7 research outputs found

    LHC Transverse Feedback System and its Hardware Commissioning

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    A powerful transverse feedback system ("Damper") has been installed in LHC. It will stabilise coupled bunch instabilities in a frequency range from 3 kHz to 20 MHz and at the same time damp injection oscillations originating from steering errors and injection kicker ripple. The transverse damper can also be used as an exciter for purposes of abort gap cleaning or tune measurement. The power and lowlevel systems layouts are described along with results from the hardware commissioning. The achieved performance is compared with earlier predictions and requirements for injection damping and instability control

    LHC Transverse Feedback System: First Results of Commissionning

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    A powerful transverse feedback system ("Damper") has been installed in LHC. It will stabilise the high intensity beam against coupled bunch transverse instabilities in a frequency range from 3 kHz to 20 MHz and at the same time damp injection oscillations originating from steering errors and injection kicker ripple. The LHC Damper can also be used as means of exciting transverse oscillations for the purposes of abort gap cleaning and tune measurement. The LHC Damper includes 4 feedback systems on 2 circulating beams (in other words one feedback system per beam and plane). Every feedback system consists of 4 electrostatic kickers, 4 push-pull wide band power amplifiers, 8 preamplifiers, two digital processing units and 2 beam position monitors with low-level electronics. The power and low-level subsystem layout is described along with first results from the commissioning of 16 power amplifiers and 16 electrostatic kickers located in the LHC tunnel. The achieved performance is compared with earlier predictions and requirements for injection damping and instability control. Requirements and first measurements of the performance of the power and low-level subsystems are summarized

    Challenges in QCD matter physics - The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR

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    Substantial experimental and theoretical efforts worldwide are devoted to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. At LHC and top RHIC energies, QCD matter is studied at very high temperatures and nearly vanishing net-baryon densities. There is evidence that a Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) was created at experiments at RHIC and LHC. The transition from the QGP back to the hadron gas is found to be a smooth cross over. For larger net-baryon densities and lower temperatures, it is expected that the QCD phase diagram exhibits a rich structure, such as a first-order phase transition between hadronic and partonic matter which terminates in a critical point, or exotic phases like quarkyonic matter. The discovery of these landmarks would be a breakthrough in our understanding of the strong interaction and is therefore in the focus of various high-energy heavy-ion research programs. The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR will play a unique role in the exploration of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high net-baryon densities, because it is designed to run at unprecedented interaction rates. High-rate operation is the key prerequisite for high-precision measurements of multi-differential observables and of rare diagnostic probes which are sensitive to the dense phase of the nuclear fireball. The goal of the CBM experiment at SIS100 (sqrt(s_NN) = 2.7 - 4.9 GeV) is to discover fundamental properties of QCD matter: the phase structure at large baryon-chemical potentials (mu_B > 500 MeV), effects of chiral symmetry, and the equation-of-state at high density as it is expected to occur in the core of neutron stars. In this article, we review the motivation for and the physics programme of CBM, including activities before the start of data taking in 2022, in the context of the worldwide efforts to explore high-density QCD matter.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Published in European Physical Journal


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    Introduction. Robot surgery is one of the most high-demand and dynamic developing realms of medicine. It is widely used in urology, proctology, thoracic, cardiovascular surgery and gynecology. In February 2018 a robot surgery centre opened in Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation based on the clinic of the Bashkir State Medical University (city of Ufa).Materials and methods. The present paper demonstrates the first successful robot-assisted vascular operations within a master-class called "Aorto-Femoral Shunting with the use of robot-assisted surgical system Da Vinci".Results. Exemplified with three operations: two linear aorto-femoral shunting and lumbar sympathectomy demonstrate technical peculiarities and advantages of robot-assisted vascular surgery. The findings show positive short-term results of the performed surgical interference that combine minimal injury and blood loss which help to reduce hospital stay in an intensive therapy department and intestinal distention duration. These clinical effects enabled to provide early activization of patients and possibility to adequately correct nutritional status with enteral feeding. The above-mentioned advantages eventually resulted in reduction of post-operation stay of patients in in-patient department and of cost of treatment.Conclusion. Robot-assisted surgical system Da Vinci being the most cutting-edge in the realm of endoscopic surgery, enables to carry out operational interference with minimal blood loss and injury of tissues which helps to reduce postoperation and recovery periods. Введение. Роботическая хирургия — одна из самых востребованных и динамически развивающихся областей медицины, широко используемая в урологии, онкологии, проктологии, торакальной, сердечно-сосудистой хирургии и гинекологии. В феврале 2018 года состоялось открытие первого роботического центра хирургии в Приволжском федеральном округе Российской Федерации на базе Клиники Башкирского государственного медицинского университета (г. Уфа).Материалы и методы: в настоящей работе представлен первый опыт успешных робот-ассистированных сосудистых операций в рамках мастер-класса «Проведение аорто-бедренного шунтирования с применением роботассистированной хирургической системы Da Vinci».Результаты. На примере трех операций: двух линейных аорто-бедренных шунтирований и поясничной симпатэктомии показаны технические особенности и преимущества робот-ассистированной сосудистой хирургии. Продемонстрированы положительные ближайшие результаты проведенных хирургических вмешательств, сочетающих в себе минимальную травматичность и кровопотерю, способствующих сокращению пребывания пациентов в отделении интенсивной терапии и продолжительности пареза кишечника. Данные клинические эффекты позволили обеспечить раннюю активизацию пациентов и возможность адекватной коррекции нутритивного статуса энтеральным питанием. Указанные преимущества в итоге привели к сокращению послеоперационного пребывания пациентов в стационаре и стоимости лечения.Заключение: робот-ассистированная хирургическая система Da Vinci, являясь самой совершенной в области эндоскопической хирургии, позволяет проводить оперативное вмешательство с минимальной кровопотерей и травматизацией тканей, что способствует сокращению послеоперационного и восстановительного периодов.


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    Introduction. Robot surgery is one of the most high-demand and dynamic developing realms of medicine. It is widely used in urology, proctology, thoracic, cardiovascular surgery and gynecology. In February 2018 a robot surgery centre opened in Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation based on the clinic of the Bashkir State Medical University (city of Ufa).Materials and methods. The present paper demonstrates the first successful robot-assisted vascular operations within a master-class called "Aorto-Femoral Shunting with the use of robot-assisted surgical system Da Vinci".Results. Exemplified with three operations: two linear aorto-femoral shunting and lumbar sympathectomy demonstrate technical peculiarities and advantages of robot-assisted vascular surgery. The findings show positive short-term results of the performed surgical interference that combine minimal injury and blood loss which help to reduce hospital stay in an intensive therapy department and intestinal distention duration. These clinical effects enabled to provide early activization of patients and possibility to adequately correct nutritional status with enteral feeding. The above-mentioned advantages eventually resulted in reduction of post-operation stay of patients in in-patient department and of cost of treatment.Conclusion. Robot-assisted surgical system Da Vinci being the most cutting-edge in the realm of endoscopic surgery, enables to carry out operational interference with minimal blood loss and injury of tissues which helps to reduce postoperation and recovery periods

    Challenges in QCD matter physics --The scientific programme of the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR

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