14 research outputs found

    Risikofaktoren und Merkmale gewohnheitsmäßigen Akoholkonsums unter Mittelschülern und Gymnasiasten

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavnost i obilježja uporabe alkohola među adolescentima te odrediti kojim se čimbenicima mogu najbolje objasniti učeničke navike u pijenju i neprilagođeno ponašanje zbog uporabe alkohola. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku (N=4841) učenika prvih razreda srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj. Primijenjen je opsežan upitnik kojim se ispituje učestalost i načini uporabe alkoholnih pića te obilježja ponaš anja i doživljavanja ispitanika. Rezultati pokazuju da je uporaba alkohola među srednjoškolcima učestala aktivnost. Gotovo 80 posto ispitanih učenika je do sada u životu barem jednom pilo, a gotovo polovica navodi da su pili alkoholna pića u posljednjih 30 dana. Isto tako, nije zanemariv ni broj onih koji su u navedenim razdobljima bili pod jakim utjecajem alkohola. Podaci općenito pokazuju da učenici već tijekom osnovne škole piju alkoholna pića te da su početkom srednje škole navike pijenja prilično izražene. Da bi se mogle bolje objasniti navike pijenja učenika, izračunate su korelacije varijabla učestalosti uporabe alkohola, opijanja u životu i problema u ponašanju zbog uporabe alkohola (kriterij varijable) sa sociodemografskim varijablama (spol, tip škole, socio-obrazovni status roditelja), školskim uspjehom učenika, izostancima s nastave i procjenama pojavnosti uporabe alkoholnih pića i opijanja među prijateljima učenika. Rezultati su obrađeni stupnjevitim regresijskim analizama. Kao najvažniji prediktori kriterija uporabe alkoholnih pića, opijanja i problema u ponašanju zbog uporabe alkohola u uzorcima učenika i učenica javljaju se pozitivniji (popustljiviji) stav prema alkoholu, slabiji školski uspjeh, markiranje te druženje s vršnjacima koji više piju. Podaci ukazuju na to da je češća i intenzivnija uporaba alkohola velikim dijelom društvena aktivnost uz koju se veže i neprihvatljivo ponašanje te lošije funkcioniranje u školi.The aim of this research was to examine the occurrence and characteristics of alcohol abuse among adolescents and to determine which factors could best explain students’ drinking habits and the maladjusted behaviour due to alcohol abuse. The research was conducted on a representative sample (N=4841) of first-grade high-school students in Croatia. An extensive questionnaire was used examining the frequency and modes of alcohol abuse as well as the examinees’ characteristics of behaviour and experience. The results demonstrate that alcohol abuse among high-school students is a frequent practice. Almost 80% of the examined students have drunk at least once in their lives, and almost half of them state they have had alcoholic drinks in the last 30 days. Furthermore, there is a considerable number of those who have in the intervals mentioned been under a strong influence of alcohol. The data generally indicate that students start drinking alcoholic beverages already in elementary school and that by the beginning of high school their drinking habits become very pronounced indeed. In order to clarify students’ drinking habits, the correlations of alcohol-drinking frequency variables have been calculated, intoxication in life and problems of behaviour due to alcohol abuse (criterion variables) with sociodemographic variables (gender, school-type, socio-educational status of parents), students’ school success, absence from classes and estimates of the occurrence of alcohol abuse and intoxication among the students’ friends. The results were processed by graded regression analyses. As the most important predictors of the criteria of alcohol abuse, intoxication and problems of behaviour due to alcohol abuse, in both samples of male and female students, a more positive (yielding) attitude towards alcohol is expressed, as well as poorer results in school, truancy and association with peers who drink extensively. The research results indicate that the more frequent and intensive use of alcohol is by and large a social activity to be associated with unacceptable behaviour and poorer school results.Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war, Auftreten und Merkmale des Alkoholkonsums unter Adoleszenten zu untersuchen und herauszufinden, anhand welcher Faktoren Trinkgewohnheiten unter Schülern und daraus entstehendes Fehlverhalten am besten zu erklären sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde in einer repräsentativen Testgruppe (N = 4841), bestehend aus Schülern der ersten Klasse verschiedener Mittelschulen in Kroatien eine Umfrage durchgeführt. Der angewandte Fragebogen sollte Häufigkeit und Modus des Alkoholkonsums ermitteln sowie Verhaltens- und Erlebnismerkmale untersuchen. Die Umfrageergebnisse zeigen, daß unter kroatischen Mittelschülern sehr häufig Alkohol konsumiert wird. Fast 80% der befragten Schüler bestätigten, mindestens einmal im Leben Alkohol getrunken, und fast die Hälfte führte an, in den letzten 30 Tagen alkoholische Getränke konsumiert zu haben. Die Zahl jener, die im angeführten Zeitraum unter starkem Alkoholeinfluß waren, ist ebenfalls nicht gering. Die Umfrage zeigt allgemein, daß Schüler noch in der Grundschule damit beginnen, alkoholische Getränke zu konsumieren, und daß zum Beginn der Mittelschulzeit die Trinkgewohnheiten bereits sehr verbreitet sind. Um dieses Phänomen besser erklären zu können, errechneten die Autoren die Korrelationen zwischen folgenden Variablen: Häufigkeit des Alkoholkonsums, Alkoholmißbrauch und Fehlverhalten infolge Alkoholmißbrauch (Variablenkriterium), soziodemographische Variablen (Geschlecht, Schulart, Gesellschafts- und Bildungsstatus der Eltern), schulische Leistungen des einzelnen Schülers, Fernbleiben vom Unterricht und Einschätzungen zur Verbreitung von Alkoholkonsum und Alkoholmißbrauch unter den befreundeten Schülern. Die Ergebnisse wurden anhand gestufter Regressionsanalysen bearbeitet. Als die wichtigsten vorhersehbaren Faktoren zur Auslösung von Alkoholkonsum, Alkoholmißbrauch und daraus resultierendem Fehlverhalten erwiesen sich eine positive (tolerante) Einstellung zum Alkoholkonsum, geringere schulische Leistungen und der Umgang mit Mitschülern, die ausgeprägtere Trinkgewohnheiten haben. Die Untersuchungsergebisse verweisen darauf, daß häufiger und intensiver Alkoholkonsum einhergeht mit gesellschaftlich inakzeptablen Verhaltensformen und Mißerfolg in der Schule

    Adolescents’ hope and optimism in relation to parental child-rearing styles

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike u izraženosti nade i optimizma kod adolescenata s obzirom na odgojni stil njihovih roditelja. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 401 učenik prvog do četvrtog razreda srednjih škola. Primijenjeni su instrumenti koji mjere dječju nadu, optimizam i percipirani odgojni stil oba roditelja. Rezultati pokazuju kako nema značajnih razlika u izraženosti nade i optimizma među učenicima različite dobi i spola. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u izraženosti optimizma, ali ne i nade, adolescenata s obzirom na odgojni stil oba roditelja. Adolescenti autoritativnih majki optimističniji su u odnosu na adolescente koji svoje majke procjenjuju autoritarnima. U odnosu na vršnjake koji svoje očeve procjenjuju autoritarnima, adolescenti permisivnih i autoritativnih očeva imaju više pozitivnih očekivanja od osobne budućnosti.The aim of the study was to examine the differences in adolescents’ level of hope and optimism according to their parents’ child-rearing style. The sample included 401 secondary school students from the first to fourth grade. The scales that measure students’ hope, optimism and perception of parental child-rearing styles were used. The results showed that gender and age differences in students’ hope and optimism were not significant. Significant differences in the level of adolescents’ optimism according to perceived maternal and paternal parenting styles were found, while the differences in the levels of hope were not significant. The adolescents of authoritative mothers were more optimistic than the adolescents who perceived their mothers to be authoritarian. The adolescents of permissive or authoritative fathers had more positive expectations for their personal future than their peers who perceived their fathers to be authoritarian

    Verbreitung des Suchtmittelmissbrauchs unter kroatischen Mittelschülern

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavnost i obilježja pušenja duhana, konzumiranja alkohola i zlouporabe različitih vrsta droga među mladima u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku (N=2 823) hrvatskih srednjoškolaca. Primijenjen je opsežan upitnik kojim se, uz učestalost uporabe duhana, alkoholnih pića i različitih vrsta droga, ispituju i obilježja ispitanika i njihovih obitelji. Rezultati su analizirani s obzirom na dobne i spolne razlike u učestalosti zlouporabe opojnih sredstava. U svojem životu drogu je probalo 21,2 posto srednjoškolaca, a ukupno četvrtina učenika koji su probali drogu učinila je to do petnaeste godine. Zlouporaba droge najviše je raširena u južnom Hrvatskom primorju te u području Grada Zagreba i sjevernoga Hrvatskog primorja. Tijekom mjeseca koji je prethodio istraživanju 62,2 posto srednjoškolaca konzumiralo je alkoholna pića, a 47,1 posto učenika popilo je pet ili više pića zaredom u jednom danu. Četiri petine srednjoškolaca pušile su, jednom ili više puta, cigarete u životu, polovica njih u posljednjih mjesec dana, a jedna trećina ih puši svakodnevno. Stariji učenici, kao i ispitanici muškoga spola, češće konzumiraju opojna sredstva. Dob početka eksperimentiranja s drogom, opijanja i redovitog pušenja niža je među mlađim generacijama. U raspravi se rezultati uspoređuju s podacima sličnih istraživanja u ostalim europskim zemljama.The aim of the research was to examine the incidence and characteristics of smoking tobacco, alcohol consumption and the abuse of different types of drugs among Croatian youth. The research was conducted on a representative sample (N=2 823) of Croatian high school students. A comprehensive questionnaire was devised for examining the frequency of smoking, alcohol consumption and abuse of various drugs along with the characteristics of the examinees and their families. The results were analysed with regard to age and gender differences regarding the frequency of substance abuse. During their lives 21.2% of high school students tried drugs, and a total of one fourth of those who tried drugs did it by the age of fifteen. The abuse of drugs is most widespread in the southern coastal area of Croatia, and in the City of Zagreb and northern coastal area. Within the month preceding the research, 62.2% of students consumed alcohol, 47.1% had successively five or more drinks in a day. Four fifths of the students smoked cigarettes once or twice in their lives, half of them in the last month, and one third of them smoke daily. Older students, as well as male students, use substances more often. Younger generations start experimenting with drugs, drinking alcohol and smoking regularly at an earlier age. In the discussion the results are compared with data from similar research in other European cities.Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung sollten Verbreitung und Merkmale des Zigaretten-, Alkohol- und Drogenkonsums unter kroatischen Jugendlichen ermittelt werden. Die Untersuchung wurde in einer repräsentativen Gruppe kroatischer Mittelschüler (N=2823) durchgeführt. Anhand eines umfangreichen Fragebogens wurde geprüft, wie häufig Jugendliche zu Zigaretten, Alkohol und verschiedenen Rauschmitteln greifen; ebenso wurden Merkmale der Befragten und ihrer Familienmitglieder erfragt. Die Ergebnisse wurden im Hinblick auf alters- und geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im Rauschmittelmissbrauch und seiner Häufigkeit analysiert. 21,2% der befragten Mittelschüler haben bereits Drogen konsumiert, und insgesamt ein Viertel dieser Schüler hat noch vor dem 15. Lebensjahr die ersten Erfahrungen mit Drogen gemacht. Am weitesten verbreitet ist der Drogenmissbrauch an der kroatischen Südküste, im Großraum Zagreb sowie an der Nordküste. 62,2% der Befragten sagten aus, dass sie im Vormonat der Untersuchung alkoholische Getränke konsumiert hatten; 47,1% der Schüler hatten fünf und mehr Getränke an einem Tag zu sich genommen. Vier Fünftel der Schüler hatten mindestens einmal im Leben Zigaretten geraucht; die Hälfte der Schüler hatte innerhalb eines Monats vor Durchführung der Umfrage geraucht; ein Drittel der Schüler raucht jeden Tag. Ältere Jahrgänge sowie Befragte männlichen Geschlechts greifen häufiger zu Rauschmitteln. Es erwies sich, dass jüngere Generationen früher anfangen, mit Drogen zu experimentieren, übermäßig Alkohol zu trinken und gewohnheitsmäßig zu rauchen. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse wurden mit ähnlichen Angaben aus anderen europäischen Ländern verglichen

    Adolescents’ hope and optimism in relation to parental child-rearing styles

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike u izraženosti nade i optimizma kod adolescenata s obzirom na odgojni stil njihovih roditelja. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 401 učenik prvog do četvrtog razreda srednjih škola. Primijenjeni su instrumenti koji mjere dječju nadu, optimizam i percipirani odgojni stil oba roditelja. Rezultati pokazuju kako nema značajnih razlika u izraženosti nade i optimizma među učenicima različite dobi i spola. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u izraženosti optimizma, ali ne i nade, adolescenata s obzirom na odgojni stil oba roditelja. Adolescenti autoritativnih majki optimističniji su u odnosu na adolescente koji svoje majke procjenjuju autoritarnima. U odnosu na vršnjake koji svoje očeve procjenjuju autoritarnima, adolescenti permisivnih i autoritativnih očeva imaju više pozitivnih očekivanja od osobne budućnosti.The aim of the study was to examine the differences in adolescents’ level of hope and optimism according to their parents’ child-rearing style. The sample included 401 secondary school students from the first to fourth grade. The scales that measure students’ hope, optimism and perception of parental child-rearing styles were used. The results showed that gender and age differences in students’ hope and optimism were not significant. Significant differences in the level of adolescents’ optimism according to perceived maternal and paternal parenting styles were found, while the differences in the levels of hope were not significant. The adolescents of authoritative mothers were more optimistic than the adolescents who perceived their mothers to be authoritarian. The adolescents of permissive or authoritative fathers had more positive expectations for their personal future than their peers who perceived their fathers to be authoritarian

    Bezüge zwischen individuellen Charakteristiken von Kindern mit Schulangst und dem gewalttätigen Verhalten vonseiten der Altersgenossen in der Schule

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati u kojoj su mjeri strah od škole i izloženost nasilju od vršnjaka prisutni kod učenika viših razreda osnovne škole te provjeriti postoje li razlike u izraženosti ovih pojava s obzirom na dob i spol učenika, kao i ispitati povezanost obilježja učenika, poput njihova spola, dobi, samopoštovanja te socijalnih i organizacijskih vještina, sa strahom od škole i izloženosti nasilju od vršnjaka. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 4999 učenika viših razreda (od 5. do 8.) iz 49 hrvatskih osnovnih škola. Pronađene dobne i spolne razlike u ova dva kriterija pokazuju kako djevojčice te stariji učenici i učenice procjenjuju češću prisutnost straha od škole, dok dječaci te mlađi učenici i učenice viših razreda osnovne škole procjenjuju da su češće izloženi nasilju svojih vršnjaka. Strah od škole u najvećoj mjeri osjećaju starije djevojčice, dok su vršnjačkom nasilju najčešće izloženi mlađi dječaci. Jedini je značajni prediktor straha od škole samopoštovanje učenika, dok se izloženost nasilju vršnjaka može predvidjeti na temelju samopoštovanja i socijalnih vještina. Osim što samopouzdaniji učenici osjećaju manje straha od škole, oni su, uz učenike s boljim socijalnim vještinama, manje izloženi nasilju vršnjaka. Moguća praktična primjena rezultata razmatra se u smjeru potrebe razvoja preventivnih programa u školskom okruženju.The aim of our research was to investigate the prevalence of fear of school and between peer victimization in Croatian primary schools and to determine possible gender and age differences. An additional aim was to try to predict how fear of school and victimization are related to students’ personal characteristics such as self-esteem, social and organizational skills. The sample included 4999 fifth- to eighth-grade primary school students from 49 Croatian schools. The results show gender and age differences in the presence of fear of school that point to girls and older students experiencing more fear. The significant interaction effect shows that most experiences of fear of school can be found in older girls. The obtained gender and age differences in peer victimization point to boys and younger students reporting more experiences of victimization, and significant interaction effect shows that younger boys are the group most exposed to peer harassment. The hierarchical regression analyses show that fear of school can be significantly predicted based on students’ self-esteem, while peer victimization can be predicted based on student’s self- -esteem as well as their social skills. Students with more self- -esteem experience less fear of school, and students who have better social skills as well as more self-esteem are less likely to be victimized by peers. Practical implications of the findings are considered for development of prevention programs in the school setting.Die Autorinnen dieser Untersuchung wollten ermitteln, in welchem Maße Schulangst und das Erdulden gewalttätigen Verhaltens vonseiten der Mitschüler in den höheren Grundschulklassen* gegenwärtig ist. Es sollte geprüft werden, ob sich in der Ausprägung dieser Erscheinungen die Schüler hinsichtlich Alter und Geschlechtszugehörigkeit unterscheiden. Des Weiteren wollten die Autorinnen herausfinden, ob es zwischen Schülermerkmalen – Geschlecht, Alter, Selbstwertgefühl sowie soziale und organisatorische Fertigkeiten – einerseits und Schulangst sowie Gewalt vonseiten der Mitschüler andererseits einen Zusammenhang gebe. An der Untersuchung waren 4999 Schüler der höheren Grundschulklassen (Klasse 5 bis 8) aus 49 kroatischen Grundschulen beteiligt. Zu den beiden genannten Kriterien konnten Unterschiede zwischen den Kindern bezüglich Alter und Geschlecht ermittelt werden: Mädchen sowie ältere Schülerinnen und Schüler leiden häufiger an Schulangst, während Jungen, jüngere Schüler sowie Schülerinnen der höheren Grundschulklassen den Eindruck haben, öfter dem gewalttätigen Verhalten ihrer Mitschüler ausgesetzt zu sein. Ein wesentlicher Effekt des wechselseitigen Bezuges dieser Phänomene ist die Tatsache, dass meist ältere Mädchen Schulangst haben, während es meist kleinere Jungen sind, die Gewalt vonseiten ihrer Altersgenossen erdulden müssen. Die durchgeführten hierarchischen Regressionsanalysen ergaben, dass das Selbstwertgefühl der einzige bedeutende Prädiktor für Schulangst ist, für Gewalterfahrung durch Altersgenossen hingegen sind dies das eigene Selbstwertgefühl und soziale Fertigkeiten. Mit anderen Worten: Schüler mit einem ausgeprägteren Selbstbewusstsein empfinden weniger Schulangst; auf dieselbe Weise sind selbstbewusstere Schüler sowie solche mit besseren sozialen Fertigkeiten seltener der Gewalt vonseiten ihrer Mitschüler ausgesetzt. Die praktischen Implikationen der gewonnenen Resultate werden abschließend vor dem Hintergrund von Präventionsprogrammen erörtert, die zukünftig an Schulen entwickelt werden müssen

    Hydroxylamine as an acceptor of the aminoacyl group from adenylation domain of tyrocidine synthetase 1

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    Neribosomske peptid-sintetaze (NRPS) su multifunkcionalni proteini koji nizom enzimskih reakcija kataliziraju sintezu različitih peptidnih spojeva. Prvi korak u biosintezi neribosomski sintetiziranih peptida odabir je i aktivacija aminokiselinskog supstrata od strane adenilacijske (A) domene uz utrošak ATP-a, a drugi korak je prijenos aminokiseline na susjednu tiolacijsku (T) domenu. U ovom radu, A domena proteina TycA (TycA-A), eksprimirana je kao zasebni protein i pročišćena uz pomoć agaroznih zrnaca s ionima kobalta. Ispitana je enzimska aktivnost pročišćenog proteina TycA-A, u prisustvu pripadajućeg (L-Phe) i nepripadajućeg aminokiselinskog supstrata (D-Phe). Nadalje, ispitan je utjecaj hidroksilamina, kao akceptora aktivirane aminokiseline, na brzinu oslobađanja PPiPP_{i} iz ATP. Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da se brzina enzimske reakcije u prisustvu hidroksilamina ubrzava za otprilike pet puta, što pokazuje da hidroksilamin može poslužiti kao pogodan nukleofilni akceptor aktivirane aminokiseline.Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) are large multifunctional proteins, which via a series of enzymatic reactions catalyse the synthesis of peptide compounds. The first step in nonribosomal peptide biosynthesis is the selection and activation of an amino acid substrate by the adenylation (A) domain, at the expense of ATP. In the second step, the activated amino acid is transferred to the adjacent tiolation (T) domain. In this study, the A domain of tyrocidine synthetase 1 (TycA-A) was expressed as a separate protein and purified using agarose beads containing cobalt ions. The enzyme activity of purified TycA-A was assayed in the presence of cognate (L-Phe) and noncognate (D-Phe) amino acid substrate. In addition, the influence of hydroxylamine as an acceptor of the activated aminoacyl moiety, on PPiPP_{i} release from ATP was also examined. The results show a fivefold increase of the reaction rate in the presence of hydroxylamine, suggesting that hydroxylamine can be used as a nucleophilic acceptor of the activated amino acid

    Hydroxylamine as an acceptor of the aminoacyl group from adenylation domain of tyrocidine synthetase 1

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    Neribosomske peptid-sintetaze (NRPS) su multifunkcionalni proteini koji nizom enzimskih reakcija kataliziraju sintezu različitih peptidnih spojeva. Prvi korak u biosintezi neribosomski sintetiziranih peptida odabir je i aktivacija aminokiselinskog supstrata od strane adenilacijske (A) domene uz utrošak ATP-a, a drugi korak je prijenos aminokiseline na susjednu tiolacijsku (T) domenu. U ovom radu, A domena proteina TycA (TycA-A), eksprimirana je kao zasebni protein i pročišćena uz pomoć agaroznih zrnaca s ionima kobalta. Ispitana je enzimska aktivnost pročišćenog proteina TycA-A, u prisustvu pripadajućeg (L-Phe) i nepripadajućeg aminokiselinskog supstrata (D-Phe). Nadalje, ispitan je utjecaj hidroksilamina, kao akceptora aktivirane aminokiseline, na brzinu oslobađanja PP i iz ATP. Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da se brzina enzimske reakcije u prisustvu hidroksilamina ubrzava za otprilike pet puta, što pokazuje da hidroksilamin može poslužiti kao pogodan nukleofilni akceptor aktivirane aminokiseline.Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) are large multifunctional proteins, which via a series of enzymatic reactions catalyse the synthesis of peptide compounds. The first step in nonribosomal peptide biosynthesis is the selection and activation of an amino acid substrate by the adenylation (A) domain, at the expense of ATP. In the second step, the activated amino acid is transferred to the adjacent tiolation (T) domain. In this study, the A domain of tyrocidine synthetase 1 (TycA-A) was expressed as a separate protein and purified using agarose beads containing cobalt ions. The enzyme activity of purified TycA-A was assayed in the presence of cognate (L-Phe) and noncognate (D-Phe) amino acid substrate. In addition, the influence of hydroxylamine as an acceptor of the activated aminoacyl moiety, on PP i release from ATP was also examined. The results show a fivefold increase of the reaction rate in the presence of hydroxylamine, suggesting that hydroxylamine can be used as a nucleophilic acceptor of the activated amino acid

    Hydroxylamine as an acceptor of the aminoacyl group from adenylation domain of tyrocidine synthetase 1

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    Neribosomske peptid-sintetaze (NRPS) su multifunkcionalni proteini koji nizom enzimskih reakcija kataliziraju sintezu različitih peptidnih spojeva. Prvi korak u biosintezi neribosomski sintetiziranih peptida odabir je i aktivacija aminokiselinskog supstrata od strane adenilacijske (A) domene uz utrošak ATP-a, a drugi korak je prijenos aminokiseline na susjednu tiolacijsku (T) domenu. U ovom radu, A domena proteina TycA (TycA-A), eksprimirana je kao zasebni protein i pročišćena uz pomoć agaroznih zrnaca s ionima kobalta. Ispitana je enzimska aktivnost pročišćenog proteina TycA-A, u prisustvu pripadajućeg (L-Phe) i nepripadajućeg aminokiselinskog supstrata (D-Phe). Nadalje, ispitan je utjecaj hidroksilamina, kao akceptora aktivirane aminokiseline, na brzinu oslobađanja PP i iz ATP. Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da se brzina enzimske reakcije u prisustvu hidroksilamina ubrzava za otprilike pet puta, što pokazuje da hidroksilamin može poslužiti kao pogodan nukleofilni akceptor aktivirane aminokiseline.Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) are large multifunctional proteins, which via a series of enzymatic reactions catalyse the synthesis of peptide compounds. The first step in nonribosomal peptide biosynthesis is the selection and activation of an amino acid substrate by the adenylation (A) domain, at the expense of ATP. In the second step, the activated amino acid is transferred to the adjacent tiolation (T) domain. In this study, the A domain of tyrocidine synthetase 1 (TycA-A) was expressed as a separate protein and purified using agarose beads containing cobalt ions. The enzyme activity of purified TycA-A was assayed in the presence of cognate (L-Phe) and noncognate (D-Phe) amino acid substrate. In addition, the influence of hydroxylamine as an acceptor of the activated aminoacyl moiety, on PP i release from ATP was also examined. The results show a fivefold increase of the reaction rate in the presence of hydroxylamine, suggesting that hydroxylamine can be used as a nucleophilic acceptor of the activated amino acid

    Risikofaktoren und Merkmale gewohnheitsmäßigen Akoholkonsums unter Mittelschülern und Gymnasiasten

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavnost i obilježja uporabe alkohola među adolescentima te odrediti kojim se čimbenicima mogu najbolje objasniti učeničke navike u pijenju i neprilagođeno ponašanje zbog uporabe alkohola. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku (N=4841) učenika prvih razreda srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj. Primijenjen je opsežan upitnik kojim se ispituje učestalost i načini uporabe alkoholnih pića te obilježja ponaš anja i doživljavanja ispitanika. Rezultati pokazuju da je uporaba alkohola među srednjoškolcima učestala aktivnost. Gotovo 80 posto ispitanih učenika je do sada u životu barem jednom pilo, a gotovo polovica navodi da su pili alkoholna pića u posljednjih 30 dana. Isto tako, nije zanemariv ni broj onih koji su u navedenim razdobljima bili pod jakim utjecajem alkohola. Podaci općenito pokazuju da učenici već tijekom osnovne škole piju alkoholna pića te da su početkom srednje škole navike pijenja prilično izražene. Da bi se mogle bolje objasniti navike pijenja učenika, izračunate su korelacije varijabla učestalosti uporabe alkohola, opijanja u životu i problema u ponašanju zbog uporabe alkohola (kriterij varijable) sa sociodemografskim varijablama (spol, tip škole, socio-obrazovni status roditelja), školskim uspjehom učenika, izostancima s nastave i procjenama pojavnosti uporabe alkoholnih pića i opijanja među prijateljima učenika. Rezultati su obrađeni stupnjevitim regresijskim analizama. Kao najvažniji prediktori kriterija uporabe alkoholnih pića, opijanja i problema u ponašanju zbog uporabe alkohola u uzorcima učenika i učenica javljaju se pozitivniji (popustljiviji) stav prema alkoholu, slabiji školski uspjeh, markiranje te druženje s vršnjacima koji više piju. Podaci ukazuju na to da je češća i intenzivnija uporaba alkohola velikim dijelom društvena aktivnost uz koju se veže i neprihvatljivo ponašanje te lošije funkcioniranje u školi.The aim of this research was to examine the occurrence and characteristics of alcohol abuse among adolescents and to determine which factors could best explain students’ drinking habits and the maladjusted behaviour due to alcohol abuse. The research was conducted on a representative sample (N=4841) of first-grade high-school students in Croatia. An extensive questionnaire was used examining the frequency and modes of alcohol abuse as well as the examinees’ characteristics of behaviour and experience. The results demonstrate that alcohol abuse among high-school students is a frequent practice. Almost 80% of the examined students have drunk at least once in their lives, and almost half of them state they have had alcoholic drinks in the last 30 days. Furthermore, there is a considerable number of those who have in the intervals mentioned been under a strong influence of alcohol. The data generally indicate that students start drinking alcoholic beverages already in elementary school and that by the beginning of high school their drinking habits become very pronounced indeed. In order to clarify students’ drinking habits, the correlations of alcohol-drinking frequency variables have been calculated, intoxication in life and problems of behaviour due to alcohol abuse (criterion variables) with sociodemographic variables (gender, school-type, socio-educational status of parents), students’ school success, absence from classes and estimates of the occurrence of alcohol abuse and intoxication among the students’ friends. The results were processed by graded regression analyses. As the most important predictors of the criteria of alcohol abuse, intoxication and problems of behaviour due to alcohol abuse, in both samples of male and female students, a more positive (yielding) attitude towards alcohol is expressed, as well as poorer results in school, truancy and association with peers who drink extensively. The research results indicate that the more frequent and intensive use of alcohol is by and large a social activity to be associated with unacceptable behaviour and poorer school results.Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war, Auftreten und Merkmale des Alkoholkonsums unter Adoleszenten zu untersuchen und herauszufinden, anhand welcher Faktoren Trinkgewohnheiten unter Schülern und daraus entstehendes Fehlverhalten am besten zu erklären sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde in einer repräsentativen Testgruppe (N = 4841), bestehend aus Schülern der ersten Klasse verschiedener Mittelschulen in Kroatien eine Umfrage durchgeführt. Der angewandte Fragebogen sollte Häufigkeit und Modus des Alkoholkonsums ermitteln sowie Verhaltens- und Erlebnismerkmale untersuchen. Die Umfrageergebnisse zeigen, daß unter kroatischen Mittelschülern sehr häufig Alkohol konsumiert wird. Fast 80% der befragten Schüler bestätigten, mindestens einmal im Leben Alkohol getrunken, und fast die Hälfte führte an, in den letzten 30 Tagen alkoholische Getränke konsumiert zu haben. Die Zahl jener, die im angeführten Zeitraum unter starkem Alkoholeinfluß waren, ist ebenfalls nicht gering. Die Umfrage zeigt allgemein, daß Schüler noch in der Grundschule damit beginnen, alkoholische Getränke zu konsumieren, und daß zum Beginn der Mittelschulzeit die Trinkgewohnheiten bereits sehr verbreitet sind. Um dieses Phänomen besser erklären zu können, errechneten die Autoren die Korrelationen zwischen folgenden Variablen: Häufigkeit des Alkoholkonsums, Alkoholmißbrauch und Fehlverhalten infolge Alkoholmißbrauch (Variablenkriterium), soziodemographische Variablen (Geschlecht, Schulart, Gesellschafts- und Bildungsstatus der Eltern), schulische Leistungen des einzelnen Schülers, Fernbleiben vom Unterricht und Einschätzungen zur Verbreitung von Alkoholkonsum und Alkoholmißbrauch unter den befreundeten Schülern. Die Ergebnisse wurden anhand gestufter Regressionsanalysen bearbeitet. Als die wichtigsten vorhersehbaren Faktoren zur Auslösung von Alkoholkonsum, Alkoholmißbrauch und daraus resultierendem Fehlverhalten erwiesen sich eine positive (tolerante) Einstellung zum Alkoholkonsum, geringere schulische Leistungen und der Umgang mit Mitschülern, die ausgeprägtere Trinkgewohnheiten haben. Die Untersuchungsergebisse verweisen darauf, daß häufiger und intensiver Alkoholkonsum einhergeht mit gesellschaftlich inakzeptablen Verhaltensformen und Mißerfolg in der Schule

    Whole-genome sequence of a pantoea sp. strain isolated from an olive (Olea europaea L.) knot

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    Here, we present the total genome sequence of Pantoea sp. strain paga, a plant-associated bacterium isolated from knots present on olive trees grown on the Adriatic Coast. The genome size of Pantoea sp. paga is 5.08 Mb, with a G+C content of 54%. The genome contains 4,776 predicted coding DNA sequences (CDSs), including 70 tRNA genes and 1 ribosomal operon. Obtained genome sequence data will provide insight on the physiology, ecology, and evolution of Pantoea spp