182 research outputs found

    Informal Sector and Local Government Revenue : the Contribution of Street Vendors

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    This paper discusses the contribution of street vendors as the majority group of informal sector to the generation of local government revenue. Based on the desk study of the available literature and research reports on informal sector, this paper analyse how local government should tax informal sector to boost its revenue. In the perspective of legalist school, taxing the informal sector will only increase the informal sector activity, hence formalising the informal sector will not be a recommended policy. Other option to tax the informal sector is by the use of informal sector unions which requried an understanding of citizenship and awareness of their civil rights to establish them. This eventually also beneficial for informal sector as the creation of informal sector unions means the creation of networks and associations which enable them having power vis a vis local government

    Corporate Social Responsibility Program as a Corporate Impression Management Strategy

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    This study aims to determine the public relations (PR) activities of a company, where the demands and obligations of the company in fulfilling its social and environmental responsibilities are carried out by the public relations department. The problems that will be presented in this study concerns the two factors of public relations practitioners' efforts in forming a positive image. The method used in this study is theoretical review, with the research object of PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field. The results of this study show that the positive image of the company was identified in the usefulness and suitability of the Corporate Social Responsibility program with community needs regarding clean water, and also the community felt happy and valued because they were involved in building clean water and toilet washing facilities. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Public Relations; Impression Management

    An Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Solving Story Based Problems and Its Alternative Solutions

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    This study aims to analyze the students' difficulties of MTs Negeri Surakarta 1 in solving story based problems on the subject of Pythagoras along with its alternative solutions. This is a qualitative descriptive research. This study illustrates the difficulties of students in solving story based problemsof the subject of Pythagoras. Research subjects in this study is composed of three students of class IX with each capable of high, medium and low. The data collection was condducted using the test method and the method of interview. The results of this study indicate that low-ability students have difficulty in determining the direction of wind direction, understand the intent of the language that is understood about the story, the difficulty in making a mathematical model as well as difficulties in the calculation. Difficulties experienced by the studentswith medium capability are determining the drawing of wind direction, understanding the intent of the language that is understood about the story, and making a mathematical model. While the high-ability students have no significant problems in understanding a story about the subject of Pythagoras, they just forgot to add ± sign in the answers, and the unit of length in the final calculation. However, the unit length was written in the final conclusions

    Pergerakan Program Penanggulangan Daerah Bermasalah Kesehatan (PDBK) dan Indikator Mutlak Kesehatan di Kabupaten Sampang

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    Latar belakang: Program Penanggulangan Daerah Bermasalah Kesehatan (PDBK) diharapkan sebagai upaya terobosan (extra ordinary) untuk memecah kebuntuan (debottlenecking) dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan di kabupaten Sampang yang berdasarkan ranking Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat (IPKM) tahun 2011 berada pada urutan ke 426. Model pendampingan tersebut dimulai dengan mengadakan suatu ‘Kalakarya' yang berkaitan dengan pencapaian indikator mutlak IPKM di kabupaten Sampang. Dari kalakarya menghasilkan aksi nyata berupa“ Operasi Timbang Balita”. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dari September, 2011 sampai November, 2012 di tujuh Puskesmas terpilih yaitu: Banyuanyar, Kamoning, Sreseh, Kedundung, Camplong dan Robatal. Desain penelitian berupa riset operasional dengan cara pengamatan secara berkala selama pendampingan berlangsung. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatankuantitatif dan pendekatan kualitatif. Penilaian cakupan indikator mutlak kesehatan dilihat berdasarkan cakupan Balita yang ditimbang, tingkat partisipasi masyarakat (D/S), kasus Balita gizi buruk, dan upaya pelayanan kesehatan yang meliputi: cakupan kunjungan bayi (KN1), kunjungan pemeriksaan kehamilan (K1 & K4), dan cakupan pertolongan persalinan dengan tenaga kesehatan. Hasil: Operasi Timbang Balita berhasil mendongkrak tingkat partisipasi masyarakat (D/S) menjadi 80%, sekaligus menjaring kasus Balita gizi buruk sebanyak 12.100 Balita. Hasil cakupan kunjungan neonatus dan pemeriksaan kehamilan sudah mencapai > 90%, walaupun untuk cakupan kunjungan pemeriksaan kehamilan ke-4 (K4) baru mencapai 70%. Demikian juga dengan cakupan pertolongan persalinan sudah meningkat menjadi 90%. Hasil lain yang diperoleh adalah terjadinya replikasi Kalakarya di tingkat Puskesmas yang dilanjutkan ke tingkat Posyandu. Saran: Perlu diciptakan sistim pemantauan dan evaluasi program berkelanjutan yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi geografi s, topografi s dan kondisi spesifik masing-masing wilayah di kabupaten Sampang