1,086 research outputs found

    The Sea of the Universe: How Maritime Law\u27s Limitation on Liability Gets it Right, and Why Space Law Should Follow By Example

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    Space law, much like outer space itself, still remains largely un­navigated in some aspects. Space law is a term loosely used to dictate the body of law that refers to the international rules and regulations surrounding exploration and behavior while in outer space; while it quite uniformly covers questions of general damage control, international relations, and resource exploration, some areas of this body of law remain ambiguous and only partially implemented across the globe. One of these broad areas is the role of tort law in outer space-liability stemming from spacecraft collision and the resulting damage that occurs between the countries. This paper argues that since space law shares many similarities with maritime law, the law of the seas, certain maritime law regulations should be adopted. Maritime law has traditionally implemented the practice of limitation on liability since the passage of the Limitation of Liability Act, 46 U.S.C. §§ 181-196--a set of statutes that limits the liability of a defendant in a tort claim when damage has occurred to a ship, cargo vessel, or other related craft while at sea. Despite best efforts and careful planning, expensive accidents can still occur on land, while at sea, and now, with more frequent travel to outer space, the skies and beyond. To continue to encourage space exploration and research, nations should follow the longstanding example set out by maritime law in following limitations on liability. Extending a codified limitation on liability to space law will help pave the way for increased space exploration in the years to come. This measure will limit liability and thus the total amount of money a defendant might owe at the outcome of a collision settlement. This defendant will be in a better financial position to increase safety measures for continued exploration. Moreover, the window would be widened for other potential spacefarers who might have been wary at any associated costs with space travel and who would no longer need to worry about full liability were something to go wrong. The Limitation of Liability Act should be incorporated into space law to increase the presence of those already utilizing channels of space for both commercial and research purposes and to encourage new voyagers to the land beyond without quite the same hefty price tag attached

    The Song Style of Antonio Carlos Jobim: An Analysis of Four Songs

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    The songs of Antônio Carlos Jobim are a national treasure of Brazil, beloved around the world. Their beauty and subtle simplicity have enthralled audiences for the last 60 years, yet they often reveal some unusual construction. Following the lead of other Brazilian theorists, this study was commenced with the belief that applying rigorous theoretical analysis to bossa nova would show its qualityand enduring worth. Four songs were selected for analysis based on their importance in Jobim’s career and their centrality to the bossa nova genre, “Chega de Saudade,” “Corcovado,” “Insensatez,” and “Garota de Ipanema.” They are among the most recorded and widely-recognized of Jobim’s output. The music has not disappointed. Beautiful alterations in form were noted by comparing the various musical domains of melody, harmony, rhythm, and text. A variety of standard analysis methods with minimal modification were sufficient touncover much beauty in these pieces. The subtle simplicity of the surface was shown to cover layers of complexity which held up impeccably to scrutiny. This study will afford its readers a deeper appreciation of this unique corpus of music

    Effects of Acorns on Populations of \u3ci\u3eAedes\u3c/i\u3e Mosquitoes

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    Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito) and Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) are two mosquito species that are non-native to North America and are of medical importance. Both species can be found in aquatic container habitats, such as discarded tires and tree holes. In container habitats, the influx of detritus from the outside environment is essential to mosquito production and can include a variety of plant and animal material. Seeds from oak trees (acorns) can seasonally contribute to the detritus of these container habitats. This study examined the effect of acorns from the southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) on the performance of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Amounts of acorns were compared to oak leaves, which were based on tire samples from Mississippi. The mean, 50% of the mean, and 200% of the mean were used for each type alone, along with two asymmetrical mixtures of leaf and acorn. Tannins, secondary plant compounds that discourage herbivory, were measured across all treatment levels, and the levels were compared between leaf and acorn. Survival and λ’ (an estimation of populations growth) were used to evaluate performance of Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti. A significant treatment effect was observed among tannin levels, with more detritus leading to higher tannins; there were no difference in tannins between detritus types. In addition, I found a significant treatment effect on survival of both mosquito species. Survival was the lowest in the mean acorn treatment regardless of species. Values for λ’ between both species did not vary detritus types or amounts. Thus, although under certain circumstances acorns could limit mosquito performance, generally acorns and leaves represent similar resources for developing container Aedes


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    According to labor market data, there is core cognitive knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with STEM education that are in demand in not just STEM fields, but all areas of the workforce (Carnevale, Smith, & Melton, 2011; Rothwell, 2013). During the period from 2005 until 2015, STEM professions grew by 24.4% (Noonan, 2017). During this time, populations such as minorities continued to show a gap in their representation in STEM (Noonan, 2017). To effectively examine how to increase the rate of URM student success in STEM, more research is needed on the factors that might contribute to minority STEM interest, self-efficacy, and increase in career interests (Teitjen-Smith, Masters, & Smith 2009). This study aims to determine how underrepresented populations having access to an informal STEM learning experience impacts interest, self-efficacy, and career intentions in STEM using Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT). Through a case study design, the experiences of underrepresented adolescents who participated in a 2018 summer STEM robotics camp were examined through structured interviews. What follows represents a qualitative analysis of themes regarding how informal STEM learning experiences can impact underrepresented participants’ STEM interest, STEM self-efficacy, and STEM career interest

    Athena and Ares and a comparison of the two as divinities of war

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    Approved, W.G. ManlyTypescriptM.A. University of Missouri 1905The aim of this paper will be to set forth the conception of Athena as found in the principal early sources of Greek mythology, namely the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer; the Theogonia, Works and Days, and Shield of Heracles, of Hesiod; the Homeric Hymns; and the excerpts of Proclus from the Epic cycle. Her birth, appearance, worship, and importance among the gods will be treated, also the modes of her manifestation to men and her prerogatives in dealing with them. The second part of this paper will focus on Ares. The sources of information for the discussion of Ares are the same as those stated for Athena. We shall find that he is the war god and a personification of war; that he engages in combat, with all the vicissitudes of a mortal warrior; and that he is an inferior god in character and in power

    The role of personal and contextual variables in college students\u27 academic achievement

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    College matriculation rates are increasing but graduation rates are failing to parallel the increased enrollment. One reason for this discrepancy may be that many college students are unable to regulate their own learning. This dissertation examined the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL; Pintrich, 2004) model in students taking Statistics in Psychology and Research Methods. The inclusion of the constructs of possible selves and identity development in the SRL model was proposed, as was the Achievement Goal Questionnaire (AGQ; Elliot & McGregor, 2001), a measure of the 2x2 Framework of achievement goal orientation. These variables were assessed along with those included in the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ; Pintrich, Smith, Garcia & McKeachie, 1993). Results indicated that possible selves and the AGQ are not useful predictors of the academic outcomes of test grade and expected final grade. Ego identity status, however, was a significant predictor of course outcomes. The best single predictor was self-efficacy for learning from the MSLQ. Multiple regression models accounted for 27--36% of the variance in test grades and 49--67% of the variance in expected final grades. Evaluation of strategy change over the course of a semester revealed that students do adjust their study strategies and motivational beliefs effectively

    Ambiguity Aversion and Experiential Learning: Implications for Long-Term Savings Decisions

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    This paper evaluates potential methods for reducing ambiguity surrounding returns on equity to improve long-term savings decisions. We evaluate 221 undergraduate students in the U.S. and first assess the degree of ambiguity aversion exhibited by individuals in the sample population as they decide between a risky (known probability) option and ambiguous (unknown probability) option pertaining to their chances of winning 0or0 or 1 in a hypothetical lottery. Allowing participants to experience the underlying probability through sampling significantly influences behavior, as participants were more likely to select the ambiguous option after sampling. Similarly, we test whether sampling historical return data through learning modules influences long-term decision making regarding asset allocation within a retirement portfolio. Here, we find that participants who receive interactive learning modules—which require users to manually alter the asset allocation to produce a sample of historical return data based on the specific allocation entered in the model—increase their post-learning equity allocations by 10.1% more than individuals receiving static modules. Interestingly, we find no significant evidence of ambiguity aversion playing a role in the asset allocation decision

    The Sexual Image of Women in Television: The Effect on Young Women in America

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    The purpose of this study was to look at the portrayal of the sexual image of women on television from 1970 through 2000 by rating the main female character on an appearance and communication score, which was done by the two experimenters. We hypothesized that the stereotypical appearance and communication score would increase from 1970 to 2000. However, the trend analysis showed that the appearance score decreased, implying that the stereotypical appearance of women has lessened through the years. The communication score increased from 1980 to 2000, implying a more stereotypical portrayal of women. If future, more thorough research finds the same communication trend, then this could potentially imply that adolescent women’s self-esteem is negatively affected by the media

    Mitigating Trail Troubles: An Analysis of the Virginia Recreational Land Use Statute

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    While the overall focus of this discussion is on the law of Virginia, it is often useful to look elsewhere for comparative purposes. This is especially important when it involves considering the future of Virginia’s recreational land use statute. The overall objective of this discussion is to supplement Virginia’s existing recreational land use legal regime by exploring specific issues related to Virginia’s statutory scheme and identifying areas where further research may be needed. Four issues involving recreational land use statutes are explored herein. First, the scope of recreational use statutes, namely in Virginia, is examined. This issue addresses the substance of these types of statutes and what these statutes convey in terms of legal rights and protections for both landowners and the public. Second, issues and questions involving admission fees and other types of landowner compensation are discussed in terms of how fees and compensation might incentive use of the recreational land use statute in Virginia. Third, public and private entity protection under these types of statutes is examined. Fourth and finally, general awareness of these statutes, namely in Virginia, is explored. This abstract has been taken from the authors\u27 introduction
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