11 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Literatur dalam Tesis Manajemen Informasi Perpustakaan

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    Scientific publication must be accountable for its sources, processes and results. This research is based on allegations of diversity citations used in research. These assumptions are influenced by research topics, knowledge development, technology, shifting of the library paradigm, librarian and student competencies. The purpose of this research is to mapping developments literature on thesis Library Information Management (MIP) students. The results of the study can be used as a reference consideration (secondary data) for further research. The research method uses bibliometric citation analysis. Citations are grouped with the help of co-classification mapping theory and will be elaborated descriptively based on predetermined indicators. The total data examined is 63 theses consisting of 2709 literatures. The Indicators used to analyze include the language of literature, the type of literature, the subject of literature, the list of authors along with the title of the essay and the list of publishers. The Citation analysis results include: (1). Analysis of the language of literature is to find out the variety of languages, it can be seen from the increasing use of foreign-language literature. (2). Analysis of the type of literature is to answer the development of literature. (3). Analysis of the subject used to mapping knowledge, the subject is influenced by the research perspective. (4). The essence of the results of the citation analysis using these indicators reveals that the citations in the Information Management and Library thesis of the 2007/2008-2012 / 2013 class vary. The mapping of the literature shows that annually experiencing development, change, and dynamic due to the main factor of technology and student ability


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    This article was written to deliver the idea of the need for digital literacy competencies for archival graduate students in an era of disruption to meet the needs of users and professional development so that in the end the success of digital literacy becomes a new benchmark for soft skills competencies for archiving program graduates. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using the FGD method for collecting data from informants, namely users and graduates of the archiving program itself. The results show that graduates of archives have not been able to meet the needs of soft skill competencies according to user demands, especially regarding the use of digital technology in supporting the implementation of tasks and jobs. It is suggested that college can facilitate the efforts to increase digital literacy competence through learning methods, in addition to students also trying to improve their experience in the use of digital technology

    Komunikasi Kreatif Budaya Madura Melalui Lagu

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    Lagu memiliki fungsi sebagai media komunikasi untuk mentransmisikan atau menyebarkan pesan. Melalu konsep New Media semua kalangan bisa mengakses lagu kapan saja dan dimana saja tanpa batasan. Lagu adalah salah satu metode komunikasi kreatif dalam mengirim pesan kepada khalayak. Mendengarkan lagu merupakan peristiwa terjadinya proses komunikasi dimana khalayak sebagai komunikan tidak hanya mendengarkan lirik. Namun komunikan juga ikut meresapi pesan dalam lirik lagu yang dibawakan oleh penyanyi. Lagu merupakan media komunikasi yang mudah diterima dan didengar oleh semua kalangan. Sehingga lagu kemudian dipakai sebagai media komunikasi yang universal dan efektif. Pesan yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu memiliki muatan berupa nilai-nilai tertentu baik pesan moral, budaya, atau bahkan kritikan. Melalui lagu proses transmisi nilai budaya bisa dilakukan yakni dengan menggunakan lirik-lirik yang mengandung pesan moral. Lagu bisa menjadi media dalam mewariskan identitas kultural antar generasi. Bahkan lagu bisa berfungsi sebagai bentuk kritik sosial dan ajakan kepada masyarakat untuk kembali peduli dengan budaya leluhurnya. Lagu berbahasa Madura berjudul “Kacong tor Jhebbing” adalah sebuah contoh komunikasi kreatif melalui sebuah lagu. Didalamnya terdapat proses transmisi pesan tentang budaya Madura kepada khalayak khususnya orang madura. Lirik lagu ciptaan Adrian Pawitra ini berisi representasi identitas kultural orang Madura. Konotasi citra positif tentang orang Madura divisualisasikan melalui subtansi lirik lagu. Ajakan untuk peduli & melestarikan adat Madura terdapat dalam lagu “Kacong tor Jhebbing”. Stereotype orang Madura yang terkesan negatif dan telah melekat cukup lama berusaha diluruskan kembali melalui lirik lagu “Kacong tor Jhebbing”. Lagu sebagai salah satu media komunikasi massa dengan pengaruh dan penyebaran cukup luas merupakan fakta penting untuk dikaji. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif deskripstif kajian dilakukan terhadap objek lagu “Kacong tor Jhebbing”. Metode analisis wacana digunakan dalam menganalisis lirik lagu “Kacong tor Jhebbing”. Sumber data utama dalam kajian adalah lirik lagu kemudian diperkuat data tambahan berupa wawancara dengan pencipta lagu

    The Influence of the Blended Learning Model on Students Digital Learning : Meta-Analysis

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    Blended learning model research has been widely carried out in the world of education, but no meta-analysis of blended learning models has been found on students' digital literacy. This research aims to determine the effect of the blended learning model on students' digital literacy. This research is a type of meta-analysis research. This research analyzes 11 effect sizes sourced from Google Scholar, ERIC, ScienceDirect and Wiley from 2019-2023 which includes 220 students. Data analysis with the help of the JSAP application. This research concludes that the summary effect size value obtained from the random effect model is 0.793 with medium criteria. These findings show that the blended learning model can have a significant influence on students' digital literacy

    The Effect of Flipped Classroom Size on Students' Critical Thinking Abilities

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    purpose of this research is to determine the effect of flipped classroom size on students' critical thinking abilities. This type of research is meta-analysis. The data source comes from an analysis of 12 national and international journals published in 2018-2023. Data source search process via Google Scholar; ERIC, ScienceDirect, Wiley; ProQuest, DOAJ and EBSCO. Data selection using the PRISMA method consists of identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion. These findings conclude that the flipped classroom has a positive influence on students' critical thinking skills with a summary effect size value ( rRE= 0.799). The flipped classroom has a moderate influence on students' critical thinking abilities at schoo

    Perspektif Milenial Seri 2 Pejuang Masa Depan

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    Buku ini menyajikan berbagai kisah dari kacamata dosen sebagai pendidik, dan cerita tentang pengabdian sebagai dosen UT yang harus mampu melakukan tugas tridarma dan kegiatan penunjang dengan segala kompleksitas pendidikan terbuka dan jarak jau

    Interpretation of Soft Skills in Archives

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    This article aims to explain the results of research related to the development of interpretation soft skills triggered by the implementation of WFH during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The development of the meaning of soft skills needs to be well understood by archivists to challenges of the world of work. The development of digital technology is a challenge that must be immediately facilitated. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used forms and interviews, with archivists for samples from local government, private sector, and ANRI. The results showed that the interpretation of soft skills is no longer a function of meaning but has developed into an implicative function. Based on the results of this study, it was found that soft skills have an important and needed function, namely the need skill for digital literacy. It was concluded that the use of digital literacy skills was seen in the implementation of WFH during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Effectiveness of the Internet of Things in Increasing Students Creativity

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Internet of Things to increase student creativity. This type of research is a meta-analysis. The research data came from searching the databases of Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Researchgate and Springer. The inclusion criteria in the research are research published in international journals or proceedings indexed by Scopus, Wos and Sinta, Research related to the Internet of Things to increase student creativity, research must be published 2020-2024, and research has complete data to calculate the value of effect size. Statistical analysis in research with JSAP application .0.8.5. The results of the study concluded that the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) had a significant effect on student creativity with a very high summary effect size (rRE = 1.117) in the effect size category. These findings explain that the Internet of Things is effective in helping students increase their learning creativity in schools