55 research outputs found

    Midwives Performance in Early Detection of Growth and Development Irregularities of Children Based on Task Commitment

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of midwives based on the task commitment. This was an observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Multistage random sampling was used to determine the public health center, proportional random sampling to selected participants. The samples were 222 midwives in the public health center of Surabaya City. Data were collected by questionnaires on exogenous variables and sheet of data collectors for the performance of midwives. Data was analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS). This study found the results of the self leadership directly affects the performance with the value of T-statistic of 3.852> T-table (1.96) with the value of the path coefficient of 0.257, while the value of the indirect influence on the strategy of self leadership performance through mediator task commitment with path coefficient value of 0.053. These models can be used as a reference in improving the performance of midwives in other activities related to maternal and child health services


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    Puskesmas as a health service facility, organized public health effort and individuals in the first level. As a first-rate health facility, puskesmas are responsible for health in their working area. School is one of the institutions that become the responsibility of puskesmas. Health efforts in schools are realized through the development of health promotion. The development of school health promotion is implemented through a health program, UKS. UKS targets are all schools which means not only public schools but also specials schools (SLB) are included. Children with special needs is one of the human resources whose quality must be improved. Such quality improvement can be done through basic behavioral cultivation, including health behavior. PHBS in school is an absolute necessity. This can be said because the various diseases that often attack school-age children associated with PHBS. SLB Alpa Kumara Wardana II is one of the target schools of Puskesmas Pucang Sewu so that the implementation of PHBS from the school is also the responsibility of Puskesmas Pucang Sewu. This study aims to analyze the role of puskesmas in the implementation of PHBS in schools at SLB based on Ottawa Charter. The method used in this research is qualitative with the determination of informants using purposive sampling technique. The results obtained from this research is the role of puskesmas in the implementation of PHBS in schools at SLB Alpa Kumara Wardana II is still less than optimal in the implementation of PHBS in schools. Implementation of PHBS in SLB is still need to improved application from the aspect of build healthy public policy, create supportive environtment, reorient health services, strengthen community action, and develop personal skills


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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is caused by dengue virus carried by Aides Aigepty mosquitoes. Since 2015 there has been a typical DHF in Payaman Village as 3 people and one of them was died in 2016. One typical of DHF has been an Extraordinary Occurrence in the health sector. One that can trigger dengue disease is the low rate of larvae free. Eradication of DHF can be done with Mosquito Nest eradication activity. In this study aims to analyze the actions of villagers who can trigger dengue disease and actions that can prevent dengue disease. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Data source used is primary data and secondary data. Primary data was collected by interviewing questionnaires in each house. To support the completeness of the data used qualitative methods by conducting in-depth interviews on various related sectors. Secondary data is taken from Payaman Village Dasawisma data and Village Profile data. The results of the study found that the villagers of Payaman, especially RT 15-22 have acts that can trigger dengue fever, such as the handling of late dengue cases, not drain the water reservoir, poor waste management of households, the management of used less precise and laying the animal cage inside the house. While the actions that can be used to prevent dengue fever is using mosquito nets when sleeping and keep fish in water reservoirs. It needs to be improved by changing actions that can trigger dengue disease into actions that can prevent dengue disease that drains the water reservoir, manages household waste well, manages the used goods in the right way and puts the animal cage outdoors. In addition, dengue fever can be prevented by eradicating mosquito breeding and preventing mosquito bites. Growing mosquito breeding and preventing mosquito bites can be done with 3M plus movement. Keywords: dengue fever, payaman village, citizen action, 3M plu


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    Adolescence is a period of transition from children to adulthood. In the transitional period, adolescents often face very complex and difficult issues to tackle on their own. Since 2003, Ministry of Health (Kementerian Kesehatan)  has developed a model of health services that is competing with Health Care service for Youth (PKPR). Puskesmas Tanah Kalikedinding has promotive and preventive activities especially related to adolescents. PKPR is certainly based on every need and demand of teenage cadres around Tanah Kalikedinding area. The purpose of this study is to identify the needs and expectations of adolescent cadres on youth health programs. This research past descriptive research using qualitative approach. The research subjects consist of peer educator of Rumah Remaja, one of innovative program of Puskesmas Tanah Kalikedinding which refer to adolescent reproductive health, Adolescent Posyandu cadres, adolescent cadres in Al-Fitroh Pesantren and UKS cadres at SMAN 19 Surabaya. The number of informants used in this study are 6 persons. Data collection was obtained directly from the study sites using in-depth interview techniques and focus group discussions (FGDs) conducted by researchers with related adolescent peer. The results showed that adolescents need activities that always provide innovation, activities are not only curative but more on activities that are promotive and preventive such as counseling teenage health, education, and socialization. Keyword: adolescent, program, health, need, expectatio

    The Effects of Self Efficacy and Collective Efficacy on Preventions Behavior of Community with Hypertention in Kupang City East Nusatenggara Province

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    Background. Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2007 showed that the prevalence of  hypertension in the population of Indonesia is about 30.3%. While in East Nusa Tenggara, The prevalence of Hypertension is still higher than national Standard; it is about 38%. An initial study conducted in several community groups in Kupang, 2010 revealed that the prevalence of Hypertension among communities was 40%. Moreover the study found out that the cases were mostly influenced by the lack of understandings in terms of preventions behavior of Hypertension. Unfavorable behavior reached 72% among those with hypertension and poor behavior in people who are not diagnosed by Hypertension (48%). The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of self-efficacy and collective-efficacy on preventions Behavior of Community with Hypertension. Methods. The observational analytic within case control design is used to study the variables with a convenience sample of 180 people with hypertension. The analysis technique used is based Smart Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS).Results. The study also showed that the self-efficacy’s people in Kupang are high. The results showed 32.8% of respondents have good perception of self-experience. Based on Hypertension status, self-experience was 27.8% in people with hypertension and 37.8% in people who are not diagnosed by hypertension is categorized as good. Other people's experiences, about 38.9% are good category. While based on hypertension status, other people’s experience who are diagnosed and are not diagnosed by hypertension is mostly categorized in good and very good, 30% and 47,8% successively. While for verbal persuasion, 26.1% of them are good category. For those with Hypertension, 30.0% have good verbal persuasion and 34.4% of those without hypertension have excellent verbal persuasion. For Emotional state variable; 43.3% respondents have good perception in terms of emotional state. Community perception about self-regulation or self-management ability from external factors is counted at 23.9% unfavorable category. Moreover, 25,6% Hypertension people’s self-management ability is bad category, while people without hypertension is counted at 25,6% regarding good enough self-management. The Internal factors, 28,9% are pretty good.  Behavior prevention practiced by people in Kupang City consists of weight control, diet, exercise/ sports, restrict smoking habits and doing leisure activities and hobbies. The results showed that 31,2 % people always doing such activity to control their weight. While, 33,3 %  people who have already experienced Hypertension, does not do sufficient exercise, and 30% people without hypertension are always doing exercise. The study showed that the self efficacy has a significant effect on self-regulation, with a path coefficient of 0,276 and T-Statistic value of 3,108. Collective efficacy also has a positive and significant impact to self-regulation, with a path coefficient of 0,275 and a value of 12,289 T-Statistic. On the other hand self-regulation has a positive effect on behavior prevention, with a path coefficient of 0,887 and T-Statistic value of 41,962. Hypertension prevention behaviors have positive and significant effect on hypertension, with a marked positive path coefficient of 0,955 with T-Statistic value of 422,475. Conclusions: Self-efficacy and collective efficacy directly affects self-regulation, and then influence the hypertension prevention behavior. It is therefore suggested to create health policy regarding health promotion to communities. Keywords: Self-efficacy, Collective efficacy, prevention behavior, hypertensio

    Faktor Determinan Budaya Kesehatan dalam Penularan Penyakit Tb Paru

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    Background: TB DO TS Strategy policy as the government's efforts in order to decrease TB patients is facilitated through the state budget cost resources, budget, global foreign aid fund, and the WHO. This qualitative study aimed to determinan poeing on cultural efforts in the prevention of pulmonary TB disease. Method of data collection participatory observation, in-depth interviews in patients with pulmonary TB and families, health care workers in the provinces, and districts. FGD on public figures, cross-sector and NGOs. Research sites in the city of Pariaman, West Lombok district and the district Rote Ndao NTT. Results:The results showed cultural determinants of health factors on the prevalence of pulmonary TB disease is a public perception of ilness Roe Ndao district, that of pulmonary TB disease as a hereditary disease, infectious disease and "Hosse". Norma betel nut as a treat for guests, custom home Sel, Sei traditional beliefs of newborns who smoked for 40 days with ground floor houses almost 50% of the population. Norms, stigma society in urban areas Pariaman, pulmonary TB disease as a disease because Tamakan, due to use-for others who are not happy, as evidenced by the habits, behavior of people carelessly throw spit spot. In western Sumatra, the city of Pariaman norms, fear of stigma, shame as people with TB, so there are many people who call it the perception of pain as a disease of old Cough, cough 40 days, dry cough, and asthma. Confidence/belief communities in the western province of NTB Lombok district who think if drinking water used Kiai progenitor Ishmael receive healing. Supervisory personnel selection as taking medication/PMO less in accordance with existing social structures in local communities, tribes sasak NTB, Rote tribe. Recommendalion: is required from a variety of participatory other NGOs, in an integrated cross-sector to perform the preventive, promotive control TB disease of the housing ministry, social ministry and education ministry Improvement program of passive case finding by health workers to be pro active case finding by cadres who require training

    Application Database School Health Program in Primary School Level of Surabaya City

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    The school health program (UKS) is a unit of the existing health activities of the primary school level. Currently the UKS programme has not been able to contribute optimally in an increasing the health of school-age children. This condition is caused due to the UKS programme planning have not been based on data and information related to health problems of school-age children. Constraints which cause yet the existence of the data and information of health problems that school age children recording and reporting system “paper based” incomplete data, and delivery information is not yet in the form of graphs or tables. The purpose of this research to develop a database application UKS primary school level. The scope of this research included implementation of the UKS Trias and recording system and reporting on team Implementing the UKS primary level. This type of research was Action Research. The subject of this research team on implementing the UKS primary level I/240 Sutorejo Surabaya. System analysis of the recording and reporting of the UKS SDN 1/240 Sutorejo found the problem that is the data source that is available only the fields of health care, so that analysis can not be based on Trias UKS. This research resulted in a prototype database of UKS developed based on the results of the analysis recording and reporting system progress on implementing team UKS SDN 1/240 Sutorejo. The prototype database UKS produces health education information, health services, and health coaching school environment that can be used for program planning UKS in managing teams and Puskesmas.. The use of the UKS data base is necessary among other supporting facilities maintenance management system that aims to let the uks programme sustainabilityas well as the monitoring and evaluation activities data base system

    Quality of life and subjective well-being modeling of pulmonary tuberculosis patients

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    psychosocial problems that cause stress, such as loss of hope, sleep disorders and interruption in period of rest. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the Quality of Life (QoL) and Subjective Well-Being (SWB) of pulmonary TB patients and the affecting factors.Design and Methods: An analytical observational design with a cross sectional approach was used and a total of 73 respondents were randomly selected from 89 patients with pulmonary TB. Furthermore, a questionnaire was used as study instrument and data analysis was carried out using Partial Least Square.Results: The results showed that with the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach, the SWB and QoL models are fit models based on R2, Q2 values. Furthermore, patient characteristics, patient factors and family factors influence subjective well-being (SWB) and quality of life (QoL). Meanwhile, the dominant influence on SWB was the patient factor, while on QoL it was the family factor.Conclusion: This model will be the basis for further studies on how to care for pulmonary tuberculosis patients and their families in order to improve the quality of life and patient acceptance of their sick conditions

    Factors Correlated to Job Stress Among ICU Nurses

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    Introduction: Job stress is a major barrier to the attainment of safety, health, and wellness among nurses. Understanding factors job stress among nurses is very important to provide alternatives solution to ease the stress in the future. However, there are limited studies with respect to factors related to stress in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses particularly in Indonesian context. This study aimed to identify factors correlated to job stress among ICU nurse in three public hospitals. Methods: A correlational study was carried on ICU nurses who hands-on ICU nursing care. Data were collected using questionnaires. Descriptive statistic and Spearman correlation were used to analyze the correlation between perceived job burden, working condition, quality of nursing work life, perceived organizational support, and stress among ICU nurses. Results: A total of 91 respondents (32 male and 59 female) were involved to the study comprises of two different educational backgrounds (59 Diploma III and 32 Bachelor degree). The statistical analysis using Pearson correlation found that workload (0.003), working condition (0.000), quality of nursing work life (0.000), perceived organizational support (0.000) significantly correlated to job stress among ICU nurses. Conclusion: All studied factors correlated to job stress among ICU nurses. All factors had moderate correlation with nurses’ job stress and working condition has highest strong correlation compare to the other factors. Its implies from the result that management of the hospital may provide more attention to job stress among nurses to maintain optimum performance to provide nursing care for patients particularly critically ill patients in ICU