3 research outputs found


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    The growth in the number of netizens is now the impact of increasingly easy internet penetration and high penetration of social media that is easily accessed via smartphone gadgets. Research conducted by Candrasari (2016) states that female internet users cannot be separated from their social media. Within a day of 2-3 hours, his time is spent accessing digital media. Therefore digital competencies are needed for girls to avoid the negative effects of the internet. The purpose of this study is to get a picture of the competence of adolescent girls. Digital competence is a form of using technology safely and critically to facilitate work, get entertainment and to communicate (E. Encabo & Murcia, J: 2011: 166). This research was conducted on adolescent girls in Surabaya with qualitative research methods. Data obtained through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and literature studies. The results of the study indicate that the digital competence of adolescent girls is still not good, especially in the categories of skills using the internet, information management and responsibility for using internet which is still low. Only in the category of communication and sharing digital competence of young women is goo

    PERILAKU PELAKU CYBERBULLYING MELALUI INSTAGRAM: (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Remaja Perempuan di Surabaya)

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    Penelitian membahas mengenai fenomena perilaku cyberbullying melalui media sosial instagram -dengan melihat sisi dari para pelaku. Dewasa ini, pengguna instagram terus meningkat, namun sayangnya hal ini tidak diikuti dengan literasi digital. Sehingga, sering kali instagram disalahgunakan. Penelitian ini tergolong ke dalam penelitian dengan metode kualitatif yang dalam pendekatannya menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Dalam mendapatkan data terkait penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan kerangka fenomenologis, di mana peneliti ingin fokus pada pengalaman sebagai pelaku yang dimiliki oleh remaja perempuan di Surabaya berkaitan dengan fenomena cyberbullying. Dari hasil wawancara dan didukung bukti di akun instagram para informan sebagai pelaku cyberbullying, peneliti melihat bahwa latar belakang perilaku pelaku cyberbullying sangat dekat dengan dorongan balas dendam. Para pelaku cyberbullying sangat memanfaatkan instagram sebagai sarana mereka melancarkan aksinya karena instagram menjadi salah satu aplikasi yang amat populer di berbagai kalangan -terutama para remaja dan instagram mempersilahkan kebebasan dalam bertindak dan bersikap

    Young Women Digital Competence in Using the Internet in Surabaya

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    The growth in the number of netizens is now the impact of increasingly easy internet penetration and high penetration of social media that is easily accessed via smartphone gadgets. Research conducted by Candrasari (2016) states that female internet users cannot be separated from their social media. Within a day of 2-3 hours, his time is spent accessing digital media. Therefore digital competencies are needed for girls to avoid the negative effects of the internet. The purpose of this study is to get a picture of the competence of adolescent girls. Digital competence is a form of using technology safely and critically to facilitate work, get entertainment and to communicate (E. Encabo & Murcia, J: 2011: 166). This research was conducted on adolescent girls in Surabaya with qualitative research methods. Data obtained through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and literature studies. The results of the study indicate that the digital competence of adolescent girls is still not good, especially in the categories of skills using the internet, information management and responsibility for using internet which is still low. Only in the category of communication and sharing digital competence of young women is goo