i rečju, komunicira sa svojim čitaocima, a posebno je drag savremenim generacijama naviknutim na slike. Različiti pristupi koje su autorke i autori primenili svedoče i o bogatstvu savremene strip-scene u Srbiji...""... The decision to present the stories about the rescue of Jews and Roma from the jaws of horrors that happened to members of their communities during the Second World War in the form of graphic novels proved to be justified as long ago as 1992 when Art Spiegelman won the Pulitzer Prize for his novel Maus. The graphic novel is an art that communicates with its readers directly, through images and words, and is especially dear to modern generations accustomed to images. The different approaches applied by the authors testify to the richness of the contemporary graphic novel's scene in Serbia..."Sadržaj (content): Priča o Driti / Dragana Radanović ; Priča o Teodoru / Boris Stanić ; Priča o doktoru Savi / Vladimir Pajić ; Priča o Raki / Danica Jevđović ; Priča o Novaku / Jelena Đorđević-Maksimović

    Application of different breeding methods for quality improvement of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)

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    Cilj oplemenjivanja uljane repice je stvaranje sorti i hibrida visokog i stabilnog prinosa semena i ulja, tolerantnih na različit biotski i abiotski stres. U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, primenom osnovnih Mendelevih pravila nasleđivanja i različitim metodama oplemenjivanja do sada je registrovano 14 sorti ozime uljane repice i pet hibrida i dve jare sorte. U oplemenjivanju uljane repice na odabrana važna svojstva primenjuju se i molekularni markeri, a važnu ulogu u fenotipizaciji imaju i različite biohemijske i citoloÅ”ke analize.The main goal of oilseed breeding is the creation of varieties and hybrids with high and stable seed and oil yields, tolerant to different biotic and abiotic stresses. At the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, by applying the basic Mendelian inheritance rules in various breeding methods, 14 varieties of winter oilseed rape, two spring varieties and five hybrids have been registered so far. In the breeding of oilseed rape for the chosen important traits, molecular markers were also applied, while different biochemical and cytological analyses have an important role in phenotyping
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