25 research outputs found


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    Prinsip kerja pompa pada dasarnya adalah menurunkan tekanan dalam ruang pompa sisi hisap sehingga akan terjadi perbedaan tekanan antara ruang pompa dengan permukaan fluida yang dihisap, akibatnya fluida akan mengalir ke ruang pompa oleh impeler fluida ini di dorong keluar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah rancang bangun alat uji tekanan dan laju aliran fluida menggunakan pompa centrifugal. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui karakteristik pompa pada rangkaian seri dengan cara pemasangan katup pada sisi tekan. Untuk dapat menentukan kurva karakteristik pompa ditambahkan komponen alat ukur berupa pressure geauge sebagai alat ukur tekanan, orifice dan manometer U sebagai alat ukur debit aliran fluida. Kavitasi merupakan faktor yang sering dikaitkan dengan terjadinya kerusakan pada komponen impeler pada pompa centrifugal, maka dalam merancang bangun alat uji ini harus diusahakan agar proses kavitasi dapat dicegah atau diminimalisir sekecil mungkin terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya kavitasi. Untuk dapat menentukan daya pompa yang dibutuhkan dalam alat uji tekanan fluida maka harus dicari nilai head total. Adapun nilai – nilai haed adalah sebagai berikut: head elevasi 0,4 m, head tekan 10,3 m, head laju aliran 0,12 m, haed loses 21,11 m

    The Correlation Between Disease Activity Assessed by DAS28-ESR and Quality of Life Assessed by SF-36 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    Background Rheumatoid arthritis is the most prevalent form of inflammatory arthritis. One of the key components for its multidimensional outcome is the disease activity, measured by DAS28-ESR. The physical, emotional, and social aspects of RA contribute to the quality of life, and SF-36 questionnaire can be used to measure it. This study aims to ascertain the correlation between the disease activity (DAS28-ESR) and the quality of life (SF-36) in RA patients.  Method This study was an analytical, descriptive study with a cross sectional design that took primary data from RA patients undergoing treatment in Rheumatology Clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital from February to April 2015. The patient’s data included sex, age, marital status, employment status, educational level, serostatus (RF and Anti-MCV), duration of diagnosis, total number of medications, total number of DMARD, DAS28-ESR scores, and SF-36 scores. The data was analysed with the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, followed by the Rank-Spearman correlation analysis. Result There were 42 subjects, with an average age of 41 ± 12. The ratio between females and males was 20:1, and the majority of subjects (73,8%) had a positive serostatus (RF and/or anti-MCV). The score median of DAS28-ESR was 4,3, with the score median for SF-36 PCS being 39,8 and the score median for SF-36 MCS being 48,2. Based on the the Rank-Spearman analysis (CI of 95%), there was a correlation between DAS28-ESR score and SF-36 PCS score, with the correlation coefficient (r) of -0,577 (p < 0,001), and there was also a correlation between DAS28-ESR score and SF-36 MCS score with r of  -0,368 (p = 0,008). Conclusion There was a strong negative correlation between disease activity and physical component of quality of life, and a moderate negative correlation between disease activity and mental component of quality of life, and the two correlations were statistically significant

    Calcinosis and myocarditis in systemic lupus erythematosus patient

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients have multi-organ involvement related to their chronic inflammatory, autoimmune disease. Calcinosis can be clinical manifestations of SLE. Tissue calcinosis is reported in approximately 17% patients and myocarditis in 20-55% patients. Thus, both manifestations are not unusual in SLE. Tachypnea, tachycardia, pericardial effusion, and wheezing are often present and can be misleading in SLE patient.1,2 Calcinosis is less common in SLE, sometimesit is found as an incidental radiological finding. Calcification in SLE maybe periarticular, within joints or muscles, or in the subcutis (calcinosis universalis).1 Calcinosis is classified into four subsets: dystrophic, metastatic, idiopathic, or calciphylaxis/iatrogenic. When calcinosis cutis is isolated to a small area in extremities and joints, it is called calcinosis circumscripta; whereas its diffuse form, refers to calcinosis universalis, affects subcutaneous and fibrous structures of muscles and tendons. The pathophysiology of this condition is unknown and no effective therapy is currently available.3,4,5 Systemic lupus erythematosus can involve the myocardium, pericardium, cardiac valves,and coronary arteries. Myocarditis in SLE is not likely to produce major regional wall motion abnormalities but may contribute to global left ventricular dysfunction.7,8We report a young woman with SLE who developed calcinosis and myocarditis

    Hyperuricemia Prevalence and Its Metabolic Syndrome Profiles

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    Background: The prevalence of hyperuricemia has increased overtime globally. Moreover, it has been linked with several metabolic syndromes. A study in Depok City and Denpasar showed prevalence of hyperuricemia were up to 18.6% and 18.2%, respectively. Urban lifestyle has been proposed to contribute for hyperuricemia; however, there is no published study conducted in rural population yet. Therefore, we performed this study to evaluate the prevalence and metabolic syndromes profile of hyperuricemic patients in rural area. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at regional government hospital in North Kayong Regency, West Kalimantan. We retrieved all complete internal medicine outpatient data between October and December 2018. All non-pregnant, adult patients newly diagnosed with hyperuricemia or currently taking uric acid lowering drug were included in this study. Result: A total of 44 out of 121 subjects (36.36%) had hyperuricemia; 25 subjects (56.81%) were male and had median age of 53 years old. Mean level of serum uric acid was 8.30±1.77mg/dl. The metabolic syndrome profiles (diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia) vary among subjects; ranging from 20.45% (hypertriglyceridemia) to 86.36% (hypertension). Conclusion: Hyperuricemia and its metabolic disorders are an emerging burden of disease in rural area in Indonesia

    Immunogenicity and safety of a trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine

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    Correlation of sCD40L Level with Force Vital Capacity Value in Restrictive Lung Disease of Systemic Sclerosis Patients

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    Background: Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) is one of the major cause of morbidity and mortality in Systemic Sclerosis (SSc). The gold standard to diagnose ILD is using High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) scan. HRCT scan need a lot of cost and not always available, so another diagnosing test is needed as an alternative modality to diagnose ILD. ILD is a restrictive lung disease caused by lung fibrosis which is proved by the decrease of Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) in spirometry, and followed by the increase of soluble CD40L (sCD40L) level in plasma. This sCD40L may become a potential biomarker to evaluate lung fibrosis in SSc patients. The aim of this study is to analyze the correlation of sCD40L levels with FVC score in SSc patients with restrictive lung disease.Method:This cross sectional study was enrolled by the SSc patient who has restrictive lung disease based on spirometry test, at Rheumatology outpatient clinic dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital from May 2015 to May 2016. All subject took underwent history, physical examination, spirometry and blood test for sCD40L. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation.Result:There were 38 subjects involved in this study, dominated bywoman (92.1%) with mean age 41(±11) years. Subjects consist of 22(57,9%) with limited SSc, 16(42,1%) with diffuse SSc patients and 33 subjects treated with DMARD. Mean sCD40L serum in this study was 6.690,3(±2.377,3) pg/mL, with no statistical difference between limited and diffuse type (p=0.154). Mean FVC score in this study was 58.2(±10,8). There was no significant correlation between sCD40L serum with FVC (r=0.058; p=0.366). There was weak correlation on DMARD naïve subject between sCD40L serum and FVC (r=0.058; p=0.366) but statistically insignificant. There was no significant correlation between sCD40L serum with mRSS (r=0,066; p=0,346).Conclusion: This study founds no correlation between sCD40L with FVC in SSc at dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Keyword : sCD40L, Forced Vital Capacity, Restrictive Lung Disease, Systemic Sclerosi

    Correlation Between Serum Procollagen Type 1 N-Terminal Propeptide Level With Modified Rodnan Skin Score In Systemic Sclerosis Patients.

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    Introduction: Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic autoimmune disease, characterized by vasculopathy, specific autoimmune, and fibrosis. Assesment of skin fibrosis by modified Rodnan Skin Score (mRSS) can not detect the minimal changes of skin fibrosis within lessthan 3 months. A biomarker is needed to assess the minimal changes of skin fibrosis progressivity with a more objective, quantitative, and rapid way. Procollagen type-1 N-Terminal Propeptide (P1NP), a degradation product of collagen type-1, may become a potential biomarker for skin fibrosis. This study aims to evaluate the correlation between skin fibrosis by mRSS with P1NP serum in systemic sclerosis.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study performed among systemic sclerosis patients at Rheumatology outpatient clinic, Dr.Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, from May 2016 to July 2016. Skin fibrosis was measured by mRSS. P1NP level was determined by ELISA. Data were analyzed using Rank-Spearman Correlation.Result: There were thirty-seven subjects, with mean age 37 (SD ±7) years old. Most of subjects were female (91.9%). Subjects consisted of 23 (62.2%) limited SSc and 14 (37.8%) diffuse SSc. Six subjects (16.2%) were DMARD naïve. We found median (range) P1NP serum was 43.85 (9.81-127.90) ng/dL, while the median of MRSS was 14 (3-36). There is a moderate correlation between MRSS and P1NP serum (r=0.443, p=0.003)Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between mRSS and P1NP serum in systemic sclerosis patient at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung.Keywords: systemic sclerosis, P1NP, modified rodnan skin scor

    Comorbidities in patients with gout in rheumatology clinic Dr. Hasan Sadikin general hospital in 2012 - 2013

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    Background: Gout is a metabolic disease manifested mainly as an intense monoarticular inflammatory reaction which is strongly associated with hyperuricemia. Latest evidence showed that uric acid exerted effects on the development of other diseases. Many studies in developed countries had estimated the frequency of comorbidities associated with gout suchas hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), and Myocardial Infarct (MCI). However, no data regarding these frequencies have been found in Indonesia up to now to the best of the author’s knowledge. This study aimed to establish thefrequency of these comorbidities in patients with gout in Rheumatology Clinic Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia.Methods: All medical records of patients with gout in Rheumatology Clinic Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from January 2012 to December 2013 were collected. The data on blood pressure; Body Mass Index (BMI); random blood glucose, fasting blood glucose or 2 hourspost prandial blood glucose; history of myocardial infarction; and creatinine were taken and analyzed to determine the presence of comorbidities Results: Among all patients with gout in Rheumatology Clinic Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, 53.08% had chronic kidney disease, 42.73 % had hypertension, 25.39% had diabetes mellitus, 15.70% had myocardial infarction and 12.22% had obesity.Conclusions: Comorbidities commonly found in patients with gout in order of frequency were chronic kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarct, and obesity.Keywords: gout, comorbidities, frequency


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    Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) adalah suatu program yang dibuat pekerja maupun perusahaan sebagai upaya mencegah timbulnya kecelakaan akibat kerja dengan cara mengenali hal yang berpotensi menimbulkan kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja serta tindakan antisipasi apabila terjadi kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja. Tujuanya adalah untuk menciptakan tempat kerja yang aman dan sehat sehingga dapat menekan serendah mungkin resiko kecelakaan dan penyakit. Keadaan ini akan berdampak pada penurunan kinerja perusahaan. Metode yang dipakai dalam menyusun laporan tugas akhir ini adalah hazard and operability study (HAZOPS) sebagai study keselamatan yang sistematis, berdasarkan pendekatan sistematik ke arah penilaian keselamatan dan proses pengoprasian peralatan yang kompleks atau proses produksi. Tujuanya untuk mengidentifikasi kemungkinan bahaya yang muncul dalam fasilitas pengelolaan di perusahaan dan menghilangkan sumber utama kecelakaan, seperti rilis beracun, ledakan dan kebakaran. Dari hasil pengamatan mendapatkan beberapa gambaran potensi bahaya selanjutnya diolah menghasilkan beberapa masukan yang berkaitan dengan sikap pekerja dan menggunakan alat pelindung diri yang tidak digunakan dengan baik saat bekerja. Perusahaan harus lebih memberikan perhatian khusus untuk para pekerja agar lebih disiplin lagi dalam sikap bekerja dan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) dengan baik dan benar. Tujuanya jika angka kecelakaan kerja kecil dapat menguntungkan diri senidiri dan menguntungkan bagi perusahaan. Masalah keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja secara umum di PT. Kerta Laksana masih perlu mendapat perhatian. Data kecelakaan kerja yang pernah terjadi baik bersifat ringan maupun ekstrim menunjukan bahwa bahwa kecelakaan kerja pernah terjadi pada tahun 2016 di perusahaan tersebut. Pencegahan kecelakaan merupakan hal yang vital dalam perusahaan yang apabila di abaikan akan mengakibatkan kerugian manusia dan perusahaan. Tujuan dari pengamatan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui potensi bahaya yang ada di bagian proses pembuatan badan mesin screw conveyor cy 15, tujuan tersebut untuk membantu perusahaan dengan memberikan usulan dalam meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktifitas dalam bekerja. Kata Kunci : Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Hazard and operability study

    The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Disease Activity and Neutrophyl-Lymphocyte Count Ratio in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients with Hypovitaminosis D : A Preliminary Study

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    Background : Previous studies showed a significant role of Vitamin D in modulating inflammation and immune abnormality in SLE. The correlation between vitamin D supplementation and SLE disease activity remains controversy. Neutrophyl-Lymphocyte count Ratio (NLCR) as an inflammation marker was significantly increased in SLE patients.Objective : To evaluate the effect of vitamin D supplementation on disease activity and neutrophyllypmhocyte count ratio (NLCR) in SLE patients with hypovitaminosis D.Methods : This is a pre-post test study without control group using a consecutive sampling method. SLE patients were enrolled from Rheumatology Clinic of HasanSadikin General Hospital from November 2013-March 2014. Subjects received vitamin D3 2000 IU/day for 3 months. Data was analyzed using Wilcoxon test.Results : We analyzed 28 subjects with 89,3% of vitamin D deficiency and 10,7% of vitamin D insufficiency, which converted to 25% of vitamin D deficiency, 32,1% vitamin D insufficiency and 42,9% normal vitamin D plasma level at the end of the study.After supplementation, Mexican Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (MEX-SLEDAI) and NLCR was significantly decreased (median 4(3-8) to 2(0-6) and median 2,95(1,17-7,27) to 2,28 (1,07-4,87), p<0,001, respectively). SLE organ involvement such as mucocutan, hematology and renal also high BMI (>23 kg/m2) were risks of hypovitaminosis D. Vitamin D supplementation increased mean 25(OH)D serum level by 164,7%, 46,7% decreased of MEX-SLEDAI, and 24,2% decreased of NLCR (p<0,001). Nine subjects (32,1%) achieved remission, 19 subjects (67,9%) atdisease persistence and no subjects experienced flare up after supplementation.Conclusion : The effects of vitamin D3 2000 IU/day supplementation for 3 months are reduced disease activity and NLCR in SLE patients with hypovitaminosisD. The role of NLCR as a simple inflammation marker in this pilot study needs further investigation