38 research outputs found

    The Effect of Drill Reamer Tool on Cutting Force and Temperature when Machining with Different Parameters and Cutting Condition

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    Normally in manufacturing process, drilling and reaming are separate processes. However a new tool is developed which combined both processes. In this study, the performance of a new drill reamer is studied in terms of cutting force and temperature under internal cooling, external cooling and minimum quantity lubricant (MQL) condition. Three types of tools are used to machine aluminum; 140° twist drill, 140° and 180° drill reamer. Various values of feed were involved while cutting speed and depth of cut are kept constant. From the result it showed that 140° twist drill has produced low cutting (thrust) force and temperature. In addition, low value of cutting force and temperature were also generated when applying low feed and internal cooling condition for all tools

    Design and Investigate of Flushing System for Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Application

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    Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is high precision machining process in which no actual contact between the workpiece and electrode during sparking. Dielectric fluid play a role as flushing medium and semiconductor between workpiece and electrode to stabilization and controlled spark gap ionization condition. In real condition, nozzle flushing system in EDM machine not able to complete remove debris formed during machining and affect the machining performance. Improper flushing due to lack of guideline at setup position of nozzle and inlet pressure caused low material removal rate, irregular tool and higher cost on raw material. To overcome this problem, the design and investigate of flushing system in EDM application is required. The design and investigation undergo by simulation of ANSYS Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with a virtual experiment to accurate prediction of flushing performance. The influence of nozzle size and inlet pressure supplied on flushing efficiency were analyzed to avoid improper flushing on die-sinking EDM process. The simulation and experiments clarified that the higher inlet pressure, P=0.20 bar and larger nozzle diameter, D=6mm resulting in higher total pressure which is 2647.16 Pa. Furthermore, the streamline of velocity and eddy viscosity contour in the work tank using to analyze the turbulence zone by nozzle flushing obtained by the CFD analysis. The condition in case 5 (D=5mm, P=0.15 bar) is more efficiency on debris removal rate based on the result of high total pressure on machining zone and eddy viscosity contour showed the turbulence zone only formed area near to outlet of system. The model results have been shown good agreement with experiment and co-relation data


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari bagaimana cara sintesis aerogel silika dari lumpur Lapindo dengan metode pengeringan pada tekanan ruang. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio volume penambahan trimetilklorosilan (TMCS) sebagai agen pemodifikasi permukaan terhadap sifat fisik dan sifat kimia aerogel silika yang dihasilkan. Sintesis diawali dengan ekstraksi silika dari lumpur Lapindo yang sebelumnya telah dikalsinasi pada suhu 900 °C menggunakan NaOH 3 M. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa hidrogel silika, selanjutnya dicetak dan dikeringkan hingga didapat gel silika yang padat. Gel tersebut selanjutnya direndam dalam metanol dan campuran pelarut heksana:TMCS:metanol dengan rasio volume 1:1:1 masing-masing selama 24 jam. Kemudian gel dikeringkan pada suhu kamar selama 24 jam, suhu 50 °C selama dua jam, dan suhu 120 °C selama satu jam. Karakterisasi aerogel dilakukan dengan menganalisa morfologi aerogel, menganalisa gugus fungsi, menguji hidrofobitas, dan menguji sifat kelarutan. Semakin banyak penambahan TMCS maka volume pori semakin besar sehingga aerogel semakin rapuh. Analisa gugus fungsi menggunakan spektrofotometer IR menunjukkan bahwa permukaan aerogel silika berhasil dimodifikasi yaitu ditunjukkan adanya puncak pada bilangan gelombang 848,62; 1379,01; dan 2962,46 cm-1 yang menunjukkan adanya gugus Si-CH3. Rasio mol H2SiO3:TMCS yang menghasilkan sifat hidrofobitas pada aerogel adalah 1:0,82 dan 1:1,65. Kata kunci: aerogel silika, gel silika, lumpur Lapindo, pengeringan pada tekanan ruang, trimetilklosila

    Enhancing Interaction Flow Modeling Language Metamodels for Designing Features of Rich Internet Applications

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    Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) became to standard of interactive web applications on the internet fastly. It is a complex application with a rich user interface that distributed the data between client and server also allowing an asynchronous communication between them, but web engineering methods are not able to design and implement these features impeccably. The recent web engineering method is Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) which adopted by Object Management Group (OMG). It has many features for developing interactions in web application compared with other web engineering methods but also has limitation for designing RIA features. In this paper, we enhance IFML method through extension the metamodels by using UML extension mechanism, in which, we define new IFML metamodel and some new elements to cope RIA features designing in data distribution between client and server. The results show that this enhancement enables IFML to develop the new types of web applications efficiently

    Monitoring Suhu udara Kawasan Gunung Aktif berbasis IoT

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    Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat alat monitoring suhu pada gunung - gunung aktif dengan menggunakan sensor LM35 sebagai sensor suhu pada objek yang diteliti, Arduino sebagai pemrosesan data dan memanfaatkan teknologi Internet Of Things (IOT) sebagai sarana informasi secara cepat dan akurat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode prototype. Alat ukur ini dibuat menggunakan modul Arduino ESP6288 yang diprogram dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C dan komputer sebagai antarmuka. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat ukur yang dirancang dapat mengukur suhu pada sistem dapat memberikan informasi suhu pada LCD, Internet Of Things (IOT) secara tepat dan akurat

    Application Design of Farmbot based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    The agribusiness sector is the largest economic sector and the most important part of the Indonesian national economy, but the agribusiness sector begins to experience threats in fulfilling human food. Fulfillment of food faced some challenges including an increase in population, which means rising food, urbanization resulting in a decrease in the number of farmers and dietary changes, limited resources (land and air), changes to facilitate and waste food. This corresponds to the data issued by the United Nations, which is the fulfillment of food from approximately 9.6 billion people in the world in 2050 [2]. Along with that, the agricultural land area also decreased due to the transfer of agricultural land function. Farmbot can increase agricultural production to solve human food because it can manage crops within 24 hours without stopping. Farmbot is liquid of agricultural robots that can plant seeds with regular, watering plants and monitoring plant growth. Farmbot can be controlled through an application interface that allows remote access from any location in easy Internet-connected devices. In this study, it will create an automation system that can plant seeds, watering agricultural crops by controlling air production, monitoring plant conditions, plant databases by using applications and designing algorithms to detect crops. Besides, other ways can measure the moisture of the soil to scheduling watering as a watering parameter. To implement this feature can work using a robotic hand with a CNC (Computer Numeric Control) gesture system that would be controlled by the Arduino and Raspberry PI. Following are the procedures for implementing agricultural automation with IoT applications (Internet of Things), seedlings with the help of seeders that stored in plant databases, watering and direct monitoring by users who use camera help

    Comparison between Dry, MQL, and Cryogenic Cooling Technique on Surface Integrity of Burnished Surface

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    Environmental concerns has contributed towards higher demands for green products. Therefore, various machining conditions, such as dry and near dry machining have been introduced to resolve the cutting fluid problem. However, the application of cryogenic cooling still not well understood especially for burnishing process. It is essential to initiate a study on the effect of cryogenic cooling technique to substitute other techniques to improvement burnishing process. Carbon dioxide is used as the cryogenic gas under supercritical state, and compare with dry and minimal quantity lubricant. Solid carbide burnishing tool is used with a diameter and corner radius of 16 mm and 1 mm, respectively. The result shows that burnishing process under cryogenic condition recorded less burn mark and better tool wear than dry and MQL conditions. In addition, cryogenic condition exhibits significant grain refinement and surface hardness. In conclusion, the performance of carbon dioxide gas under supercritical state outperformed other coolant conditions

    Pengembangan Program Preventive Maintenance Dengan Menggunakan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (Rcm II) Dan Perhitungan Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee) Di Plant Ammonia PT Pupuk Kujang 1a

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    PT. Pupuk Kujang adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi pupuk dimana Perusahaan tersebut memproduksi berbagai  jenis pupuk diantaranya  jenis ammonia, urea, dan granular. Untuk memproduksi sesuai dengan target  produksi  tentu  didukung  oleh  mesin  dan  peralatan  disetiap  tahapan  prosesnya  dan  harus dioperasikan dengan efektif dan efisien, untuk mengoperasikan mesin dan peralatan secara efektif dan efisien  diperlukan  sistem  perawatan  mesin  yang  baik.  Metode  penelitian  yang  digunakan  adalah Reliability Centered Maintenance II dengan memadukan analisis kualitatif yang meliputi FMEA dan RCM II  Decision Worksheet. Metode  Reliability  Centered Maintenance  II  ini  digunakan  untuk  menentukan kegiatan  interval  perawatan  berdasarkan  pada  RCM  II  Decision Worksheet  sesuai  dengan  fungsi  dan sistem  kerja  pada  equipment kritis  dan  FMEA  digunakan  untuk mengidentidikasi penyebab kegagalan dan efek yang ditimbulkan dari kegagalan tersebut. Metode lain yang digunakan yaitu dengan perhitungan Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dan Six Big Losses untuk mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab penurunan efektivitas mesin produksi

    Perancangan User Requirements Specification (Urs) Sistem Otomasi Untuk Proses Chamfer Stopper Valve Pada Mesin Bench Lathe Sd-32a Di PT Dharma Precision Parts

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    PT Dharma Precision Parts merupakan Perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi komponen yang terbuat dari logam melalui proses pemesinan, salah satu produknya adalah stopper valve. Karena meningkatnya persaingan dan permintaan, Perusahaan harus mampu mengurangi waktu proses untuk memenuhi permintaan. Waktu proses pada sistem awal yaitu sekitar 9.92 detik/part. Perusahaan melakukan modifikasi mesin Bench Lathe SD-32A untuk mengurangi waktu proses dengan menerapkan teknologi otomasi. Menerapkan teknologi otomatisasi dalam Perusahaan akan mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan seperti mengurangi waktu proses, meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan kualitas produk. Penerapan sistem otomasi membutuhkan perencanaan yang baik dan pertimbangan untuk mendapatkan sistem baru sesuai dengan fungsi yang diharapkan dan untuk mencegah terjadinya perancangan ulang pada sistem. Penelitian ini fokus pada perancangan User Requirement Specification (URS) yang terdiri dari kumpulan informasi kebutuhan untuk perancangan sistem otomasi pada industri manufaktur. Perancangan URS terdiri dari process description, deskripsi aliran listrik pada setiap peralatan yang saling terhubung, dan control philosophy. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa perancangan URS untuk stopper valve chamfering proses berhasil diimplementasikan dengan mendapatkan waktu proses baru yaitu sekitar 5 detik/part. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penjelasan mengenai deskripsi proses, electrical diagram, dan control philosophy