210 research outputs found

    Biogeographical patterns of the neotropical genus Battus Scopoli 1777 (Lepidoptera Papilionidae)

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    A phylogenetic approach to the groups of species of the neotropical Troidines currently included in the genus Battus Scopoli 1777 has been conducted. In the light of historical and ecological processes of evolution in the neotropical biota, the cladogram of Battiti is discussed. General vicariance patterns, as well as dispersal events which contributed to the present distribution of the taxa, are suggested to have operated at different spatial and temporal points

    Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought

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    The tension between reason and revelation has occupied Jewish philosophers for centuries, who, on the one hand, were committed to defending Judaism and on the other hand to remaining loyal to philosophical principles. The present publication focuses on sceptical questions, methods, strategies, and approaches raised by Jewish thinkers in the Middle Ages

    How do farmers research and learn? The example of organic farmers’ experiments and innovations: A research concept

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    Experimenting, adapting and innovating are central features of farmers’ activities all over the world. Farmers hold valuable knowledge about their environment, they actively do experiments, and have their own research traditions. The development of organic farming systems is continually evolving through the experiments and innovations of organic farmers. So far, there has been little attempt to study the nature, characteristics, and factors associated with the experimental processes of farmers in a systematic, comprehensive way. A current research project investigates learning processes of organic farmers in Austria, Cuba and Israel through researching the multifaceted experiments they conduct and the innovations they obtain as possible results. This paper presents the research concept of the project

    Paternidades ilhadas : atualizações da paternidade em tempos de isolamento social

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    A masculinidade e a paternidade são produções que se incrustam nos corpos a partir da repetição e, geralmente, não estão atreladas à prática de cuidado. Alguns desses corpos masculinos, produzidos sob a repetição da violência, endurecimento dos corpos, repulsa dos afetos, encontraram-se ilhados e encurralados em suas casas, com as crianças, durante o isolamento social decorrente da pandemia de COVID-19. A partir desse tensionamento que se impõe, a seguinte questão emerge: como se atualizam as experiências de paternidades que estão em isolamento social? Assim, essa pesquisa se dá pela realização de oficinas com pais que se encontravam em isolamento social durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil, ocorrida entre maio e junho de 2021. Esses encontros buscaram ser um espaço de acolhimento para esses pais, e, de problematização das paternidades em questão. Além disto, foi realizado o convite para a produção de mapas atencionais, ancorado nos trabalhos de Fernand Deligny. A partir destes, foram produzidos textos que buscaram tensionar e problematizar, para além de uma representação, situações e narrativas que surgiram durante as oficinas. Os mapas, assim como os encontros, buscaram tensionar essa relação para com as crianças que habitaram o mesmo território desses pais, principalmente por estarem em isolamento social. Ao longo do trabalho é discutida a masculinidade, a paternidade, e, os materiais produzidos durante a pesquisa.Masculinity and paternity are productions that are embedded in bodies through repetition, and are generally not involved to the practice of care. Some of these male bodies, produced under the repetition of violence, hardening of bodies, repulsion of affection, found themselves isolated and cornered in their homes, with the children, during the social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. From this tension that is imposed, the following question emerges: how experiences of paternity are updated during social isolation? Thus, this research takes place through the realization of a workshop with parents who were in social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil, which took place between May and June 2021. These meetings sought to be a safe space for these parents, and, a place to problematize our paternity. In addition, an invitation was made to produce attentional maps, based on the works of Fernand Deligny. From these, texts were produced that sought to tension and problematize, in addition to a representation, situations and narratives that emerged during the workshops. The maps, as well as the meetings, sought to stress this relationship with the children who lived in the same territory as these parents who are fathers, mainly because they were in social isolation. Throughout the work, masculinity, paternity, and the materials produced during the research are discussed

    Electrocardiographic changes in hiatal hernia: a case report

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    We describe the case of a 78-year-old woman admitted to our department for suspected silent myocardial ischaemia with the evidence of T wave inversion in anterior lead. All the instrumental exams excluded inducible myocardial ischaemia. A gastroscopy showed a moderate hiatal hernia. We postulate that electrocardiogram modification could be attributed to hiatal hernia

    Perfectionism and therapeutic alliance: a review of the clinical research

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    In this review, we synthesize findings regarding the relationship between perfectionism and therapeutic alliance, most of which come from analyses by Blatt and colleagues. Results suggest what follows. First, patients’ initial level of perfectionism negatively affects patients’ bond with therapists and perception of therapists’ Rogerian attributes (empathy, congruence, and regard) early in treatment and engagement in therapy later in treatment. Second, therapists’ contribution to alliance is not seemingly affected by patients’ initial perfectionism level. Third, individual patients of therapists who are perceived on average by their patients to be higher on Rogerian attributes experience greater decreases in perfectionism and symptoms. Fourth, more positive perceptions of therapists’ Rogerian attributes early in treatment lead to greater symptom decrease for patients with moderate perfectionism. Fifth, greater early patient engagement in therapy is related to greater decrease in perfectionism, but a strong relationship with the therapist may be necessary for an accompanied greater decrease in symptoms. The relationship between pre-treatment perfectionism and alliance is partially explained by higher levels of hostility and lower levels of positive affect. Sixth, the relationship between pre-treatment perfectionism and outcome is almost entirely explained by level of patient contribution to alliance and satisfaction with social network, highlighting the importance of focusing on social functioning for patients with high perfectionism (both in and outside of the session). Limitations include that most of the findings are from analyses of one large data set and a range of measurement issues. Future research should utilize different measures, perspectives, and populations and examine specific session process

    DeepSTORM3D: dense three dimensional localization microscopy and point spread function design by deep learning

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    Localization microscopy is an imaging technique in which the positions of individual nanoscale point emitters (e.g. fluorescent molecules) are determined at high precision from their images. This is the key ingredient in single/multiple-particle-tracking and several super-resolution microscopy approaches. Localization in three-dimensions (3D) can be performed by modifying the image that a point-source creates on the camera, namely, the point-spread function (PSF). The PSF is engineered using additional optical elements to vary distinctively with the depth of the point-source. However, localizing multiple adjacent emitters in 3D poses a significant algorithmic challenge, due to the lateral overlap of their PSFs. Here, we train a neural network to receive an image containing densely overlapping PSFs of multiple emitters over a large axial range and output a list of their 3D positions. Furthermore, we then use the network to design the optimal PSF for the multi-emitter case. We demonstrate our approach numerically as well as experimentally by 3D STORM imaging of mitochondria, and volumetric imaging of dozens of fluorescently-labeled telomeres occupying a mammalian nucleus in a single snapshot.Comment: main text: 9 pages, 5 figures, supplementary information: 29 pages, 20 figure
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