20 research outputs found

    A comprehensive profile of chemokine gene expression in the tissues of the female reproductive tract in mice

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    Homeostatic leukocyte trafficking into and within the female reproductive tract (FRT) contributes to fertility and reproductive health. It is unclear how this process is regulated in the anatomically distinct reproductive tissues, or whether the genes involved are affected by cyclical changes in reproductive hormones. In tissues such as skin and intestine, mouse studies have defined evolutionarily conserved molecular mechanisms for tissue-specific homing, interstitial positioning, and leukocyte egress. Chemokine family members are invariably involved, with the chemokine expression profile of a tissue regulating leukocyte content. Reproductive tissues (ovary, vagina, cervix, uterine horn) of 8 week old virgin female C57BL/6 mice (n = 20) were collected, and expression of mRNA for leukocyte markers and chemokines conducted by qPCR. Lymphocytic and myeloid cell populations within the uterus, cervix, bone marrow and PALN from virgin C57BL/6 mice were determined by flow cytometric analysis. Variation in leukocyte content between reproductive tissues is evident, with the uterus and cervix containing complex mixtures of lymphocytes and myeloid cells. Twenty-six chemokine genes are expressed in the FRT, many by several component tissues, some preferentially by one. Most striking are Xcl1 and Ccl28, which are restricted to the uterus. Ccl20 and genes encoding CXCR2 ligands are primarily transcribed in cervix and vagina. Ovary shows the lowest expression of most chemokine genes, with the notable exception of Ccl21 and Ccl27. We also identify eight chemokines in the vagina whose expression fluctuates substantially across the oestrous cycle. These data reveal complex chemokine networks within the FRT, and provide a framework for future studies of homeostatic leukocyte trafficking into and within these tissues

    Integrative Gene Regulatory Network Analysis Reveals Light-Induced Regional Gene Expression Phase Shift Programs in the Mouse Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

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    We use the multigenic pattern of gene expression across suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) regions and time to understand the dynamics within the SCN in response to a circadian phase-resetting light pulse. Global gene expression studies of the SCN indicate that circadian functions like phase resetting are complex multigenic processes. While the molecular dynamics of phase resetting are not well understood, it is clear they involve a “functional gene expression program”, e.g., the coordinated behavior of functionally related genes in space and time. In the present study we selected a set of 89 of these functionally related genes in order to further understand this multigenic program. By use of high-throughput qPCR we studied 52 small samples taken by anatomically precise laser capture from within the core and shell SCN regions, and taken at time points with and without phase resetting light exposure. The results show striking regional differences in light response to be present in the mouse SCN. By using network-based analyses, we are able to establish a highly specific multigenic correlation between genes expressed in response to light at night and genes normally activated during the day. The light pulse triggers a complex and highly coordinated network of gene regulation. The largest differences marking neuroanatomical location are in transmitter receptors, and the largest time-dependent differences occur in clock-related genes. Nighttime phase resetting appears to recruit transcriptional regulatory processes normally active in the day. This program, or mechanism, causes the pattern of core region gene expression to transiently shift to become more like that of the shell region

    Agribusiness Sheep Updates - 2004 part 2

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    Precision Pastures Using Species Diversity to Improve Pasture Performance Anyou Liu and Clinton Revell, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia New Annual Pasture Legumes for Sheep Graziers Phil Nichols, Angelo Loi, Brad Nutt and Darryl McClements Department of Agriculture Western Australia Pastures from Space – Can Satellite Estimates of Pasture Growth Rate be used to Increase Farm Profit? Lucy Anderton, Stephen Gherardi and Chris Oldham Department of Agriculture Western Australia Summer-active Perennial Grasses for Profitable Sheep Production Paul Sanford and John Gladman, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Pastures From Space – Validation Of Predictions Of Pasture Growth Rates DONALD, G.E.A, EDIRISINGHE, A.A, HENRY, D.A.A, MATA, G.A, GHERARDI, S.G.B, OLDHAM, C.M.B, GITTINS, S.P.B AND SMITH, R. C. G.C ACSIRO, Livestock Industries, PMB 5, Wembley, WA, 6913. BDepartment of Agriculture Western Australia, Bentley, WA, 6983. C Department of Land Information Western Australia, Floreat, WA, 6214. Production and Management of Biserrula Pasture - Managing the Risk of Photosensitivity Dr Clinton Revell and Roy Butler, Department of Agriculture Western Australia Meat Quality of Sheep Grazed on a Saltbush-based Pasture Kelly Pearce1,2, David Masters1, David Pethick2, 1 CSIRO LIVESTOCK INDUSTRIES, WEMBLEY, WA 2 SCHOOL OF VETERINARY AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE, MURDOCH UNIVERSITY, MURDOCH, WA Precision Sheep Lifetime Wool – Carryover Effects on Subsequent Reproduction of the Ewe Flock Chris Oldham, Department of Agriculture Western Australia Andrew Thompson, Primary Industries Research Victoria (PIRVic), Dept of Primary Industries, Hamilton, Vic Ewe Productivity Trials - a Linked Analysis Ken Hart, Johan Greeff, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Beth Paganoni, School of Animal Biology, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Western Australia. Grain Finishing Systems For Prime Lambs Rachel Kirby, Matt Ryan, Kira Buttler, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia The Effects of Nutrition and Genotype on the Growth and Development, Muscle Biochemistry and Consumer Response to Lamb Meat David Pethick, Department of Veterinary Science, Murdoch University, WA, Roger Heggarty and David Hopkins, New South Wales Agriculture ‘Lifetime Wool’ - Effects of Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation on Mortality of Progeny to Hogget Shearing Samantha Giles, Beth Paganoni and Tom Plaisted, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Mark Ferguson and Darren Gordon, Primary Industries Research Victoria (PIRVic), Dept of Primary Industries, Hamilton, Vic Lifetime Wool - Target Liveweights for the Ewe Flock J. Young, Farming Systems Analysis Service, Kojonup, C. Oldham, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, A. Thompson, Primary Industries Research Victoria (PIRVic), Hamilton, VIC Lifetime Wool - Effects of Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation on the Growth and Wool Production of their Progeny at Hogget Shearing B. Paganoni, University of Western Australia, Nedlands WA, C. Oldham, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, M. Ferguson, A. Thompson, Primary Industries Research Victoria (PIRVic), Hamilton, VIC RFID Technology – Esperance Experiences Sandra Brown, Department of Agriculture Western Australia The Role of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology in Prime Lamb Production - a Case Study. Ian McFarland, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. John Archer, Producer, Narrogin, Western Australia Win with Twins from Merinos John Milton, Rob Davidson, Graeme Martin and David Lindsay The University of Western Australia Precision Sheep Need Precision Wool Harvesters Jonathan England, Castle Carrock Merinos, Kingston SE, South Australia Business EBVs and Indexes – Genetic Tools for your Toolbox Sandra Brown, Department of Agriculture Western Australia Green Feed Budget Paddock Calculator Mandy Curnow, Department of Agriculture Western Australia Minimising the Impact of Drought - Evaluating Flock Recovery Options using the ImPack Model Karina P. Wood, Ashley K. White, B. Lloyd Davies, Paul M. Carberry, NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI), Lifetime Wool - Modifying GrazFeed® for WA Mike Hyder, Department of Agriculture Western Australia , Mike Freer, CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra, A.C.T. , Andrew van Burgel, and Kazue Tanaka, Department of Agriculture Western Australia Profile Calculator – A Way to Manage Fibre Diameter Throughout the Year to Maximise Returns Andrew Peterson, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Pasture Watch - a Farmer Friendly Tool for Downloading and Analysing Pastures from Space Data Roger Wiese,Fairport Technologies International, South Perth, WA, Stephen Gherardi, BDepartment of Agriculture Western Australia, Gonzalo Mata, CCSIRO, Livestock Industries, Wembley, Western Australia, and Chris Oldham, Department of Agriculture Western Australia Sy Sheep Cropping Systems An Analysis of a Cropping System Containing Sheep in a Low Rainfall Livestock System. Evan Burt, Amanda Miller, Anne Bennett, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Lucerne-based Pasture for the Central Wheatbelt – is it Good Economics? Felicity FluggeA, Amir AbadiA,B and Perry DollingA,B,A CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity: BDept. of Agriculture, WA Sheep and Biserrula can Control Annual Ryegrass Dean Thomas, John Milton, Mike Ewing and David Lindsay, The University of WA, Clinton Revell, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Sustainable Management Pasture Utilisation, Fleece Weight and Weaning Rate are Integral to the Profitability of Dohnes and SAMMs. Emma Kopke,Department of Agriculture Western Australia, John Young, Farming Systems Analysis Service Environmental Impact of Sheep Confinement Feeding Systems E A Dowling and E K Crossley, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Smart Grazing Management for Production and Environmental Outcomes Dr Brien E (Ben) Norton, Centre for the Management of Arid Environments, Curtin University of Technology, WA Common Causes of Plant Poisoning in the Eastern Wheatbelt of Western Australia. Roy Butler, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Selecting Sheep for Resistance to Worms and Production Trait Responses John Karlsson, Johan Greeff, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Geoff Pollott, Imperial College, London UK Production and Water Use of Lucerne and French Serradella in Four Soil Types, Diana Fedorenko1,4, Darryl McClements2,4 and Robert Beard3,4, 12Department of Agriculture, Western Australia; 3Farmer, Meckering; 4CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity. Worm Burdens in Sheep at Slaughter Brown Besier, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Una Ryan, Caroline Bath, Murdoch Universit

    The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 suppresses Th17 responses to protein autoantigens

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    Chemokine-directed leukocyte migration is a critical component of all innate and adaptive immune responses. The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 is expressed by lymphatic endothelial cells and scavenges pro-inflammatory CC chemokines to indirectly subdue leukocyte migration. This contributes to the resolution of acute inflammatory responses <i>in vivo</i>. ACKR2 is also universally expressed by innate-like B cells, suppressing their responsiveness to the non-ACKR2 ligand CXCL13, and controlling their distribution <i>in vivo</i>. The role of ACKR2 in autoimmunity remains relatively unexplored, although <i>Ackr2</i> deficiency reportedly lessens the clinical symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis induced by immunization with encephalogenic peptide (MOG<sub>35–55</sub>). This was attributed to poor T-cell priming stemming from the defective departure of dendritic cells from the site of immunization. However, we report here that <i>Ackr2</i>-deficient mice, on two separate genetic backgrounds, are not less susceptible to autoimmunity induced by immunization, and in some cases develop enhanced clinical symptoms. Moreover, ACKR2 deficiency does not suppress T-cell priming in response to encephalogenic peptide (MOG<sub>35–55</sub>), and responses to protein antigen (collagen or MOG<sub>1–125</sub>) are characterized by elevated interleukin-17 production. Interestingly, after immunization with protein, but not peptide, antigen, <i>Ackr2</i> deficiency was also associated with an increase in lymph node B cells expressing granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), a cytokine that enhances T helper type 17 (Th17) cell development and survival. Thus, <i>Ackr2</i> deficiency does not suppress autoreactive T-cell priming and autoimmune pathology, but can enhance T-cell polarization toward Th17 cells and increase the abundance of GM-CSF<sup>+</sup> B cells in lymph nodes draining the site of immunization

    The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 suppresses Th17 responses to protein autoantigens

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    Chemokine-directed leukocyte migration is a critical component of all innate and adaptive immune responses. The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 is expressed by lymphatic endothelial cells and scavenges pro-inflammatory CC chemokines to indirectly subdue leukocyte migration. This contributes to the resolution of acute inflammatory responses <i>in vivo</i>. ACKR2 is also universally expressed by innate-like B cells, suppressing their responsiveness to the non-ACKR2 ligand CXCL13, and controlling their distribution <i>in vivo</i>. The role of ACKR2 in autoimmunity remains relatively unexplored, although <i>Ackr2</i> deficiency reportedly lessens the clinical symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis induced by immunization with encephalogenic peptide (MOG<sub>35–55</sub>). This was attributed to poor T-cell priming stemming from the defective departure of dendritic cells from the site of immunization. However, we report here that <i>Ackr2</i>-deficient mice, on two separate genetic backgrounds, are not less susceptible to autoimmunity induced by immunization, and in some cases develop enhanced clinical symptoms. Moreover, ACKR2 deficiency does not suppress T-cell priming in response to encephalogenic peptide (MOG<sub>35–55</sub>), and responses to protein antigen (collagen or MOG<sub>1–125</sub>) are characterized by elevated interleukin-17 production. Interestingly, after immunization with protein, but not peptide, antigen, <i>Ackr2</i> deficiency was also associated with an increase in lymph node B cells expressing granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), a cytokine that enhances T helper type 17 (Th17) cell development and survival. Thus, <i>Ackr2</i> deficiency does not suppress autoreactive T-cell priming and autoimmune pathology, but can enhance T-cell polarization toward Th17 cells and increase the abundance of GM-CSF<sup>+</sup> B cells in lymph nodes draining the site of immunization

    Chirped-pulse millimeter-wave spectroscopy for dynamics and kinetics studies of pyrolysis reactions

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    A Chirped-Pulse millimeter-Wave (CPmmW) spectrometer is applied to the study of chemical reaction products that result from pyrolysis in a Chen nozzle heated to 1000 – 1800 K. Millimeter-wave rotational spectroscopy unambiguously determines, for each polar reaction product, the species, the conformers, relative concentrations, conversion percentage from precursor to each product, and, in some cases, vibrational state population distributions. A chirped-pulse spectrometer can, within the frequency range of a single chirp, sample spectral regions of up to ~10 GHz and simultaneously detect many reaction products. Here we introduce a modification to the CPmmW technique in which multiple chirps of different spectral content are applied to a molecular beam pulse that contains the pyrolysis reaction products. This technique allows for controlled allocation of its sensitivity to specific molecular transitions and effectively doubles the bandwidth of the spectrometer. As an example, the pyrolysis reaction of ethyl nitrite, CH[subscript 3]CH[subscript 2]ONO, is studied at different temperatures of the Chen reactor, and CH[subscript 3]CHO, H[subscript 2]CO, and HNO products are simultaneously observed, exploiting the multi-chirp CPmmW technique. Rotational and vibrational temperatures of some product molecules are determined. Subsequent to supersonic expansion from the heated nozzle, acetaldehyde molecules display a rotational temperature of 4 ± 1 K. Vibrational temperatures are found to be controlled by the collisional cooling in the expansion, and to be both species- and vibrational mode-dependent. Rotational transitions of vibrationally excited formaldehyde in levels ν[subscript 4], 2ν[subscript 4], 3ν[subscript 4], ν[subscipt 2], ν[subscript 3], and ν[subscript 6] are observed and effective vibrational temperatures for modes 2, 3, 4, and 6 are determined and discussed. Keywords: millimeter wave spectroscopy, microwave spectroscopy, broadband rotational spectroscopy, chirped pulse, free induction decay, fast passage, flash pyrolysis, branching, concentration of reaction products, kinetics, dynamics, thermal decomposition, ethyl nitrite, CH[subscript 3]CH[subscript 2]ONO, C[subscript 2]H[subscript 5]ONO, methyl nitrite, CH[subscript 3]ONO, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, nitroxyl, H[subscript 2]CO, CH[subscript 2]O, CH[subscript 3]CHO, HNO, multi-chirp, Chen nozzle, pulsed valve, tubular reactor, vibrational relaxation, collisional cooling, vibrational temperature, vibrational population distribution, rotational temperature, Coriolis interaction, ortho, para, nuclear spin statistics.United States. Army Research Office (Award 58245-CH-11

    Diagnostic blood RNA profiles for human acute spinal cord injury.

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    Diagnosis of spinal cord injury (SCI) severity at the ultra-acute stage is of great importance for emergency clinical care of patients as well as for potential enrollment into clinical trials. The lack of a diagnostic biomarker for SCI has played a major role in the poor results of clinical trials. We analyzed global gene expression in peripheral white blood cells during the acute injury phase and identified 197 genes whose expression changed after SCI compared with healthy and trauma controls and in direct relation to SCI severity. Unsupervised coexpression network analysis identified several gene modules that predicted injury severity (AIS grades) with an overall accuracy of 72.7% and included signatures of immune cell subtypes. Specifically, for complete SCIs (AIS A), ROC analysis showed impressive specificity and sensitivity (AUC: 0.865). Similar precision was also shown for AIS D SCIs (AUC: 0.938). Our findings indicate that global transcriptomic changes in peripheral blood cells have diagnostic and potentially prognostic value for SCI severity