140 research outputs found

    Atomization, Decentralization, and Sustainability: Prominent Trends on the Russian Protestant Church Scene

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    At least in Russia–and China–the age of euphoria prominent 30 years ago is gone. The church missions committed to short-term gains have left for greener pastures and the congregations remaining behind are now, more than ever, required to determine their own fates. Increasingly required to live from their own funding, church projects are becoming more sustainable. Huge building and educational projects are only a memory. This general and expected course of events can be attributed in part to short attention spans in the West; increased government pressure is only one of numerous factors


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    Încrederea în sine reprezintă un factor decisiv în adaptarea socială și în dezvoltarea personalității. În acest context am realizat un studiu al încrederii în sine, al curajului social și al inițierii contactelor sociale la adolescenți. Am stabilit că un număr foarte mic de adolescenți prezintă un nivel înalt al încrederii în sine. Adolescenții sunt mai încrezuți în sine comparativ cu fetele. De asemenea, am stabilit relații între încrederea în sine și inițierea contactelor sociale.THE STUDY OF SELF-CONFIDENCE IN ADOLESCENCESelf-confidence at adolescents is one of the decisive factor in social adaptation and in personality development. In this context we realized a research of self-confidence at adolescents. The purpose of investigation was to highlight gender differences in self-confidence at adolescents and interrelation between self-confidence and social courage and initiation of social contacts. As results were established, only a small number of adolescents have high level of self-confidence. Boys have a more developed self-confidence than girls. Also we indentify relations between self-confidence and the initiation of social contact.</p

    Rolul resurselor informaționale electronice în asigurarea procesului de instruire. Cazul BȘM

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    Introduction. In contemporary society, the primary function of university libraries remains to provide information and documentation of training processes and research. In order to fulfill its mission, the Scientific Medical Library is obliged to respond to the challenges of the electronic environment by integrating in the new informational and communication context. Objective of the study. To identify the role of electronic information resources in ensuring the training process. Material and Methods. In the research process were applied quantitative and qualitative methods: the questionnaire, the analysis and synthesis of the obtained results, the analysis of the modalities and sources of acquisition of electronic resources, the study of advanced experiences. Results. The results of the study showed that electronic information resources are an important segment of the collection of the Scientific Medical Library of the Nicolae Testemitanu University and are considered effective tools for information and documentation. Their use in the process of informing the beneficiaries contributes to the satisfaction of the various information requirements for study and research. Conclusions. The information resources development policy of the Scientific Medical Library should focus mainly on electronic documents, due to the many facilities they offer. The library should intensify the development of the electronic segment of medical and pharmaceutical information resources and further create the necessary conditions for using of these types of documents.Introducere. În societatea contemporană, funcția primordială a bibliotecilor universitare rămâne a fi asigurarea infodocumentară a proceselor de instruire și cercetare. Pentru a-și îndeplini misiunea, BȘM este obligată să răspundă provocărilor mediului electronic integrându-se în noul context informațional și de comunicare. Scopul lucrării: Identificarea rolului resurselor informaționale electronice în asigurarea procesului de instruire. Material și Metode. În procesul de cercetare au fost aplicate metode cantitative, dar și calitative: chestionarul, analiza și sinteza rezultatelor obținute, analiza modalităților și surselor de achiziție a resurselor electronice, studierea experiențelor avansate. Rezultate. Rezultatele studiului au demonstrat că resursele informaționale electronice constituie un segment important al fondului Bibliotecii Științifice Medicale USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” și sunt considerate instrumente eficiente de informare și documentare. Utilizarea lor în procesul de servire informațională contribuie la satisfacerea diverselor cerințe de informare pentru studiu și cercetare. Concluzii. Politica de dezvoltare a resurselor informaționale a Bibliotecii Științifice Medicale trebuie să pună accent preponderent pe documentele electronice, datorită numeroaselor facilități pe care le oferă acestea. Biblioteca trebuie să intensifice dezvoltarea segmentului electronic al resurselor informaționale de profil medical și farmaceutic și să creeze în continuare condiții necesare pentru utilizarea acestor genuri de documente


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. În societatea contemporană, funcția primordială a bibliotecilor universitare rămâne a fi asigurarea infodocumentară a proceselor de instruire și cercetare. Pentru a-și îndeplini misiunea, BȘM este obligată să răspundă provocărilor mediului electronic integrându-se în noul context informațional și de comunicare. Scopul lucrării: Identificarea rolului resurselor informaționale electronice în asigurarea procesului de instruire. Material și Metode. În procesul de cercetare au fost aplicate metode cantitative, dar și calitative: chestionarul, analiza și sinteza rezultatelor obținute, analiza modalităților și surselor de achiziție a resurselor electronice, studierea experiențelor avansate. Rezultate. Rezultatele studiului au demonstrat că resursele informaționale electronice constituie un segment important al fondului Bibliotecii Științifice Medicale USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” și sunt considerate instrumente eficiente de informare și documentare. Utilizarea lor în procesul de servire informațională contribuie la satisfacerea diverselor cerințe de informare pentru studiu și cercetare. Concluzii. Politica de dezvoltare a resurselor informaționale a Bibliotecii Științifice Medicale trebuie să pună accent preponderent pe documentele electronice, datorită numeroaselor facilități pe care le oferă acestea. Biblioteca trebuie să intensifice dezvoltarea segmentului electronic al resurselor informaționale de profil medical și farmaceutic și să creeze în continuare condiții necesare pentru utilizarea acestor genuri de documente.Introduction. In contemporary society, the primary function of university libraries remains to provide information and documentation of training processes and research. In order to fulfill its mission, the Scientific Medical Library is obliged to respond to the challenges of the electronic environment by integrating in the new informational and communication context. Objective of the study. To identify the role of electronic information resources in ensuring the training process. Material and Methods. In the research process were applied quantitative and qualitative methods: the questionnaire, the analysis and synthesis of the obtained results, the analysis of the modalities and sources of acquisition of electronic resources, the study of advanced experiences. Results. The results of the study showed that electronic information resources are an important segment of the collection of the Scientific Medical Library of the Nicolae Testemitanu University and are considered effective tools for information and documentation. Their use in the process of informing the beneficiaries contributes to the satisfaction of the various information requirements for study and research. Conclusions. The information resources development policy of the Scientific Medical Library should focus mainly on electronic documents, due to the many facilities they offer. The library should intensify the development of the electronic segment of medical and pharmaceutical information resources and further create the necessary conditions for using of these types of documents


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    В данной статье представлены результаты изучения особенностей психологического климата в медицинской организации, а также подверженность стрессу медицинских работников. Опытным путем установлено, что большинство сотрудников оценивают психологический климат в медицинском учреждении как благоприятный или нормальный. У более половины испытуемых – средний уровень стресса, и лишь для пятой части медицин­ского персонала характерен уровень стресса, выше среднего.CLIMATUL PSIHOLOGIC ÎN ORGANIZAŢIE ȘI NIVELUL DE STRES LA ANGAJAȚIAcest articol prezintă rezultatele studierii caracteristicilor climatului psihologic în organizaţia medicală, precum și nivelul de stres în rândul lucrătorilor medicali. Experimental s-a stabilit că majoritatea angajaților din instituția medicală evaluează climatul psihologic ca favorabil sau normal. Mai mult de jumătate dintre subiecți au un nivel mediu de stres și doar o cincime din personalul medical testat prezintă nivel de stres mai înalt.PSYCHOLOGICAL CLIMATE IN ORGANISATION AND THE LEVEL OF EMPLOYEE'S STRESSThe article presents the results of particularities of psychological climate in medical institution and the stress at medical workers. The most of medical workers appreciate the psychological climate as positive or normal one. More than half of medical workers have a medium level of stress. Only a few medical workers have the high level of stress. </p

    The role of boron for human body

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    Introduction. Boron is a little known trace element from the metalloids class that is supposed to be essential for the human body. The main source of boron for hu-mans is drinking water. To date, there is evidence that boron can be beneficial for bone and joint health, brain activity, hormonal health and can help the body to metabolize minerals like calcium, copper, and magnesium. The purpose of this study was to research the literature data to determine the role of boron for the human body. Material and methods. A study analysis of 150 bibliographic sources was carried out that highlighted the boron functions and its role for the human body. Results. Boron can be easily found in the form of compounds as borax, boric acid and boron oxide in the environment, particularly in sea water, drinking water, rocks and soil. Its concentration in water can vary from 0.001 to 150 mg/L depending on geographic location. Along with the consumed food and the region of provenience drinking water can provide a dose of 0.75-1.35 mg of boron per day. Following available researches that extrapolate results from animal experiments, for optimal health effects of boron a minimum dose of 0, 5 mg per day is needed. World Health Organization suggests that an acceptable safe range for population means 1-13 mg of boron per day for adults. This indicates that usual intakes of boron above 1 mg day may promote human health. Most ingested boron is con-verted into boric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, then rapidly absorbed in the proportion of 85-90%, used in the body processes and excreted in that form mostly in the urine. That means that boron is not toxic, and its deficiency is more dangerous than the excess. Available human studies suggest that boron is beneficial for bone maintenance and can reduce the risk for osteoporosis. More than that, daily boron supplementation with 6-12 mg of calcium fructo borate can decrease joint rigidity and increase mobility, the symptoms being associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Boron has positive effects on vitamin D metabolism or utilization, circulating homocysteine levels, and S-adenosylmethionine, compounds which affect brain function, thus, it seems reasonable to suggest that nutritional intakes of boron have a positive effect on the central nervous system. Some biochemical findings suggest that boron might be beneficial forreducing the risk of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes through facilitation of the action or releasingof insulin. Both animal and human findings indicate that nutritional intakes of boron can reduce chronic inflammation determined by high serum C-reactive protein, which is a risk factor for heart diseases. Following this findings, boron is supposed to alleviate this risk factor and have a positive effect on heart health. Conclusions. Substantial evidence indicates that boron is a trace mineral that can be easily found in drinking water and has health effects that may prevent or reduce the risk for bone diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, brain impairment, cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome

    Klasifikasi Leksikon Bahari Masyarakat Bima Tinjauan Etnolingusitik

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    Leksikon bahari bahasa Bima adalah kosakata kelautan yang terdapat di wilayah Bima Nusa tenggara Barat. Leksikon bahari dipilih dikarenakan minimnya referensi tentang leksikon bahasa Bima. Perpustakaan sekolah dasar di Bima belum mengoleksi buku tentang leksikon bahasa Bima. Kekurangan referensi tersebut, dapat menjadi salah satu tanda, bahwa bahasa Bima kurang diperhatikan oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini berawal dari keinginan peneliti untuk membahas tentang leksikon bahari yang digunakan masyarakat Bima. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifikasi dan mendeskripsikan leksikon bahari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnolingistik, yaitu kajian fenomena kebahasaan untuk menangkap fakta kebudayaan suatu masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Lokasi yang dipilih untuk pengumpulan data adalah Kabupaten Wera dan Kolo dengan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat 229 leksikon bahari dengan 12 leksikon bewujud ide, 27 berwujud aktivitas dan&nbsp; 190 berwujud benda

    The Express: October 13, 2000

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    TUFW Members Invade Campus — Class Election Results in Tie — Tutoring Program Seeks Expansion — Nothing But the Blood — No Voting Appetite — Better than the Beach: A Summer of Ministry — Discovering Delight in Uncertainty — America Through the Eyes of Others — Falcons Uncertain of Future — Winning the Battle of the Bulgehttps://pillars.taylor.edu/express-2000-2001/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Cardiovascular morbidity among population of the Republic of Moldova in connection with mineralization degree of the drinking water

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young DoctorsAt the moment,cardiovascular diseases are situated among the main causes of population morbidity,mortality rate being estimated 50 % in the entire population.Besides well known causes of cardiovascular morbidity exists another one cause,studied by a lot of authors,which is called mineralization degree of the drinking water.It’s known that a higher mineralization of drinking water may determine a lower cardiovascular morbidity.The objective of our study was estimation of mineralization degree of drinking water in different parts of the Republic of Moldova and its influence on the cardiovascular diseases of the population